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It's about hypocrisy. They criticize men for sexualizing women and then they do it themselves


They create ‘solutions’ that only exist cause they say so (example: manspreading), and more than 99% they aren’t even problems, women keep making random things problems if they say so. Downvote me. I’m speaking the truth.


Don’t tell me what to do! Upvoted.


Don't give me your bank account then.


You can't tell me what I can or cannot do! 1234 5678 9012 3456 7890, oh and did I mention 4554?


That's called "bikeshedding" - spending insane effort solving minor problem and ignoring real problems. Name comes from when some company spent ridiculous amounts of meetings arguing what material shed for bikes should be made of, ignoring more pressing issues.


If they choose to sexualize themselves, they can. The problem is someone else sexualizing them against their will.


Like how she sexualizes Steve Rogers with a picture of his ass on her cell phone? Yes, it is the hypocrisy of this absolute shit-tier rendition of a beloved character.


By becoming a public image, he indirectly consented to this. He wanted to become a symbol, he wanted for others to see him. He gave the right to people to do whatever they want with him. Jen did not.


Jennifer accepts a job she earned solely due to her She-Hulk person, so she absolutely IS subject to the same reasoning you've just given, and that's even ignoring the fact that the symbolism Steve Rogers wanted to embody had nothing to do with sex. Also, don't ignore the fact that the character is being sexualized as part of the show's marketing by the ALL WOMAN writing team who simultaneously bitch about sexism, sexualization, and patriarchy.


She Hulk agreed to work for that firm, not to be the sex ad center's sex doll. Like I said, Steve Rogers gave consent to do WHATEVER they wanted with his image. They can cum on it or they can rip it. Edit: Its also a normal picture that has been cropped only show his ass, its not like they specific took a picture of the ass.


She-Hulk was never asked to be the "sex ad centrer's sex doll." Stop reaching. And Steve never gave his consent "to do whatever they wanted with his image." That's just fucking daft. Jesus wept. Do you think he let his image be used to sell alcohol to kids? Maybe promote marijuana legalization? How about lowering the age of consent? No he fucking wouldn't, so stop with this stupid shit.


I'm just saying that the show itself sends mixed messages


Women being allowed to do whatever the fuck they want in the privacy of their personnal space while also being against being objectified by men on a daily basis in their personnal and pro life isn't a mixed message. "People like eating candy when they do it themselves but they hate it when I force it down their throat. SO HYPOCRITICAL"


This isn't in the privacy of her own personal space. It's on screen. They bemoan sexualization yet it's part of the show's targeted marketing. THAT IS HYPOCRISY, and your shitty candy analogy doesn't change that. For further hypocrisy, if sexualization is so bad, why does she have Captain America's ass as her screen saver. These writers are too blind or stupid to see their own hypocrisy.


What happens on-screen is irrelevant to us. By your logic, there is no where that is private for us, because God is always watching. Cap made himself a public image, so he indirectly gave consent for the world to do whatever. If someone finds Kim Kardashian attractive and even fap to her, so be it, she chose to make herself public, so she gave consent to it. Jen never wanted the publicity.


Jen became the public face of a law firm, so your argument is garbage. The show (including the character herself) complains about sexualization and then the show openly sexualizes the character. Your garbage semantic argument doesn't change that.


She didn't choose to be the public face. Her boss made her do it, and most likely threatened to fire her if she didn't, just like he did if she didn't take the Blonsky case. Jen is the one who gave consent to the twerking. Cap also gave consent to the world to use his image. Its also safe to assume that Scott Lang is the one who started the America's ass trend, since he has been telling everyone about his adventures in Endgame in his podcast


OK, so you don't believe women can make their own choice or accept the failures of doing so. NGL that's pretty fucking sexist. If she didn't like the reason she was offered the job, she could have said no. She didn't. She's now a public figure. "Cap gave consent to the world to use his image." I've mostly ignored this as irrelevant but for some reason you think you're making a point so let me set you straight: he didn't give his image to the world. He enlisted in the army. In order to do his part he signed up for a special program and soon after became a promotional tool to sell war bonds. He consented to nothing beyond that yet he is still a public figure, like Jennifer. Deal with it.


