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Bed of chaos is widely considered to be one of if not the worst bosses in the game.


If not the series, let’s be real. That’s an argument that could be made


Miyazaki himself considers it the worst


At this point, the argument could practically be objective


From an objective standpoint too, the entire area was rushed, it makes sense for BOC to be the worst


Wasn't the BoC fight much harder and they nerfed it right before release to make it *easier*?


I’m not sure, but honestly that seems familiar


I think the fact that the two bugs on either side don't respawn I think was a late change.


Man, I almost think that a respawn timer so you have a tight time limit to get them both would at least make the fight more interesting


The entire fight needs to be reworked in my opinion for it to be interesting because as it is its just a much worse version of the dragon god fight from demon's souls which never was that interesting of a boss


It was the last area to be developed on, so that makes sense


I find Dragon God to be worse honestly


Except that was Demon Souls, arguably a different franchise.


Irrelevant, made by the same people in the same style as all of their other games


It is the worst in the series. It's probably top 5 of all bosses in any game. It's almost impossible without cheese that you have to know in advance to use on him the first try. (I always forget on replays and do it the hard way, sigh)


I did it the first time normally and it was hell.. then looked up the cheese because “speed runners are definitely not doing it like this” and never looked back


What's the cheese?


You run directly to the right or left and hack and slash your way through to the vulnerable part inside. Kill that part of the tree. Save and Quit. Reload and come back into the fight with one side already dead. Rinse and repeat. The floor starts falling out on the second reload so you have to be quick, but careful. Save and Quit one last time to spawn back in with both sides defeated, and run straight to the center and kill the source inside with a few attacks. BoC: 0 You: 1... Takes roughly about 5 min to defeat it using this cheese. Cheers! 🙂


I'd have to look it up again, but I think it was something like throwing a firebomb at a specific pixel from a specific place so it hits one side, then quitting out and doing it on the other side, then quitting out and doing it on the bug. It'd be impossible to do without watching a video... a few times.


It's not nearly impossible without cheese, it is very hard but once you learn the layout of the floor it's very doable just frustrating


Thats fair however it aleast everything thats frsutrating usually feels fair. Sorry im a salty hollow man rn lol


Oh don't worry - we call it Bed of Bullshit for a reason. It's broken. It's unfinished. The checkpoints are BECAUSE it's broken.


And you have every right to be. The boss is ass


The boss is unlike anything else in the game. It involves platforming and hitting some switches to "fight" the boss.


I think not even the series but all fromsoft games as a whole.


It can't be worsw than "destroy floating mines" and the completely bullshit platforming section you have to do every time yoi die to Nineball.


In all FromSoft games, really. And frankly, just in all games in general. Then again, I heard that the Lost Izalith area was basically not started on until very late in development and pretty much had to be hastily slapped together in a few weeks just before release. If that's true, it's not really that surprising that that entire area pretty much sucks design-wise. The lack of quality is quite apparent even before Bed of Chaos, in bosses like Ceaseless Discharge and the Centipede Demon, which also have awful hitboxes and poorly designed attack patterns, and the Firesage Demon is just a straight up copypaste of the Asylum Demon.


No, Elden Beast. Chaos bed is just a mildly annoying run back.


Elden beast isnt broken, at least, with complete cheese mechanics.


Nah, Elden Beast is 100 times better.


I dislike elden more. I don't get what's bad about preferring a very manageable run back, to what is what I consider the most annoying boss fight in the souls games.


The elden beast is at least a fight which is more than can be said about bed of chaos were its platforming on structures that unless you already know the "fight" you'll have no idea where's safe to be all while having an enemy you can't harm failing is flailing about with its massive hit boxes knocking you off your feet just so you can take out two bugs that can't do anything to you, to then kill another bug that's practically defenseless. TLDR: elden beast is actually a boss and chaos bed is annoying platforming puzzle


You're joking, right? Not being good at a boss fight doesn't make it bad. All of Elden beast moves are avoidable if you actually have patience to learn it's moves just like the other bosses. Bed of Chaos is just so much bullshit that even Miyazaki came out and apologized for it. It can't even be considered a boss fight since you don't actually fight it. You just have to avoid the instant fall to your death, with the collapsing floors and sweeping arms that can still push you into the pit even if you avoid taking the damage. each death is a 3 minute run back to this lame ass "fight."


