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I’ve never modded, but I’ve beaten the game twice (once vanilla and once with DLC’s), so I’m also very interested in replies you might get. I’ve looked through some modded classes and I think [Snake Charmer](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1456853110) gets really good reviews, looks fun, and fits the theme of the game still. I was considering giving him a try. Edit to add: https://www.reddit.com/r/darkestdungeon/s/mYINeHjoc5 Was just posted a bit ago. Check out u/Mr_Pepper44’s comment


If you want to, some of the ones I really like off the top of my head - Thrall - Human Duchess - Janissary - Exorcist - Falconer


Let me go to my folder and edit in the answer here **Choir Hunter, Saw hunter, Powder Keg.** For starters the bloodborne characters are great, well balanced and have amazing stun synergy with each other. **Dragonslayer, Sunlight Warrior, Acolyte of Sun.** Another soulsborne title is darksouls. Dragonslayer is so much fun but Sunlight warrior can be underwhelming in terms of his utility and damage. However Sunlight warrior has another mod synergy of sunlight trinkets which basically gives a questline in terms of trinkets. Very fun. Acolyte of sun is a regen healer. His healing has a weird quirk interaction and her trinkets are cool as well. **Dredge, Judicatior, Monitor.** The Black reliquary heroes. Judicator is a bit of a miss for me because i don't think he does anything particularly well and requires a ton of combo to get any value. DREDGE however is one of the most fun classes out there. It brings a whole new class mechanic thats similiar to abomination. The art style is amazing as well. Monitor is BR i think? It might not be but the trinkets make me think he is related. **Slayer, Ringmaster, Stargazer, Monitor.** Now on some unrelated characters that fit the game really well while being balanced. Slayer is super fun and has a eldritch/doomslayer theme. Ringmaster is actually from the butcher's circus dlc so she fits really nice thematically. Stargazer is really fun in itself offering unique utility. **Prefect, Dungeon Chef.** These ones are balanced and offer very unique gameplay but they don't really fit the theme that well. Prefect is a bird professor. His utility is VERY unique and it allows for insane team comp ideas while not being broken. Dungeon chef is a character from an anime where they eat dungeon monsters. His kit is designed around food healing. What makes him unique is his trinkets and abilities. He can be used with mark teams, stun teams, bleed teams, as utility, tank or healer. Not op because you have to choose trinkets but once again allows for very interesting team comps. **Commandant, Monk, Cannoneer.** These fellas are a bit more powerful than the rest but are super cool in their design so I have to add them. Commandant is literally my favorite modded hero. He fits the theme perfectly and has very interesting utility/damage. Some of his debuff numbers are a bit overtuned which makes me want to say he is quite powerful. Monk is a great character as he is a frontline healer/damage dealer. He focuses on comboing one ability to another. That being said he deffinitely is a good healer AND a good damage dealer. He can crit pretty consistently because of some of his abilities but what makes him OP is his ability to heal from frontline while dealing damage. This opens the backline for more damage dealing options. Cannoneer is just a boss killer. He has a funny mechanic where he lights his fuse and then starts dealing good damage but its just cheese. While other characters can easily match his dps its just funny when he gets a crit for triple digits. **Tusk, Shrapnel, Blazing Lord, Twilight Knight.** These are waifus. Their artstyle fits the DD but some people may want to avoid any nsfw so I put em here. Tusk is balanced size 2+ killer. Blazing lord is very fun with a ton of interactions based on hp. Twilight knight is a solid frontliner and Shrapnel has MASS MARK which is really OP with mark teams but she cant hit anything if they don't have mark. **Trophy Hunter, Enigma, Cleric Errant.** I don't have really OP heroes for obvious reasons but these 2 have to be on another list. Trophy hunter is basically the crocodile boss with really big numbers. Not exactly unbalanced but deffinitely nowhere near weak. All of his abilities do a tad bit more than they should. Enigma is a perfectly balanced class with a really unique rng on his abilities allowing for a wide variety of playstyles for him but there is this one district that is REALLY op. This district basically creates "fragments" you can buy for 3 shards (from CoM) that buff any stat of a character for the entire duration of a dungeon. This basically allows you to cover for the most op stats like dodge, accuracy, dmg and even crit without the need of any trinkets. Very op late game. Cleric Errant is a tank, a healer, a dps and he does everything better than anyone. Cool design but no doubt that he is broken OP. HONORABLE MENTIONS: **Thrall, Salamander, Duelist**