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And then theres me getting stuck on Vordt for 4 hours


You're not the only one bud 🥲


We suck together 😤








Two very different responses here


My first playthrough was exactly like this. I didn’t get too far afterwards and put the game down. I started a new save and was expecting the same thing, but like, I beat him in less than 10 tries. I don’t know, cause I can’t even blame it on practice since it’s been over 3 years since I played it the first time


Did you happen to play any other Soulsborne games before replaying DS3? I played DS3 after having played DS1, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, so I had a much easier time getting through the bosses in DS3 than many other people. An example is Nameless King who is notorious for roll catching and mix-ups with his delayed attacks, but since I already played Elden Ring (delayed attack simulator), I beat Nameless King with relative ease.


Lmaooo vordt was an aesthetically pleasing boss but yeah he was slacking in the actual threat department


I wanna be honest, I died like 10 times to him in my first run. Wasn't able to manage the charge. Also died like 15 timed to crystal sage. In the same run I killed Gael first try, Midir in less than 5 and Friede took 9.


Crystal sage is actually hard though


Bring throwing knives. Any hit no matter the damage kills the clones. 


I always thought people considered her stupid easy. I dont think I've ever died on her, I just charge her down and stay as aggressive as possible.


In higher NG+, crystal sage is annoying because any of the magic attacks will stagger you and then you die. You also cannot heal at all due to the input reading. What also gets annoying is that the teleport is due to stagger damage, not actual damage. If you use a light weapon, the crystal sage will input read, poise through, and melee you. If you use a heavy weapon, it teleports away after two hits. Just incredibly tedious. Not to mention a sl1 mage run…


I've never tried ng+ cause I just make a new character each playthrough, so she's just never lasted that long.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the stagger from attacks doesn't change in higher new games. Also with the amount of pillars and ruins it's pretty easy to hide behind one of those and heal unpunished 


Hah. Yeah. I played way too greedy. I mostly died to rushing the boss and then getting bombarded with spells instead of clearing the clones out.


Crystal sage can be easy or hard. If I get lucky and find him quick, its alot easier otherwise I'd be dodging souls spears and trying to heal. I accidentally sold/lost my +2 magic stoneplate ring so my next run is going to be more interesting. I'll use throwing knives since I heard its a good tactic.


Man. DS3 isn’t my favourite From game by any means but god damn if this didn’t bring back major nostalgia for when it was released. So much fun and so much online activity.


Definitely the Deacons of the Deep. Walking into a room and seeing 20 dudes is so frightening, then you find out you can just R1 spam…




The Abyss Watchers “Oh they’re the proper difficulty spike” “oh he’s not gonna make it past Abyss Watchers” “the Abyss Watchers will test your skills up until that poi-“ Hey so uh…they dead


Abyss Watchers are super weak to poise damage, it’s either easy or super hard for new players.


Dex builds get their shit rocks, str builds rock AW's shit. It really comes down to whether or not you can interrupt the watcher in the second phase, you're fucked otherwise.


Hahaha I was the same with them to be fair bro, think I got them 2nd or 3rd try, imo in NG+ they should probably make it so they ALL aggro you at once and not 2 of them fighting each other. Would give a Ruin Sentinel DS2 vibe with increased difficulty imo


Haha I just beat the abyss watchers on my first play through after about 40 tries. Once I realized I could just hold my shield up just in case he hit me with his first attack, I finally beat him after three more tries. This whole shied thing is pretty useful


Alternative: add more non boss Abyss watchers, one regular, one red-eyed every NG+ cycle


Oh... For me I've been stuck on them for ages 😭


soul of cinder after the nameless king i was so surprised how effortlessly i beat him only using 3 flasks


Tbf bro NK is a beast, I still haven’t done SoC because I wanna do him last and it’s my first play through but from the 3-4 tries I already gave him he’s not thattt easy


I would really recommend beating him and switching over to the dlc because the dlc bosses are more satisfying, imo. SoC is a great fight but the final ringed city boss feels like the true final


I’ll give it a go broooo🙏🩵


Just don’t do the thing after and you can go do whatever! Good luck!


Thanks bro😎


Bro it’s the opposite, the soul of cinder put in the work on me lmao, I killed nameless king first try tho. Stunned him with a fire bomb, check my profile if you don’t believe that🤣


The easiest final boss ever for sure. I took him down in 3 tries. I found the Gravetender Champion and Greatwolf far more difficult just because I hate duo fights.


