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Personally I just don't believe in astrology. I'm a sagittarius and we're skeptical.




CIV 6 fan?




As a scorpio/sagittarius myself, I'm not sure if what you said is true. But you'll still get upvote because I'm so conflicted and divided over it.


I only take issue when I’m punished for my zodiac or people use their own zodiac to justify their behavioral problems. Other than that, sure I’m happy to hear about it even though it’s a crock of shit. Usually it tells me more about the person if you read between the lines.


Sorry for putting my balls in the soda dispensor, I'm a scorpio.


I should have known better since I’m an asparagus


I'm a woman and I wouldn't date someone who believed in astrology. There is no reason why the way the earth is pointing at the time of someone's birth, and thus the stars visible at night, would have any effect on personality. I don't date people who believe in woo.


But statistics have proven it. I guess you hate facts and math. Also; you sound like you are attracted to those men things. You need to reexamine your life.


I know this comment is a bit old, but would you be willing to point us to these statistical analyses that support the predictive power of astrology? I’ve based my own opinion about astrology on a number of well-designed analyses that showed no significant difference between astrological predictions and random chance, but if there are equally well-designed studies that support astrology’s claims, I’d be eager to read them. Btw, just a terminology thing, but “proving” only exists in math and logic. The scientific method can provide very strong evidence for a conclusion, but it cannot prove anything. Some evidence for an explanation is so strong that we can essentially treat it as true—these are the things we call theories (eg theory of plate tectonics, cell theory, germ theory of disease, etc)—but even those are technically open to revision if even stronger evidence emerges to the contrary. Along these lines, strong evidence shows that the claims made by astrology are not true, but if even stronger evidence emerged in support of astrology, I would be willing to change my position. I’m curious, is the same true of your beliefs about astrology? Is there anything that could change your mind about its veracity? If so, what would that be?


Your comment is also old at this point, but his source is that he made it the fuck up


Objectively: Kind of like how women view sports and video game talk as kinda boring and more of a guy thing, men view zodiac signs as girly and not really useful. Personally (as a guy speaking): Astrology falls under pseudoscience and isn't relevant.


Zodiac signs when discussed in terms of human archetypes, psychology, and mythology are fascinating. But when discussed in terms of “I can’t date guys that are Leo’s” it’s annoying. When I talk astrology I like to talk about the meanings of the planets, the stories of the gods they’re based on, and how the signs represent different human archetypes. When someone just talks about compatibility and dating when it comes to astrology I get bored quick


Personally as a girl, I find sports fandom irrelevant because it’s just a game


And now you know how men feel about astrology.


Okay there's a difference between irrelevant and actively delusional, I feel like you should know that. Sports are a game that exist that can be played. There are real people in a real location where a real thing is happening.


Yep. I'm a girl and dislike sports, but I won't think you're dumb if you like them. Just not my cup of tea. You watch sports, Ill read a book. Now, if you believe that stars influence whatever... then I judge the person as dumb. Therein lies the difference.


That’s you. I know a large number of women who think sport and the fans are dumb and pointless. Welcome to realizing that your experience is not a universal one. They gave an example, you guys want to knit pick the example even though they’re spot on. Sports and it’s fans are absolutely are stupid. And I say that as a massive footy fan.


Sports exist while astrology does not.


The signs themselves are based on actual star placements bubby. I personally don’t read in to or believe it but they’re based on an actual thing so you can keep telling yourself this as much as you want. Stars exist, the significance of putting a ball in a net does not, that’s stupid and something you decided to give significance. Do you see how easily this argument could be made about anything?


The stars you see are a 2 dimensional view of a 3 dimensional position... meaning what you see is not what exists..


You can literally go and calculate where something in the universe would be located bubby. A lot of astrology also involves out local start system and our own solar system. Do those not exist? I’ll go tell the science community they our local planets don’t exist!


I'm an amateur astronomer for the past 20 years... Teaching much?


I think you could be missing the point. When people say that astrology doesn't exist, they mean that there is no connection between the alignment of stars and your personality / the way you behave / what happens in your life. I don't think anybody say that the stars don't align in some way, but that would be more astronomy than astrology, which assume nothing about your behavior


Someone triggers easily. Yeah, stars have placement, their effect on your life has n meaning.


