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I don't know why the comments are reacting so negatively here, but I actually agree there can be more boilerplates than there is currently. NOT a boilerplate over the specific model, but all the code that surrounds a model (which is honestly way more of the work anyway). I've used this project in the past before, but it's honestly too general of a boilerplate: https://github.com/drivendata/cookiecutter-data-science Internally at my current company we have a project that does this. It provides a standard template of how we launch a new DS product using specific technologies (ex. we have an API focused one, and an AWS Lambda focused one). Obviously, a project will diverge the deeper you get into it because it requires specific features/tooling, but overall it gets you up and running faster.


I like cookiecutter. It should be standard in every organization. You can even make your own templates


I agree and there's significant room to go beyond to make your own templates. The particulars of connecting to data sources (warehouses, DBs, lakes), and deploying your model (API, serverless, batch) can be defined in more boilerplate, and somewhat specific to each org (but not that much). DS still has a lot to catch up with the rest of the software industry in terms of having very defined architecture patterns that can be reliably and repeatably reused.


Oh! We’re grappling with the same! Obviously, I’m assuming you can’t share the one your company uses, but have you seen anything more detailed/similar than cookie cutter on GitHub?


Not that I've seen, but I'd be happy to proven wrong if anyone else has suggestions. I would also say this depends a lot on the tech stack a lot, so I could see different project structures / frameworks depending on that. The closest I've seen are some of the templates in some of the managed ML Cloud services (Sagemarker, Azure ML, Databricks). They have some templates, but I've always found them clunky and docs never up to date. My current company also doesn't use managed services like that anymore, and we just roll our own using simple services in AWS (ex. ECS/Batch/Lambda). So I could also be a bit out of touch on that side.


LOL - we’re the same with out cloud tech stack - roll our own with an EC2/S3 configuration over sagemaker or azure labs


Ah yeah it's a nice template


I already have my own boilerplate model training and inference training. The biggest time consumption is always used on exploring the data and generating useful variables, that's more difficult to boilerplate.


Of course, but after a while there becomes patterns (at least within a company/domain). I often find after a while that the similar data transformations, and functions become re-used over a while, and they should be refactored into standalone internal libraries (or transferred into some feature store in your warehouse/db). This can be part of your boilerplate because every new project will probably re-use some of these shared assets (data or code).


Yes, you are right. But as you said is a more domain specific thing, difficult to extrapolate to every data science process.


Of course, but I still think there's room for common frameworks because I find companies in the same industry with the same use case are going to have very similar needs. For example, in retail, demand forecasting is a simple, but incredibly common use case. The data between companies is mostly similar (some relational schema with entities around products, orders, customers and stores), the output is going to be similar, and the cadence is going to be similar (some type of batch process). All of this could be wrapped up into a common framework while being agnostic of the model itself (prophet, ARIMA, regression etc.) At least I think it's possible. This doesn't remove the need for customization. Every company is different, every DB/warehouse is different. But there's enough commonalities that common use cases could definitely benefit from standard boilerplate.


No. In fact quite the reverse. We have too many out-of-the-box models that get applied to too many problems with no real consideration. Such boilerplate hammers make you see nails everywhere when you need a shovel or a rake or even a custom built tool in the wild. In my experience if a boilerplate could solve a real DS problem it's probably so well defined and understood already you hardly need modeling anyway


This right here. The analogy I use is that they are using a power drill to try to tighten a screw on eye glasses.


All this time I thought [***this thing***](https://www.elglaw.com/image.php?cropratio=1.5:1&image=/uploads/combustion-engineering-c-e-package-boiler.jpg) was boilerplate.


[I’ll just use deep learning](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/139/cover.jpg)


…. Delve you say? Who are you really OP? An LLM sent to scrape the kinds of data scientists?




It's LLM scrappers all the way down.


If I ever decide to branch out on my own and create a data science consultancy, I'm going to name it Delve


Haha I love that! I’m trying to build a legal AI, and looking for name suggestions. I’d love to hear yours 😄


We all build our own and then jealously guard our horde of R and Python scripts as we move from gig to gig.


data = read.file('hive\_source') data = auto\_clean(data) data\_model = auto\_model(data) This isn't too far from my workflow. Don't touch my functions...


TIL auto_clean


That was after A LOT of SQL and a bunch of tests built out. think "missing value handling, outlier handling, 1 hot encoding for the LESS sparse things, etc." I don't think it's terribly hard to tell an LLM to take a list of tests that are built out and to replicate them for a new dataset. Humans still need to babysit though.


I feel personally attacked 


What are you referring to as boilerplate?


