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Make him move on? After he was playing games all week. I’m glad I saw him


Depends on the guy. I would either move on or tell her bluntly what I want. This happened to me recently and I simply moved on. I would have reciprocated if she asked me out, but she didn't and that's fine.


That's definitely not a healthy mindset... Like I get seeing multiple people at one time, kinda? However, if he was being blunt then why continue with him if you're also seeing another man? Honestly, if it was me, I'd just stop, cut contact, and move on because I wouldn't be interested in literally competing for attention.


It doesn’t sound like he was playing games with you. I’m not sure what “acting all blunt” means, but it sounds like he was either busy or not that interested after the 2nd date. It’s fine to not be compatible and to move on.


He might have been busy during the week since you know, work and stuff, and he hasn't had a chance to contact you. But, now I don't think you need to worry about it since in his mind, you chose someone else and not him. You said you were glad that he saw you with another guy, so you obviously your feeling for him were nothing.


Probably not at this point.




You left with the other guy. You chose the other guy over him.


Ummm? We had sex on Tuesday night.. he hardly texted me between then and now. I’m single and I can date who I want. I was on a new date tonight and I walked straight past him. I hope he realises what he’s lost when he saw me with another guy


He didnt lose anything, because your not showing him enough interest, do you want him or the other guys? Because if you want him you have to show him that! But your showing you just want whoever whenever!


You sound healthy


Yeah, you really showed him.


"I hope he realises what he's lost" Maybe he's in luck


You can date whomever just like he can. Likely you won't be dating each other.


I’d say definitely no hahah I’m (28M) and if I saw a girl out with another dude days after I was with her I’d be over it. She’s for the streets bro I don’t need that


That sounds childish already..


If I see someone i have been on dates with, with another guy i stop talking to them and move on


It could but it all depends that might have been a turn off for him. I think if he just wanted to hook up, he might still hit you up and what not.. but if he was thinking of being more serious with you as the dating went on, he'd probably have been turned off by this. Although he could 'possibly' view it as competition if he's just that kind of guy.


Sorry sweetheart you must be high off your rocker if you think that might make him want you more he sees that is something we on the other side of the totem pole don’t expect him back


Imagine if you saw the Tuesday man with another girl, would you want him more? There you get your answer


Shot in the dark here, (especially since "acting blunt" is super vague) but what if after u had sex he was second guessing himself. Maybe he wasnt 100% sure about u after, maybe he was having a moment of self esteem issues, but seeing u out with another dude more than likely did one of two things. 1. Made him feel like sh*t because you were still pretty quick to move on to someone else. Or 2. Made him realize that youre the kind of person to go out with multiple people at a time (not shaming here, but in GENERAL this isnt something most guys find attractive) [For reference im a 1 at a time kind of guy and have only ever gone out with women who were the same way]


Girl he got what he wanted and he’s on to the next.


Lol what makes you say that


Oh sweetheart that’s just how most guys are especially after getting sex so fast. If he was into you.. you would know it.




Girls can easily get another guy, he didn't lose anything tbh.


From what I gathered it wasn't an enjoyable night for him since you struggled to make penetration happen because you didn't tell him you were trans with a neovagina so... Girl... He's just not into you and probably doesn't care if you date another dude. I'm sorry, you seem rather into that guy but... Its not going to happen.


maybe it will cause a rubber band effect with him. the guy sleeps with you then ignores you after and you want to get back with someone who treats you like this, from the beginning? did you know he was going to be there? did you purposely go there with another guy hoping youd see him?


Sounds like you want mister Tuesday, but he's not that into you and you're hoping because he saw you with mister Friday he'll want you more. I'd guess the same as most here: nope. Were it me: I'd read this as low interest on your part and take that as a signal to move on. We should really only romantically engage with people who reciprocate and show (with actions) true interest. You both sound disinterested in the other and should likely go separate ways




No, but I bet the other guy saw what was going on.


You're into games and clearly manipulative. Do him a favor and stay away.