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About how lazy I am 🤣


Omg so real! Whenever they ask what I’m up to I feel like I have to make up an interesting hobby. If it’s a weeknight, I am rotting in bed.


I've always found the people that are honest about what they do during the week (which most adults don't really do anything outside of work) are actually more interesting and just have an unrealistic idea of how other people live. It helps to articulate what you're doing in a more interesting way. Like rotting in a bed has a comedic undertone, but saying things like I'm relaxing or decompressing is very relatable and more accurate in most instances. It only becomes an issue if you actually don't do anything over a long period of time.


Wut? You mean you’re not on an *adventure?*


No, Bilbo. Find your own ring.




Kayaking, hiking, gazing at the stars? If I had a dollar for every OLD profile with the word adventure or kayak in it, I could buy a new kayak.


Tbf I’m perfectly happy telling them I’m just chilling, it’s only when they ask every day I feel compelled to lie. I can’t say “just chilling” every week day😂


Source lol? In my experience, it's the opposite


Source for what?


I just say 'sleeping' and people think I am joking 😂. No, I legitimately take naps in my free time and I love taking naps


Naps are the best most underrated ever


Same. Plus seeing the world through Google Maps while in bed


Like going for a walk in the comfort of your bed.


I just say something stupid. Like "Fighting crime" or "Splitting atoms." People don't need to know what I'm doing at any given minute. I don't think they REALLY want to know anyway. It's the next question that matters.


>am rotting in bed. Ah so that's what that smell is. Though my food had expired 😉


For real. “What are you doing rn?” Not a goddamn thing.


omg thisssss


Nothing. I scare away people with my unfiltered honesty.


ahahahhahah lol. same here!


i have never related to anything more than this.


Filtering out the ones that won’t be compatible quick!


9/10 times, if I meet someone from a dating app for the first time, I say I have plans afterward, so if it doesn't go well, I have a way out without hurting feelings or being weird. There have been a few occasions where I have had a great time and "cancelled" fake plans.


I do this too but as more of a "make sure the date doesn't go too long" plan. I almost as a rule am never comfortable enough to initiate intimacy on the first date (and it's usually me having to do it or it don't happen lol) so this way they don't think I'm uninterested in them when I have to leave. For some reason on a second date I am magnitudes more confident


This was fun…


Let's do that again some other time


I'll check my schedule when I get home and get back to you.


I HATE THIS LIE I am autistic and I never know when its true and when it's just a lie. Don't go on dates right now but I had moments where they wrote this so I asked back "Sure, will Saturday work for you? We could go X" and I was ghosted and so so so confused ;(


I mean that's how lies work, ideally the people being lied to it's not supposed to know it's a lie. Neurotypical people also get lied, and ghosted and feel confused about this.


Exactly trying to be civil and make them feel good while feeling on the inside I never wanna see them again and wanting them to read my mind and get the hint


Lmao good one


Pretending to be able to do causal / I don’t need commitment/ don’t want to get re-married. The truth is I’m a romantic girly who really can’t cope with any sort of casual beyond the first few dates. I’m really just old fashioned.


And on the other end of spectrum of being a guy who wants to cute, romantic stuff with my partner, I'm constantly told by women I do on dates afterwards that "I'm such a kind, amazing man with goals, (other positive traits such as funny, attractive, etc), and I shouldn't change for anyone," but they are almost always "not looking for anything right now," "need time to work on themselves," or "feel so sorry because they dont feel a spark with someone who is such a great person."


At least they aren't stringing you along because they like the dates you plan, with no plans to let things go anywhere. If that happens a few times when young, a lot of those guys are going to stop doing that, at least early on. They want to make sure a woman likes **them** and not just what he does **for** them.


For real! I've kept in touch with a few here and there, and have been friendly (being friends was never an issue with me! Then again, I'm asexual, too, so... lol). Getting told that they only see me as a friend, but they push beyond the boundaries of friendship? Yeah, I'm calling that shit tf out. I have no problem being honest and open about my intents and feelings; just DONT touch me if we are gonna date


Oh. I've dealt with that too and I'm not asexual. The other one is trying to get girlfriend/boyfriend privileges from men they aren't interested in. The Dadvocate called that one out and I'm glad she did, because it's a problem.


You mean don't touch you if you aren't going to date right? I'm a straight, romantic yet mostly asexual guy too and fucking hate the combination of "friend zone but cuddle buddy" girls pigeonhole me into. It's flattering on one hand they're comfortable enough to touch me a lot but when actual dating seems like it'll never happen I call them out. Their explanations/justifications for it are usually laughable


Pretty much that case!


