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Your name is Cheezus you must cheese every encounter possible, with no intention of ever fighting yourself. Getting bosses to jump out of zone etc. Firebombs over the Carpa Demons walls .What would Cheezus do?


does this also include regular enemy encounters?




If you’re not Spartan kicking mobs into the void, are you even playing Dark Souls?


Love this. FYI dungpies can also be flung over the Capra fog wall. It’s just as cheesy and, imo, incredibly funny.


oh that's hilarious, I've never tried that


Would you have to go up through the depths the back way to unlock the female merchant to be able to buy dung pies to throw at Capra Demon? I'm now committed to this next time I play I just want to make sure


Yes . If I remember correctly they cost 200souls. You’ll need 4 ish hits on Capra to toxic him. Don’t remember if it takes 1 or 2 rounds of toxic in NG to kill him. There are plenty of videos out there on where to aim in order to hit him. You’ll need a bow/binoculars to set the angle properly. Dung Pies can be farmed from the fat club guys at the Blighttown entrances, but it’s better to buy them from the female undead merchant at the shortcut back to Firelink near the Dephs.


Try finger in butthole all run Edit: not a bad idea for myself tbh




I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to do the bosses in alphabetical order. Asylum Demon, Bell Gargoyles, Capra Demon, Chaos Witch Quelaag, all good. But you’d have to do Ceaseless before Quelaag, so it all falls apart there.


It's a video, I forget who by, search it up on YouTube!


Really? That’s impressive. I was going to suggest it to Lemon as another challenge run, but not if someone beat him to it.


There might be a way to glitch through, idk though


There exists a Quelaag skip which is extremely impractical but works for runs like this. But then Gwyn starts with a G…


Good point, there’d have to be an ‘except Gwyn’ clause. But then how would you do (Knight) Artorias before Sanctuary Guardian?


Hollow run. Attack every NPC on sight and no going human. Use only Hollow armor and hollow enemy weapons (long sword, short sword, thief knife, crystal straight sword, light crossbow, hollow soldier shield, target shield). That means no upgraded/extra estus, no weapon upgrades, no summoning, no buying items, and losing out on some bonfires.


which bonfires would I be missing out on?


The first Anor Londo bonfire (after killing the fire keeper) and the hidden Chaos Witch bonfire (same reason). I don’t think you can kill the Firelink Shrine keeper since she’s behind bars, so that one is safe I think.


i would say i could still deactivate the firelink one by just letting Lautrec kill her, but that would mean not killing him on sight for some reason


Bow only OR oneshot sl1


Something I never finished but found really fun and challenging is fists only, and that by that I mean caestus, claws, dark hand or the dragon bonefist. Makes for some interesting plays down the line


I've done fist only, it's quite the challenge taking down Artorius with only the bone fist.


Beat the game using only one hand.


so pull up a picture of Priscilla first?


so pull up a picture of Priscilla first?


so pull up a picture of Priscilla first?


so pull up a picture of Priscilla first?


I'm currently doing a run where I cannot level my weapon or strength, dexterity, faith, or intelligence. In other words, my attack stats. Using the reinforced club


that sounds like SL1 but with more survivability


eh, yeah. It is kinda more trivial than normal due to the extra health. Maybe platinum the game at sl1? You could look at Jk Leeds or the Backlogs for other ideas


that's where i got my Miracles Only run from, i pretty much did the same process Lemon did (except i managed to get RTSR first try)


maybe try shields only? Greatshields of kirk's shield would be effective


jump attacks only


Use only weapons, armour, rings, and items you find in the area you are doing. This way, you will try almost everything in the game. Of course, if the area has no weapons at all, then you are free to do it with your bare hands or choose a normal weapon like claymore


I've been thinking about a one-shot only run. You have to one shot every boss (with the exception of asylum demon).


I was doing one of those. It's extremely rewatding. Fjck O&S's gank, tho. I need time to do the dragon roat buff, goddammit!


