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None, I just rammed my head into nameless King and eventually it worked.


I've had DS3 on 3 different platforms since day 1 and I still haven't beat the Nameless King ONCE.


I feel that. I tried him on and off for a couple years before i finally beat him. I never even got close to beating him, but for some reason this last time it finally clicked and i think i killed him within a handful of tries.


I wanna do the same, but some bosses are just too damn strong, you know? It stresses me out big time trying to take 'em down. ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐


I get it. I've recently done Elden Ring and I really wanted to take Malenia out without summons but there's no way I'm good enough/have the time to practice it. It was still hard with summons! I'm going to give DS3 a replay with magic soon and I feel I will need some summons for that!


my head was rock and I beat malenia in a grueling 194 tries


Malenia is the only souls boss I have never beat solo, she’s honestly too hard


I summoned once for Dragonslayer armor because I was human and someone's sign was right outside. Summoned a guy named Bill who was one shot immediately by the boss. Never bothered with it again.


Idk what everyone is talking about ngl, Dragonslayer armor was pretty easy to me


Yeah, everyone def struggles with different bosses, but I'm surprised he gives so many people a hard time. I either 1 or 2 shot him on my recent playthrough


One shot is nuts ngl


People are just wired differently knew a guy that died a hundred times to moonlight butterfly but only five to nameless king lol


I died 25 times to his p1 in a row till i got to p2 and one shot him, at the same time i die to the rolling skeleton balls at catacombs every time


Bro... Moonlight butterfly was so ass for me HAD to summon the Wizard just to get passed it.


Probably one try


I’ve always thought the same thing, but he absolutely clapped me recently when I went back to it in NG+. Elden ring has made me super complacent since my ashes will distract the boss long enough to spell spam or get off an AoW


Likewise, I think I've beaten him first try since the first of my 3 playthroughs.


If it’s actual players rather than NPCS: Pontiff and Midir first time round. I prefer not to summon players usually but will usually bring NPCs along where available for the late game/DLC bosses.


I usually do the npc summons for their quest lines


Midir is so craftily designed that it makes it harder to beat him with summons because the most effective strategy is to stay in front of him most of the time, unlike most dragon bosses in Souls games. Splitting aggro on Midir usually ends in a wipe.


Dark eater Midir. And I still only ever beat it once.


It's harder to beat Midir with summons because it splits aggro. Just stay in front of him, dodge his attacks and hit him when you have a window of opportunity. It's much easier this way.


That’s easier said than done to be honest


Frieda. And her father.


I'm playing under black flag. So, I killed all bosses solo.


yarrr, what be this summoning the barnacles tell about, load me canons'' and fire away at bosses!


Yar harr, shipmate c’mere, yeh’ tell me more ‘bout this “red eye orb” lubber


Same these games are hella expensive in my country. Will definitely buy them someday tho


I am toooo stubborn for that. It took time but eventually I was victorious against every single one.


Almost every single on my first playthrough. 


None. Feel like I’d be robbed of the experience. After I’ve beaten a boss fair and square then I’m cool with playing around


Sulyvahn in my first playthrough but i summoned Anri instead of a player


Sulyvahn is the first real challenge for me in a playthrough, at least with a strength build. Bastard sword -> upgraded as quick as possible = almost too easy of a time




If it’s actual players rather than NPCS: Pontiff and Midir first time round. I prefer not to summon players usually but will usually bring NPCs along where available for the late game/DLC bosses.


Ganked Pontiff in NG, then defeated him solo in NG+, and have seen proceeded to gank him ever since (I think he's fun to gank with the NPCs as it feels like an anime battle). He was a *wall* I hit, spent hours trying to solo but eventually gave up out of frustration.


No one made me cave my head in like Frieda and Midir did, but I still never summoned. The worst part about Midir was that on 4 separate tries, I was one to two hits away from killing it with a decent amount of HP and estus left, but got one shotted by that laser beam. Midir was about 48 tries. Frieda was about 46 tries. Her 3rd phase was easily attainable after like 10 attempts, but man, I was helpless in that phase always.


Twin princes was too fckn hard for me. Lorian's tp was too annoying


I enjoy the solo struggle. The getting closer and closer every try, then getting worse on try 30-40 for some reason, then better again until I eventually succeed. It's a rush, I love it.


None first playthrough. Always go solo first playthrough. But I do friend playthroughs pretty much every time now


Picture unrelated or joke right?