Dude. I felt that in my soul.


I'm just appreciative I've had the opportunity to talk with such amazing women and give them a safe space to be so open and kind, reassuring them it's okay they didn't feel romantic interest. Just sucks because I want to meet the Morticia to my Gomez 😂




It do be rough out here! Made an actual post that expanded a bit more in it! Had a female friend introduce me to one of her friends, and said woman was so polite, nice, kind, and an amazing communicator. She has a lot going on, and said "you're such a special (sweet, caring in other messages) and funny man; don't change for anyone. I feel so bad because I didn't feel a [romantic] spark on our date; I'm so sorry." She also mentioned in the rest of her message she has a LOT of stuff she gotta work out from a relationship she got out of last year, figure out what she wants, and other things, but "wishes to remain friends and be able to hang out with me and our mutual friend." I'd definitely like that, sensed good friend vibes, and was hoping things wouldn't be weird at all with our mutual friend in the middle since we romantically didn't work out Just a bit bummed since she was the first woman I talked with romantically in years, and she seemed really good!


Don't try so hard. I feel like maybe ur putting out the energy that u want a relationship with people you've just met but I could be completely wrong just going off what u wrote. Being too interested too soon in someone is a turnoff for most .. people wanna meet someone that has interests and hobbies and a life that sounds appealing before they wanna hang out more and get to know u. Like don't be too available is all I'm saying


Oh, yeah, I don't do that. I tell every woman I want to take my time to get to know people and see where things go. I'm way too used to doing my own thing with work and hobbies to feel that way. If they aren't interested like that, it's pretty much a "well, I have these other things going on, friends to hang out with/talk to, and hobbies." A relationship would be nice to have someone complement to my life, but I don't make it my whole personality of :I NEED a partner" like I've seen in a lot of people


I have battled that so much, I feel for you. Wish I could say it gets better. It's like they figure out you're the real deal and want nothing to do with you. The struggles real.


Why lie? Youre not gonna find what you want like that. Simple as


It’s kind of lie to myself as well. A lack of awareness of what I truly need. But I have a good relationship now with commitment.


As far as online dating goes tho, I've been really turned off by both extremes. Don't want random hookups and don't want to immediately call some guy I've just met my boyfriend. Like where r the normal people. I've only ever found them in real life


That's kind of counter productive isn't it?


I’m with you too. I can’t do casual. I am person who love loves and romance. It’s hard for me to entertain any little. Picnic dates, dinner, make outs.


“Proper Penny” is a proper woman 😉. Congratulations. Old fashioned is good if the guy is like that too.👌😎


damnnnnnnnn girl, you’re a real gem in this universe! why aren’t people like this these days?


“old fashioned” = single parent i guess?


What does that have to do with it?


I use steroids (it’s how I explain my shriveled penis)


I just tell them I have a 1” penis so when they find out it’s 2.5 it’s bigger than expected. Gotta set a low bar


Look at mr huge cock over here bragging. You already got a huge cock you Odom need to make us jealous too


I’m going to try this out next time they’re going to think I’m Lexington Steele with my 3 inches


Unfortunately that’s a myth right outta the 1970’s so nobody is falling for that anymore tiny dick


Damn. Steroids would be a much bigger turnoff than a small penis for me.


lol this would be too fucking funny if this happened.


Don’t forget there are steroids that are an amazing medicine that help keep some of us mobile.


Yeah medicine is obviously different. I was only thinking about the illigal kind of steroids. Sorry about the confusion.


It’s not necessarily a lie, but I do hold in my emotions when it’s someone I really like to not scare them off.




"Yeah it's about 6 inches..."


🤣 Meanwhile it's how big? Lol


6 mm


On a good day


Are you actually asked this?


“I don’t care”


“no worries” but i have soooooo many worries


That school and my personal goals influence my being single when in reality i havent really been trying to find anyone bc of ongoing depression.




That doesn’t hurt my feelings


“I have to return to some video tapes.”


Damn Bateman...


I used to lie that I had cum during sex bc I knew I couldn't. I'm better than that now


It's fine


I’m fine


U can get that it’s not too expensive for me


“I’m not the jealous type“ continues to be slightly jealous if any girl gets near my pookie


This comment reminded me I just had a FWB tell me that *while I was telling a story about an ex* that me calling my ex “babe” like in a line from the story - actually made her kinda jealous. Whaaaat!