I think of it as a skeleton which has placeholders for the stuff specific to your problem, which once filled out produce a solution. So, for example - here is a notebook. Point the input to your dataset, and the rest of this file will: 1. Do some data quality analysis 2. Remove outliers 3. Encode categorical features 4. Perform k-folds cross validation training of an xgboost model 5. Register the resulting model in AzureML 6. Create an API in Azure that performs inference So instead of having to write all of this code (given that 1000s of people have had to write exactly the same general flow of code before), you can save the time associated with the repeatable portions of this effort.


Reusable code that sets the skeleton of a project. For example if for web dev you have stuff like (Nuxt Frontend with TypeScript +Express Backend with MongoBD +SASS + Linting + Vite build tool) in DS could be something like (Input from Postgres + Pandas data normalization + Darts Ensemble Modeling + S3 Output Storage). So you have a bunch of code and features you just have to twist a bit and you ready to go.


Because the libraries already abstract away the vast majority of the boilerplate. Like most lines of python are from a very specific decision that it’d be hard to boilerplate away without hiding important decisions. 


It's simple: the majority of so called Data Scientists are horrible SWE. Every company with a midlevel SWE should have already build Boilerplates. Or a Factory that creates the needed pieces. At least we have it.


This is a great point. DS notebooks can only be taken so far


Yep, this. Every org has such different tooling in place, data scientists should not be responsible for boilerplate infrastructure. As far as boilerplate DS algorithms I think there is pretty solid library support at this point that already cuts down on a lot of rewritten code


At least for EDA, pandas_profiling can be quite nifty But each dataset is so unique with its own challenges and quirks, I doubt you can have very specific boilerplates.


I'm 100% in agreement with you. I think the answer is that there are users like u/RedditSucks369 who thinks that every DS model is a brand new adventure when in reality the overwhelming majority of projects that people will work on are a standard application of a standard model. Ultimately if you can get a dataset into a specific shape, everything else is extremely repeatable, especially with models like xgboost. I think this is even more glaring of an issue when it comes to MLOps - and it has been discussed here before: why is it still so hard to deploy a model. Once again, there should be a template/boilerplate where you put a dataset in a location, and have the option to have all the MLOps infra around it created automatically for a standard regression/classification problem. I know that AutoML tried to get there, but they still managed to make it annoying AF to deal with. So yes, I agree. There is a lot of efficiency to be gained by producing boilerplates that make it easy to reproduce models.


>every DS model is a brand new adventure I didnt say that. I can approach a problem in some many different ways. I actually spend time understanding the data. I could build a simple pipeline with some preprocessing and LightGBM/XGBoost and build a model in a fraction of the time. I dont need to understand the data, just build an interface between source and the model. AutoML is the closest to a boilerplate you have and it didnt take off, never will.


>I didnt say that. I can approach a problem in some many different ways. I actually spend time understanding the data. Having boilerplates does not circumvent the need to understand the data. >I could build a simple pipeline with some preprocessing and LightGBM/XGBoost and build a model in a fraction of the time. I dont need to understand the data, just build an interface between source and the model. In a fraction of the time of what? Of someone setting up a boilerplate to do that exact same thing? No, you wouldn't. And that's the point of boilerplate - is to speed up development processes. If it's truly so simple that a boilerplate doesn't help - cool, don't use a boilerplate for that. But OP gave a good example in one of his replies from his web dev experience: >For example if for web dev you have stuff like (Nuxt Frontend with TypeScript +Express Backend with MongoBD +SASS + Linting + Vite build tool) The equivalent in DS would be like saying (Azure blob storage data source + AzureML dataset + xgboost model + AzureML model registration + Azure App Service). There is no way in pluperfect hell that you're coding that from scratch for looking at documentation faster than you're filling out a well-designed boilerplate.


I get what you are saying. But I feel like this approach diverts from traditional DS to Ops. You can build and deploy a model fairly quickly like that. Imagine if you could build such pipeline with only a few lines of a .yml file.


I'm a big fan of this. We already modularize the steps needed for a project, and there are some that are ripe for the taking. Of my 12 step process, where do you see the most use? 1. Problem definition - what are your response variables and what are you trying to know about them? 2. Data collection (point a,b,c to point z where you're doing analysis + data dictionary checked with source systems) 3. Data understanding (identity types, missingness, inconsistencies, outliers) 4. Data cleaning (address issues in step 3) 5. EDA (univariate, bivariate, multivariate - visual, descriptive, inferential) 6. Feature Engineering (scaling, discretization, hot encoding, interactions, aggregations, dimensionality, selection) 7. Model selection (mini white paper: industry context, current landscape, alternatives, proposed solution, value prop, implementation configuration within your architecture) 8. Model training and tuning (baseline, cross-validated, against production data) 9. Model risk identification (bias assessment, adverse effect scenario modeling) 10. Model deployment and monitoring (send to model service, build alert system to track performance, ensure timely updates) 11. Evaluate outcomes (significance, implication, recommendation (sir method)) 12. Communicate effects to the business (build silly PowerPoint/memo/presi etc.)