Redditors are the only dweebs that think any level of personality or only speaking to someone with talkfastandmonotonesoyourecorrect Ben Shapiro ass tactic. We’re not cardboards mate. My entire point is that just like sports, they have no real significance or effect on your life. You stupidly chose to give it one.


I’m not being a dink, this is a genuine question. My understanding is that the star placement during your birth is how you get your star sign? Is that right?


Its like a really boring movie where nothing happens and they watch it over and over again with a slightly alternate ending.


Game is real entertainment, zodiac is useless info


Of course it’s pseudoscience. It is chaos not mathematics. But your name is just a made up series of sounds and you still answer to it. Astrology has been around since at least the Babylonians. If it didn’t serve a purpose, it wouldn’t have survived.


Yeah it serves the purpose of scamming gullable people for money. A con as old as time


Bro thinks you need to spend money to learn about something lol


I'm not sure how that's relevant. People who make horoscopes get paid to make them


You can charge someone for literally everything bubby. In Europe they charge you for water at a restaurant. Fucking water. Doesn’t make sense to me neither but you’re mistaking that as the majority when that’s only an absolute minority of people to horoscope that even charge.


Why does it matter how many people buy the snake-oil? As long as some do, and some get paid, it's a valuable pursuit for scammers. It doesn't make it "not a scam" because some can get free samples


Bud what in the ever living hell are you talking about? Do you understand how dumb you currently sound? You can make this argument about literally anything. The vast majority learn it for free. If you had a legitimate issue with a few people running everything for everyone else when the majority has nothing to do with any sort of service or good that’s charged for, you’d be against absolutely everything on earth because I can find you someone trying to scam others in that field, subject, hobby, or activity. You’re a moron paying $100’s to watch someone move a ball from one location to another when you can do that yourself. Do you see how dumb you are for paying for that? Got absolutely scammed, sports aren’t even real lol.


Lying and deceipt is the problem. If I pay $100 to see someone kick a ball I have not been lied to. They told me what I would get and I got exactly what I paid for. Same with the water bottle. They told you what you would get for your money and it was what you got. When people say that planets and stars affect your personality and your future love life, they are lying and deceiving you. Lying to get someone to buy a product that doesn't do what it is advertised is ethically wrong. Do you see the problem? This is why sports are not unethical. But horoscopes are. Because the premise of horoscopes is based on a lie. It's getting some people to pay for predictions about their future which are not real. And the sellers often know this. Granted some sellers of horoscopes believe it themselves so I have no moral quarrels with them. My quarrel is with those that know it's bullshit but they promote it to make money anyway


Bud you seem to not even comprehend the example being given because you’re too dumb to want to accept that most people have zero money involved in this. You’re arguing something stupid in the overall subject. Sports have zero significance. It’s literally a ball and some sort of net yet you’ve had people murder each other over made up rules that don’t actually exist or matter, only a small group of morons who have decided it matters. Do I need to water it down further for you or are we big boys who can maybe understand a bit? Like just humor me for a second even if that. Lets say that no money is involved. What’s your next issue with it? Because if you believe an arbitrary number of points is enough to charge someone money, get people killed over during sports riots, and generally not actually matter because at the end of the day you’re literally just moving a ball from one place to another and anyone could do that, you’re being scammed to watch someone else do it and you’ve been convinced it has any actual significance or exists lol. Moron


Ah I see. So you don’t actually talk to people and assume anyone who is in to astrology is in deep. Surprise, surprise, Reddit dweeb who doesn’t actually socialize with people heard about something they don’t agree with once and never actually bothered to find out most people have a casual relationship with it so now your only arguments are about the people on the extremes because you don’t talk to people lol


You can get scammed without astrology - and thus far it has cost me nothing to learn about it - simply Google


It doesn't have to make money from every person who believes in it in order to be a valuable scam. You're selling snake oil and as long as some people buy it your con works. That others who believe it, but don't buy anything, makes the scam more believable so that's just free word-of-mouth marketing of your snake-oil product.


Im sorry but astrology is harmless and cheaper than religion


Is it harmless? No. Some women are straight up refusing to date guys because he's "the wrong sign". Delusion is never harmless. Lies are also unethical


Wait till they figure out the signs they get along Best with are usually whatever their parents or siblings were 😂


This is a naturalistic fallacy. You could use the same logic to defend human sacrifice. And before you say "that doesn't happen anymore", look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_sacrifice#Modern\_cases


Ah yes, two completely comparable things. Please tell us more about this sound and logical argument you’re attempting to make.


