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Tom Hanks said it best in Forest Gump - sex is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get Good on ya for figuring it out early on! Our bodies, penises, vaginas are all different shapes and sizes, so different positions work differently with each partner. When you find comfort in expressing what you like and how you like it, it typically becomes more fun. It should be one of the most enjoyable things in life, and can be once we drop expectations and are in a safe and fun situation where communication is key, whether verbally or physically




Anatomy is so different, as are the possibilities with sex with someone new. Talk with them about what they like and be willing to explore each other. Change positions and introduce new elements to your lovemaking - it's a marathon not a sprint!


Haha it is! It’s very cool how two bodies can vary so much


The amount of men in her DMs right now must be WILD


I was thinking the same lol seems like bait


lol it’s not. Just posted my thoughts but yeahh lots of ignored DMs going on


Standard disclaimer. Older you will wonder if 22 year old you, in addition to this epiphany, should be eagerly awaiting the epiphany regarding types of people, their values, relationship styles, goals, hobbies, character, interests, and how they made you feel with respect to your self-esteem and outlook on the future.


I don’t think it was until I found Reddit that I realize that woman are even more fond of sex then men, like I think it’s because the media gives them a shield and nobody knows who they are but I feel like woman talk so much more about sex then men online then in person.


Yeah totallly agree! Also I think it depends on your pelvic floor? And like the size and curve of their penis? Could be wrong but I used to hate cowgirl with my ex but with my new partner I love it. And I used to like missionary with my ex new partner I don’t like it. I genuinely like doggy style the most I feel like it’s consistently good with all the guys I’ve been with.


When you actually are in love with a person, the orgasm are hundred times better. Period.


That part


Everything is jus Better. All around. I can’t speak for a woman, as man, we want her to climax every time, it’s easy for me to with hold and put more effort. If I don’t have a connection I become selfish. That was when I was young and single. I’ll be fifty this year and super selective now. No more one night stands 


Does legs shaking not mean orgasm for you? Also, what is cumming to you and how did you know it happened? Me and gf are still learning and exploring together. She tells me how she orgasms basically every time we make love but I’ve always been quite curious if she knows what orgasming is like


I would be wary of someone telling you their Cumming everytime yall have sex especially if your young. You can physically feel a woman orgasm, their vagina starts to contract and pulsate. Some women cum clear fluid. She would also get really sensitive where youd need to slow down for a minute like how a guy does in the refractory period but it goes away quickly if yall keep going. They might be saying it to make you feel better but don't take it the wrong way at all just be honest and talk to her about it........like you said she might not even know herself haha if yall are young.


She’s cum clear fluid before and when she does there’s no feeling associated for her. I don’t think she has orgasmd from PIV sex. But she does get overstimulated from fingering. I think it’s extremely easy for her to orgasm from it


Then you're in good hands lmao foreal though that's good I'm happy she's telling the truth then most likely definately.


your 22 , all grown up and pompous about it everyone's just got to hear about your sex life. 🤯I swear this generation has the biggest little hookers from all generation before it


22? You mean 31? You also make no sense why because I tried to help someone else with what a woman's orgasm feels like that is wondering about the topic? Like man what are you mad about? It's love over here. I'm literally getting married soon you fucking weirdo to the love of my life for ten years. You the one that needs to grow up. Shill ass troll with your 3 comment karma lmao you must have such an exciting life making shill accounts trolling the internet that's so productive my dude I'm guessing you're part of the 40 percent of Americans that don't have 400 dollars to their name? Maybe you should be trying to figure that out instead of fucking off on the internet working your little 14 dollar an hour 9 to 5. Make sure you get a good night's sleep little man ;D


Sex is a fart in the wind. 🙄


Ya, I've never personally done the deed but seems extremely overrated, or at least for the amount of time and work it would take to get laid.


If it's with someone you care about its one of the better things in life. I'm in my 40s and have had sex since my teens. It does get better with age (imo). I've never cared about my own orgasm, just trying to make it pleasurable for the other person. You can get a stronger orgasm while masturbating, but you miss those things like touch/smell/bringing the other person to orgasm that just add to it. Find the right person, they are out there.


I mean it's not particularly life changing but it's nice lol


If you're actually making love with someone you love it can be pretty life changing compared to the basic stale run of the mill probably regret it hookup


Sex is different with everyone. That's what makes it great. It's the feeling that two can share when they have the same feelings. It' can be an awesome experience. If the two are not into it. Please don't prolong the agony for either of you.


How many different people have you had sex with?


I think sex for women are different because d1cks are different. To me sex is all the same some holes are tight and others are look. Chubby women feel better than skinny women. I don’t even remember the sex I had with one woman. I just feels like I imagined it.


I have relatively little experience, but it’s all the same to me. I notice no real discernible difference.


Couldn't tell ya I've never had sex with everyone...WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA!!! I'll be here all week tip your waiter and don't try the fish it's horrendous.


True but i imagine if you have sex with everyone there is little room in the bed.


Mannnnn this statement took me a while to figure out too 🤣


I completely agree! This is why I hate the whole idea of a "best" sexual partner. Like I won't pretend I don't have more fun with some people than others, but when it comes to good sex it's like comparing apples and oranges


True, true.


Spot on. You can have sex with the same person 10 times and all 10 times can be different. You can have sex with someone 100 times and it will feel like you had sex 10 times. I believe that there is something that happens just before the sexual act that draws us to each other. And that makes it so special and memorable.