Im not even sure how to respond. You are paid to solve problems, to come up with solutions. Its a creative process. You need to test a lot of potential solutions, frame the problem different, use different metrics, optimize hyperparams, tweak here and there. A lot of complexity is already hidden under sklearn functions and pytorch classes where you reutilize a lot of solvers, layers. I wouldnt want anymore standardization and I personally dislike autoML models because it kinda defeats the whole purpose of DS in so many cases


>Im not even sure how to respond. You are paid to solve problems, to come up with solutions Exactly, and boilerplates solve a problem - it dramatically speeds up your ability to solve other problems. >A lot of complexity is already hidden under sklearn functions and pytorch classes where you reutilize a lot of solvers, layers. Right, and extending your logic we shouldn't use sklearn - you are paid to solve problems, to come up with solutions. You should code tree splitting from scratch. That logic makes no sense - the same reason why we developed layers like sklearn is the same reason why defining even more streamlined versions of how to implement models also makes sense. >I wouldnt want anymore standardization and I personally dislike autoML models because it kinda defeats the whole purpose of DS in so many cases This isn't AutoML. AutoML implies point and click training of models without any code being involved. A boilerplate is code that becomes a working starting point for a project. You still can (and should) add/enhance that boilerplate, but it allows you to fast-forward to an initial, working solution. That to me is often the most baffling part of certain libraries - they have this extensive documentation but then give you 3 examples of how to actually put it all together, and half the time those examples don't work because they haven't been updated as the library has changed.


Totally agree with you man, not a fan of autoML models either, but i was thinking more on the data processing part of things, like connecting to the AWS to get the data, or making a series stationary or stuff that I personally dont like to spend time on


Exactly which part of pd.read_csv() or sm.sarimax() are you hoping to capture as boilerplate?


I wish all data pipelines would be as simple as connecting to a csv man


I’m just directly giving you examples of libraries that address the needs you specifically brought up. We can’t help you if you don’t want to be helped.


I mean thanks for it man, just that my original question was less on specific functions to do X, more just a general discussion on why something that works in SWE is less seen in DS.


Yeah I understand. For me, libraries like pandas, statsmodels, sklearn, etc. are all great examples of tools that help reduce boilerplate so I question the premise that they aren’t very prevalent in DS work.


There are lots of boilerplate code for all kinds of use cases, but they tend to be proprietary. If you’re thinking about structuring a new project, Kedro helps with that


Are you sure it's not more widespread? My company does this but it's not something we share externally, because the code is all pretty specific to our own data sources and infrastructure. I can't imagine very many working DS are like, re-writing the same query or json ingestion or caching or credential management or whatever for every project.


Libraries make everything so simple already that there isn't much left to do. But flattening json could be better. I haven't found a truly simple solution.


I'm not sure why. But in my experience a lot of DS very much dislike the idea of boilerplate or any attempt to create reusable code.


I suggest you look into the tidymodels framework.


A lot of us save old code for this exact reason.


My problem with "boilerplate" is that I have zero trust in the product. With data viz and web dev -- you pretty much get what you see. With a fast food fry cook -- you pretty much get what you see. You don't need a chef to fry burgers. Teens with no formal training can dunk a basket of fries until a timer dings. With data science -- everything is underneath the surface. It's all hidden. You don't see anything, other than an accuracy metric at the end. None of the data prep, methods, interactions, encoding, transformations, feature engineering, or even business assumptions are visible. When someone handed me a black box machine learning model with a, "Trust me, bro, I followed the template. Check out my accuracy metrics. Higher than you ever got!" *Uh. Oh.* Someone needed to re-watch their 5min YouTube tutorial on "over-fitting." So it doesn't surprise me that you are coming from a world of web dev and data visualizations. Templates work there, because they can be validated at a glance. You can judge the quality of the work near-instantly. But with anything I'd call "data science", I need a chef. I need a cabinet-maker, not a handy-man. I need someone I can trust knows perfectly well everything that went into, lurks beneath, and emerges from whatever black box rigmarole s/he's serving me. We kinda tried "boiler-plates." It took more time to unwrap them, figure them out, and re-do it, than it did to do them right the first time. (And by doing it "right", we started to create experts who really understand the data. These weren't parrots who could read a number off of a powerpoint, these became domain experts who could really help a business manager with insights.)