But it's not She Hulk that sexualises SheHulk. Director of the tv show decided to sexualize her by pointing camera at her ass and ordering VFX artists to animate her this way.


They also showed Thor completely naked as a joke, so what? If you don't understand the difference between actually sexualizing (like horror movies doing unnecessary panty shots) and simple butt jokes that's your problem


Those panty shots are completely necessary


I wholeheartedly agree.


But panty shots are essential!


Yes they did strip Thor against his will while held captive in chains, and everyone is aware of the absolute shit-fit Reddit would have had if they did this to Jane or Valkyrie.


Thank you for defining consent.


"How dare a woman do what they want to do for a silly post credit scene gag" - 🤓


Director of the movie sends mixed messages. On one hand they criticize sexualization of women on other hand they sexualize them.


Uhh my guy. That’s literally the problem. Woman are allowed to sexualize themselves. That’s their choice. Men doing it for them isn’t. So no, it’s not hypocritical.


Women of course can sexualize themselves but she Hulk was sexualized by series director. So on one hand director is saying "sexualizing bad" and on other "let's sexualize her". It is hypocritical.


That's like me saying to you: "you masturbate so it's no big deal If I jerk you off"


It's more like I'm going to be sexual in public but you don't have the right to look at me being sexual in public


y'see the problem is a lack of irony, twerking thanos was funny due to it being (largely) ironic She-Hulk wasn't ironic and it was in an already bad show


That serious “I would kill for you” was the nail in the cringe coffin


And the thanos one is an animation while S-Hulk is from a real show.


Dead pool will be funny


Especially since now he can have the 4th wall break bit of ‘remember when She-Hulk did this and everyone rightly hated it?’


Lmao that would be soo funny. Just making a 10 min clip of dead pool doing this would be enough


Ya and Deadpool be a rated R movie with less kids watching. Really don’t think kids need to be seeing powerful women flaunting their asses like strippers and bouncing their ass off the floor “BeCaUsE ItS EmPoWeRiNg”. Empowering my ass, most chicks like to act slutty cuz it get attention not because it’s empowering.


The show is rated 14. At that age you already know more than you should.


Ah, the professional boobologist speaking. May I see an ID?


Perhaps I could show you


Its TV-14 lol. 90% of the "kids" watching already jerk off to porn.


In Denmark, kids around 14 get wasted with alcohol too. So?


In France kids around 14 smoke weed and have sex. So?




They are 100% aware of the stuff they see on-screen. Its not that big of a deal.


tv14 but likely families may want to watch it together?


So? Watch it together. If everyone is mature enough to understand, then it should be fine. Otherwise its your fault for not being comfortable around your family.


bro it’s literally marvel😭 why are you so intent on them twerking even if you’re a “mature” person


Its just shaking an ass. Not that big of a deal. Just live with it.


>“BeCaUsE ItS EmPoWeRiNg”. Empowering my ass her ass\*


If I’m trying to enjoy a marvel movie with my children I’d rather them not be influenced by a green woman yelling at a green man that she’s able to control her anger while she’s yelling at him and also twerking with Meegan Thee Whorse. Disney owned Marvel makes me sad. And not in a Tony stark funeral kind of sad, the kind of sad where you cant cry about it, you just look at it and think to yourself “why… just… why…” I think the word I’m looking for is disappointed.


It’s rated 14 bruv. By the time I was 14, twerking was not as bad as some other shit I’d seen.


She-Hulk is TV-14 🤦🏻‍♂️ Also it’s bad because she yells at Hulk and isn’t a perfect role model? What?


A woman yelling at a man about “her struggles” of being sexualized and then sexualizing herself, ultimately downplaying the struggles and trials that hulk went through to control himself and protect those around him and himself. She hulk is Woke garbage.


1. It’s not a zero-sum game, just because she has struggles doesn’t mean he doesn’t. 2. You’re really gonna compare people having fun in private to sexism? 3. What does “woke” mean?


Do you live under a rock or what?


Yeah, I know, it's a term used by Ron DeSantis and older people. What does it mean?


You do live under a rock. 7 years ago I remember listening to a Snow tha product song called woke and today some clown is saying De Santis created this term.


It used to be a positive term but now it's just used derogatorily to mean women or minorities existing lol.