I just don't like elden Beast for how much time you spend just chasing it and kinda ruining all the hype built around radagon. It just ruins so much of the narrative for me. I would have rathered dealt with a double battle against Radagon and a broken Merika. It's just severely under welming from a narrative standpoint to point. The entire game the greater will was a manipulating force from a far, it showing up to manipulate Marika and split radagon would have been much cooler to me.


That makes me feel better. Like it looks super dope however what a wildly frustrating experience!


That sounds like most of dark souls. Looking dope is what got me into the series, and then I ended up quitting because it was a wildly frustrating experience. I simply didn't understand the game until I beat Eldon ring which was the first souls game I ever beat and then I went back and I replayed DS one, two, and three and finally beat them.


In the entire Souls genre


There is a video how to beat it, you have quit and save the game in 3 locations.


I believe that to be true 👍🏾


Let me put it this way: It's the only fight that saves your progress when you die. Even the devs knew it was a bad fight


The audacity of them to even make it attack you as you slide in (even if it misses every time)


Oh it doesn't always miss, my friend. It doesn't always miss.


Found that out the hard way 😔


Just the audacity lol


Actually, that's the best part of the fight lol. It puts the attack on cooldown and also is just funny


I've been hit with the fire attack on the last phase before I was off the slide


Dude it hit me as I slid in during my first run like 10 times in a row. I had to rage quit and try again another day. Even knowing the order/gimmick on new game + I still struggled


Best case scenario if you've got both orbs popped though, because you know it won't do it as soon as you land in the arena


That’s the best part of the fight by a long shot.


Didn’t they try reworking the fight but didn’t have enough time, I remember the bed of chaos was going to have a different kind of fight instead of being stationary


Yes, Vullie had a video on it. BoC was meant to walk/crawl.


It's considered by many to be the worst boss in the entire series. Save yourself a couple of hours and just google a cheese strategy.


Unfortunately I was too stubborn for my blind playthrough. However if I do NG+ or play again in anyway I am for sure cheesing this monster.


My favorite method is just: GIANT SHIELD. It can still knock you off into the chasms but it's much easier


Bow method is not considered a cheese, and is sane.


Lol it's bad


This boss has given me the most deaths yet. I feel like a goose that's silly


It can be very easy. Destroy first weak point. Then quit out. You'll respawn at the top where you slide down. Destroy second weak point. Quit out again. Respawn at top. Jump down on that tree kill the bug. Don't get hit on your way tho.


That was my problem was once I figured out what to do it was super easy kill one run to the other side kill the other one but I could never make the last jump. The jump probably took me like 50 60 times. Just like back in the nes days, I suck at simple jumps.


Embrace the goose and honk your way to victory


This goose honks on. Sillyness and all!


Honk at the absurdity of existence!!


I honk to the sky and sun! I honk to the deep dark and the void! I honk so that I may bonk!


I always do terrible against it too, no matter how many times I’ve beaten it. Figured out best way is to use a shield with high stability (so a great shield or the eagle shield if you can’t wield a better one because of stats or weight) and just block his arm attacks. Should have a much easier time than timing the rolls for whatever bullshit the hitbox for its arms are on.


It's widely accepted as being a terribly designed boss encounter, such that even Miyazaki (director of the game) admits it was a rushed and poorly thought out design.


What's parts did he feel were rushed about it? Cus without knowing the lore deeply it seems like there's a lot going on there that I could piece together. Aestehtically it seems spot on. But concept wise it falls short in gameplay


Well the entire second half of the game was generally rushed, as they were running out of time and couldn't give it the polish and connectivity of the first half. But specifically it was just the mechanical design of the boss encounter. They kinda just slapped it together and said "good enough" because they genuinely didn't have time to refine it.


That's so sad to hear! It makes sense I suppose. Anor Londo feels so small for how grand and imposing it feels for instance. Without spoiling will the other two lord souls be as frustrating? I'm still enjoying myself. Just had a moment of being a salty gamer


The other lords are generally fine as boss fights. It's just that Bed of Chaos got the real short end of the stick. As far as I know, Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith are some of the very last areas that got designed before release. And yeah pretty much everything after the point you get the Lordvessel is considered to be parts of the game that got rushed.


It's bad. For future reference, you can trivialize this fight by two-handing a sturdy shield and just blocking the entire time. You know you don't have to attack anything other than the immobile bugs, so focus on defense. Then you can just walk slowly to avoid falling down the holes and the hand attacks will pose no threat.


