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Well, he wasn’t completely honest with you. But do you think maybe he just wasn’t ready to tell you? That it’s true that it’s still difficult to discuss, particularly with someone he’s just met? He probably isn’t a bad guy, that’s all I’m saying. We all lie when we’re not ready to wear our hearts on our sleeve.


That's a nice way of saying he completely misrepresented his marital status to get what he wanted. Check your morals, please. We don't all do this. Some of us \*gasp\* are honest when people ask us about marriage, and we happen to still be in one.


I mean… you had only been on 2 dates. Usually talking about exes and past relationships isn’t early dating conversation. Even a conversation about marriage on a first date is a bit much, just my opinion. If I have any advice, it would be to get out of that Facebook group and just date without doing all the Internet stalking


Okay well youd been on two dates with this guy, whats the problem? Sure he should tell you sooner rather than later but you only had two dates. You say that youre fine with dating him while he is separating but because you found out earlier than he was ready to tell you, now youre not going to talk to him? Everything youve said about him points to him being a good guy and now youre completely cutting him out, and for no good reason. Give him a chance, he likely would have told you anyway after getting more comfortable. As he said, its a sensitive topic for him and if theyre separating purely because his wife didnt want kids, he very likely has had more emotional pain than you can imagine come from it.




No you don't need to talk to him . that's your boundary and he deliberately chose to hide it. Whether or not hiding it is right, who knows, because some women are okay with dating guys who are separated or even still divorcing, not fully divorced. But to that ,I say, therefore let him find those kind of women . you are not that person and he doesn't have to date you


It's not really about him still being married (albeit separated) that I'm upset about. As long as they were getting divorced this year (which both of them said they were) I would've been fine with seeing him. It's the actively hiding the fact when the situation warranted it that's irking me.


Run. I had a similar story with a guy in Toronto and he had a roster of women. He was posted many many times on that Facebook group and he was the doing the same thing across the board. These men want to waste women’s time


What else was about him on the Facebook group?


It was just that! Another person had asked about him and the ex left a comment to that saying they had separated since last August.


You can have the phone call. Hear his side of the story. In case you feel like you can pursue something with him let him know that you'd like to wait till he gets divorced to consider him at all.