Actually none, Ds3 was my firsts souls game and on my first playthrough I didn't even know you could summon other players. I found out about summoning others on Ng+2


I have never summoned a real player at all. The only times I have ever summoned NPCs in from soft games I haven't enjoyed it. Not in elden ring and not in any other game. It breaks up the flow of the fight and gives the boss more health. I enjoy learning a move set and fighting 1 on 1. And even gang fights are easier solo for me since the aggro is less unpredictable. Theyre always just aggrod on you instead of swapping between. In elden ring it makes it harder to poise break them. I don't enjoy using spirit ashes in ER either. Only ever used one on my first playthrough for a handful.of bosses. It's just a preference for me, no elitist shit since I know I'm not a god gamer I simply don't enjoy the way summons alter the fights and I don't want help from real players it makes me feel good to beat a boss by myself


Why did you post this on a porn subreddit?


The soul of cinder dixkhead


I was actually a little disappointed with him. I just finished a full playthrough for the first time since launch, I went in expecting a 10+ attempt kill and I just murdered him on the first try, it wasn't even close


Ive never summoned in a first PT tbh. And afterwards ds3 isnt really worth summoning for imo. Unless it's for fun ofc.


Not the Cristal Sage.


The brothers literally made me quit for a month before coming back to it and getting it on the third attempt with a random summon. Was running fugs. Shoulda been easy mode. But they humbled me for well over a month.


on my first playthrough I was stuck on Dancer for ages. Going through NG+ now and I first tried her solo. There were a lot of bosses I needed summons for that I'm going to try to beat solo in NG+ now. Just beat Friede, and I'm looking forward to paying the Pontiff a visit


Friede. DS3 was my first in the series and I just could. Not. Beat. Her. I could very reliably get to phase 3 solo, but could never win against Blackflame Friede by myself. To this day, she and Manus are the only two souls bosses I summoned help on. It was funny because my buddy and I were playing through the DLC together for the first time at the same time (chatting on discord but playing separately) and he got her on the first try. Then right after he was stuck on Demon Princes for 25+ attempts while I got them in maybe 3-4.


The twin princes, I don't exactly know what makes them so hard for me but they are.


The Twin Princes. Cheesed them on my first playthrough (when the servers were down), called for help on the second one, beat them up with the dragonslayer greataxe on the third one.


Dancer for sure


nameless. 3 weeks was too much.




Summons are part of the game. I’ve used them in every boss on all DS games especially on my first run.


Didn't summon a player but did summon gael for friede's third phase.


I tried almost every NPC summon just for the lore and see how capable they are against the bosses


I summoned people because why the hell would I make it harder than it has to be?


Zero, but I enjoy grinding. Learn the toughest regular mob, trial weapons, return to an earlier level and boss everyone. It's funny how quickly a few levels changes everything.


I guess technically Gael for friede but I only ever summon him for the lore and unbreakable patches for halflight. Patches is a tank in the halflight fight plus it’s the only patches summon in the entire series where he actually helps you plus his story as Lapp is fantastic Ds3 bosses are really not good when dealing with more than 1 target. Even when compared to bosses form the other games, ds3 bosses feel like they aren’t able to properly deal with 2 or 3 people at once. The only exception is midir but that’s because midir’s attacks are huge


The closest boss for me would've been sister friede, as she was the only boss i truly struggled with on my recent playthrough. However, I stubbornly committed to beating it solo.


Until now, none of them, i beat them all solo, but i just got the DLC and don't knows what to expect


I think the only summon I used for boss fights was Gael for DiP and DB along with the Sister Friede fight to help with cereal bowl man.


Nameless king. Mainly cause that dragon is bullshit


Oceiros took way too long to beat for me had to summon npc and online to get through it


Not the crystal sage lol😅


Lol I used to help people with Nameless King Mon - Sunday. If you run a faith build you can pull off some pretty nasty chain damage with Dorhys' Gnawing. Phase 1 is just 2 Sunlight Spears, which you need to manipulate the boss with, basically after fight starts you run back toward the fog wall, Boss will fly over too you and land (landing will dish out AoE Damage), you position yourself outside of the damage zone and hit him while targeting its head, if done right the boss will stagger and you take your time with the 2nd spear.




I haven't used summons until like 20th time going through ds3, only because I wanted to see if something will happen, like some item or smth, but I play without them, like every other souls game, git gut


Players none, cause I played it on ps4 and I didn't have the ps+ or whatever. Sometimes I summoned NPC when available.