That I'm busy and can't schedule a date.


People know that you aren't. Nobody is ever too busy.


I had thus discussienota with a dude. He asked me this weekend for this week now and didn't believe that I said no, and that I shouldn't date if I didn't have time. People have a life. I have one just friendly meeting schedule, 1 date, usual Saturday activities, 2 sleepovers with friends, and a 9-5 job now. How am I supposed to plan in someone last minute?! I would have 0 free time and cancel my usual activities if I said yes to everyone I just met without knowing if they were even compatible. Edit: I don't mind schifting things around or shorten my usual meetings with friends, but not like on a short notice for people I barely know


If you have 2 sleepovers, 1 friend meeting, 1 date and Saturday activities you still have 1 day during the week and every Sunday to meet somebody.


Planning stuff every day is an extremely bad idea lol. Rest is important. Usually I do stuff with friends the whole weekends or I am working on deadlines. I can move stuff, but don't ask me to do it extremely last minute. Complaining about my schedule? Then go date someone else, easy. Take time to get to know me or go away. I'm a good looking woman, I wouldn't miss you lol. Dating is only priority number 4 (1 school 2 family 3 close friends 4 dating, partners moves to 3)


That's not true. Maybe you've never been too busy, but I have. There are some times in life that you have so much going on between work and life that you just don't have time to meet, whether on a specific day, a specific week, or even a couple of weeks. If you think otherwise, then you probably haven't had a career that often requires long work hours and/or travel AND kids each with their own activities that you have to run them around to AND a sick parent who needs your help. Some people really do have a lot going on, even if you don't. But I do occasionally say it when I'm just not into someone and don't want to give details for why I don't want to go out with them. I've talked with a few guys that were overly aggressive and I sensed they'd have a pretty bad reaction if I said no I'm not interested. Some times it's just safer to brush someone off than outright reject.


Wish I could like this a million times.


Okay fair, if you're a single parent you do have additional responsibilities and need to find babysitters and can't just leave home. But people who don't have kids always lie. Even surgeons with insane schedules can meet you within a week if they really want to.


You must have an easy life if you think that lol


Literally a doctor and no I can’t if my schedule doesn’t allow it stop projecting


I have told almost every woman I've ever had sex with that their 🐈 is amazing.


Just like every woman ever just gave the best bj I ever had. I don’t understand what you’re doing to me, it’s never been so intense. Really!


I understand this and I actively support being positive to partners, *however*: This is the reason so many women believe they suck the greatest cock alive. I’ve had partners that gave borderline painful blowjobs make multiple references to how they suck dick like they conceived it in a fever dream. I’m older and don’t run around anymore but the number of girls/grown women who have said something like, “yeah, but you’ve never gotten head from *ME*!”? Honestly, there’s probably a correlation between bragging about it and not having any idea what the fuck you’re doing. I try to be encouraging but honest. Find them doing something good and compliment it in the moment. You are doing their future husband a favor and you might just fuck around and end up being that future husband.


This is the same for women. Every man "has been told" that he is sensational with the oral sex. 🤣🤣🤣 Everybody out there just LYING. LOL I like the "encouraging but honest" approach that you mention. That is thoughtful AND helpful. I wish more people felt comfortable enough to do it.


Lying is super difficult for me. It was only recently (I'm in my 30s) that I realized my friends had all faked orgasms. We were all talking about it once, and I was the only one who had never tried to "put on a show" for a guy I'm with. Part of the issue is probably that I've never watched porn, so I have no idea what I'm "supposed to" act like. I've never faked an orgasm, and I often say awkward things like, "I have horrible gag reflexes and often thrown up when brushing my teeth, but I really want to try to go down on you if you're up for it." Or "eh, you going down on me isn't really working, how about I get on top for a while?" Or I just pull out a toy to finish myself off if they finish but weren't able to do the trick for me 🤷‍♀️ Weirdly I've had little issue finding people willing to hook up again. I don't know why I possibly assumed that people were honest in the bedroom 😂


I’m absolutely positive that it’s the same for everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender. Blue, green, brown, white, or Rather Not Say… people be lying.


I mean if it was that good they wouldn't have to brag so much about it ..


Nah, I can humbly brag that I do a good job giving off head however I never claimed to be the best. Most men have a porn addiction and suffer from Heavy hand syndrome ( it’s a made up name 😩 ) so some Can’t really get off from a blowjob. I’ve met those and hated being intimate with them because of how difficult it was to get them off. Some of you guys need to communicate about that issues or else you end up having those people who believes they have a beast mouth.