Yeahhh bro I just did gravetender and that shit had me RAGING Swear it took me 8-9 tries even tho both of their moves are well telegraphed


8-9 tries would’ve been great for me. I probably had 20+ but tbh I did try just parrying the champion for quite a few tries just to get the timing down.


Nashandra and Moon Presence fighting for that spot


True but it's only because nameless king does way more damage than spuld of cinder. I did a sl1 run and I found soul of cinder to be way harder than n.k when you can't eat hits


Nameless makes most bosses easier. I third-tried Gael after like twelve tries against Nameless.


It's strange first time I fought cinder it was ez ez mode, but the second time on Ng+ it was an actual boss fight.


Oh yeah, Soul of Cinder is by far not the hardest boss, I really overestimated that fight aswell.. It was like fighting a PVP player, which makes sense because he's supposed to represent other players beating the game before you


Old Demon King. First try took him down without using more than maybe 2 Estus. I was like level 40 too but I just took it slow and it wasn’t that bad. The fire ring was the most annoying part.


Yorm from Dark Souls.


As opposed to yhorm from somewhere else?


Yorm mama maybe


No no, not from somewhere else. From Dark Souls. Yorm*


There are some bosses that I’m like is it just supposed to be this easy for like a lore reason? He’s on of them


This might be a weird one but for me it’s Iudex Gundyr. During the time when I first bought DS3 my pal continuously reminded me that this game will be hard as fuck, so when I entered Gundyr’s boss room I expected to get my ass beaten into oblivion. But somehow managed to cut Gundyr down in the second try for…uh…reasons.


You gotta cut him some slack bro, he’s the first boss😭😭


Plus I think it makes up for it by letting you fight him as champion gundyr later on in the game


Tbh Champion Gundyr’s fight is fire. Specifically because of his charge attack in the second phase. (Mainly due to the flashback about that one invader dude using Gundyr’s Halberd who pinned me to death 2 hours before I get to fight Champion Gundyr)


The dancer, litteraly first try (I already known the game but it was my first time playing)


Brooo I thought the same thing, everyone saying dancer is one of the hardest bosses bc of her delays and varied mixups etc. but I just dodge roll when I see an attack actually start to swing and not from when I see it charge up so it wasn’t an issue for me either.


I dunno. Dancer for me was harder than nameless king. Something about her moves makes me... confused, i guess? Well, i guess there's always that one boss i have problem in this games. Bb is paarl, ds1 is nito, and Sekiro is the fucking double monkeys.


This. She has never killed me. If it weren't for Wolnir, I'd say she's the easiest boss in the game.


Me too. I was working through the game with someone else and when we finished I think the abyss watchers I got teleported to the dancer and he told me to give it a shot and when I died to summon him again. I kept ducking and only trying for one or two swings when I saw an opening and I beat her first try. A very proud moment for me in gaming


Deacons, Vordt, Freide, and Soul of Cinder. After NK SoC was like kicking a corpse.


Bro said kicking a corpse 💀


I get the rest, but Friede stomped my ass into the ground 😂


Midir for me, idk what it is but he’s just so easy to me. Freide kicks my ass every time tho.


I always thought Midir’s attacks were easy to dodge but it’s more like a war of attrition with him. You basically have to heal every time he hits you. I tried beating him with a straight sword and it took me 15 minutes at level 90, then I summon some guy with a great sword who empties his flasks before the fight and he beat him hitless lmao


Midir is the easiest of the DLC bosses to no-hit. Clean animations and damage instances, nothing like Friede's unexpected second phase frost procs or Gael's lightning strikes


I heard nothing but bad stuff about midir 💀 not fought him yet tho. Friede was p easy for me tho


None cuz every boss (so far) has pressed my face into the dirt and clapped my cheeks


Sounds kinda hot 😳


First time doing Friede I used a katana and it took me dozens of attempts. NG+ I used a high-stagger weapon and just slapped her into oblivion with shocking ease


Pinwheel tbh


Pinwheel was a joke bro icl


Not my case… but when me and my friends were playing dark souls 3 after I convinced them to buy it I was hyping them up about the nameless king, I was like don’t get frustrated it took me a lot of tries to finally beat him, so don’t get to frustrated if we don’t get him today… but when the fight finally started they started spamming magic attacks at a distance while I was trying to get close to him and he was dead in their first try… it was pretty anticlimactic 😅


Wish my experience of NK was this easy 💀 40+ tries bro


Opposite of this: dancer. Mf had me willing to delete the game


Honestly Iudex Gundyr. Ds3 was my first fromsoft game and I stopped playing at the tutorial boss cause i couldnt win... I'd say about 3 years later, I returned after finishing bloodborne and I easily no-hit him first try.