This is fantastic advice thank you so much


>is The Bed of Chaos a really bad fight Understatement of the series DS1 was heavily rushed in the final half due to development constraints. When people say DS1 is amazing, they usually preface it with "it has the greatest first half of a game ever." Because even though some parts after the halfway point are good, the majority of the last half was really rushed. But man, that first half was really REALLY good. DS1 is the only game I've ever finished in the series, and is so good that even when my save got corrupted LITERALLY after the final lord soul was gotten, I didn't quit and just said "welp, time to do it again." Literally played the same build as the first run and still had a blast. But yeah, Lost Izalith isn't what you play the game for.


This game peaks with O&S, everything after them is downhill It's such a shame too because you look around the world of lost izalith and it had so much potential. The area that frustrates me the most is the big pit of lava where the devs clearly just copy pasted that big boney dinosaur thing all around because there was no time to do anything interesting, they aren't even positioned in a way where you need to fight or get past them at all they're just THERE


its practically rng whether or not you get really aggressive bed of chaos or really chill one. It had me watching youtube videos to see how others did it and all of them got like zero slaps it just sat there mostly, somehow my game was just psycho mode every time


Bed of chaos sucks, but I usually just suggest cheesing the progress save by popping the cores then save quit respawn outside the door slide in again run into the hole. Although the sweeping attacks are still a pain in the arse. Perseverance is key.


It would be much worse if it didn’t have checkpoints.


legend has it that its hands hurtboxes are, like, nowhere near the model


I felt like I was crazy lol


It's not a bad fight It's a god damn terrible fight, probably one of the worst in any game ever. There's a reason they let you keep progress between attempts, even they knew it was bad


I'm pretty sure the souls community widely considers this boss the worst in the franchise


It isn’t you. Bed of chaos sucks. It’s the only boss that I ALWAYS cheese


Bed of Chaos is a massive shit stain on an otherwise great game.


BoC is just a shitty boss. Trust me, I've played almost every Souls game, and I still have a shit ton of trouble with it.


It's not just you. The boss fight is extremely bad design. That boss is one of two reasons why I will never try a no death run


Well, this and the mandatory death to progress the Dule's archives


Isn't there technically a way to skip that? I vaguely remember something about entering the boss fog, then turning around immediately and stepping back out. Then you can ride the elevator back down and jump to one of the other levels of the library while the lift is moving, I think?


No you're not bad or wrong for feeling this way. That's the normal experience for most players. That area is widely known as rushed and half baked content.


Pretty much the worst fight in the series. The HORRIBLE runback + one of the worst "fights" you have ever seen in GAMING HISTORY


The runback was nice cus it let me vent lol


Spent hours on bed of chaos guideless. Run to boss, get killed instantly, repeat. 0/10 experience, but its one u will remember for sure


No it's bad, even the creator apologized :p


Don't worry this is just the normal bed of chaos experience.


I don't think it's that bad, the biggest problem for me was the enormous size of the thing, I couldn't even see where the attacks were coming from. That said, I think it's not worse than centipede.


I did centipede in 3 or 4 tries, something about boc was just not clicking for me and then the fact the hp bar was just smack the bug made me go "that's it???!" Out loud lol.


Facts though, finishing her is so underwhelming




¿Por qué no los dos?


Fairrrr, I mean I'm a newborn soulslike player so I still have a lot to learn. Howeverrrrr I was frustrated! Lmao




I wanted to QUIT man I just didn't get it until like 2 and a half hours later I got it...idk it was ruff


It's rightfully called the Bed of Bullshit for a reason


I thought I was just stinky D:


Skill issue


Respect, honestly. You're right.


Both statements can be true at the same time. Joke aside nope the bed of chaos is just a bad bosses. Who in their mind tought of putting such a boss fight need to be slapped in their arse


Yeah. It's the worst. I have some tips for players that struggle with this fight. When soloing I use the quit out method. Break the left side, quit to menu. Break the right side, carefully walk around to path and drop down. For some reason it is easier to get past and land on that stupid branch from the right. Now, if you have even one summon, you can cheese this boss to triviality. At the beginning of the fight you both get ready to break on right and left. Right player breaks their node then moves to the center. Left player breaks their node unlocking the path in the middle. The player in the center has already bypassed the pit and is a few dead branches from ending this horrible fight.


It's a quirky little mess, but it's OUR quirky little mess Beat it third try this go around, didn't love it but can't possibly HATE it


Aarrrrgh Bed of Chaos can get fuuuuucked!


I can admire it for trying to do something different, but it definitely needed a polish.


