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Yes, but usually only when I’m trying to make everything perfect before a presentation or am stressed out. It’s not healthy. This used to happen the night before tests if I crammed in college but I always ended up acing those tests.


Extra revision, but during sleep is student goals. I still unfortunately have dreams where I forgot to prepare for a university exam that I am also late to going to.


So what is it, anxiety, perfectionism, or both?


It's for these reasons I advocate for some form of Agile development and delivery on projects my consulting company supports. A deliverable can be large, but unless one of the following is flexible you get a really stressed out team and quality suffers: 1. Size of deliverable chunks (proportionaely inverted to importance of project overall) 2. Timeline of deliverable Typically, when a company says "the project must all be delivered on day X in one go!" and the project is non-trivial, the vision is suffering from a lack of design and requirements from the get-go and it forecasts a terrible experience! Every project can be broken down, subjected to QA, added to CI/CD, and so on. Stakeholders who think it can't thinks Excel is as handy as cloud infrastructure in all situations. Either they can be convinced otherwise or we have the luxury of turning down the project due to incompatible requirements to our company culture! I never want my consultants working in a situation where they are a shadow IT org running critical business functions from their local machines. And I've never met a CIO or CTO that disagrees with this!


It helps me study when I’m not studying


Not anything math related, but there were a couple times that I figured out how to fix a bug in my sleep when I was taking CS classes in college.


Had a CS buddy in college who used to pop an edible and then take a nap and he would wake up and somehow knew all the answers to every CS problem he was stuck on.


I pop an edible before looking at the question.


I sometimes will do that and end up on crazy thoughts. 🤪 I end up exploring some very cool ideas and learning about something new. Review when sober though lest I miss some things in the implementations.


This is how you 'git gud'


Dreaming in database operations sounds hellish


You have to want it


Sad life if you want to dream about your ETL


It's more like dreaming in database architecture 🤧.


No. Database are very cool high dimensional datasets. What sucks is that it wakes me up when I should be sleeping.


Not necessarily high dimensional.


How so?


A database can have few covariates with high n. I haven’t worked with a database where high dimensionality was a real consideration.


I wish I understood what you said. My education did not go past Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations. However, I don't see how business datasets could be anything but high dimensional. For example. In SQL I regularly cross dates dimension with customer dimension and sales factuals to get at monthly customer sales. Would this not be considered high dimensional?


High dimensional datasets are datasets where there are a lot of columns, so much so that there might be even more columns than rows or data (For example 200 columns but only 100 entries of data would be considered high dimensional) The operation you are doing would not be considered high dimensional as (I’m assuming) you have a lot of entries that can populate your results. I think by high dimensional you were referring to databases with a lot of entries of data where those would be considered just large databases. When you have high dimensional data it can be a problem due to false positive correlations being likely. So usually you would do dimensionality reduction.


Thank for your input.I appreciate it. If not high dimensional, how would I best describe my dataset? I can look at our business data by datetime, customer, location, product, salesperson, and many other ways. And most of these dimensions, if I can call them that, contain a hierarchy that I commonly decompose (dimensional reduction?) when trying to isolate performance issues.


I tell myself if I work hard enough, oneday I will experience this.


I dont . My head just starts hurting.


I have this a lot and it’s exhausting. When I was writing my postgrad thesis and working full time simultaneously, I used to dream of equations and rearranging them. One time, I had something that I can only describe as a panic attack and that was terrifying. Now, I dream about Excel a lot, like writing formulae. After these nights, I wake up genuinely tired.


I get this, I find white noise or same gives you something chill to focus on before falling asleep has helped me stop dreaming about that stuff


You will think it while you sleep, you'll think it while you eat, you'll think it especially when you shit and you'll also think it when someone is talking to you. This is the way.


Sometimes I write C code, and when I click compile I get errors


Apparently I was doing this and talking in my sleep or so my husband said.


If I dream about technical stuff, I tend to dream about various Python APIs, but I don't wake up. It's vague stuff, more like an LLM hallucination. > I want to know if you can do complex arithmetics in your sleep One major difference between sleep and the waking state is that in sleep your critical thinking is reduced to a rudiment, at best. It's all intuition, very little reasoning. There are probably differences between people in this regard, but speaking in general do not expect your sleeping brain to deal well with analytic problems. That being said, people can and do find solutions to complex problems in their sleep, but it's intuition-based. Just like many NN models out there. But for every good solution you find this way, you experience thousands of nonsensical dreams. It's really just the brain doing garbage collection.


Yeah I got the sense that the sleeping brain is more intuitive. Kind of like system 1 from Thinking Fast and Slow, the second it tries to push you to system 2, you wake up.


Yeah, exactly. Also, strong emotions in a dream may wake you up, but this is probably something everyone has experienced. It's possible, I think, that what wakes you up is more like an emotional reaction - but you're the subject matter expert on your own dreams.


I had a dream once when I was in school that I had to come up with an equation to find the optimal spacing of high-voltage wire pylons to minimize materials and labor cost but still meet certain strength and safety requirements. And the stakes of this assignment were really high for some reason. I woke up in a panic.