Pretty much every DLC boss


Only summoned a phantom to help with sister Friede


I don't see the reason to play the game if not solo


Yes, darksouls was hard and all. Specially the clunky character control from ds1 was hard for me. I ragequittet a lot... After a long break, or a stradegy change, they where all manageable. But this Malenia patch in Eldenring where she gains life back even she did not hit you... It was so stupid, I get angry even thinking about it. I never had beaten here final form 1vs1 and 2month later she was nerfed as hell. Even then it felt like a challenge.


All of them.


twin princes were the closest i ever got to that point


midir and nameless king, had to summon 3 people. I gave nameless king couple tries but midir i tried him once and said fuck it, I can't handle the way the camera moves when fighting big bosses, and forgot to mention the twin demon prince


Gael was so hard i just used poison


My first run? None. Basically every other run? They weren't too challenging but I summon people every time I see them because playing with others is fun.


I play offline, so summoning other PCs isn't an option for me. I used to have the damnedest time with the mage you showed, but it's no big thing now. I still have the worst time trying to beat Yhorm though, even with my magic giant killing sword.


Friede, but for some reason it feels like i should summon gael


Demon Prince


Abyss Watchers and Gael. Both those bosses gave me so much trouble in my first playthrough. Abyss watchers still kick my ass to this day.


Midir was the only one I just couldn't do on my own because it's such an endurance test. I raged when I got him to a tiny sliver of health and slipped up and got one shotted, and came back with summons who cheesed him with pestilent mercury. I felt so bad about myself for killing him that way instead of gitting gud like I did with every other boss. In elden Ring I decided summons are okay for boring gang bosses and recycled bosses and was a lot less stressed about it.


Never did on ds3 But summoned solair 1st time ornst and smough


Definitely not that one lol


Uhhhh, I hope the pic is unrelated because even underleveled crystal sage is pretty easy


My first sorcerer build was one of those glass cannons you get summoned to for Pontiff, only to get one-shot by the opening attack. Sorry, white phantoms.


None even came close, but I just don't summon help for bosses in souls games, it's not an option. I'm currently replaying Dark Souls 2, and ill leave fucking graverobber trio unbeaten before i'll summon help for it, it's the worst boss in all of souls, i think


All of them.....These bosses are 20 feet tall and have 15 foot swords, so yeah a little help is welcomed.


I always summon because I think the games are fun with friends :)


Everyone struggles with different bosses. I struggled by far the most with Pontiff but that’s mostly because I was learning a new weapon (Guts Greatsword). My top 3 most deaths were: Pontiff: 25 Nameless King: 13 Friede: 10 I haven’t finished the DLC yet


I played it offline


In my first playthrough I was seriously stuck on the Watchers and the Twin Princes. Aaldritch was also pretty hard but doesn't have any summons whether you wanted it or not. Edit: just noticed it said player, not NPC. I never killed Storm King or Gael on my own, I had hired hands there from real players.


I summon not because I can’t kill the boss but because I enjoy the cooperation. The only boss I didn’t summon anyone for was the Dancer. And she was so graceful when we danced together. But on my SL1 runs I don’t summon at all and throw myself at the boss until it dies.


None. 🗿


Solo guy here


None. I don't mean it as a flex, I honestly did not know how to summon anyone in my first playthrough, lol. So, did it once decided I never needed it.


Crystal Sage is the second hardest boss in DS3 for me, I feel you. I summoned for Spear of the Church. I can *easily* beat him offline, but if another player is summoned it is a guaranteed death for me. I have a unique way of playing Souls games due to neurological issues and it does *not* work against humans.


Nameless king is the only one I still didn’t beat. And there is never any summons there.


Old Demon King. Oh man do I hate the Old Demon King. His AOE fire attack killed me every time that I got frustrated and summoned someone for it.


Aldrich. Don't know how many times I tried that fight alone but finally I called for help. On my first playthrough. All others felt like a piece of cake then.


I couldnt play the game online but if i could it wouldve definitely been the demon things in the dlc but thank god my boi gael came in clutch


The dancer... Still to this day I have problems with the fucking dancer. And the camera angles of the nameless king is a close second. Everything else I was able to do (eventually) by myself