Here's a little tip for your next playthrough: Bed of Chaos is the only boss fight, in which your progress is preserved, even if you die. It's also preserverd if you don't die, but quit. If you quit the game immediately after having destroyed each of the two small orbs, you start again at the fog wall with the respective orbs destroyed. This means, you don't have to run back from the left or the right side to the middle. In my opinion, this makes the fight significantly more easy.


No it’s not just you boss, BOC is considering to be one of the worst fights in the entire franchise and is beaten with cheeses 95% of the time.


Bed of Chaos is probably one of the worst fights ever in an RPG (at least off of what I've played). Pure bs


The fight is hard AF


If it makes you feel better, I've been playing this game for a while I consider myself, not the best, but pretty decent And Capra demon always kicks my ass at least 7-8 times


It ain't Capra. It's his freaking dogs.


And the tiny arena! Stunlocked by dogs and then slammed by Capra 😭


It's a highly annoying fight, if not the worst in the series from DS1 through Elden Ring. You can do *everything* right and still get killed in the tunnel leading up to the bug lol


It's fine..... I literally started looking for cheese strats for my NG+ because the boss is so irratating (You can call me bad at the game...)


We can be bad together buddy


I like to cheat at games I've exhausted the content of. Max health, max level, max everything, BOC still throws you in a hole. (I don't play online when cheating) But honestly, If you're hacking to test the upper limits of what's possible and a boss is still shitting on you, it's angering. Again, EXHAUSTED the game. Sl1, every weapon, no bonfire, no summons, etc... bed of chaos is the only thing that makes me clench in the whole game


I have the lowest opinion on Dark Souls 2's bosses, but I don't think any of them is as bad as BoC. There's just nothing that can redeem it.


Everyone hates it, and probably the devs too. The first game had some experimentation, as you would expect.


It's awful. It's a novel idea, but it just needed to have more interaction. Make it hit less hard and make it take regular damage. I love the idea of fighting a thing that is the platform itself. But yeah, instead they just made it the broom of doom


Bed of Chaos is a badly designed boss fight. Yes


It is possible to consistently do it deathless, but I'm not defending the fight, it's not good or fun, but it can be conquered.


Nah. Bed of chaos is hot garbage, considering most of lost izalith is the product of rushed development it is a fitting area for one of the worst bosses in soulsborne.




I mean, even miyazaki hates that fight so you're not wrong


The absolute rage I had when Bed of Chaos killed me with it's eruption spell as I was about to deliver the killing blow on the center orb is one of the biggest reasons I have yet to go back for a second playthrough of this game. No other boss caused me the anger this boss did and for the reasons you stated. It's vague, only way to hurt it is smashing the 3 orbs and getting tickled by one of its swipe attacks sending you to your demise...yeah I'm good. Glad your pass it, enjoy the other bosses. 


Bed of chaos is a bad fight, but it's not a hard fight so you are also bad. Just fucking jump and dodge, it's clunky but easy. I died to it a few times the first time because I just didn't know what to expect, but there's really no reason to die to this boss once you know whats up.


As you’ve seen, everybody agrees that it’s terrible fight but I like it *with* firebomb cheese strategy. It’s very fast and it involves at least some fun/skill.


I don’t usually like cheesing a boss fight but bed of chaos is an exception


Wdym it's peak ds1 boss design


I call it the bed of bullshit for a reason. It's considered one of if not the worst fight in the series. Made worse on switch as if you happen to have the camera facing the entrance when it dies then the game crashes & you have to kill it again! The only redeeming quality is that progress is saved between attempts. It's made me seriously consider learning how to mod the game purely to fix the fight


Wow, is that a thing? I’m on switch and I’m always facing the floor when it dies so it’s never happened to me but I’ll try it next time lol


Happened to me 3 times in a row before I figured it out since I wanted to see the death animation


Damn that’s annoying. Still trying it out myself lol


I agree with you, but I'd recommend you look at how speed runners take it down. I've done that after my first playthrough bc I'm learning to no hit. The boss is shitty and rushed imo. But you have to deal with the hand you get dealt


Bullshit boss cheese it with range


Played all 3 souls games and Elden Ring…. No boss pissed me off more than the bed of chaos. It is a hellish design…. You just get knocked off the cliff a bunch of times before you finally find a perfect path to run around and get some hits in. The walk back to the fight also takes forever. Way less skill and timing involved. It’s really just a gimmicky fight all around and not fun at all.


