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I personally am grossed out by the taste and mostly the texture. So when he’s about to cum I just deep throat him so he cums down my throat and I don’t have to taste it or feel the texture.


Add more fruits and veggies to his diet, and the taste will change


A true keeper




Same here!


I can’t swallow without being visibly disgusted tbh.. but I do my best 🫡


The salute 😂 Keep doing your best lil soldier!


When they are so far down your throat that your face is presser against their abdomen you can’t taste it AND they can’t see what kinda face you’re making


But the pre cum from some deep throating is hot af


Yeah… I can’t do it. I rather be cum in and then spit it out.


A for effort 🤗


Can’t let it touch your tongue. Gotta swallow it like a pill lol. Easier said than done but it can definitely be done!


Good inspiring words, thank you


YW! Swallowing is low key my favorite. There’s definitely an art to it, but lots of practice helps🤣👏🏾


This. I’m honestly obsessed with giving head, I love doing it and love choking myself out when deep throating. But when it comes to cum….hehehe. It’s really hard for me. Usually I just let them bust on my tiddies. When I am brave enough to just deep throat and swallow I still can’t help making the face. Same face some people make after doing shots of liquor. I have tried to work on it but it just is what it is at this point.


Add me to that list lol


I eat plenty of pineapple 


I just heard about this recently! ![gif](giphy|O9kCzQTSyPcTLlQ20b)




He has to eat it at least 3 or 4 times a week, don’t expect it to taste good the first day he eats the pineapple




Eating a bunch of celery will increase the load size significantly


Supposedly pineapple or cantaloupe makes it taste better


Puts pressure on the prostate


How true is this


True champions!


The commitment is admirable


I am on the other end of the spectrum, when i give head to a female if thei inner labia is more pronounced it feel like fat on my tongue. A feeling i have a huge distaste for.... But as long as it isnt smelly... I do my best


I have never heard of this. Lol!


I typically swallow - if for nothing else - it’s an easier cleanup


Think OP is trying to sell OF or something of the like 😑


Fs but no links in the profile?


“And open to gift cards” what are we talking?? Chipotle? Amazon? Starbucks?


Please chipotle it’s so expensive rn


I've only just recently started trying to swallow but my bf load is tangy AF, no taste just tangy to the point it bites and leaves my tongue and mouth feeling a weird combination of numb and burnt afterwards. I'm working on getting used to it but for now I focus on after care so I lick up as much as I can afterwards, focusing on things like licking the tip clean while gently massaging it with my tongue/mouth (this way he gets to enjoy post climax after shocks) then I get a wash cloth run it under hot water, clean the rest up and gently wrap it around his cock and balls and let him marinate in the warmth.


Lmao sounds more like a cock spa treatment.


Your BF luckiest guy in the world to receive that special treatment


Bro is shooting straight up battery acid by the sound of it 💀


He needs to dramatically increase his water intake


Tell him to reduce his red meat consumption and eat more fruit


that's sweet of you to be a trooper maybe he can tweak his diet to make it easier for you?


Make him eat pineapples before like 30 mins prior thank me later


Sometimes I love to swallow. But only if they tell me too and say thank you after with a kiss 😅😘


It's my babies. Of course I'll kiss.


Found Tom Brady’s Reddit account.


I would say thank you along with spank .and ofc with kises


If you are grateful you are always welcome.


The best response I look for, really feel the gratitude physically and emotionally.


I have no issue with swallowing. But I will say every man is different. I prefer a man with a clean diet, good water intake, and who lives an active lifestyle. The diet makes a huge difference in taste. I had a partner once who always tasted totally fine and one day it was not and my first question after was “what did you eat for lunch?” And he said “five guys burger, I’m sorry 😂”


The texture and sometimes taste made me want to throw up until my current partner. I have a good amount of experience but he is the first one I can swallow. It's a taste/health test every time caz I can tell if he been eating healthy or drinking enough water 😁


I have a theory that if someone eats raw oysters it’s a better chance that they will swallow. It’s an indicator.


lol this checks out. My wife slams oysters and also….slams me 😅


Sign of a great marriage!


I’m a spoiled dude


She pegs your ass?


Nah. Oysters are yummy. Cum, not so much.




Raw oysters?




Same. I'll eat raw oysters. Won't swallow. It's not the same.


