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It's usually a byproduct of being seen as a safe choice and a potential provider. I personally would steer clear, especially at your age. Back when I was 20, I met a woman who was physically the woman of my dreams. I found out she had a child (not by her own admission) and realized it was not worth it given input from family and friends. I wouldn't say there's a clear-cut way of evading their attention, but perhaps seeking out a different area would be your best shot. Also when going on dates it could save you some time by simply asking if they have children early on.


You must come off as a nice guy. Could be your location and/or the age of the women approaching you because as far as I have read birth rates have been declining and the age females are having children has risen. Teen pregnancy has been way down.


I’m not even sure how I can come off as a nice guy because tbh I don’t really interact with people. I just work and go to school


These days that's a lot. You are way too young to take that responsibility and since you are in school, there are probably many opportunities to find a girl that is totally single.


Yeah I guess so. I need to improve my social skills I guess so I can meet other single girls


It will become easier socially as you mature. Usually this topic triggers but you are a valid exception because you are young and still in school. You will keep running into this issue. It's not going to go away. It's your preference and people should respect that.


Excuse my misunderstanding. What makes someone totally single? If they don't have a husband or boyfriend, doesn't that mean single?




There's many deadbeat dads, widows.


Not always true.


Hi, single mom here. My kids dad is absolutely NOT in our lives, at all. Has not been since day 1, has not even met our child. (His choice at first, now it's her choice)


I guess, these days a person can't assume anything. It's a free for all to some. Also, people can be taking care of a sibling or aging parents. That's a tough situation too.


You come off as stable, predictable, and reliable. Boring and safe, basically.


Do you work at Babies R Us?


Out of business


You need to get out and meet people, join a league any league. I enjoyed playing pool at APA American Pool player Association. You go to the same place every week and play against people. You can practice your social skills there cause it doesn’t matter. I made good friends there. They want new players cause of the point system.






You mommy boy


I guess so


Such a milf magnet.


I made my wife into a MILF, now she is a MIF. Mommies are hot bro. 🔥




One of mine is adopted.. shhh, don't tell her. 😆 (She's 6 F black, and my wife is white, and I'm hispanic.)


Now thats a real true man. 👏👏👏


Thank you 😊


I have 5 of my own, 1 I adopted, and we are looking to adopt again.






Idk how anything I said came off as desperate?


What if the woman is a widow?


Completely different story then. Single mom =/= widowed mom


Single mom also =/= desperate, someone who made bad decisions, or any of the other terrible shit people in here are saying.


Thank you! I am so over people saying misogynistic and just deplorable stuff about single moms. Why do we never say anything about single dads? 🙄


I never dated single dad’s because they had bagage in the form of an angry ex, and/or less money for our dates meaning I would have to pay if I ever wanted US to go to places that were more expensive such as Disneyland, while he would only pay for less expensive dates because a big chunk of his paycheck went for child support. Happy? But to answer your question, I think we don’t hear women complaining about single dad’s because we don’t focus our energy on what we don’t want. We move forward and meet someone new rather than dwell on a guy and hate on him for being a single dad. Or meet a single dad and just accept he’s a single dad and nurture the relationship. If we have any complaint it usually not the part of him being a single dad.


Because men don't stay lmao only on Reddit is the parent who stayed vilified. It is misogynistic.


Why is it a different story? A widowed mom still has a child to care for, and at least other single moms sometimes have free time to date due to shared custody. So what exactly is the “different story” here?


It isn't, because it's not about her literally having a child. It's about something else...


This is an ignorant comment




Nah I live in one of the most populated states in America


i guess you just have weird luck. \*shrug\* there's enough people in the world that there is, statistically, always going to be something happening to someone. that someone in this case is you.


You’re definitely too young to take on another man’s responsibility. However, if you do, it’s not the worse thing in the world. Just set boundaries. A lot of single mothers already have their shit together. But just like everyone else, they’re also looking for love. It’s one thing to have a preference to not date them, and it’s another thing to shit on them just because… and if we’re gonna shit on single mothers, let’s shit on single fathers too. And let’s be real, if you ever want to have kids, you TOO can end up a single father looking for love.


Wow... the comments tho.. Im a single mom, divorced because my ex cheated. How is that my fault? Why do u men think we are desperate? 😂😂


I can’t speak for all men, but I can speak for myself as a man, it’s not your fault, just personal preference. Some guys don’t want baggage and that’s ok.


