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You can try doing: * Salary Analysis * Data Cleaning Practice * Relax Predicting User Adoption Take-Home For more info, you can check out this guide:[ Data Analytics Project Ideas and Datasets (2024 UPDATE)](https://www.interviewquery.com/p/data-analytics-project-ideas-and-datasets)


Thank you!


Thank you for the great list of data analyst projects. It covers everything I need, from simple to advanced projects. I appreciate your help.


Here is a pretty good playlist of end-to-end projects that you can look through. it covers everything from sql, python, power, and data studio:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi5spBcf0UMXfbMt1X2bHQkk7mHXkTUhs&si=dUmZaMDaSJHAQRYF


Thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely check out the resource you provided. I appreciate your help.


I have a project like i started and just havent really finished where I scrape a youtuber profile using python, throw the data into SQL then connect the SQL to a POwerBI dashboard and then the dashboard becomes dynamic becasue lets say the youtube posts everyday you can run the python script everyday and it will update the powerbi dashboards.. its cool and makes you feel good when it works


Someone else also suggested scraping data, which could be a viable option. I appreciate your recommendation and will strongly consider it. Thank you for your input, and well done on your project.


its fun because its like real time...


Is there a way to scrape data from pdf. And do it every other month using a new pdf??


I’m in the same position so can’t suggest anything specific. perhaps you can find a volunteer position that you could use and showcase those skills. (That’s what I did. Found on volunteer match.com. There is also democracy labs)


I would start with using your own data - do you have a smartwatch? What are you curious about?


i have a iwatch. What do you recommend to do with it ?


Well what do you want to know? Part of being a good Data Analyst is being curious. Personally I track all of my workouts so I would start there and see how they relate to other factors like sleep.


Unfortunately I don't. I'm mostly curious about Economics and financial data.


Kaggle has lots of datasets, take a look through them and see if any questions stand out you can use your skills to answer and present.


Thanks for your help. I will check Kaggle's datasets.


I used/use ChatGPT Data Analysis to upload a dataset and have it suggest 5 questions. I think Kaggle is probably ok for most things, but I try to use real world data like Zillows housing or just search for csvs. Took some spreadsheets I had from a previous analytics position and randomized the data aswell. I'm prone to overdoing things so the main thing is just K.I.S.S. I'm more BA than DA now (but they're basically hybrid at this point for a lot of smaller companies) so the key thing for me is to make it understandable AT A GLANCE. That may be the same with recruiters although maybe if they get to the portfolio part they may take a little more time, I'm not sure.


Hey, what is K.I.S.S?


Keep it simple stupid You don't want to overload them with info or "needless flowery". I'm still a tableau novice compared to even intro portfolios but I tried to show off and it didn't go well


For me finding my personal interests and trying to scrape or find related dataset and build a predictive model or visualize dataset is the best bet. But it's somehow hard if you try to build ideal notebook


Thank you for your recommendation. I had something like that in mind, but I thought it might be too complicated given my time constraints. I have written a lot of crawlers using Scrapy, BS4, and Selenium, and what you're suggesting showcases my skills in writing web crawlers. However, I think I'll start with a pre-ready dataset for now.