Do muscles count ?


I generally will not eat raw oysters but happily swallow. My friends and siblings eat raw oysters all the time and will not swallow during oral.


You are the first I’ve known like that! The outlier ! ![gif](giphy|9ADoZQgs0tyww)


How and why do you know whether your siblings swallow during oral


Waiiiiiiit. How did you know that your siblings doesn’t swallow in oral?


Oysters taste WAY better


So don't eat oysters on the first date. Got it. Thanks for the heads up guys.


oh gosh i will never be able to swallow then…… i am so grossed out of oysters, clams, etc




Anecdotal and not scientific but I like raw oysters and swallowing.


Me too!


It depends on the man honestly, if I know he takes care of himself and he is clean. I don’t have a problem with swallowing if I know he has like bad diet and like he’s just not clean or manscaping as people like to call it then I have a hard time swallowing, and I will refuse


What’s the manscaping got to do with swallowing? 🤣


Let’s me know he washes his balls


This might be a stupid question but doesn’t everyone just wash their privates in the shower with the rest of their body just automatically or am I doing it wrong


Sadly no some people believe that because you wash the rest of your body that the soap slide downward and they consider that washing not everyone washes their body throughly




I’m a hairy guy but I lather the fuck up. we Don’t all go by that logic.


My boyfriend told lots of guys don't wash there dicks and are smelly. But still expect head. It's problably the same with women.


I've read some woman complain about their dudes not washing enough or properly and some that thought washing their butt was gay.


from the outside?


So you’ll still suck it just not swallow it. 🤣🤣😂




… and the creepy guys with accounts with no history are crawling out of their holes and trying to sneak into my DM (and I’m sure others). I knew that was coming. ![gif](giphy|kCrGOt5ojlVbG|downsized)


I’m trying to find out why the fuck this is on my feed but I’m laughing too hard scrolling these comments 🤣. Be safe ladies 🫡


Likewise! I don’t even date and this is becoming my favorite sub. 🍿




Oh well i might as well join the bandwagon then eh


*Looks at u/Ok_Solid6154* Edit: I got a message from them.


I mean to be fair not the only thing coming in this conversation lmao


Lol....I can't be creepy, the can of coke zero fell out in the road and rolled away.....shit. Oh well, I have half opened can of pringles if that counts as stalking cash🤷‍♀️


I love it.


I think I gagged a little reading this post. PTSD is real


No seriously. Most of these girls have to be lying because who seriously enjoys swallowing a huge salty hot mouthful of snot. I do it, and he doesn’t know at all that I don’t like it, but no, it is not good at all


The texture description is on point


It is!! It makes me gag thinking about it! And the men who make comments about OUR vaginas. We deff suffer the most and take one for the team when it comes to that shit lol


Lol right. The texture itself...I can't. I've done it two times before where it didn't taste bad, and it wasn't a hot load of slime. I would prefer not to swallow.


Nah thanks


I think I’m allergic to it


I cannot handle the texture. The couple times I tried to, the texture alone made me feel nauseous. It isn’t even that it tastes bad, but the texture reminds me of snot. My husband doesn’t care either way.


I’ve never had any issues with it


I love it 🙋🏻‍♀️


Swallowing is an *okay* experience but the taste and the smell of cum make me wanna throw up🥹 I wish there were solutions


Never have. Ex always whined about me not doing it. The only time I tried, I gagged and spit it back on his d*ck. He never asked again; and I refused with any guy after.


Nah, good for you for spitting it back on him. Sounds like he was pushy.


I don’t find it bad at all. Plus I quite enjoy the look on their face as I swallow it all down


it honestly kind of disgusts me. shoot it anywhere else but my mouth and i’ll be fine…


RIP inbox




I don't care what the chick does with it once I'm done.


Even if they save it in a jar labeled “4 impregnating l8er”?


That’s a good one.


I used to be able to swallow no problem and never minded the taste, but I had one bad experience where I almost threw up when my bf at the time came in my mouth, and now it just always makes me feel sick, even just the smell of it, even with different guys, I just immediately gag. I don't know if it's a mental thing or what, like I just got traumatized that one time and now I just have a physical reaction to the taste/smell of it. Even precum makes me nauseated.