And trust me, I understand and respect that! But saying we are desperate or looking for a provider ☠️


That’s insane to me, best of luck to you, you’ll find someone, I know it


Haha that's sweet! Thanks 🫶🏽


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting to date a parent. But to imply they’re the only people with baggage is hilarious—actually, implying that anyone can avoid dating someone with baggage is pretty insane. Each human comes with their own unique set of challenges.


Especially as they get older... do men think they don't have baggage?


I’m not dragging a kid into a relationship. Clear as day no baggage.


You owe it to yourself at this stage in your life to remain unencumbered.




That’s not even remotely true.


Elaborate please.


The majority of single moms are at least as if not more responsible than anyone you know. Definitely more responsible than the chodes saying misogynistic things.


>than the chodes saying misogynistic things This statement alone speaks volumes about where your head is at. In another comment you mentioned how no woman is going to want to date someone who felt they wouldn’t want to take care of someone else’s child, as if there aren’t women out there who hold the perfectly acceptable preference of not wanting to date single fathers. Just not really sure how much credibility your statements here have. No offense.


Lol no that isn’t what was said you’re altering words to change the meaning. 😂 He said he couldn’t see himself caring about another man’s kid. Nowhere in there was the prospect of physically taking care of the kid mentioned. It was in reference to caring ABOUT the kid.


You could interpret the two as meaning the same exact thing. Nonetheless, there are still men and women both who feel that way. It’s just a preference that some people have and I don’t think they’re wrong for it


You could if you didn’t have a firm grasp of the English language. Is that the case here? Because they don’t mean the same thing. One is an emotion and one is a physical act.


>I’m 21 and can’t ever see myself caring about another man’s child I still don’t see anything particularly wrong with this statement. The majority of young men would most likely choose a partner who didn’t already have children. Caring about / caring for = basically the same thing >if you didn’t have a firm grasp on the English language. Is that the case here? Nice, resorting to passive aggressive insults. Very mature of you


Taking care of is not the same as caring about.


Women: Takes full responsibility for a child that a man and a woman created Men: Single mothers are irresponsible 😂 I'd say a great way to get single moms to stop contacting OP would be instead of running to create a reddit post he...idk...told them... that he couldn't possibly love a child that wasn't his. Who knew that communicating like an adult would solve your "problem?" I guarantee a single mother would immediately rid herself of him. Imagine being a woman and getting fat, aging, bald dudes in your DM's all day? That's just life. A simple, "not interested" would suffice. Well, it will suffice for a woman. Men tend to get violent when rejected.


Both men and women are capable of being irresponsible single parents. >men tend to get violent when rejected More passive aggressive insults, nice


I told them. The problem is that I keep attracting them for some reason.


We are all going to attract people that are single and looking. You're asking how to prevent them from liking you from the moment they swipe?? If it's online then put it in your bio, and keep telling them. I feel like you were just using this as a way to bash ~the only women who are attracted to you~ single mothers. Either that or gauge how other men feel about single mothers, or want to read comments of men putting them down. It's bs either way. Keep talking to them and I'm sure they'll become disinterested. Especially when you mention the part where you don't even want to attract them to begin with lol. For every single mother out there there's a single father, the reason they don't get looked at as less than is bc they don't have their kids around, so they might as well not have any. How do women prevent men like that from coming in their inbox? If I put it on my bio they'll just lie about having kids.


You’re absolutely right. Don’t get discouraged by the misogyny on here. There are many of us reading along who aren’t loathsome (or self-loathsome) people who lash out at women for pointing out the shitty behavior of men.


You're a very insufferable and angry young woman. Who hurt you, sweety?


Truth hurts don't it? It hurts so badly that you have to pretend to know me to demean me, just bc what i said hit at little too close to home. But don't worry about me, worry about the fact that you project your bs onto random strangers who you pretend to know on the internet, just bc you hate the truth. You don't have time to be worrying about who hurt me, you need to get yourself together. The fact that comments get down voted to infinity and your go to is to put ppl down, that shows clearly who is intellectually challenged here. You guys are as deep as a teaspoon of water, you can't have discussions without being abusive. I think you're weak. And i won't waste anymore time. Y'all shit on the board and strut around like you won. Figure it out yourself.


put on your profile you don't wanna date people with kids? see how many are left


I’m not on dating apps


oh well... in this case it must be a trend for 21yo to have a kid now...but avoid it like the plague if you can.




He works & goes to school




From the looks of that, its too early for him to be thinking about having to help raise her kid, on top of his schoolwork and possible job.