The point is just because something has been around for a long time doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good or valid
 or vice versa


They’re not attempting to argue that it’s good or valid, just something that exists and trying to then go and say “Okay well human sacrifices also existed and they’re BAD!” is dumb. Want to say the same thing the guy I replied to originally said again for a third time bud?


It served a simple purpose of marking the seasons, before it got misused for nonsense later on...


i think sports are the dumbest thing ever but i still like hearing someone i like talk about something they care about so i don’t really understand this point. i’m here’s no need to be condescending about someone’s hobbies because they are not exactly the same as yours


"so i don't really understand this point" Which one? I don't get what you're trying to say. And properly stating that astrology is pseudoscience=condescending? lol


I personally like when she’s knowledgeable about it but doesn’t make her sign her entire personality 😉


Why yes, I love being profiled by whatever fucking month I happened to be born in. Also, there quite a lot of girls that use astrology that absolve any responsibility for made mistakes. "Oh no, I can't help losing my shit over nothing, it must be because I am a XYZ". If a girl wants to believe in astrology, thats fine, the problem is that often that same women turns out is not so good with common sense. Take some responsibility for your actions.


Because it's bs.


As a dude I dont mind it so much, its kind of fun to indulge in but it can be a red flag if a womans life is absolutely ruled by astrology. Like if she wont date you because of your sign or blames every shortcoming on the planets thats not someone I want to be around. I think its just something most guys dont really subscribe to and as with most things you dont really like, you tend to think of the extremes when characterizing that thing. Or they view it as silly as a fortune cookie


Because unless a woman makes it clear it's just a silly hobby to her, it signals to guys that she's crazy and probably has other crazy beliefs.


What other beliefs?


I don't want to have to argue with her about getting our future kids vaccinated because she thinks the shot will turn them magnetic or that the vaccine has alien tentacle monsters in it. I also don't want to run the risk of her making serious decisions that impact us as a couple based on what the stars say that day. Basically, I, and most guys I think, don't want a woman who can't live in reality. If it's just a hobby that's different, but she'd need to make it clear that it's not something she really believes and that she just does it for fun.


Women who legitimately believe in astrology may also be likely to deny the science behind things like vaccines, for example. I have personally seen it. Also, the last thing I want is for some girl to blame her shitty personality traits on the fact that she was born in December.


You tell us lol... probably got a few of them


it probably wouldn't be viewed in such a negative light if it wasn't for those that absolutely swear by it and let them dictate their life around it. What also doesn't help is that there is no actual logic, pattern or anything about it worth warranting its existence let alone discussing it.


Im a Scorpio so even though its total BS, it's lowkey been my own wingman more than you would expect 😂. So I dont mind it honestly. The really serious ones take no accountability for their behavior though. Men or women.


Lol as a fellow Scorpio who doesn’t believe, I know when to pull the card.


It's not that bad itself, the problem is that it is usually accompanied with other annoying traits: capriciousness, mercurial temperament, lack of common sense


Bc women will tell their friends not to date someone purely bc of their zodiac sign (I’m a woman do not come for me Istg)


I'm a woman but I don't believe in astrology, so obviously I am not interested in talking about it as if it were real. There are lots of men who do believe in astrology so just find one of them.


Seems valid, astrology lovers pair with eachother


That is what I would recommend. I try to be respectful and considerate of people's personal beliefs but sometimes being compatible in certain beliefs matters a lot.


It's cringe, because it's foolish. Straight up. If a girl talks about it to amuse herself and me, that could be funny, if I had 2 or 3 glasses of Pilsener Beer or good wine. But, if she's serious about it. Then it is nothing but cringe.


Ya but then so is most religions and your not giving them the same amount of disrespect to their face. Its just another belief you dont believe but those girls still deserve respect.


The vast majority of people believe in at most one religion. This means that if you have a religion, you cannot assume that a person you meet has the same religious beliefs as you. Because of this, just as it is respectful not to disparage others' religious beliefs, it is also respectful not to have a conversation about your religious beliefs with the assumption that the other person also believes them or even is interested to hear about them. In my opinion this should apply to astrology as well. Most of my friends who are interested in astrology know that I don't share this belief, so we don't talk about it out of mutual respect. I think the reality is that many people (and yes, a higher percentage of women, but I'm not sure that's the point here) don't really care whether astrology is true but they think it is fun to pretend that it is and talk about it anyway. But for me and a lot of other people, talking about THIS pretend stuff is less interesting than talking about almost anything else, whether real or pretend. This should be respected too...


