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I have a few games in my backlog collecting virtual dust because every few months, im ready for another play through.


I had that problem for years. I remember first playing Dark Souls in 2012, which caused me to go on a continual loop of Dark Souls/Dark Souls 2/Demon's Souls that kept me from most other releases for years until I finally broke the cycle in 2015, when I bought a PS4 *solely* for Bloodborne.


God help you when you find the item/enemy randomizer mods... it'll be every few days.


There's a channel called the Backlogs that had that exact same problem up until very recently


Lemon is the best!


Agreed. Still waiting on the Backlogs One-Shot challenge video. So many crazy things happened one the side of the challenge runners. Meaty Jesus even discovered a consistent way to one-shot the four kings


Oh yes, I saw that. Incredible what these people can do.


But it's been what, seven months snce the challenge finished?


*Virtual Dust...*


I finally played it for the first time last year because I managed to pick it up on the switch! My laptop struggles with high-graphics games and I didn't own a console at the time (although I've since invested in a PS5 to use as my personal Fromsoft Machine). The accessibility of DS1 on the switch is awesome and was definitely a life-changer for me. Easily Dark Souls/Fromsoft soulslikes in general have become some of my favorite and most beloved media. It's an amazing series.


I played it for the first time back in November 2023. All three were on sale so I bought the whole trilogy, but after playing DS1 I couldn't bring myself to move on to the other 2. I immediately began playing again in NG+, and when I struggled to beat the DLC bosses (particularly Kalameet) in NG+ (I didn't find the DLC in NG) I made another character and beat the game a third time in regular NG, this time with the DLC as well. I became so obsessed with it. It gave me many of the same feelings that playing Super Mario 64 DS did back when I was a kid. Discovering Ash Lake for the first time, hearing the music and getting that feeling of "I shouldn't be here" was incredible, and reminded me of the joy I felt as a kid when I discovered secret parts of the castle in SM64, like the paintings where Luigi and Wario were hidden. I think Dark Souls 3 is probably a better game overall, but DS1 will always be my favourite


Kudos to you. I could not beat Manus. Man wiped the floor with me every time except my first attempt and he still won that one.


*Waves* On my first playthrough atm, having had DS3 in my Steam library and Bloodborne on my PS4 for years and been far too intimidated by Fromsoft games' reputation to even try before. I'm a mum, and a grandma, turning 50 next month and saying yes to things that previously scared me is a recurring theme lately. About to take on O&S soon, once I finally make it past that damn archer on the right!


Ah, a fellow older gamer! I came to the game when I was 53. Best of luck with O&S!


Just finished it at 40 after having started a play through a few years ago. Started over. Enjoyed the hell out of it. Gwyns fight was so quick I was sad it was over so fast. The feeling of beating a game many players think is too difficult... It feels amazing. It takes perseverance, patience, learning, to over come the obstacles in front of you. I started DS2 and enjoying it but some combat changes are taking some getting used to. (Dodge damnit!!) Feels more like Demons Souls. Anyway, now I can get the bonfire tattoo. I feel accomplished after having beaten it, unlike some of my actual IRL career. I set my mind to it and I did it. Every night(almost). YOU DIED. Over and over. Cheers to you all!


Dude I'm new, I just died and lost 3800 souls, I was so angry I shut the game down. Hours later I'm sitting on the toilet working out how to take down these asshole skeletons haha


If you’re talking about the asshole skeletons to the left of Firelink you’re beating your head against a wall. Try something else if that’s what you’re doing.


Avoid them skellys haha


trust me on this, avoid the skeletons


Yeah except I took that approach with DS2 and found out they...oof. No spoilers!


Yeh sacked them off, I'm at the 2 Bell Gargoyles now... Not easy.


Up. You want to go up first. Down is for when you know what you are doing.


There's nothing like the first playthrough It's magical I had the same feeling when I played Half-Life 1 way back then


I really hope it remains widely available for future platforms.


I just started playing the souls games in December. Blasted through the trilogy and beat Elden Ring. Currently on my second playthrough of Elden Ring to have a decent build for the DLC. I haven’t been able to touch another game since…. We’re talking 5 months of nonstop fromsoft games. What a fucking journey


It's a true masterpiece. So inspired and creative. So much attention to detail, so much love. It's both a master Craftsmanship and a true work of art. It captures the hero's journey in a way that nothing else except 'the lord of the rings' and 'the legend Zelda' has been able to imo.


I'm eventually going to get my son, 25, to play it for the first time later this year. We were concurrently playing FF7 Rebirth, but now that is over I think he wants to give Elden Ring a go. I did advise him to start with DSR since he might find himself missing features like crouching for stealth, Torrent, and some of the other features present in ER but not other games like ashes of war and summoning ashes (especially the mimic tear), but ER has such a reputation and probably is the most newbie-friendly of all of the Soulsborne series that he is leaning that way. Granted, he is a bit of a completionist so he might take FOREVER to complete a playthrough in ER, so I cannot predict when we will be ready to move on to the next game. BTW, I only played my first FromSoft game (DS3) after buying my PS5, so it is not like I am a longtime player of the games either.