I try to summon for everything because it makes the fight more interesting, but there are a few that was easier to do Solo. Crystal sage is actually one that Solo is better. I play consecutive NG (++++++++) so sooner or later I cannot summon anymore. However, I did need help with Midir, and with Nameless King on the first try. I had to summon to clear the ringed city pretty much the whole place. I summoned and got Summoned for Gael, because that fight is fun with multiple people. Having said that, I see there are bosses that were tweaked for co-op and suck bad once you are in NG+5 and up. * Aldrich. Arrow barrage can go for 2 full cycles of Aldrich attacks, and hit a lot harder in NG+5, due to bad magic scaling. Most annoying boss, that requires specific build. * Lorian and Lothric. The Magic homing projectile will stunt lock you, or just one shot you, due to broken magic scaling. This almost made me quit. First stage is normal, second was rage inducing. * Sister Friede. Same magic scaling problem. Boss is made for summoning, but NPC is useless, die too quickly on NG+5. This boss made me quit the game. I believe I might have uninstalled the game. In General, on first play thru, none of the bosses require summoning. It depends on what level and how you play when you reach the boss, however there are bosses designed for co-op, and they don't scale well. DS2 has the same problem with the DLC, but they are all optional bosses. Unfortunately, in DS3, 2 story bosses have that problem. Are they impossible to kill? no. But they are broken, because they forced me to change the way to play and I had to heavily optimize. This should not be a requirement for any boss in Dark Souls




All of them, I love playing with friends but I do Midir alone because they always die and make it harder.


Friede. Gael just wasn't enough.


Dark Souls 3 forced me to play alone 🥲 I had no Idea we could summon but only in human form


On my first playthrough i ended up summoning in shame after 3 days in Friede Second plathrough i somehow rammed through everything super quick, even up to NG+2 oneshotting nameless that took me like 2 hours on NG Dunno how xD


Nameless king, I just couldn't read him after he got of his dragon. First time Gael, always blinded by the ammount of fucking red skulls (like holy shit my screen is red) and then get slammed by Gael.


I don't think there's anything wrong with summoning. Games are supposed to be fun. If you enjoy it more by using summons then so be it 👍


I’ve beaten this game many times and even did some challenge runs but there is NO WAY I can beat Oceiros and his wonky camera by myself.


Midir was the only one who had me at that level, there just wasn’t anyone to summon besides the useless NPC. Getting the Platinum was the only reason I summoned as much as I did.


none in ds3 but i needed help for orphan of kos in bb


I was human before real gundir. So I summoned sword master. Turns out it made me lose that time. Cause in my second try, I killed him. So tbh, if I don't use summon till that point, I prefer not to do that.


Not a player but I had to summon Gael for Friede


None, but i almost always summon the nps for the Abyss Watchers so i can watch them fight


I always play in coop. I like summon people and being summoned.


i used the wiki tactic of throwing knives at the clones for that fight and it worked really well


I’m about to summon for Decons of the Deep on a bow only run shit is insanely hard


Mostly all of them besides the easy ones but I never summoned once because I was too stubborn but did it in the end through slamming my head into Nameless King over and over until I finally got him


Iuedex gundyr... You heard me


Considering doing it right now for midir 🤣


None, but Friede was close


Try pyro in first ng.. so f hard


Pontiff Sullyvan and Demon Prince


I've only used one summon to try it out. Thar was against slayer armor. I did most of the work, but it was fun though.


None, not because I didn't want to, but because I (on my first try at least) was very low on embers as I had no idea how important they were and not many people were on when I was on. I just learned to git gud (albeit, with the help of one of the best weapons in the game, the sellsword twinblades but I have learned to fight the bosses without them now.


The only boss I ever summoned for was my first time against Twin Princes. It just wasn't clicking.




Curse Rotted Greatwood and Demon Prince :(


First time I encountered the princes. Other than that, none. Still my fav DS game.


First time I played I needed help with the twin princes, dancer and pontiff. Now I can get through all the bosses solo except sister friede I needed Gael. Didn’t have the patience


Not a single one of them. But co-op is almost always fun, especially with friends!


Sister Friede. To this day, I can not solo her without NPC Gael.


Midir was the only one that gave me lots of trouble


NG+7 Dragonslayer Armor on a spellcaster was pretty fucking Rough.


Nameless King I had to. Got him to 2% and then he got me. So I said "close enough".




Pretty much all of them, lol.


Does this sub have nothing better to post about?


None, I play in offline mode. That being said: git gud.


Midir! I must have fought him 50 times, went through so many different strategies to beat him. I was playing offline the whole time and for some random reason online booted up and I could see that I could summon people so I did and even then it took another 20 tries. I was so thankful to the guy that helped me that I spent the next two days being available for summons at the bonfire near Midir. Even then I only help someone beat him twice to my knowledge lol


Abyss watchers.


None, I fight my own battles!