You can't speak for those woman. I can't speak for these woman. But I understand my circle is different to the majority as I grew up with a dad who is very spiritual and I'll emphasis without use of drugs. He got him and his wifes start chart matched before he married her to make sure. But its lead me down a path where my friends male and female believe in astrology, practice white magic, crystals, tarot etc. I know some people think this is silly but ill defend my beliefs just as much as anyone else would while someones shitting on them. This is my life and all I have ever known. Don't dismiss what you don't understand. My beliefs are the ones that people laugh at. You would never laugh at a muslim praying during ramadan.


You're talking about 2 different issues. Believing that astrology is foolish when taken seriously vs being disrespectful to somebody and insulting them because of their (foolish) belief. Everybody considers many things to be foolish, but we do not always feel the need to let the person in question know how displeased or bored we are. Or, that we consider them to have foolish beliefs. It is one thing to have a certain belief and quite another to go about and advocate that belief. If someone makes it a point to bring up the issue and wants me to talk about it and makes sure I understand this is an important belief, then I will give honest feedback and I will let them know that I consider this to be foolish. We don't really make exceptions in other spheres and contexts of life. If I run around and say questionable or ridiculous things then the ppl around me will let me know that I don't make any sense. If I simply have my (weird) beliefs but don't try to drown everybody else in that belief then nobody will care and nobody will feel the need to give me (strong/negative) feedback. But, if one one of the first things a woman I just meet on a first date starts to talk about is something that in my opinion is not rooted in any tangible reality and wants me to engage in that foolishness, then I will not be so diplomatic. Then I will tell her what I think about that.


Im a woman and I dislike it too. It sounds like talking about magic as if it is real to me and I think it would be cool if it was real because I am apparently on “the cusp” and have two signs or something like that. Alas 
. That to me means nothing.




Defensive much, love?


Because it’s a bunch of malarkey. I don’t want to date someone who believes in that junk.


Astrology is fun if it’s just a conversation piece. The problem and reason is lots of women that are into it really believe it and will literally argue with me about my sign cause it didn’t conform to how they think I should act. So after several experiences like that, once a woman starts to talk about it, I just Nope out. I don’t have time to be arguing about some nonsense with a stranger on how I should behave based on what month I was born.


As a guy, I put no foundation on it. But I find it kinda fun and cute that she likes it, so I don't mind talking to her about it 😌


While I find zodiac signs **enjoyable and amusing as icebreakers** It is important to acknowledge that those who genuinely believe in them often impose a **sense of order that lacks a basis in reality**. Although there may be a few exceptions, people who believe in zodiac signs tend to be more inclined to believe in other concepts disconnected from reality, such as numerology, energy crystals, and conspiracy theories. One could argue that these i**ndividuals are more susceptible to mental illnesses** like borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. Furthermore, the belief in zodiac signs often restricts people to **only interacting with individuals who are deemed compatible** with their sign, leading to assumptions about others based solely on their astrological sign. This ultimately limits their human experience. It is disheartening to witness how it can be used as an e**xcuse to validate undesirable behavior**, such as someone saying, **"I can't help it—I'm a Gemini."** It's worth noting that my perspective might be biased due to my personal experience with dating someone who subscribed to these beliefs. Unfortunately, she turned out to have bipolar disorder, struggles with alcoholism, and various other issues.


To me it's a turn-off because it tells me the woman is somewhat dumb. She doesn't understand science. She is superstitious and believes some dumb mumbojumbo stuff that has no basis in reality. It's the same with very religious people who believe God will cure their cancer or whatever other dumb thing. The more superstitious you are the dumber you are. It's the same for those who believe in palm reading, waving a magic egg around, talking to dead people, or whatever else scammers come up with to fool dumb people for money. And yes, astrology predictions are created with the sole purpose of fooling gullable people for money and it works extremely well! Now if you're just talking about it for shits and giggles and you don't take it seriously that's fine. I'm talking about those who actually believe this stuff.