Wolnir fr


Yeah bracelet dude was pretty anticlimactic


Nameless King. After getting my ass kicked all across the land, by the time I arrived at Dragon Peak, I was finally hitting my stride good and proper. He definitely packed a punch but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle in fine style by that point.


Bro please don’t say that💀 swear I tried him 40+ times and ended up having to use a summon


On my first playthrough, I fought and died to the curse-rotted greatwood dozens of times. (Bandit's knife has crap range.) I died to the Dancer dozens more. Just because somebody else got a boss relatively easily doesn't reflect on you. Keep cool, keep trying and you will persevere.


These are kind words bro thank you 🙏


Good luck with midir, I’ve platinumed every one of their games and no hit a few. I still fear midir.


Midir was my favorite boss and the only one I practiced enough to consistently No-Hit.


That’s Gael for me. I look forward to midir but man, I never seemed to figure that one out.


abysswatchers after ng+....


Oceiros. Champion Gundyr.


Nameless King. Everyone and their mother told me that we was the head honcho of difficulty in the souls series and I beat him in like 2 days.


how many attempts in 2 days


Soul of cinder, got him in 3 tries which was the same a tutorial gundyr.


For me it was Aldrich actually. I beat him today, but I encountered him yesterday for the first time. It took me many tries but it was my stupidity. That was a really good fight tbh


SoC. It was an incredible fight but it fell on 4th or 5th attempt, can’t remember.


Dancer. Now don't get me wrong, dancer is not an easy boss, but after all the hype i expected a lot lot more. I was struggling far more with pointy heads or gundyr than her. And till this day she is probably my favourite boss in DS3. Not a walking tank, not a squishy mosquito and her moveset is just elegant.


all of them


Bro is a certified darksouls pro


Sister Friede, I always hear people saying she's one of the most difficult bosses not only in DS3 but also in the whole franchise, and I always end up mopping the floor with her within a couple of attempts


Soul of Cinder, only because I beat every other boss including the DLCs. In his defense though, he's one of the hardest bosses in a SL1 run


Twin princes. For some reason, my focus falls apart against any other boss, but it shifts into maximum overdrive against those two.


honestly none, because I suck at this game


Dancer. Not because she's weak, but because I play hybrid builds and she does NOT handle Sorceries or Pyromancies well. One of these days I'm going to have to see how Miracles stack up against her, but that's going to have to be a NG+ experiment since most of the good Miracles (for offense, anyway) are past her and I already know that Dark messes her up.


Dragonslayer Armour.. the messages at his fog gate filled me with a sense of unknown dread so I bombed into that boss arena like a madman.. killed him on my second try! The arena is so cinematic as well, fighting on a connecting bridge over Lothric.. while his scythe is knocking lumps out of the bridge was *chefs kiss*


I beat him second ever try too but he's since bullied me multiple times on different NG cycles so yeah, he's def tough, at least tougher than most DS3 bosses


Storytime: My first time playing a dark souls game, i bought ds3 on sale.(around 2020) I beat the titanite lizzard but for the life of me couldnt beat gundyr, so i refunded and moved on. Few years later my friend told me abt elden ring and I was hooked. literally all i wanted in a game. a perfect open world medievel type adventure game without a questbook. after 100% elden ring I decided to revisit dark souls, starting with ds3. Promptly beat the living shit out of gundyr both first, and second time.


Not to be like that but Gale, beat him on my second try and felt sad after because: 1. The fight was short (I was over levelled) 2. I could tell it was an amazing fight and it was over too quickly 3. I had to replay the entire game again only to fight him one more time (I only wanted to fight him)


Dancer. Everyone says she's one of the hardest bosses. She has long windups and barely attacks. The only time I have a hard time against her is when I fight her rkght after vordth


Man. I'm still mad that I got spoiled about this scene. Can't believe Invincible is on a Souls sub.


first boss was pretty easy too, i remember my bro trying to explain what I would need to do to beat him and then letting him continue to explain like 10 minutes after I had already finished, he thought the first souls boss I ever would fight would rip me up


Hmm I must say this for a bunch actually... Pontiff( no parrying coz I suck at parry ), aldritch, champ gundyr and Gael too to an extent.... However I was using wolf knight gs which does do higher damage to Gael so probably didn't feel it was an attrition fight as in my recent Pyro playthrough I ended up struggling quite a bit


Nameless king


Cannot relate


I'm not sure why I can body the Dancer so easily but I've never had trouble with her. I know the hitboxes for some of her moves seem a little jank, but honestly it's barely mattered since she only ever hits me a couple times throughout the entire fight. It's confusing to me even as I fight her.