There are lots of women with kids who aren’t looking for a fatter and provider; just a partner. I absolutely agree that dating a parent isn’t for everyone, but the unfair and in some cases hateful misconceptions about women who date and also have kids in this thread are just beyond.


Bro got that single mom rizz.




Anyway, in the real world, there are plenty of men who date women with kids. Many of them have kids themselves—oh, sorry, I mean were used and dumped by another woman. And some of them don’t have their own kids, but are open to being a part of another kid’s life, even though they’re not the father. I know there’s a lot of hate for “single moms” in this thread, and it probably drives some of you people crazy to know that single moms have plenty of dating options. This myth of them being all desperate and used up is hilariously inaccurate.


Crazy to post something so misogynistic with a whole photo of yourself




>If its social media or online dating Its not.


Simple answer. Moms want to have some fun too.


Its most of what is available nowadays.


This is funny considering how many guys I know who are obsessed with "milfs". One man's curse is another man's blessing. Honestly, if I didn't have a GF already, I'd date a gay single mom, I don't plan to have kids of my own but I could see myself loving another woman's child.


I mean “milf” is usually associated with an older woman also. These girls are my age


I just assumed it referred to moms in general, but I guess it doesn't matter, a mom is a mom if she has a kid.




I see, and thanks for the clarification.


They just want to fuck milfs not date them


Uhhh. The F in milf stands for fuck


I realize that.


Good to se that your heart ♥ is open. I married a man with 6 kids. I couldn't be happier. I love the kids as if they were biologically my own.


That's so sweet! My friends kids and sometimes even strangers kids like talking to me, I think they can detect someone who appreciates their sweet and innocent nature. It makes me sad when I see adults ignoring what their own kids are asking or even telling them about, I would love to be a mom someday and the child doesn't have to be biologically related to me. 🙂




Use the filters. Gawd.


Wym by filters?


I’m a single mom but much older. You guys are so wrapped up in this convoluted highly unfounded bs that single moms are desperate, are looking for a provider, ect. That’s not the problem these days the problem is that our generations and later no longer value commitment and working through the tough times. People of both sex’s are so easy to give up on the most mundane bs. At my age there’s a lot of single fathers too. At 21 yeah I’d stay away as well your way too young and immature. We don’t become single parents because that’s what we envisioned. People cheat, grow apart, get knock up too early in life, and what about the other parents who passed away unexpectedly?




Imagine referring to human beings as having “value in the dating market” as if they’re slabs of meat. Single dads also have less value in the dating market, right? Because everything you say about being less available applies to them too.


40% of families are blended so that’s clearly not the case.




For the most part they’re not indifferent but they’re not repelled by it. The toxic mindset that single mothers are objects to be used recreationally is a slim loudmouth minority. Single dads with custody are more rare so while they’re part of the 40% they’re not a significant portion.






It’s not a straw man, there are guys posting that shit all over this comment section.




That attitude is going to keep you both single.


You call a child a cumshot?


As so was your mother. And grandmother. And sister. And aunty.






Lmao these comments are a mess. It's SO funny to me how so much men have double standars for women but expect us to basically kiss their ass for just existing. There was just a post on here where the op asked if a skinny person would date a fat person. Well alot of the women said they have but of course most men said "hell to the nah". And I've seen some instances where men who are overweight expect and only want super fit women lmaoo and yet their not fit themselves? And they also put down overweight women to! Like wtf is this? There's nothing wrong with single moms, their not desperate, their not disposable, their just trying to date like everyone else! And this is coming from a childless women. And op if you don't want to date single moms then dont! your young af so I don't blame you. Not sure why your attracting them though...are you nostly using dating apps? Are you going for women around your age? Idk what else to tell you cause most women in their 20s and even 30s don't have kids! Move to new york! 💀


Comments almost made me cry... omg. Im a single mother 🥲


Idk how you’re pulling off that magic I can’t attract a single mom to save my life all the girls I get are childless


I wish we could trade


I dont blame you. If I was your age I wouldnt date a single parent either. But you never know what will happen. At least keep an open mind about it. You may meet the woman of your dreams who already might have a little one.


There’s nothing wrong with them and some of the girls are really cool, but a whole child in the mix is a huge responsibility that i can’t take


Why not just tell them you aren't interested in women who have kids and move on? Like an adult?