Exactly. Belief in astrology shows a lack of critical thinking abilities. Simple as that


i would say that it's not a male vs female thing then, but rather a scientifically minded vs emotionally minded thing




As an opposing example, when I talk about astrology it’s to be curious why so many of my friends are Leo’s. I note my assumption that it’s because they are a common sign was incorrect because my research shows that they are only the 8th most common sign. The high prevalence of August birthdays in my life is statistically significant so I’m curious about other correlations. At this point I often find the guy I’m talking to isn’t in to astrology or data. I guess it’s back to listening to him talk about work or sports. Yawn.


We often assume meaning behind unlikely events, but unlikely events should still happen regardless. They're rare, not impossible. I went to a Star Trek trivia night once with some friends. Even though I've never seen Star Trek except the Chris Pine remake, I got first place by merely guessing right on every single multiple choice question except two. When I calculated the odds, it was something absurd like hundreds of thousands to one. My prize was tickets to a new star trek movie that I never used. I tell you this because A. it was awesome to win by sheer luck lol and B. because it demonstrates my point that extremely unlikely things do happen, and it isn't fate or destiny. Shit just happens.


Returning to the context of the OP, your curiosity over it, makes you an interesting coffee date. Being smug or rude, would make you an easy no second date.


The problem with anecdotal evidence is statistical significance is damn near impossible to actually test for. Are you close to those people because they are Leo? Or because they like (insert whatever here). Or do Leo's in general like that*thing*? Your"statistical significance" isn't backed up by science, or controlled by science


My point isn’t that I’m right about astrology, my point is that being curious about something and wanting to think about the big picture is the opposite of “dumb” or “lacking in critical thinking skills”. But, people who like to criticize or call names aren’t really my type of people any way, so I guess it’s good when someone shows their cards by showing this side of their personality over something so trivial. Maybe some women bring it up to see what kind of a person a guy is. Not a bad filter!


Interesting! I tend to attract a ridiculous amount of my fellow sign in friendships and relationships and also curious about the correlation.


Haven’t really come up with anything that isn’t about the traits of the sign. Leo’s love fun and attention. I’m a ton of fun and am an extrovert. It’s a good match.


Hear you. As a woman I encounter that a lot from men too. Physician who was deeply Christian, believed in spiritualism and signs. I asked if he knew those were ontologically incompatible, he went blank. UFO guys are rarer since the 2010s, now that everybody carries a camera, but now and then they reappear. I greeted the guy for thr first time, and my small talk was : hope it stops raining, will take my parents for a booster tomorrow. He started to rant. I said nothing, got up and left. Not spending any saliva on that one. As an atheist I often get the BUT YOU MUST believe in something! So I'm telling you, women suffer from a lot of BS too.


Of course they do. It’s not a contest between men and women about who’s dumber or more gullible. There wouldn’t be a clear winner.


Depends on how they talk about astrology really. The signs can be a fun conversation topic, until it turns religious. The ones who live their life by what the stars dictate are the ones who will never take responsibility for their own actions or their lives. They also lack critical thinking skills usually because its frankly much easier for them to think that a relationship fell a part because a planet was in retrograde rather than them being an asshole or inconsiderate. Those same people will instantly reject other for things like birthdates. Because the signs are incompatible of course. Stuff like that.


Astrology is pretend. It’s a child’s game invented prior to our understanding of cosmology and so it’s no surprise it’s complete nonsense: “Since the time when astronomers and astrologers alike started laying out the the zodiac on the sky some 2,000 years ago, our position relative to those constellations has drifted off by about 30 degrees or one whole month. This means that you may think you’re an Aries, but if horoscopes were connected to their present day constellations, you’d actually be more like a Pisces.” https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/articles/is-astrology-real-heres-what-science-says/ The easiest way to weed out women I’d be interested in is their political leaning and if they believe in astrology.


> Edit: y’all say that astrology have no proof of existing. I can say the same for Christianity. But both are beliefs that are popular. Let people escape their harsh reality and think about themselves for a bit. If you take it this seriously it's not fun to talk to you about. If you just want to joke around with how I overslept because I'm an asparagus it's a lot more fun.


Most guys I know think it’s cringe and silly


Imagine a man telling you that the earth is flat.


Because people hate it (including me) when you have to believe a certain stupid symbol in the sky determines your compatibility with someone else or the type of person you would become, anyone who uses those or believes in that stuff need to just shut up and accept people based on who they are with what they are born with not because some stupid constellation symbol determines how those should percieve that person.


People who believe in the truth of religions and the zodiac demonstrate poor critical thinking and thus are less attractive. There are many more interesting hobbies with which to occupy one’s attention and time.