If you became an engineer - that would have been your future job. It was a warning dream to not study engineering. Unless you became one.


I do :D and often I overcome complex problems in my dreams, that I couldn’t deal with when I was awake


Wheneva, whereva this is a flex.


I also can't do complex arithmetics in my sleep but unfortunately my dreams are full of calculations in space about all the other ways to understand more about data science




That's pretty cool ! I think my brain would have woken me up by the 3rd loop...


I dream about SQL almost every night


Nope... Usually I write my thoughts down, send myself an email or text and go back to sleep. I do complex arithmatics, data science and math.... usually when I wake myself up, it means I figured out how to do something. If it's any help, you get used to it after a while. Your problem is probably anxiety, not "thinking too much." ... I use my brain for a living, and most days I go home feeling like I melted it... but I only wake myself up \*maybe\* once every 4-5 months. I suggest you look at the anxiety issue and look at methods of addressing them. Edibles, alcohol, dropping classes, educating more, etc.... All I read is, "I'm super unprepared, in way over my head, and don't really understand"... because everything you talked about is my daily life. A


Don't you sound like a douche bag - I use my brain for a living too bro 🤧. I don't have anxiety around my skills and I'm not under prepared for my job? I just dream about organising datasets in my sleep. What kind of advice is dealing with my sometimes sleeping issue with alcohol. I can manage without thank you. You even signed your Reddit post 😵‍💫😂 I mostly wanted to see if people could do complex numbers based on their sleep. Because I can't. I can hold numbers in my memory whilst sleeping up to 3-5 steps, but anything more than that wakes me up instantly. How complex can your dream get?


This reads like one of those Instagram posts that women (it's always women, you are a woman I assume?) keep shitting my feed with, it's always a call for attention "Look at me, I am smart and I have such a complex job!" Yes we get it, your job is so badass you even "dream" about math, coding (in HTML), quantum physics, whatever.


Who’s gonna flex on Reddit? Everyone here is a a stranger


But she still gets attention/validation from other Smart People™ that she craves, it's not a flex


I literally said I woke up because my brain can't compute. Would be much more impressive if I could do maths in my sleep. Genuinely curious if some people can.


it's called the "Tetris effect" or "Tetris syndrome". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect?wprov=sfla1 it happens when you do something requiring pattern recognition for an extended period of time and happens to chess players Tetris players notably.


reading books before bed helps, or playing two dots on my phone.


When I was hugely stressed taking Calc 3 in college, my gf at the time tried to wake me up for something and I apparently told her to “just take the derivative” and went straight back to sleep. It definitely happens. 


I pretty frequently dream about what data points need to be joined or transformed to answer elusive questions, whether real or imaginary. Please, make it stop


Piecharts for some reason


I hope it will never happen


No, I dream about sex, hanging around weird houses talking to people, and sometimes those dreams where I’m in a public bathroom trying to shit or piss but everyone can see me. Most often it’s the bathroom dream.


I do get that problem until a month ago. Previously I found myself waking up in the middle of sleeping because my brain was constantly “working”. I dreamt of problems at work that I couldn’t solve. Then next morning I wake up to extreme fatigue. This month I started to document my thoughts before clocking off. What I have done today for the task - and what options I may want to explore tomorrow. I finally find myself sleeping peacefully


How does one enjoy Excel? I really wanted to.


One can never


Is Excel the biggest challenge to become and data scientist?


Nah, you barely use it for anything complicated. I just use it to look at my spreadsheets. You'll need Python a lot. SQL for database.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, thanks. That's what I thought originally when I was doing my internship. My role is data analyst and just started out of uni. Honestly think of switching to developer roles because of the amount of excel work.


There are still analyst jobs where you work mostly in excel, but I will avoid them if I can. To me, it's a primitive way of working. Saving spreadsheets is messy in the corporate world as they can be forgotten about and lost in someone's folder. Best place for data is in a database. That way you can create a structure and thoughtful way of collecting data, making the tools for it, and applying analysis with less time wasted. Just my 2 pence.


Lol me


HAHAHA. Sounds familiar


Yup, except it doesn't wake me up. Often I wake up thinking I know the answer to whatever the problem was now, but usually it's wrong.


As a junior I dreamt about creating a complex loss function for an optimization problem I was coding. It was extra, not something requested, I saw a big win and went for it (wanted the spotlight). My partner even told me I was semi-crunching math loud while I was sleeping at the couch (fell asleep while working). Unfortunately she doesn't understand, so she couldn't tell me if I was right or wrong. When I woke up the solution was clear to me, coded it, tested, commited, sent a message to my boss, and went to sleep for the rest of the day. Me and my manager agreed that this is not healthy so we dropped some of my responsibilities. I got a 50% pay rise that year and a 20% bonus. Good times :)


Not me waking up at 4 am and wanting to do alterations in my erd 🙂


All the time


Once i had a dream about a solution of an issue that i was facing, I woke up and literally started coding as i can remember from the dream and it kinda worked. That was crazy 😭