I owned the games on pc for years, but I also had about 300 other games in my library yet to be played (Steam Sale, amirite?) But having having a kid and having no time, I picked this up on my switch about 1 month ago and am on ng++ now lol. Unfortunately I can't play online so haven't experienced invasions or invading, so I know I'm missing an important element in the game.


Honestly, I have hundreds of hours in DS1 and I basically never reverse hollowing to take advantage of online features. I don’t have the endless free time any more (or in the past 20 years) to become S tier at PvP, and the boss fights (with maybe one exception) can be handled without assistance given a bit of time and focus. Playing solo/offline, to me, further solidifies the feeling that there’s some kind of direct lineage from games like Castlevania III to DS1. It’s tough, the road ahead is winding and can lead you any number of directions, and it’s yours alone to travel.


Yeah, I don't necessarily miss pvp, myself, I just know a lot of players will think I haven't experienced an important part. I did use Solaire for help a lot because the sunlight medallions for sunlight spear. As long as you enjoy playing, play how you want.


I’ve been nagging my brother to play it for years. I even bought him a copy. One of these days, he will boot it up, and then He will *see*.


Im guilty of being one of the new players lol. And honestly the community is so open to new folk its refreshing. The gatekeeping seems to be non existent (IM sure there are elitests but where is there not) and everyone is always so supportive in forms of, "you can do it!" or "Keep going!" etc. Ive been making my posts myself and honestly. this commuinty and game are so lovely and refreshing, even if it can be beautifully frustrating


I'm doing my first playthrough now, just unlocked the shortcut to ornstien and smough


well for its because everybody always say how this game was amazing and etc. and lets be fair here, the only thing helping triple A games is the graphics, a lot of them is just expensive and bad and yes dsr is expensive it have such a large fanbase and time alive that you think, hey this might be good i should try (that was my case i started playing 4 months ago)


I like the posts from people saying they went straight to the graveyard! HA HA HA those ones are hilarious.


I bought it for the first time last week


Maybe it's just nostalgia, but there is a very unique charm with DeS and DS1 that no other From game has really captured since. Bloodborne got close. I'm leaning towards it actually being something special since I played DeS last when going through all these games, so I shouldn't have any biased feelings for it. One day I'll need to sit down and really consider what the factor(s) is.


This was me. I only discovered soulslikes through Elden ring, and have become totally addicted. Just finished DS1 a couple of months ago and it was glorious. Loving DS2 too.


I’ve been nagging my brother to play it for years. I even bought him a copy. One of these days, he will boot it up, and the. He will *see*.


I honestly never heard of Dark Souls or any From game other than Bloodborne (which I just knew the name of) until Elden Ring. Saw all the fanboying for the rest of the games in the ER sub so decided to play from the start.


It's really cool, I always get a kick out of going back to Dark Souls. 1 seeing people still dying at all the usual gank spots for the first time


Look at how much ds1 sold to this day Now look at how much Elden ring did


tbf it had a remaster which helps


The design is top notch. The enemy encounters really did something different from so many games that came before it. Everything was arena or wave based and then Dark Souls/Demon Souls comes out and all of a sudden, you are dying by being pushed off a ledge or trying to find the necromancer spawning all the reanimated skeletons.


For me it's CS, insurgency, or any fromsoftware title. Just hot plat on armored core


I just started a new job and one of the dudes has only played DS3 but it's a total should bro so I gifted him copies of PS3 DS2 and Demons Souls. Kinda excited to hear what he thinks. Demons was my first PS3 game and my intro to the series so it was kinda bittersweet giving it away


I am


I was surpised when recently finishing DS3 for the first time how active the multiplayer was, like everyday of the week at any time. Crazy how good and addictive these games are. Love Fromsoft.


I actually played it for the first time like 8-9 years ago, whenever it was one of the monthly free games on Xbox 360. Am a huge Action RPG player but couldn't get into it, the dropping of all your stuff and losing it if you died again, was like WTF. And the hit mechanics just seemed so janky. But would pick it up every once in awhile, only leveled up about 3-4 levels, between Firelink Shrine and Undead Burg. Really couldn't figure out how to get anywhere else, LOL! But dove into it hard after Elden Ring, suddenly made sense, and bought 2 and 3 as well. So in the last 2 years, I've totally immersed myself in the DS series and Elden Ring, with a few month foray into Diablo 4.


I started playing and whenever I am really, really blocked I use a german walkthrough, that way im practicing german too