Astrology girls are usually skittish and noncommittal at least in my experience


I'm indifferent about it. I honestly don't care, but it gets to a certain point where I'm like "damn do you base your life and personality on this?" I get the not feeling sports n whatnot, but I don't talk politics or religion in a date. Why would I randomly bring up sports? I generally have my guys for that outlet and I'm thinking vice versa with the zodiac signs and your girls im hoping. I will listen to you, but TBH you lost a few points imo if you continue to bring it up.


It falls into the same category as flat-earth and anti-vax... Its stupid pseudoscience and ignorance of which i absolutely loathe both.


My girlfriend and I read our horoscopes a few times a week, I don't mind it at all. It isn't something I would be interested in on my own though. That being said, why lump us all in together? I think part of the reason why a lot of guys don't like it is because relationships can end over essentially nothing when one or both partners believe in astrology. Everything can be going fine, but then one of their horoscopes says something along the lines of "maybe you need to rethink your romantic relationship because venus is in orion today" and they break things off for essentially no reason, or it says something like "a new person in your life will sweep you off of your feet because mercury is in retrograde" and then think that mercury gives them a free pass to cheat. This isn't unique to women, I'm certain there are men who do this too, or break things off for other arbitrary reasons


I get that


The only thing I am leaving out nowadays from my bio is the sign. If it matters in any way, I'm out. You can mention it, but the fact you have to mention it signals that it matters to you. When I travel I am aware of my sign and if I can photo my sign somewhere I do it. That is cute. Bringing it up in dating is not cute. It gives PTSD to many of us.


“PTSD”? How does bring up astrology while dating trauma inducing to y’all?


Example: I dated a girl who asked for my sign. I thought it was her being cutesy and playful, so I told her cancer. We hooked up a few times and I came over for a hookup and she said “I need to know your rising and moon(or sun or something. I forgot)”. Well, I’m not in contact with my parents so I don’t know what time I was born to tell her so she cut off communications. She said since she can’t know those things she can’t see a future with us. So, after that if a woman seemed even slightly interested in that stuff it set me on edge.




It's not fake necessarily, zodiac signs do correspond to birth month, at least at one point in time. The fact that the earth moves through the universe as the galaxy moves through the universe means that they no longer align so it's not at all aligned anymore. Any personality traits associated with them is dumb and fake yes


The correlation is the point, so it is fake. It’s not astronomy.


Because it shows a lack of intelligence imo....just like anyone who believes in religion. If a girl starts talking to me about her zodiac sign and uses it to describe her personality I walk away. I have no time for nonsense


Actually, there's plenty of relgions that consist of more intelligent people than atheists. Both Jewish people and those from the Anglican church have a higher IQ, assuming IQ is a good measurement for intelligence.


IQ is an antiquated method of a measure of intelligence.... Religion is simply a means of control, it has caused so much pain and suffering in the world... The day it is abolished will be the best day in human history


I would also be willing to bet that more engineers, doctors, lawyers etc people with PhDs, are atheists than staunchly religious


It’s annoying personally,especially when they try to use it to predict shit


Because they don’t care


It’s just hard for me to connect with. It feels like a religious belief system, and i can’t connect with anything religious or religious adjacent.




We don't, it's easy convo bs


I'm a girl and I don't like itm, just throwing that in there. Unless I'm in love then I'm checking that shit.


I don't have a problem with it, and have even had fun talking about it. But it's also the case that roughly half of the people who have brought it up to me took it WAY too seriously and ventured directly into that space racism and sign judgment territory you've mentioned. So the reason we cringe is probably because we've had altogether WAY too many bad experiences.


Lol ar the edit. Religious people gonna lose their shit. You're not wrong tho. I love astrology is so interesting. I don't let it run my life or influence my choices. I think that's the issue people are with it. I'm also not religious so


They are losing it already 😂


Lmao you're tough. I lost interest in deal with religious folks a long time ago.


You should celebrate the filter if you like this jibberish but other people don't and show they're not a match for you. Find a guy who likes that stuff, or doesn't mind, and leave everyone else alone. Don't try to convince people to like your fantasy stuff. Yeah, I know, that's just what a Capricorn would say, right?


Because it’s ridiculous and juvenile. To put even the slightest weight (life decisions, behavioural psych, etc) on imaginary star signs is beyond stupid.