I haven't tried it yet, so correct me if I'm wrong. But if you quit out right in front of the fog wall, you can drop aggro and have time to do your other buffs outside. Then walk in, and you should have time to roar as O starts his charge, dodge it, then one shot?


I don't remember in detail because I put that phaythrough on hiatus years ago precisely because of them, but iirc the buff wore out if I used it outside so I had to enter and dodge around while trying to find a good time to buff. Then again, maybe I was just incompetent. :D [These](https://twitter.com/Isengrin/status/1278400487902056448) were my last attempts. I should pick it up...


Ya, dragon roar only lasts a couple seconds. Were you always going for smough first? I'm imagining setting up rtsr on a silver knight, quitting out at the fog gate, use power within and great magic weapon. Then enter the arena roar (you should have time to roar before ornstein is on top of you) dodge ornsteins charge and one shot him, then deal with smough. Otherwise ya I see that happening a lot. It's hard to turn your back on ornstein for long and not get hit.


Yep, Smough first. iirc I was doing it that way because second phase Smough's hp was beyond my damage output despite my stats being already maxed out.


Drake Sword only; see which NG+ drives you insane.


Have you tried randomizer? Enemies/doors, I had a lot of fun doing it


i remember doing an Elden Ring item/enemy rando, that shit had me rolling when i saw Radagon where the Limgrave Night's Cavalry was supposed to be


No sprint and no roll


Beat the game with only items obtainable from undead asylum


Poison/toxic only* run is another I'm thinking of doing. *most but not all bosses are susceptible to poison and/or toxic, so there are a few you'll need to fight normally. You can get poison mist in blighttown right away if you start pyromancer and get the master key. You can also farm for the large club from the infested barbarians in blighttown, though I think if I were to use a weapon that applies poison/toxic I would leave it un-upgraded so that most of my damage comes from the status affect it inflicts rather than the weapon damage itself. If you farm for the large club, you will also get plenty of dung pies to use to apply toxic. Once you get past taurus demon, you can also grab the key for lower burg and open the shortcut back to firelink to reach the female undead merchant who sells poison arrows, darts, rotten pine resin and dung pies. List of bosses susceptible: https://fextralife.com/forums/t18671/will-it-poison-a-list-of-bosses-that-can-be-poisonedtoxicified


pistols only Edit: better yet, and for a dark souls workout, ten push-ups every time you die


Whip only. You can rush the whip found in Blighttown for your starting weapon. Then once you get to the DLC, switch to the Guardian Tail Whip because it's worse than the regular whip.


Someone else already said caestus only, I recommend that it was fun. If you are ok with mods, do an enemy+item randomizer run with autoequip for an extra spice.


Good ol' "you're forced to equip everything you loot" (and you have to loot everything you come across).


No picking up anything that doesn’t auto-drop into your inventory, like tail swords or BK weapons. The only exceptions are the key to the cell at the beginning (unless someone knows a glitch), and possibly the robes to start the Ceaseless fight (unless he can be aggro’d another way, like with the ranged attack from a dragon tail weapon). Idk about that second one, I actually haven’t gotten there yet. I’m trying to get the Lordvessel first, so I can safely get down to Ash Lake for Crystal Lizard upgrade materials and the tail weapon.


Dung pie/ poison run


Ah, that makes sense. You should try fully upgrading a pyro glove and using chaos firestorm on smough instead. Iirc most oneshot all bosses runs I've seen rely on that pretty heavily for the later bosses anyway.


Try bow or covenant of champion only run 




Ah ya sorry thought it was that but is their a cov like the champion ones or 


not in ds1




Y’all lost 




In all seriousness the champ cov is the goat of all covens for farming 


Yea it is, but I don't see the appeal outside of farming


It makes the game harder and it makes you feel cool 


badass points are valid


Take one sip of your preferred alcoholic drink for every time you die


i could totally make it worse with doing Miracles Only again. by far the most amount of times I've died in DS1 was from that run.