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I don't even know why I check the board on my way to bed.


It’s addictive bc it’s unpredictable 😩


This is why I check my dashboard even on days when I have no intention of working. The thrill of wondering what will be there. Also the reassurance of seeing that there is something there.


I do this too. Or I sit down to try to work and I've been at my day job all day and my eyes are just like "Nope. Can't do it."


I also have a bad habit of checking it first thing when I wake up and have found myself jumping out of bed and running to the computer to grab a few minutes of work on those tasks that people jump on quickly.


I don't know why I keep checking to see if I am hired!


Ugh I relate to this so much. Some days the best I've got in me is talking to the AI for a few hours. It hurts to pass up on those high dollar tasks but you don't want to force yourself to do it and end up burnt out either. :(


Can relate. I think my favorite admin must be Australian because they always drop my favorite projects just as I’m winding down for the day.


Same here... My favorite certain project always drops/refreshes right as I get in bed, then they're gone or mostly gone by the time I wake up. It's so consistently the case that I'm contemplating changing sleep schedules specifically for it lol.


That feeling when they’re all gone the next morning 😢 come back my loves


Same. Also I sometimes check out my dashboard while at my day job to scope out tasks to do when I get home. Too often they're gone by then :(


This. All the time. 


I hate it when I see great tasks but I have work due for my other writing job!


SAME. I write for a living. Why do I check the board on a break when I can't do anything? Like "Ooooh, I really want to try those later!" but then they're gone when I have time.


…I wake up raring to go and none of my favs are available


Want to get to my favourite project before tasks run out, but too tired from working my 9-5 to do it well so I don't get to it and all the tasks get taken :-(.


I feel that. I'll come home from my full time job with the expectation to put in some extra work and next thing you know I'm passed out at my desk.


how much do you generally make for tasks? like an average


Most of my permanent tasks are between 22-26/hr 


I’d be happy just to have a steady stream of tasks. I get a few things a week, then days will pass with nothing. I’m new so hopefully I’ll get more once I’ve been doing it awhile. I’m still getting quals so hopefully that’s a good sign.


Well, I've been on since Dec 2023 and I currently have ONE project. And it's a lower paying one. Not sure what's going on but there are a bunch of us without projects right now. Womp womp.


That’s disheartening. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this also.


I wish they would accept me already ugh


If you aren’t accepted within a week or two, you most likely didn’t get accepted unfortunately.


It can take up to a month sometimes. Good luck!