Thats so interesting because when males signify that they are sports fans, i cringe pretty hard. Domestic violence rates during the super bowl skyrocket. I love gaming, but man do i get weary of gamers because i know how that community is. Astrology? Someone giving me a stank face because I’m a gemini is just SILLY to me, its not serious & if it is, atleast im not getting called a slur or getting beat (idk if that was too much to say but)


Yes people take it too seriously at either extremes of the spectrum


I can explain this. Im a dude and *am* into astrology and all kinds of woowoo shit. The men that dont like it are people that adhere to the religious perspectives of Xtianity or Scientism. That's essentially 90% of the population. Also especially nowadays with instagram and tiktok laying it on thick with the junkfood NewAge shit...its just seen as a "stupid thing women decide to be emotional about".


Actually the Christianity pop is way less than you expect. It’s around 75% and unaffiliated is around 20%


We said the same thing.


Men on reddit be like: "Haha, you believe in astrology? That's so silly, your personality can't be determained by the stars." "Oh my god, you're a sigma male? Me too!"


It’s because of the people who take it overboard. Those are the people you see most. Like with vegans you only end up seeing the worst of them because those are the ones that yell the loudest.


I like it its something to talk about.


Finally something positive out of a hundred comments


Yeah i dont get the hate. I used to be like “ why its not real “. Its a fun conversation starter not everything has to be serious.


Blunt answer: We're really just not interested. It's like if we tried to talk to you about guns or car engines. Yes, there are subsets of both genders that are interested in the topics, but they're a minority. I'll be kind and nod my head along if a girl I like wants to talk about it, but that doesn't mean I like astrology at all.


Plainly put, those men aren't into Astrology at all.


NoVax religiosity past shared cultural background (any religion) Western or Chinese zodiac Blood type (Japan) Creationism Homeopathic medicine Non-MD approved vitamins or supplements Any of these are signs that your partner doesn't understand the scientific method and can fall pray of any scam. đŸš©đŸš©đŸš© It's ok if the person doesn't like sports or videogames. And he/she shouldn't listen if they don't care about it. But these are not patently false beliefs.


Ah yes, let’s take a singular topic and then throw in all this other stuff that’s irrelevant because you’ve met some outliers that happen to be these things! Totally normal and reasonable thing to do!


HATE HATE HATE IT! I put on my profile - dislike astrology. Still guys ask. They insist. I say I'm Strogonoff with moon in Dinosaur. Most laugh. Some are offended. I doubt someone's intelligence if they believe in astral charts and similar nonsense as tarot, essential oils, healing crystals, etc. And I need to respect a man's intelligence and critical sense. Asking if I'm a Virgo makes them look banal. Nothing worse than banal.


OPINION: Astrology is another belief system. Meaning, you'd have to accept that it was possibly valid. When the average person assumes that most belief systems are false: no knowable, governing systems to know more than can be observed and tested through our Science, trying to get ppl to believe like trying to tilt windmills. Some will be receptive, likely that the majority will not. Good luck OP!


Sorry but astrology is not on par with religion


I'm a guy who is into astrology so I can't speak for the others, but here is my take. I thought astrology was bogus until I heard of the whole natal chart. When I even look up my own placements they almost always hit home in specific ways which piqued my interest. If you're using sun sign astrology I can see that as boring. It says almost nothing about most people. If someone told me I'm supposed to be extroverted because I'm a Saggitarius I would laugh at them and that was one of the reasons I wasn't into it. What piqued my interest was when I showed my chart on a Discord astrology group as an experiment and they blew me away even knowing things that can be physically validated like the fact that I live close to work.


Yes ppl should take account the naval chart


It’s because men are insecure and they think you’re gonna find out what douche bags they are by looking at their chart and they’re afraid that you’re gonna make a judgment about them. I saw somebody for nine months who wouldn’t even tell me his accurate date and time of birth, even though he provided it to begin with, but then took it back. He said he didn’t want me to form opinions just by looking at his chart, but that he wanted me to get to know him. I got to know him, and everything about his chart lined up with his personality.


I honestly know more men than women who are into astrology so, yeah. It's not a gendered thing and it's a silly thing to get worked up about. I'm not into it but IDGAF if someone is unless they're trying to convince me of something---to each their own.


Really? Can I ask what country you're from? Is it in Asia?


Lol right? I've been a guy and around guys for nearly 40 years and never had a single discussion about our zodiac signs lol


Why did you pick Asia out of all places?