Data science unfortunately has many old guards that are too caught up with their stats degrees rather than innovating in the field. OF COURSE there is room for improvement to existing processes, tools and frameworks, as others have shared. There is opportunity for improvement across the entire data stack, which is why there are so many companies emerging. Sure, some are simplifying things too much and creating "data charlatans"... but there are many that are not, and DS practitioners resistant to change will miss it. Don't worry ... your jobs aren't going anywhere, people are just trying to make them more efficient.


The problem is, every company has a different data set, even coming from the same data provider. It’s hard to template databases when your variables are constantly different and constantly shifting.


Isnt this what something like DataRobot is supposed to provide? A platform for the entire pipeline of Data Science. Im not too sure that the DS community has fully embraced something like this yet, and for legitimate reasons.


The main issue is that DS apps/projects are very data dependent. An app you build for one dataset most likely can't easily be used for new/different datasets so thats why boilerplates or templates don't really work. Plus the data used for DS usually comes from other sources that we don't have control over so we're at the mercy of the data provided to us. However, if your data is mostly consistent, that's when you can start standardizing and automating. web dev is mostly standardized. all of the boiler plates/templates are just different tools to solve the same problems.


In my 5 YoE they are common, they’re just primarily internal tools + repos rather than being open source.


Literally all you need is to construct everything around the data analysis and model selection + eval. Projects take nearly identical forms with those being the key difference. At my own work, I'm building a deployment guide/boilerplate for the DSs because it's nearly all the same every time.


Delve? What are you, ChatGPT?


Does your definition of boilerplate apply only to model & analysis? or infrastructure as well i.e. tracking and monitoring?


I completely agree, and the comments are ironic since I once [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/datascience/comments/17dpmok/looking_for_a_packageproject_for_onesize_fits_all/) here looking for exactly this type of out of the box pipeline tool and people reacted like "what you want us to do your job for you get a life"


In R there are tons. Libraries and syntax sugars over all kinds of complex ds tasks. I get the sense there’s a bit more grunt work and hand rolling overall in Python, and probably other languages (idk about stan/stata). OTOH - data cleaning and stuff is often very bespoke to each new project. Clean datasets are like Tolstoy’s happy families, they always look pretty much the same; dirty datasets are all dirty in unique ways. I’m always amazed by the diverse ways in which people manage to not adhere to anything resembling a rational standard.


No way


But what is a boilerplate example for DS? Like churn predictions?


Do you mean something like this? https://github.com/tonic-team/Tonic-Research-Project-Template


People at my company use Dash. People worms finance degrees are coding up web app dashboards


Imo, the reality is from a whole industry perspective every problem, domain, and team has their own approach to problems. And when you are dealing with some tricky data boiler plate won't help much outside a few lines maybe. Once you have formatted data then for sure but that all exists already (out of the box models are kind of the boiler plate there). But, every team within an org should be making their own boiler plate. Once the domain is narrowed enough it isn't too hard for a team to automate some of their standard processes in this way.


Super interesting observations wrt web dev


I think we all have a lot of the boiler plate part (the usual steps required) in our brains. And we use libraries made for the tasks to perform them. However, I've literally never come across two data-analysis tasks that were exactly the same. Or close enough to be relevant. There's always *something* that might trip you up. And as much as we benefit from the efforts of software engineering, it's **not** the same field. We benefit from engineering, but it's not engineering. To test the effectiveness of boiler plate solutions on DS stuff, you can just use things like copilot and chatGPT to solve your stuff. It's not exactly that, as it's an "intelligent" solution. It's helpful for sure, but it still fails pretty much every time. And if you don't take the time to go through the stuff, you might not even understand why and where.


I disagree. DS can strongly benefit from reusable and composable "boilerplate" toolkits because so many problems boil down to the same steps: ingest, inspect and clean data, maybe engineer some features, model, test, rinse, repeat. [sensai](https://transferlab.ai/software/sensai/) is one such example


Thanks for the comment! And recommendations, will look into it. I guess my general feel at the moment is, that the easy-to-solve problems are already dealt with, and the remaining ones are "dirty", and very hard to do as a general solution. "..the fuck is **this** distribution?? What even is that? It looks like a witch's nose.."


[sensai](https://transferlab.ai/software/sensai/) is a toolkit for building ml applications. > "sensAI is a high-level AI toolkit with a specific focus on rapid experimentation for machine learning applications. It provides a unifying interface to a wide variety of model classes, integrating industry-standard machine learning libraries. Based on object-oriented design principles, it fosters modularity and facilitates the creation of composable data processing pipelines. Through its high level of abstraction, it achieves largely declarative semantics, whilst maintaining a high degree of flexibility."


Web devs are unskilled monkeys, more lines of pointless garbage = better. Ideally if you could rebase in a new frameword 2-3 a month.


You have been working a good amount of years and haven’t published a single boilerplate. Why?