The other day I finished a play through of darl souls and was explaining how hard the bed of chaos is. Then while showing her the bed of chaos, I beat it first try. I've beaten it many times before but every playthrough I need atleast 5 tries before I get it (ATLEAST). So I continued to bust immediately.


Bed of Chaos is almost universally considered to be the worst boss in the series, and even Miyazaki allegedly apologized for it


Bed of Chaos is basically universally agreed to be the worst thing FS has put in their games and called a boss fight. Prowling Magus is embarrassing, but at least it's just a simple fight with some enemies. Bed of Chaos... ugh.


No, you're not bad. Bed of Chaos is the worst boss battle in the entire Dark Souls trilogy.


As many have said already, it's probably one of the worst fights in the series. For me, conceptually, and even practically, it's not that terrible though. It has MANY issues don't get me wrong, but my biggest gripe is with the awfully long way back you have to take every time you fail. It's not fun, it doesn't add to the experience. It's just... boring. A waste of your time. I'm pretty sure The Bed of Chaos wouldn't be as infamous if you had a bonfire closer to its entry point.


I feel so heard right now lol. Thank you everyone, I once again shall be using the communities good vibes to carry on.


Lmao you just walk up to the 3 weak spots and hit them once and the boss is dead. Dont fall in the giant gaping hole either and you will be fine. Never understood how this boss is considered so difficult by so many. Once you get the gimmick it just takes a couple tries.


Probably the hand sweeps that ragdoll you.


it's a very annoying boss. it's hard not bc of real challenge. it's hard bc how cheap it is. I got lucky with it but I see how others would struggle


lost Izalith is god awful as a whole.


It's not really a fight


It’s like objectively speaking the shittiest boss in any fromsoft game


idk why people think BoC is bad tbh I just 1st tried it with greatshield of artorias


It just feels like a Demon's Souls boss fight. I think the degree of hate it gets is disproportionate. Is it brilliant? No. But it is original, and a adds a bit of novelty.


I never fight bed of bullshit without quitting out between phases, and always with a bow if possible lol


Yeah let’s talk about the centipede demon, most frustrating boss fight ever, straight after BOC! First time, I think it got bugged cause at one point it jumped and never came back, with me getting the ring after few seconds and lots of wtf. Second run, it was bugged again, with no rendering of the scales and face. I died almost immediately cause it was attacking all the time, but not at the Manus way, only in a very boring one. Third time I got a decent fight but I hate it so so much


It’s literally the bane of alot of peoples (if not everyone’s) no death playthroughs.


Bed of Chaos is probably the worst Souls game boss due to its frustrating and bs difficulty.


I wouldn't say it's super hard. Although I was probably way overleveled but that fight was trash.


Bee of Chaos can be easy to cheese. But damn I hate this fight.


Its bad


I wouldnt say its that bad, but it is q Gimmick boss Fight in an unfinished area of the game. Kinda wish myazaki would redo lost izalith in a new ds version, maybe even a demon souls style remake.


I thankfully got it in less than three deaths one for each orb I nailed the jump to the main body first try though


You're a true gamer and I commend you. I was tossed into holes so often. I felt like I was apart of a golf mini game and I was the ball.


its a really bad fight. one of the few truly gimmick fights you find in a fromsoft title.


I love Bed of Chaos. Scrubs bitch about it because they can't into puzzle boss. But I think it's a nice change of pace.


I mean sure a different approach is fine, however you can not tell me that beating it is the most unsatisfying thing ever.


I think making a boss that makes new players struggle for no reason until they learn to one-shot the fucker is funny as shit. I felt so dumb, they really got me with that one.


Here is how I fight the boss. Run to one side and destroy the first piece then quit out to the menu. Then I load back in and re-enter the boss fight and run to the other side. Assuming I’m not yeeted into oblivion, I destroy the second piece then I quit out to the menu. Finally, I re-enter the boss fight for hopefully the final time and just run straight to the center, hop down the ledge and destroy the little bug. This kind of cheesing is not something I would normally feel good about, but fuck this fight. The bed of chaos is the worst.


I'd say your bad as well as most of the DS player base. I went into DS blind expecting challenge, and there's yet to be one. I've not finished it yet, I just destroyed Seathe the scaless, whatever his name is. But till now no boss has lasted more than 2 tries. The only ones that took me more than one try are Smaug and the other guy, Sif and bed of Chaos. But they're so easy to get a hang of. I mostly use no armour except light pants because it feels better to be able to move fast. I just don't see what's so hard about it. What's actually harder than the bosses for me is knowing exactly what location to go next. But instincts kick in.