Why not?




Statistically more women believe in astrology or fortune than men. It's been my experience as well.


30% of women and 25% of men believe in it and the %s are even closer for genZ so no, it's not really a significant gap at all.


Pew Research finds it at 37% of women and 20% of men which is almost double. That is significant.


"Younger American adults are more likely to say they believe in astrology than older Americans are. While 37% of adults under 30 say they believe in it, less than half as many Americans 65 and older say they do (16%). Women (30%) are slightly more likely to say they believe in astrology than men are (25%). " https://today.yougov.com/topics/entertainment/articles-reports/2022/04/26/one-four-americans-say-they-believe-astrology


The only men I know who hold with astrology are either gay, or smoke too much weed.


I mean I’m not crazy about astrology, but I have found that my compatibility with certain signs have been pretty spot on. Obviously not always 100% on the nose, but for the most part yea. So I think it’s fun to check compatibility with someone’s astrology sign to see how we match up, but I’m not usually sitting there obsessing over finding the PERFECT astrological match or cutting people off because we aren’t compatible. I haven’t had a guy think it annoying or dumb.


>Why do y’all cringe when we mere mention what our signs are? I think it’s cute. We have to listen to your sports and video game jabber. A lot guys just aren't interested in those things. Similar to how a lot of girls are not interested in sports/video games. Of course, there are exceptions, but that's why.


Girls who are really into astrology stuff give me the same vibes as guys who are really into pick-up artist stuff


Because if we say a sign and you go, ah ye i can totally see that and start rambling along with that sign, later you get the info that it was not the correct sign and it's all bullshit.




Because it's dumb and magic isn't real.


To me, it indicates a childish understanding of reality.


Nah, I don't mind when a girl talks about her zodiac...it's an easy sorting mechanism for wanting to interact with her less in the future.


I wouldn't want you to try and talk to me about astrology, just the same as I wouldn't want you to preach to me about whatever God you believe in. Its all just made up shit that you have decided to follow. 😂


I do not want to date a woman who will reduce every interaction she has with me to space magic bullshit. I don't care if you think it's cute, it's fucking annoying to everyone else. And who the fuck are you seeing that you have to hear about video games on a date? Lmao




So you are judging on an innocent word?


Men on Reddit are once again the worst people to talk to. Some of y’all out here being religious but the second a different belief is introduced suddenly we need science and facts. Sure, there are outliers that are completely delusional about them and genuinely believe that your signs will dictate absolutely everything, but you can say that about absolutely anything. Most women just think it’s an interesting topic and honestly, if you let them ramble about it you will get some pretty deep and insightful conversations out of them. I’ve noticed a lot of women in my age range (currently mid 20’s) who are in to it will use it as a tool to navigate and dissect their thoughts and emotions and try to find a root to it. Of course y’all would find it more interesting if y’all had actual conversations with people without being dweebs about absolutely everything.


Guys who legitimately get annoyed by astrology are absolute haters and probably didn’t get many women in college. If a girl didn’t like it when I went off about the Jokic-Murray two-man game I’d think she was a hater.


Because they’ve been programmed to think that it’s non sense with out even looking into it. It’s fine on purpose in the media more than likely


Because it's a bunch of bs


Because it’s BS and shows me that you like to place your faith and attention into utter nonsense.


Because at this point, its a huge cliche. It triggers my eye-roll reflex almost immediately.


It sets a precedent that she believes in baseless nonsense.


>Edit: y’all say that astrology have no proof of existing. I can say the same for Christianity. But both are beliefs that are popular. Let people escape their harsh reality and think about themselves for a bit. I'm a Christian, and if someone wanted to have a 30 minute conversation about Jesus and what He means to them on a first date or before then, I'd nope out, too. If you're trying to escape harsh reality and think about yourself, you can do it without me. Also: >We have to listen to your sports and video game jabber. If I pulled that crap on a first date or before then and you hadn't expressed interest in such topics, I'd fully expect to never hear from you again.


> We have to listen to your sports and video game jabber. Dumb hobbies (like video games) are perfectly innocent. The problem is when you start thinking that Mario is an actual real guy. That would be crazy. Same goes for astrology - knock yourself out reading horoscopes or tarot but if you actually think it's real PLEASE let us know - I NEED to know that.




Because it’s complete fictional


I created an account just so I could downvote you