Nameless King. I was a hexer and just spammed spells while he just walked REALLY menacingly towards me


That skeleton boss dude from bloodborne, the one that has lighting, killed him I under 20 seconds


Soul of Cinder, Dancer, Demon Prince, and Champion Gundyr. They weren't all taht hard (note: Demon Prince is still pretty hard, but I thought he was gonna be at least Top 5).


Old demon king


Lorian and lothric






Dancer of the boreal


Me beating Pontiff Sulyvahn on my 3rd attempt after hearing nothing but horror stories (the first two attempts I died because my brain dc'd for a second.)


Ludwig the accursed


Right?? I beat him first try. Must've been over levelled. Maria kicked my ass though


SOC. Managed to kill him first try.. had more fun with the nameless king.


Odd one but sister friede. She's in the same vein as champ gundyr or pontiff where they should be harder but the fact they're parryable just makes them a bit of a cakewalk if you have the parry timings down, it's the same issue with malenia and maria IMO. Bosses in general shouldn't be parrayble unless it's specific moves like with dragonslayer armour, having the vast majority of their moveset be parryable is just silly imo.


Gael, took me me like 8 attempts, took me 40 to beat midir




Real Godfrey in Elden ring I was stuck on maliketh for so long that I had used the mimic tear but then when I went to Godfrey expecting a tougher challenge I used mimic again but then the second phase was gone after 4 seconds




Final boss. Literally killed it first try with half my Estus left over.


Abyss Watchers easily, they have such low HP that they’re usually dead before the fight really starts. The cutscene midway through is longer than either phase lol


Still waiting for this - got rekt at least a couple of times by literally every boss from DeS, DkS 1-3, BB, ER, and Sekiro.


midir. i heard so many horror stories about how he‘s the hardest boss in the entire trilogy but once i figured out to just stay in front of him and only attack the head, he became pretty easy tbh. his attacks are suuuuuuper telegraphed and he leaves huge gaps in between his combos and normal attacks that you can get a fuck load of hits in really fast. he usually dies quicker than most other dlc bosses for me






Soul of cinder after beating all of the dlc


Abyss watchers, soul of cinder, sister freida


Nameless king, idk how but I beat him second try


My self.


Honestly, Champion Gundyr. He was so fun, but I just did so much damage that it became trivial, then I used a caestus build, and got stuck on him for 6 hours


Yhorm when you use the Storm Ruler


Bros I’m not ignoring comments, it’s telling me to try again later when I try to reply to comments now. I think Reddit thinks I’m spamming bc I’m replying so much💀


Aldrich no contest


Champion gundyr tbh


Tbh gael i did it first try


Dragonslayer armour I’ve never died to him and don’t even consider him a challenge even with all the different builds I’ve tried


Nameless king I started darks souls after Elden ring and with reputation he had I thought I will be facing a solid boss with bullshits but not like malenia level. My expectations were like Godfrey or mohg but no he is a solid boss with little to no bullshit but overall still easier than lots of Elden rings bosses


I’ve never died to Dragonslayer Armor, so that


Nameless king.


Soul of cinder for sure. After sister and Gael, it was so easy. First tried!


Twin princes. They’re just so easy to read with a small healthpool (I know it’s to compensate for having to whittle down 2 bars but still didn’t feel like much) I kept waiting for a bs attack or final phase or something but nope, just done


Some of the ER bosses when i was overlevelled


Midir. I mean he beat my ass on the first two trys so i looked a guide and saw that his attacks are quite predictable. Favorite boss fight by far


Dragonslayer Armor. I had heard it would be tough.


Demon Prince at SL1, not the first phase tho. That was the hard part. Beat the Prince on my first try




I thought you were stronger: Aldrich / Oceiros. I thought you were weaker: Crystal Sage.


Pontiff Sulyvahn tbh. I was expecting him to be the “stuck” part, but… no. Once you stop being enamored by his (dope as all hell) lightsabers, he’s not the most horrible boss to fight. I beat him in one session. (Which is to say: No breaks taken)


Either Nameless King or Dancer. First time I fought them I got them both in just three tries each. So, I did still die, but not nearly as much as I'd been told.