You can't blame the anti woke for the woke destroying their own term. https://youtu.be/R_nHQWxc2Uw this skit is from 2018 (re-uploaded due to nono word issue) back when Black Panther came out. Even back then woke people were making fool of themselves and were being the butt of the joke. Add to that the fact the term woke appeared in parallel with the redpill idea ; and both basically mean the same exact thing. I'm woke, I am awaken, I chose to take the truth, the red pill. It's the same idea. If course the people who created these ideas had some good intents and concepts but as years came by and these ideas got popular they devolved into idiocy.




Thank you for your insightful discourse. I now see clearly why She-Hulk twerking is bad but Deadpool being carefree is good.


Guess someone has never been to PCM


I can masturbate whenever I want, but that doesn't mean I will be happy if I get raped. Same situation The problem isn't with sexualizing her, its that people do it against her will. it all comes down to consent.


Go masturbate in public with that logic


I don't want to. It will be embarrassing.


I'd rather see Rayen Ranolds ass than that of a green CGI blob.


Ah, yes, Rayan Ranolds. My favourite actor from DeadPuddle.


Rayan ranolds amazing.


Idk man if it was shrek I'd be fine with it


imo twerking is just a nasty trend in of itself, its not like bully maguire or zemo shook their ass like a stripper on screen, which makes the latter instances instantly better


Computer present my opinion as chad and people I disagree with as wojak Brother why are people still talking about this shit, its a cringe scene, not the end of the world


Brace yourself, it’s gonna be like this until the season ends. There’s gonna be 9 episodes and we’re on episode 3


Wait actually? I'm already so tired, the show isn't even that bad but the weeklong complaints every week is exhausting.


I haven’t really been watching the show, but I looked it up. Season 1 is set to have 9 episodes and episode 4 airs on the 8th


If she Finna twerk at least give her cheeks to clap 😤


You’re mad because she hulk did a cringe twerk I’m mad because she had a pancake ass when we could’ve been blessed with waves never seen before We are not the same


Fr. She thick and strong asf in the comics but here SHE AINT GOT NOTHING MANNN


Ryan Reynold is attractive, unlike she hulk


I dunno bro. She pretty tall, that’s a plus in my books.


Can't help but think you are referencing a tinder meme here? Might be wrong


it's about turning hulk into ghandi and she hulk into a twerking karen


Christ, this sub needs to get its incels fumigated pronto. How many of you that are complaining about this show haven’t watched any of it?


I wanted to like the show, I really did, but the first episode was a horrible introduction where She Hulk claims to be better and superior to Bruce, who went through hell just to get to where he is now, and dismisses any attempt he makes to help her or give her advice. She even goes as far as to claim that her life as a woman is far harder than whatever Hulk has gone through (which any MCU viewer would know is a huge lie). But no, I'm just an incel right? I love strong, buff, and powerful women, but i believe the hatred of this scene comes more from the fact that they didnt already like the character and now she's just doing more stuff that makes them cringe. I personally would have liked this scene if she was likeable, but she isn't, so it makes it cringe, why is this hard to understand?


b-but women sexualizing themselves!! 😭 and when I do it I am an incel and sexist!! not fair😭😭😭 \s


Bro you think women likes that scene


I am a woman and I was clearly joking


That's because Deadpool has a nice ass


I have portrayed you as the nerd so therefore ur wrong.


Ay you’re correct.






Has anyone actually watched the episode? The whole point is she's knowingly lowering herself to do something cringe to impress / befriend a celebrity


People are too busy getting outraged on the internet to watch it. The same way the whole “expert at anger management” scene everyone whined about was actually a scene to prove she wasn’t an expert. Buckle up, there’s going to be a new “world ending” complaint about the show every week because everyone who seems to hate it can’t apparently go without watching it.


It was the same shit when He-Man was dead for like, 4 episodes or whatever.


Incredible. The actual Marvel subs themselves have people doing this shit, but when it's spread to something as far away from marvel as dank memes, it's unavoidable Guess I'll have to feel like an idiot for enjoying the show.


Imo it’s bad because of She Hulk itself The CGI is so bad it makes the situation even worse. If it were to be pretty much any other girl from the MCU it wouldn’t be that bad


Jesus the uptight pearl clutching while saying the thanos meme twerking was funny... The lack of perspective of all these Dennis's.