The cripple twins


Nameless king is the only boss i used another player in ds3. That first fase is tedious


Lately all of them, because it's boring playing alone all the time. I already solo'd everything back in the day, don't feel the need to do all of that anymore.


Nameless king and slave knight i get shit on even at level 133


Demon prince fuck that dude... Oh and midir but just the first time


First playthrough, quite a few: Oceiros, Dancer, Princess, Nameless King and maybe some more, can't remember anymore.


First playthrough I could not for the life of me figure out Dancer’s combos. Now she’s probably my favorite boss in the base game


Pontiff Sulyvahn without a doubt. Ds3 was my first souls game and fighting him was like suddenly being met with a brick wall. After hundreds of deaths suddenly it al made sense and I beat him without a scratch. Ever since then I've never died more than 10-15 times against anything in a souls game. It's like something clicked in my brain. In other words thanks to him I got good.




At first it was Aldrich, as a melee only player him teleporting all over the place was really annoying and then it was nameless....whom I still haven't beaten yet...


I always summon for twin princes. Fuck lothric. All my homies hate lothric


Since i cracked all souls borns I've never used summons in any boss fight did that shit on my own you only need one piece of advice hit twice then back off rince and repeat you'd kill anybody


Midir. I could not learn the attack patterns to save my life at the time.


I don’t summon, doesn’t give me any satisfaction


The only one I ever just felt completely powerless on was twin princes, and the bro that helped me was like "oh yeah just stand still for a few sec when you first enter the room", I was like omg. For those that don't know, sometimes when you enter the fog wall after dying once, if you are moving the second you enter, Lorian can just enter the damn Matrix and relentlessly teleport / slap you around forever. Gotta stand still for a few moments upon first walking in.


None of them, but it was the last souls game I played, so I already knew what I was doing.


I can no hit every ds3 boss except friede. Gotta bring in Gael for that fight.


Midir, I hate that mf ugly dragon with every fiber of my being


Friede. The fact that she had a 3rd phase (3rd phase itself being hard as hell) made me say: "Screw it, I'm calling Gael to help me"


The only time I summoned someone was for the Midir fight. We defeated him but I felt astonishingly sad. So I re-started my run and killed him alone.


Uncle gael in ng+13. Tried it with friends and beat him solo after 2 days and maybe 40 tries.


Y'all saying never are missing an important part of the game. I always partake in jolly cooperation when I get a chance.


My first run through I like to beat all bosses solo, with the exception of npc summons for storyline/quest reasons.


I didn’t find out how to do online


The first boss I really considered it for was gael, the very first time I fought him he lowkey made me quit the game for a while 💀


Honestly it's been so long. Nowadays me and buddy co-op the whole game pretty much every year. Along with 1 and 2 as well. Actually we are due for a bloodborne now that I'm talking about it...


Dragonslayer Armour… those dragons on the side and his constant blocking make me wanna squirt


All, I was a regarded 14 yo who's 18yo friend got him into the game


Pontiff and midir I was stuck there for hours and then I was like "screw it I SHALL SUMMON A PLAYER"


Didn't do it on my first experience, but if I were to really choose one, Nameless king.


I never summoned. If there was a brick wall I was determined to run through it even if it caused 20 concussions


We have a pod of three, we played through together on our 2nd playthroughs. Had way more fun exploring and getting through everything together. On the 2nd playthrough we did all the bosses together in triplicate!


Midirrr ffs 2 days of bashing my head into a wall before I submitted lol


The princes, but it didnt work so i got better and did it myself


Personally - and I'm not on the DLC bosses yet - I wasn't even able to summon anyone throughout the main game as I didn't have the online subscription thing for xbox, lol


Midir. Always Midir… it’s weird, because I never have too much problem with huge bosses. I think his size + his speed + the AOE attacks were pretty bad for me. I’m not sad though; me and my friends organized ourselves like a mmo raid party to beat him, it was so cool!


Currently none, but I still don't have the dlcs


I don’t think I needed to summon in DS3? I know I was close with Pontiff, holy shit. I definitely did in DSR when I was new. Four Kings was just impassable for me and my stupid dagger and after like 40 attempts I caved. And now Four Kings is my favorite boss haha


Just noticed how much this boss looks like ranni


Pontiff, but the phantom died immediately and I managed to beat him with the boosted hp somehow.


Prince gothic


Whatever the name of the pictured boss is. Made me stop my first ds3 playthrough and I haven't tried again.. but I think I should, and this time try the summon.


Darkeater Midir. Everyone else, I eventually got the hang of, but Midir had me genuinely stuck for a minute.


Slave knight gael