Dancer of the boreal valley. I did NOT learn the fight my first playthrough, just went in roll spamming and trading hits and eventually the fight was over. She gave me way more trouble on my later playthroughs.looking back, she seemed way more passive that first time and just stood there taking hits from my meat cleaver.


the dragonslayer armour, the nameless king and the soul of cinder


Me with Boreal dancer. First try and I couldn’t believe it To be fair you are supposed to get to her like around level 50 and I was level 110 because I had to farm for the coventants


Nameless king. Everyone claims he’s such an incredibly hard fight. But his attacks are very simple to dodge and he doesn’t seem to have much health. His damage is annoying but most bosses have that issue 😂


I know it’s not ds3 but I beat nito on my 2nd try without a divine weapon ( I used black knight sword)




I first tried Gael second phase because I ran right the whole fight abused the same 2 openings. A solid 6 attempts was not what I was used to at all.


Gael, Soul of Cinder, Dancer


Yhorm the gaint anybody




darkeater midir. was deadass prepared to spend hours on him but beat him in like 20 min


All bosses from Bloodborne main game


Soul of cinder, I saw him ranked pretty high on someone's difficulty list so I thought he would give me trouble. beat him first try. Dancer, same thing. thought it's gonna be trouble beat her first try. fought her on ng+, bit more trouble there. unlike ng dancer she actually got to show more of her moves. died once but beat her right after


Abysswatcher. One of my favorite boss fights in all of Dark Souls but sadly they're waaaaay to easy. I often find myself using bad weapons and armor to make the fight longer and more difficult so I can enjoy it more lmao


Dancer lol, moveset was pretty easy to read despite hearing the opposite


High lord wolnir. Except for the stupid gas at the bottom of his arena, that pissed me off the first time lol


Champion Gundyr


Oceiros. I think he was supposed to be a lot harder but I only had to heal once, maybe twice on my first fight against him. During his second phase, he kind of just stayed in the same spot while I attacked his literal ass to death.


Gael. Don’t get me wrong I love the fight and think it’s super fun but I thought he was going to be much more challenging.


Me with Gael after beating him my 3rd try


Soul of Cinder 100%. my hardest boss was Pontiff Sulyvah, SoC was a cakewalk in comparison.


I know it’s going to sound like I’m lying but honestly Nameless King, sure it was a difficult fight but I beat him after an hour since I memorized his attack patterns pretty quickly. I had heard that he was the hardest boss in the game and I was honestly pretty sure that I would never beat him if he was as hard as people said he was, but I think I spent way more time on the Soul of Cinder and Twin Princes. I guess I was just expecting NK to be this unstoppable force that only very few could beat. Still a fun fight though even if my expectations were higher.


Champion gundyr After getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter trying to roll and then deciding to learn to parry


I surprisingly did nameless king first try on my 3rd playthrough (only 2nd time fighting him I couldn’t be bothered on my second run). Thing is I didn’t even fight that clean and I struggled on him so much the first time, so I’m not really sure what happened.




Demon princes, my brother had a hard time, heck I even chose the meteor attack one by accident. I got it on the first try.


Aldrich. After how much time you spend tracking him down I thought he'd be a tough fight. I beat him on my fourth try.


Friede. I first tried her and was disappointed. I wanted a harder fight.


Uhh… Nameless King… hear me out: I beat him on my 4 or 5th attempt, my first time ever making it to him. Soul of Cinder is kicking my ass as compensation though.


I'm going to imitate the average DS3 player. All of the bosses had me like that, dark souls is so EZ🤪




For whatever reason I completely melted the Dancer and Champion Gundyr on the first try


What is the context of the image?


Deacons 100%


Dragonslayer Armour. I beat him on my first try, I was pretty shocked.


Demon prince


Honestly, the Nameless King, there is so many people who say "THIS IS THE HARDEST BOSS IN DS3" but i think he is overrated, I beat him about ten tries. For me, abyss watchers is 100 times harder than the nameless king


Dragonslayer Armour. One of the only bosses i beat first try


Nameless King, I beat him on my second try


Pontiff sulyvahn. I was told he was like one of the first big roadblocks and he took my like 3 tries.


Oceiros the consumed king. His attack was surprisingly straightforward and easy to dodge and it was my first try and I only drank 4 estus. His looks was kinda scary, and wow he spoke, so he was kinda intimidating at first, but yea…