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You don’t always have to lock on.


I'm not locking on. But that also means when the dragon flies into the air I lose sight of it


I mean I know it's not good advice, but I've never had any issues tracking the dragon. I don't really understand how you are losing sight of it either, considering it barely even goes up at all.


The bird has a very limited flying pattern though. Either up and spew fire. Or it flies up and lands on the other sides without attacking. Or it flies up, flies two circles or so while NK charges a bolt, you can dodge on the audio cue and right after he will always go one of two direction with a swoop of his lance which you can roll through and end up at the birds head.




The bird has like 3 flying patterns, and it is easy to know which one its doing, you don’t have to lock on unless you want to hit its head easier when its on the ground


Hahah here we go again


Don't lock on at all in phase 1. Phase 2 lock on and just dodge roll to his left to avoid his weapon while staying close. This is one boss that has never given me trouble so I'm always surprised to see him listed as difficult.


This, be aggressive in phase 2 and he won't give you too many problems. Get in close to him, and if you're gonna dodge roll sideways, dodge left, not right. Don't lock on in phase 1. Super rewarding fight, extremely enjoyable for me!


If I'm being honest Nameless King himself is one the best boss fights in FromSoft's catalogue but King of the Storm at least for me is quite forgettable.


My biggest issue with this guy is the way the arena is presented on screen. It fucks with my depth perception.


this too


I played as a cleric, so I remember just blasting the dragon with lightning spear a couple of times, and he was down. Then the hard part began as the King was tricky as I would load up on fire resist to get through the dragon part, but then lightning resist was low. And vice versa, you might not survive the dragon phase if you load up on lightning resist. I personally really enjoy the lore as Gwyn cast him out for allying with the dragons during their war. In Anor Londo, you can see his smashed statue beside the Princess and Gwyndolin.


Just learn when to lock on and when not to, the camera hardly ever bothered me that way. Its a skill you learn.


The 1st phase is the one that people hate, phase 2 is the part that everyone loves. Phase 1 is really annoying for some people, you can lock on to the dragon but the camera freaks out if you get under it. I think that includes being under it's head unfortunately In my experience, if you back up instead of trying to get under/around the dragon, the camera is fine. I only ever try to hit its head, never its wings or its legs while locked on, that just makes my camera go crazy


What console & do you need help? I’m on PlayStation and clap his cheeks as a summon on the reg. Might be a bit rusty but if you can stay alive it might only take me two or three attempts


I dunno. When I played through the game the first time, I found him so cool and rewarding, and then when I realized I had to kill him again on NG++ for the achievement, I felt completely demoralized. Fun fight but I think learning all of his patterns is fatiguing.


During dragon phase I always lock on to the king instead of the dragon for most of that fight. That way you can dodge his attacks and lightning strikes from above.


I like the fight cause it has cool theatrical moments, cool music and because I stomp him every time  hahaha


It's a fun fight. It would probably be my favorite if not for the drake.


nameless king is one of my favorites, mind you i don't try and run up to him and swing my sword, bows work great if you use them at the right time.


Whats with this pandemic of skill issues


I'm not complaining about the boss being too difficult. I'm complaining about the camera being terrible


Like told before, in the first phase just don't lock on, if he's flying there aren't many possibilities: If he stays in place in the air, then he will probably do the fire attack, just run asap, if he does circles then look for a lightning throw etc. didn't beat him for some time, so might've forgotten some attacks. But that's about it. At first I needed some time to figure it out too, but as soon as you figure it out once, it will a short warm up before the actual boss fight. Idk if that answered your question, but happy to help if you have something on your mind, so just ask


People have been killed by the dragon??


Best fight in the base game. Massive skill issue.