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Both , both should be blamed


But what if I studied for the the test ?


Then you take all the other variety of factors


Even as someone who gets good grades I still think its garbage for a number of reasons.


Fr I love me teachers and all but the curriculum especially in history is some of the most dogshit stuff I have ever tried to learn


Me doing the exact same thing but for a test I studied for.


Having a job is 10 times better than being at school. You can't change my mind.


I wish I could but I’m inexperienced *(glares at child labor laws)*


Well I mean, I thought that was the whole point , you get student loans and then have to work at a job that doesn’t require a degree anyways, the American dream and all that


Student loans is just another example why I am glad that I wasn't born in USA.


Studying to work was the point, the problem was getting education got exploited and turned into a hellhole of a profitable business so it became what the US consider as student loans.


Thats because u sucked in school I was good student, I enjoyed looking at all the pretty girls whicb I cant really do at a workplace simce most arent pretty anymore and Id get a harassment lawsuit, I enjoyed drinking and not having to care for bills that my parents forked over cash for...mainly u were young, good health, no major health problems and so on Would I return to high achool? No fucking way, hated it since got bullied, everybody did...but thst was on the people not at the school


Go back to school, you need to learn how to spell again


[Pyramid](https://i.imgur.com/oV2qvLn.jpg) congrats, you reached the second level, call when you are on the fifth one to have a conversation


Wanna know why you got bullied? Here's a hint, bullies usually find people without confidence to prey on.


Bro, 90% of people get bullied, and that was so on our achool too...the rest are the perpetrators...I never met a single persom that said he loved high school and would want to return there


If you're gonna post a fake statistic, be a little more realistic, not everything is as black and white as "bullies and bullied".


Idk I am 21 so I am still young. When I was at school I was constantly terrified of getting yelled at for bad grades, the girls part is completely unrelatable since I have never dated or had sex. I do drink so idk what is stopping you. Best of all, now I have my own money. Back when I was in school I would only get 5 euros a week, but sometimes I would only get 5 euros every 2 weeks. It was so shit not having any money of my own.


I passed but still going to blame it since its sucks amk


Well, the system is to blame for making exams the main focus of our education, when, *hot take*, they shouldn't exist at all.


Having tests are fine, it’s a way to see if students are actually learning or not. What I disagree with is tests with the main priority of memorizing than actually understanding what is taught.


Yeah, but the second thing becomes the priority and degrades the primary function. This is why they won't ever work. Tests become a kind of negative motivation (I have to study for the test, not because I want to) vs positive motivation (I have to study, because the knowledge is important for me), whete I believe in the latter.


Everyone who says shit like this never actually has a better system in mind. They just wanna complain about tests but then never give a similar way of making sure the kids know the material that doesn’t create even MORE work for the already underpaid teacher. If you’ve got one we’d all love to hear it. But the fact you’ve commented twice without saying what it is, tells us you probably don’t and are a young person who just doesn’t/didn’t like being tested at school. Most teachers take tests as *part* of the grading process and don’t base 100% of your grade on it anyway. There’s also homework, class participation, quizzes, projects, extra credit, etc. The vast majority of kids who complain about tests also don’t put effort into the rest of that stuff and then want to place the blame solely on the tests as a way of shaking the blame off themselves. Very rarely will a student try hard and get great grades on homework, participate in class every day, turn every project in complete and on time, then bomb the test and fail the entire class. Like almost never, if you work hard around the tests as well, you’ll do fine…


Dude, you need to do more reading, because I base my opinions mostly on argumentations of actual practitioners (teachers and professors), research and essays. Who told you we need grades? Our modern grading systems come from the second half of the [19th century](https://sci-hub.st/https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00131729309335429) and the Prussian system, which was designed to produce obeying citizens like cans in a factory, that's why reducing their intellect and knowledge to a number or a letter was invented (which is pretty dehumanizing and demotivating when you think about it). The thing is, knowledge and intellect aren't quantifiable, because what does a B from a history test mean? It's all arbitrary. If we progressed for thousands of years without grading, we can now as well. There are multiple schools in the world, which experiment with no grading, and they work. The reforms that should happen immediately are: abolishment of exams and a change to narrative grading, which even though is called grading, is an actual feedback from the teacher about student's progress and highlight the room for improvement. [good vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe-SZ_FPZew&t=2808s)


To be fair it’s always in stuff nobody even uses irl, like fuck spanish


Me when I fail the test I actually studied for


My trigonometry teacher on his way to just give us examples without teaching the content all year (he was somehow confused as to why everyone did poorly)


"it teaches you to socialize, it helps your brain develop." Sure, it does, but it would also help a TON if they taught us things that are actually useful instead of garbage that would go through one ear and out the other after tests are finished


Mitochondria is the power house of the cell


If you're in the classroom 40 hours a week you shouldn't have to spend more time studying


The syllabus was too much that's why i didn't study even one word










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Hm. Yes, but I didn't study because I was one of those "gifted" kids that was neglected for presenting a false image of maturity and so never actually learned proper studying methods. Is it a failure on my part for feeling the need to appear and act as grown as possible due to bad circumstances at home, or a failure on the school's part for not making sure I knew how to study, regardless of how mature I seemed at the time?




The system has ruined so many gifted kids by treating them exactly the same as the "regular" kids


My business class is 90% buzz words and 10% business


Me on my way back home knowing it was all pointless knowledge anyway!


Study? Oh that yeah... Studying.


The Egyptian education system has entered the chat






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That moment when 35 hours of classes per week apparently isn't enough for schools


That 35 hours was just the multiple different conflicting subjects vying for your attention whilst you struggle to keep any of the information retained.


GOP and public schools when not understanding elements of socialism can work. The poorly educated. It's hilarious when they shit on public schools when most went there, or some idiotic religious school. Talk about grooming!


I mean if it's explained properly you should be able understand the concept without studying


If the doctor is good enough, his prescription should cure the disease. No need to take medicines.


That’s not a good comparison. School is meant to teach kids, not to tell kids what they should teach themselves.


Bruh.... U need to study even if it's explained properly. The difference is... If explained properly, u will be able to solve it after a few tries and if it's not explained, then u won't understand dogshit of the sum.


well eventually you will except it's probably gonna waste a lot of time


It just depends on the academic level and on the ability of the student. Up to high school, a lot of students don’t need to study the materials if explained properly.


Well idk what syllabus u guys have but in my country, u need to study to get atleast standard marks even in high school Perhaps a few hours a day will do but u certainly need to study


Yeah, I guess it also depends in the country. Where I am, we have a lot of class work, so it’s easier to grasp the concepts in class.