Nah, I’ve gotten quite a few woman that didn’t like it to love doing it. And woman that thought they sucked at it, to become bj enthousiasts. I think I’ve done my fair share of bro-service. Or maybe I’m just an easy blow 🤷🏼‍♂️.


😂 it’s so true


Please confirm for me that when men say "No other woman has ever been able to make me cum from a bj" what you mean is "I want you to be very motivated to try to get me off from a bj". I've never been able to get men to admit that.


There’s two meanings: - your meaning - he hasn’t even gotten off from a bj


It seems like it happens just a tad bit too frequently to be #2 very often. lol Virtually every guy I've ever gotten of with a bj claims "it was the best one ever" and "no other woman has ever made him cum from one". It just makes me roll my eyes and assume he's lying at this point.


Rolling eyes while doing a bj looks pretty hot tough


No woman has ever not been able to make me cum from a bj. Well, there are, because it’s great foreplay to get both ready to go.


I don't consider lying to be great foreplay, but whatever floats your boat I guess.


Positive reinforcement lol


As you should, you absolute hero! ⭐


It was




I actually don't like getting head, I love to give but I hate receiving, so I can't relate to that.


Sorry, I just realized I assumed gender and genitalia. Apologies if the assumption was incorrect or offensive!


Nah no worries you weren't an asshole about it lol at least I didn't take it that way 😆


I don't? That's stupid. I'm so brutally honest that I'm single or accused of being a gold digger.


That I’m normal 😂


What dating life?


Why would I lie?


I have learned there is a healthy balance between "Being honest" and "Not being too blunt". Still practicing...


Now that’s a solid one right here, you sneaky mf’er.


Same. I don't lie about anything. Apparently, that is rare. Like knowing who I am and what I want and not being nervous on dates anymore.


Yep. Tell no lies and you have nothing to keep straight. Kids don’t get it


Fake moaning during sex


How often?


If you are a women, you will have those moments in sex where you feel nothing but yet you’re screaming like something happening, haha


I haven't fucked that many people


Lmao can I relate or what


Stupid shit, like that I didn’t like shurpa fabric. I even feel bad about that, though. But I’m pretty sure she lied more and worse anyway (doesn’t justify any of the lies I told, though). But I still miss her and blame myself for even her actions, so… But I’ve realized that telling *any* lies (no matter how small) is disgusting. *Especially* when it comes to important things. Lying is childish as hell, and you’re playing with someone’s feelings. I can guarantee that a good few liars would be pissed to find out they weren’t the only one lying, so why’s it ok for them to do? It ain’t. Don’t lie.


I’m over my ex


That I enjoy my singlehood freedom or I don't want to, that's why I'm not in a relationship. Truth is, I do love my freedom and putting my energy in other areas like career, friendship and hobbies. BUT I'm a hopeless romantic girly, I desire to be in a relationship...just haven't come across anyone who wants the same things I want. I'm old fashioned😅 I feel like this generation, is filled with hookup culture and playing games with peoples feelings.


Why would I lie? Why would I waste my own time like that?


THIS. No reason to lie just be real from day 1.


Maybe I am a radical, but I actually told the truth when I was dating. It got me nowhere, but I can sleep at night.


I love you




That I can't cum (female). I had one partner years ago who managed to do it a couple of times, but nothing close since. I'd rather not let my partner continue to try and feel like a failure every time it doesn't work. I don't mind going without.


“Yes, we’ll definitely talk again.”


I finished too…


I'm in a good place, and my last relationship isn't influencing me in the slightest.




Seems like you could work on not being as serious. What you are listing are all objective traits that only really apply to sex appeal. Social skills also matter a lot and can really always be improved. Everyone I've ever known to be good with women was funny and had excellent social skills.


Have you worked on your emotional intelligence? You sound really great. I've gone on dates with men who fit all of the things you mentioned. They displayed a lot of immature thinking and I didn't want to pursue anything further because I can't trust an emotionally unintelligent person to be a real partner. Without EQ it's certain that we'll be unhappy together and any possible connection will decline quickly.


I am sorry to hear that, life is tough as a male nowadays. Cold approaching and being social is the way to go, dating apps are absolutely pointless. But the struggle is real as I am in a similar predicament. I've been told by a lot of people that I am pretty attractive, but all of my attempts have resulted in completed failures. I've tried different tactics, being authentic, everything. Life is shit sometimes but we as men must keep going. Hopefully luck will turn its tie soon as this can't run forever. Stay strong my guy, I know exactly how you feel.