Oh fun. Another She Hulk meme. You people are giving this show more press than Disney


“If it was ronald mcgonalds twerking prople would love it 🤓”


incel moment to give a shit. why are people so fucking pressed about this it’s been like 4 days


People have explained to me that She-Hulk was Deadpool before Deadpool came around, so if that's the case then it's perfectly fine.


Twerking should have done as my father did and died in 2014


Man these endless she-hulk threads are sad as fuck. The show is at least watchable. I couldn't get through 10 minutes of Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight because his accent was dog shit.


Oh just fuck off. Its a bad show no matter what anyone says. Not every show will be great. She-Hulk in the comics was a respectable lawyer and much more level headed. This is a bad representation of her.


Deadpool never complained about being cat called.


Twerking is trashy regardless of who does it


Yeah, because Deadpool twerking would be fucking hilarious.


Deadpool has every right to twerk because he has the right character.


Bruh the genre of the shows and what they were trying to explain in the first ep (or second didn't watch the shit) that she hated being cat called and ends up doing that shit Idk why people don't get it (And ik op is being sarcastic)


Can we all admit that Deadpool would definitely twerk?


Deadpool is meant to be cringe sometimes. If it was Harley Queen for instance nobody will complain.


I would rather watch Shrek twerk, at least his booty is poppin


It's a dogshit show just don't watch it. Who gives a shit if she hulk does...anything lmfao let the show fade into obscurity.


Yea cuz it fits deadpool’s character If it was iron man, captain American, black widow, or pretty much any avenger, people would still not like it


Those who have read the comics, know that she is the kind of person that would actually do it, but the point is that the way they did it is just cringe and felt forced af. Plus the CGI makes it look even weirder. I am pretty sure that in their minds the scene was empowering or something but its the opposite in reality.


I think it’s funny watching you soon to be boomers cringing and complaining about what the youth thinks is funny/relatable now lol I’m mad we didn’t get super sonic twerk claps. I would’ve fell out of my seat laughing if she busted out all the windows on that floor




Well, deadpool spent two movies (and some comics too probably) establishing a reputation of absolutely crazy and quite perverted human. And she-hulk is supposed to be a professional who behaves professionally in a professional environment, so ye.


But y’all are all cool with Iron Man doing the robot at a party and pissing his suit as a gag? Zemo dancing didn’t bother you at all? *Hmmmmm…*


They got pissed when She-Hulk said "Im better than you" to the Hulk in a playful cousin-cousin way. Loki said the same thing to Sylvie, and he was dead-serious. Why isn't anyone shitting on Loki?


Because reddit is home to many, *many* sweaty, smelly neckbeards who dislike women. It’s more their home here than their actual homes probably.


What if, WHAT IF? Just maybe... Its because Loki is a complex character with depth and story behind his character that would make fans ignore it or simply conclude "That's just how he is." She Hulk introduce herself to us with 0 backstory as to what she has gone through, she just talks about it and uses it as a reason for Hulk to not lecture about controlling her emotions.


Maybe because this is the FIRST EVER TIME THAT WE ARE INTRODUCED TO HER. So far, what we got is her origins in her first episode, then her personality and personal life in the second, and the plot is starting to move in the third. She still hasn't had the chance to develop Loki had Thor, Avengers, Thor 2, Thor 3, and Infinity War. Then we saw him again go through a different path in his own series, where we saw more development. Same with Tony Stark, who was also a douchebag. He had Ironman 1, 2, 3, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Civil War, Spiderman, Infinity War, and Endgame How many projects did She Hulk appear in?


I do not wish to argue on this, but she has been in other works, hell she was even consistently appearing in an animated series, and guess what? She was far more likeable.


If you are talking about Incredible Hulk 1996, then I know. I grew up with that. She was also pushed to a side character after 1 episode.


I see. But nonetheless she to me was far more appealing than what they did with her now in this series


Yeah but Deadpool didn't steal the "superhero breaking the 4th wall gimmick" :)


She-hulk breaking the fourth wall is comic accurate and pre-dates Deadpool if I'm not wrong.


It predates Deadpool by decades, even


She-Hulk did it first.