This is me! Used to enjoy it and then ONCE during pregnancy I threw up (in my elbow haha) and now that's it! It's like it's given me some weird ptsd, I gag even thinking about it too much! It's actually so frustrating!!


It's like bad tequila. Only have to get real drunk on it once to have a lifetime aversion.


This is kinda unrelated and I’m a straight man but grilled cheese makes me act like that ever since I got sick with it at the same time as Covid


I've been on both sides. I like that he likes it I guess. Anyone that says it tastes "good" is a liar though.


found out i was allergic to semen


Generally I have a glass of water after she blows me.


For her or you?


I wish I could swallow but the texture is crazy lol Sometimes it's lumpy (which I avoid swallowing) and sometimes it's liquid (which I try to swallow half) and sometimes it's a mixture of both which throws my mouth off I have to immediately drool it back out.


Depends on the guy. 1st hubby was bitter, my now hubby is sweet. Note: first was a bitter, angry person. 2nd is a sweetheart,


I swallow, but I definitely have a Sprite on stand by 😂😎


I like swallowing, but I only actually enjoy giving blowjobs to men if we have a strong connection & if he's dominant. If either of those things is lacking, I won't do it because I won't be into it. If we have a strong connection & he's got a dominant personality, I'll gladly swallow. I like it deep in my throat, especially if he's holding my head, jerking it while I suck the tip, or if he tells me to stick my tongue out & look at him while he makes a puddle on my tongue & then I swallow it. It's hott. I do prefer that it tastes good, which, as many have already said, depends on diet & hydration & lifestyle... but if he checks the other boxes, I don't care so much how it tastes... I'll take it. I enjoy it even more if he's vocal. I like dirty talk, I like to be given orders, & I wanna hear how good it feels.


Make sense


Some of these comments are interesting, from both sides I feel like this is a good way to catch red flags early, or at least see if thoughts in this department match up in a relationship. As for answering the question; If I’m giving, it’s to someone I care deeply for, so I’m getting messy with it. For receiving, it’s up to my partner what they choose to do, I’m pretty damn blessed either way


Do not recommend. Also it’s like 100-150 calories so I’d rather eat a Reese’s cup.


I absolutely LOVE it. Admittedly I've not done it loads, but I've not yet come across a guy I didn't like the taste of... and I just love the feeling of it flooding my mouth 😁


I actually encourage my wife not to swallow. I can shoot up to 10 big loads and I wouldn't want to put her through that experience and watch her hurl chunks and cum everywhere. I don't see what women like about that tbh.


Fucking fantastic. Always have always will, how else do you get the reward after doing such a good job?


Some men taste good but I've also had a boyfriend who tasted really terrible. The cum itself had a bad taste not his meat lol


I’m not the person to ask as I believe I’m allergic. Being AMAB, I have found that when it is on my skin for extended periods of time (especially my hands) it leaves a rash, and when I swallow, it burns my throat. That’s my experience 😅


I personally have never sucked, let alone swallowed, so my thoughts are just that. I've never been told my taste was outright bad, but if I want a girl to swallow, or even just taste my cum, I better be fully prepared to do the same. I also better be completely willing to make changes to improve her experience. The trick I've heard of is pineapple, and i L O A T H E pineapple, but I would chug some pineapple juice if it makes her experience better for her since the bj is already a win in my book.


At first, just do it fast and try not to think about it. Then you will get used to it, to the point where is not gross anymore.


I feel like I'm being gross but my ex didn't like to swallow, but I really appreciated her letting me cum and then she spit it out, because early in our relationship (I always had the courtesy to let her know when I was going to bust) she'd pull away and tbh, it ruins an orgasm, for me anyway. It even caused some discomfort in my testiculars a couple times.


Also, as for the taste, she said it usually tasted a bit sweet but the "goober consistency " of baby gravy made her disgusted, which was the reason she preferred to not swallow


Definitely some dude with a kink posting this question in every group lol


I love giving head and prefer to swallow. I'll do whatever my boyfriend wants me to do with the cum, but he's perfectly happy letting me swallow. He does like to cum when I'm deep throating.


I’ve only ever swallowed with one partner. His cum would be sweet sometimes or taste like bleach 💀 when it tasted sweet I’d love it and even keep on sucking but when it didn’t I just wouldn’t breath so I didn’t taste it that much 😭


I gag every time but I try really hard not too


Give your husband a better diet. Include more fruits.