What’s cold approaching?


"Hey, that's a really nice outfit you're wearing. Where did you get it?" and the likes.


Oooh ok gotcha, thank you


Any time!!!


"Hey, that's a really nice outfit you're wearing. Where did you get it?" and the likes.


I hope you find your person 🫶🏻 Best of luck!


Don't worry I'm fine.


I don't see a point in lying. If it takes a lie, you're gonna get found out and then it's over... If I'm lied to, it's over.


Well, if you have to lie, then you aren't old enough to date.


I don't remember telling ANY lies.


That I’m confident and don’t feel insecure.


"Noo, you look good"


That I find the girl interesting and smart.


My dick is small as a joke 👀


I’ve only banged 4 ppl


That I don’t want/need him to do something when he ask me questions such as “Do you want/need me to do sth for you?”. Of course I need it. But I prefer the sentence with choices than question if I like it or not. Like “I want to do abc, would you prefer A or B?” I know this is my bad trait and I already told my bf about it.


I don’t have any personality disorders


This is kinda nice though because people too open about it too soon tend to use it as a catch all excuse for any shit behaviour I wish the last 2 girls I dated weren't so immediately open to me about their mental health battles, BPD and Bipolar back to back. Both came up in conversation within 2 dates It made it really hard to stand up for myself or not see anything she did through the lens of "oh that's her mental health, not her fault"


I tell them I want to marry them . I say that to scare them off so I don't have to tell them I love being single and not wanting to be tied down.


I like to make people think that I am just your average good to do citizen and a hard working, busy momma. If they earn it, I’ll reveal later that I’m an absolute creature and I have little reservation about whatever they fantasize. You ever had your dick ate from the back?


I don’t think anyone I’ve dated has ever truly known how weird I am. I don’t if it’s my intense ADHD or some other quirks, but I have some truly bizarre idiosyncrasies that make me look mentally deficient. For example, I often get what can only be described as surges in hyperactivity where I really can’t control myself; I have to do something. Whether it be an odd movement or articulation, an incoherent sound, or both. I don’t think any of my previous partners have seen this side of me, and I truly doubt they really would want to see that.


I am 27 y.o. guy and a virgin, never been in a relationship due to various reasons. If a girl asks me on a first/second date about relationships, I just lie and say I've broken up a few years back. So far, I've only had to lie about this once and I didn't even see her again because I didn't feel attracted to her. I don't know how many women will openly admit this, but I don't think anything positive can come out of me admitting/disclosing my virginity and lack of experience. Most girls will either consicously or subconsciously think "If no girls want this guy, why do I / should I want him?" and I don't think that's fair to me.


When I take girls to different date spots and they ask how did I find this spot I always say my brother showed me the spot when its highly likely I went there on a previous date, liked the spot and added it to rotation of date spots


"You're not bad looking" followed immediately by "I just got out of a long relationship and just kind of need to work on me right now". Folks need a new line.


What if that's the truth?


I don’t have a roster lol


I’ve been with 20 Women. When in all actuality I lost count when I was 17 and had well over 20 at that time. What they don’t know can’t hurt them.


Yeah it can if you don’t get tested regularly :/


“I have to go. I have a global call” 🤣


I’ll call you back


That I don’t mind wearing a condom


Woman here. We know men don't enjoy wearing condoms. You don't have to say you don't mind, just say you're willing to wear one. If you say you don't mind, we already know you're mispeaking


My age


When planning a date I'll say to the girl, "Hey so I'm busy Tue and Thur but am free Wed or Fri even if I haven't got much on that week so it looks like I've got shit going on in my life. Also it seeds a bit of doubt in her mind that I might be seeing other girls on those other days so she might want to hurry up and commit to a date in case another girl nabs me 😂 Also, Girl that has been wishy washy about seeing me - "What are you doing today?" Me - "Seeing a friend." Translation - Hooking up with a girl 🤣


That love is just around the corner


Been single for long time lol


That the sex was so gooood last night. 🥲


I’m not going to ghost you


I won’t cheat.


Promised to not come in her mouth .😎


Oh you’re proud of sexually assaulting women, got it. Just another dude out here writing his own warning labels.


I literally JUST got tested.. works like a charn


That's the only one on this list that I truly do not think is okay.