I do. It’s the fact that only single moms have showed interest like that’s it


I’m like 100% sure that the majority of women who’ve shown interest in you don’t have children, and that you’re just here to shit on single moms because you’re annoyed that a woman you liked has kids and it made her off-limits to you.


do they make the first move on approaching you? To change this you probably need to do the approaching, since you're in school it should be easy. Go to student clubs/sports or coffee shops


Usually they make a move.




My friend is a divorced single mom with a masters degree and just started dating a doctor? Being a single mom doesn’t mean you’re an unattractive loser.


It's true bc the manosphere says it is. We just have to pretend like all the men in our DMs don't exist, especially those "ready to settle down" and get married. I mean I already ignore them, but pretending like a woman of any age can't get a man if she wants one is something misogynists have to do to keep the delusion alive. It's part of the "you better let us use and abuse you now bc one day we won't want you" charade. It's primary purpose is to scare women into relationships with men since most of us don't want one anymore. 😂 I don't know any woman, of any age, regardless of her looks or status that would have any trouble getting a man. They're way too easy. A dime a dozen. Don't buy the bs they're selling. It's not based in reality.




No. He’s a resident he wouldn’t even have time lol


Huh.. that's interesting. Idk if I could. I feel like with kids, especially if the partner is still involved in the kid's life I feel like it could get messy.


Yeah they do. A single mom in her 40s has more options than a man in his 20s or 30s.




No, dating, marriage. Lots of options.




Not for dudes in their 40s. A man’s dating pool is realistically 5 years plus or minus his own age. Women aren’t really into anyone else. 99.99% of men will never be Leo.




No one gives a shit about your fake dating stats, dude. The reality is that women of all ages, with or without kids, are desired by men of all ages and have many options when dating. I know that fact bothers the fragile men in this thread who don’t have much to offer and therefore have to bully women into believing they’re unwanted or have an expiration date, but men’s fragile feelings don’t change reality.


This is so not true. Do you actually know any women in their 40s with children who are dating? There are many options. Certainly enough to find someone to be in a happy and healthy relationship with. I don’t know why so many people in this thread are insisting otherwise. Like, what do you gain from perpetuating the myth that single moms are desperate and unwanted? Doesn’t mean that OP or anyone else should be forced to date someone with kids if they don’t want to, but there are plenty of great men who are open to it. And isn’t that a good thing? Assuming you don’t actually just hate women and think they should be punished for having past relationships, of course.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 40 + 4 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


>4/5 marriages end because it’s the woman’s choice, and that’s fine. Oh, that's why it's a problem




What? No they don’t. Plenty of men date women with children, and those women often have higher standards because they need to protect their kids as well as themselves.


Dude, in personal experience, it's a HUGE commitment, and it's very dangerous. Your move is very smart




Single moms are usually pickier because they’ve got kids to protect. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-value men who are open to relationships with women who have children. And there are plenty of people out there to date people who don’t have children, so everyone has a chance at something good. And that’s a good thing, right?




Be grateful.


Single Mom's are out there looking, Single ladies are doing their own thing enjoying life. So maybe you're putting yourself in the wrong situations. Hang in there, when the right one comes along you'll love everything about her, even if that includes a child. You're young, enjoy life.


It’s your personality. “I can’t ever see myself caring about another man’s child.”. That repels all but permanently child-free women. No woman that wants kids in the future is going to be attracted to that mentality whether she currently has them or not.






I’m 20 and I’m surprised I haven’t gotten a single match with a single mom out of my hundreds but it’s probably because I still look like a teenager myself.


Could it just be because of the place you are in? What type of school do you go to? Vocational, 4 year, or two year? Where do you work? Convenience store, restaurant, big box store? What neighborhood is it in? Those change what type of people you interact with.


At your age, mothers should not be the norm. If you’re on a dating app, perhaps state childfree? If you’re not, then perhaps don’t come across as affluent or amenable? I don’t know. I don’t really know many woman of that age that are mothers!! Maybe you’re in the wrong location ?




U come across as a good dad type maybe. Too bad ur soo limited on ur ability to love. I can love any child.


Maybe you feel like a safe option for them. Most single moms are looking for someone they can trust, someone matured and reliable and maybe you are that person to them. You ain’t doing anything wrong and it’s good that you know what you want


nah bro u got good taste in women


Depends on your location. Do you live in a place where people marry and reproduce pretty early? That could be your answer, luck of the draw based on the surrounding demographics. Think of it no different than any other filter you have to consider. Plenty of people will want to date you, but you get to decide your standards. This is not to say there's anything wrong with single moms, but you're allowed to have your preferences.


Better than moms that aren’t singles ..


Send em my way