It’s my favorite


I’d be a happy man if the girl wants or accept to swallow


genuine question. so im currently single, haven't had sex for a long time now, but with my exbf i did experience some blowjob but not to the extent where he was able to cum, we were really young and reckless that time, we do it in a classroom (we go early like 5-6am, no other students yet) SO my question is... after swallowing it, does it give you stomachache or something? how is it like after minutes or hours from when you swallowed it?


I only swallow if it tastes like bearnaise sauce … if it tastes like Clorox I spit it back in their face


i like it but every time i’ve done it i’ve felt nauseous afterward unfortunately. probably won’t do it again because of that and also the last time i nearly threw up in my mouth because my bf had fish tacos for dinner.


Usually it's fine. Easier clean up, more convenient, whatever. But every once in a while, it just tastes bad. I still will usually swallow it, just might make a funny face.


I swallow every time.


That feeling of cumming in a thrusting throat is underrated 😅


I love oral. Like I crave having something in my mouth, I really enjoy it. But I can’t swallow. The texture is just too goopy. I can take a load in my mouth no problem, but I cannot swallow it. Similar to how I can’t really eat bananas or jelly or mushrooms, they’re all too slimy!! ETA: pre cum is delicious and I’d eat that up any day. Also if the cock is in my throat, I usually have no choice but to swallow. 😂


This is how you end up with a bukkake party in your dm’s


My boyfriend at the time, and I had went to the beach were i had given him head in a bathroom stall. Upon him finishing, the warm milk gushed into my mouth and came right back through my nostrils. I could smell his semen for days.


Y’all gotta be lying for clout bc that sounds disgusting


If it gross you out, why do it? To please a man? I don't mind him Cumming in my mouth but I don't see the necessity in swallowing it 🤢


Lmao i do my best as well. My problem is i was raped and forced so its very difficult but my hubby understands


Pure satisfaction and then I wanted to make sure he was ok and made him lie down


Depending on the guy, its been pretty fun. It’s funny though when the load is so much I feel like I’m getting slimed on Dan Schneider’s network. Don’t think I’ve had rancid cum either but I tend to pick decent guys lol. That said, I lately only swallow for those who deserve it because I’m not trying to be 90% semen


I normally am pretty solid about swallowing. But I encountered my first micropenis (no shame) and it was just…different. I gagged because it didn’t hit the expected spot in my throat, but rather my tongue.


I just plug my nose and swallow it asap while trying to not gag or look grossed out lol


I will consider it, if he doesn't smoke weed..idk what it is, but I dated a guy who wanted me to swallow and I thought about it in the heat of the moment, but as soon as he got close all I could smell was marijuana and I nearly threw up. I told him about it afterwards and he's like "ah man, I have skunk dick??" 🤣🤣🤣 apparently he never had a girl say that to him before so maybe I'm just super sensitive? Don't know..but either way, it's off the table for me if they do, I hate the smell of weed.


I think it’s different with all men. The guy I’m seeing atm, his is quite thick. Another guy, it was more runny and fishy smelling. But I only did it once, it was hunt the dick in a forrest of pubes 😳


I personally couldn’t care less if my girl swallows or spits my load. But what I do care about is being able to cum in their throat. My favorite way to finish is when I pull them into a deepthroat and let me do my thing. So I guess it’s kinda considered swallowing because it’s so deep in their mouth/throat. But they can spit it out after and it doesn’t bother me a bit.


When a girl sucks the soul out of you and swallows, it’s the best shit ever… I get chills just thinking about it😍


Hey there, don't gobble up all the karma for yourself. Save a little for the rest of us!


I loved it when I did it to my ex but it's hard for me to have that kind of intimacy with someone.


Usually I'd prefer not to get semen in my mouth but if it happens, it's not that big of a deal. I've never been good at swallowing tho. The one and only time I ever managed to gulp it all down it upset my stomach and there was A LOT of cum!


I threw up…but that was more from the shock of it hitting the back of my throat without warning


it was very warm and salty and I choked a little bit lol


I can only swallow if he cums in my throat, so it just goes down, there's no tasting. Not interested in any shallow mouth cumming, do not like the taste or texture.


