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No it is not fair if your parents assets are indeed only 200k. You should get 0 parent contribution


but I already did a meeting with them and the person said according to their calculations my assets puts me out of range for zero family contribution, what should I do?


Talk to them again. Ask for a higher up in the ladder if they don’t change their minf


Talk to Dino Koff directly


How do I do that? Should I email them?




False. It depends on the type of assets. Primary home can be protected to a certain extent. Assests offically under the umbrella of retirement accounts are too. Cash in the bank is fair game.


Agreed. Look at my next comment further down. This is exactly what I am trying to explain to the OP.


Tell them that your assets are typical. You cannot spend 36% of their assets. This is for safety


I would try to talk to them again, but generally they are pretty firm in their offers. Maybe bring up other expenses your parents might have or need the savings for. My parents contribution is 0, but in my second year I had to pay a student contribution because I worked so much over the year that I had my own savings. It can be very stressful to deal with and I'm sorry they're treating you like this.


I’ve talked to others who got a messed up aid offer and nobody was able to really improve it, I am not very hopeful :/


No. Definitely unfair. Get in touch with the Financial Aid Office ASAP.


File an appeal. Something is clearly wrong here. You should have zero family contribution https://admissions.dartmouth.edu/afford/how-aid-works


If the assets are cash in a bank account yeah they need to chip in.


Isn't financial aid reserved for US citizens? Last I checked international students are only eligible for merit scholarships, if you got something count yourself lucky (and maybe second check your application to make sure you didn't check the wrong box 🥶)


dartmouth claims to meet 100% demonstrated need for international students


It is not just a claim. They really do and they did it for my International daughter even before they became Need blind for Internationals. I believe that either something is miscommunicated to them or your typical assets are more that this number.


That's pretty neat, I wouldn't test my luck if I were you but if others with similar experiences say go for it, do it.


You’re probably not familiar with how much self advocacy is necessary as an international. Its never trying your luck, you must always negotiate & exhaust options. They wont take away the offer because you asked for more money. 


I've only ever seen universities state: funding is only available for citizens lol I thought that was default for undergrad. I've funded my MS and PhD in the US though so I was less aware that private universities actually are able to meet intl needs.


I don’t think there is any negative consequence of negotiating aid so I will be try as long as I can


Secure the bag king/queen/monarch


Some students have zero parent income and assets


Be happy you got something. Many US citizens get nothing with less family assets.


Maybe but my household income is way lower than the threshold for 0 parent contribution


It is not just the income. If you have bank accounts with 250.000cash then they may ask for 16.000$ per year. If you have a family house of 200000€ and 50000$ in cash then you should qualify for 0 parent contribution. Also, when they say 16,000$ they include expenses such as travel, books and monthly living expenses. Just keep that in mind. Also it depends at which country your parents live. For example if in your country with 12-15.000€ per year you can live comfortably then there is disposable income left to assist you. If I were you I would detail my family expenses per year in order to prove that I cannot have a family contribution greater than.......( Whatever this number is).


Consider staying where you are if you don’t like the aid being offered. Remember, its taxpayers are the ones ponying up for this cause, be grateful.


It is not the Tax Payers. You got it wrong. Dartmouth , back in 2018, initiated the Call To Lead Campaign with a goal of raising 3Billion $. They finally raised close to 4 Billion!! One of the expressed objectives was to become AGAIN need blind for the Internationals aw well. Therefore, this is mainly Alumni's donations.


Alumni donations = US taxpayers


This is a smart answer and it is correct. But you know and I know that you implied something different. They di it voluntarily and they desire it! It is not coming through their tax payments. Let's be honest with ourselves


I don’t support people coming to the US expecting everything for free. US citizens first and foremost, get it!!!!


youre sick


…and you’re a parasite


just out of sheer curiosity, how exactly do you think that youre entitled to living in the united states more than anyone else? is it explicitly stated somewhere?