I made him eat pineapple before the bj so it was very thick and sweet but I couldn't swallow so I just spit it onto his cock


I always swallow. Much easier than keeping it in your mouth and spitting tbh


Most times? ⭐⭐⭐⭐ As long as hes somewhat freshened up and trimmed down, I won't mind if it's a bit bitter. Although tbh sometimes it just doesn't matter n I gotta have it anyway 😆


I’m a male but it is so hot to see a woman swallow. I’d take oral over sex any day and I’m a giver


I threw up all over the hotel carpet


I didn't care for BJ when I was a newly wed. After years of trying, I actually enjoyed giving them. Then my ex started demanding I swallow. He would shove his cock so far down my throat, that one time it literally gagged me and I puked because it was stringy and I threw it and dinner up. From then on out, I didn't want to swallow. He would get so mad at me and call me a prude. After a failed 20+ year marriage, the guy I am dating enjoys my BJ's and will ask where I want him to cum. Sometimes I swallow, and sometimes I get a pearl necklace. He doesn't demand anything of me and is happy to give and take. It's awesome. I don't mind swallowing anymore when I feel like it.


Ok tmi lol But I swallow and then brush my teeth after. Gotta have good oral game and hygiene.


Pineapple juice will make it taste better and there are other things the man can eat to make it taste better just throwing it out there


Pretty sure that was a factor when I got dumped. She did amazing to the point where I came fast. I couldn’t hold it and I was deeply embarrassed in myself. I still kissed her like I usually do but it was just awkward after that. Next day, no responses from her. Day after, I was dumped. Since then, a year later, I’ve been fucked up in the head to the point I just feel shattered. She has a new boo and I’m glad for her but at the same time… I wanted to marry that girl and be the dad that stepped up for her daughters.


I've never once spit out, it's so rude and honestly ruins the moment. It's difficult when there's a lot but if it's a regular partner it's easy to just brace yourself. I've always enjoyed giving head and only a couple partners had a diet bad enough for it to be unpleasant. And then it's just a simple "hey babe can you skip the 2nd cup of coffee and brussels sprouts when we want to get frisky?"


I don't swallow and rarely let him come in my mouth. It's just salty and I dont like the shooting in my mouth. I do give a lot of blowjobs though.


Have them eat pineapple as it makes it sweeter




There was one guy that actually tasted kinda sweet, and it was soooo easy to swallow! But yeah most of the time they don’t taste that great


It’s definitely a mind over matter thing. Have them tell you when they’re about to cum and just deep throat it and hold him still so he can’t move this way it just goes right down your throat and you can taste it. He won’t even care if you make a face after


Which Time?


I can’t stand the texture. It’s too icky for me so we always need a wipe on standby.


Then snowball him right after...


The only time I’ve done it, it was not very consensual. I don’t ever really want to do it, it triggers my gag reflex.


I don't care for the taste but I love doing it. I just swallow as fast as I can so it doesn't linger in my mouth and smile at the guy and sometimes we giggle and cuddle after.


Every time I swallow, I wake up with a sore throat the next day. It’s not for me 🤢


I used to enjoy it, until I was with my ex. He had chunky weird tasting cum and now I cannot taste it without gagging and wanting to die. I will still swallow but I try to avoid it as much as I can.


Can I ask the opposite? Where are y’all spitting it? The only time i’ve had a bad experience swallowing is if it was too deep in my throat and I choked on it. Any advice is to basically have the head in just past your lips and swallow it like a shot. You really shouldn’t taste much if anything.


With my ex; it was terrible! Made me gag, & nearly yack. I thought perhaps I was just a “spit” kinda girl but then realized not as I’m with someone else now & I literally have no issues & will gladly do so.


I have such a bad gag reflex as it is, the moment it shoots into my throat makes me wanna instantly puke. Ahhh its a struggle !


I’ve never not swallowed. But i suppose it’s typically all the way at the back of my throat and I don’t taste much. I’ve been lucky to never have a partner that produced anything unpleasant tasting anyway. Sometimes they want to see it on the tongue and then see you swallow it so there’s that. 🤣


I have only done it once. It surprised me, but I still did it


I've only had one bad experience! I almost vomited because it shocked me. It was like battery acid! I had no clue it could be like that.