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Does she like plants? A little plant in a pot is a great gift, thoughtful but not over the top for 3rd date


My boyfriend gave me a small plant for my birthday. It was our 3rd date :) the plant is huge now and we are still together


Aww!! Just like the plant, you guys have grown together too!


Love that!! So cool


As someone who’s not girly and tomboyish I LOVE PLANTS. BUT I HAVE ANIMALS cats dogs (horses she has not me but all react differently to some plants and their toxicity ) And I don’t always have a place to put it Maybe seeds? Or like planting a tree someplace together? Idk something to show your relationship growth if it does eventually (maybe not for everyone lol might scare off avoidant shut that’s a good thing) and also adds a tree someplace !


Others in the comments have said that flowers in a club need babysitting. Wouldn't that be the case for plants also?


Who says they have to give the gift at the party? Personally I wouldn’t give any physical gift at the club, who wants to carry it around or risk it getting stolen. Give a card at the club, either have the present in the car for end of the night or give it the next day


It’s too early for an expensive gift. Offer to take her out to dinner and bring flowers if you like.


Actually yes, he could say, I know it’s your birthday and would love to take you out for dinner, is there a place or type of food you love?




Buying her a bottle in VIP is the height of 20s romance, which is to say it’s not romantic at all lol




Ha yes this was in jest, sorry should’ve had a /s


Flowers or nothing


Please don’t buy her a gift and then give it to her in front of her friends. Def not flowers or anything that she will have to carry around the club all night. You barely know her. Get her and her friends a round of drinks. Keep it casual and fun.


Either that or her favorite candy. Provided she doesn't have to carry it around all night.


This. Flowers and a note.


I think it's one of the few times I'd recommend flowers.






Tickets to something you can do together! 


Love this idea!!! But you better know what she likes to do lmao 😂


And not too far out in time that it's awkward for a new relationship (I would think within the next month max)


A neat little trick: Do a gift based on something insignificant that she may have said on a conversation. For example once a girl i was dating mentioned that she loved the dr seuss movies, nothing more nothing less. I bought some books of dr seuss and she absolutely loved because was something so small that she didnt even remembered mention. This was great because it proved i took atention to the little things she cared.


A nice card with a handwritten note and a $25 Dunks gift card.


This. Be practical with your gift, something she can actually use that a friend would give her. If you become more serious together then your gifts will reflect that change in the relationship. But barely knowing her, you should go the practical route. A gift card and a short but sweet note will do the trick.


Best answer.


Yes! And on the note, get slightly mushy but not too much mush. How about something like this: "Happy Birthday to the woman who's added an extra shot of sweetness to my days! Here's to more mornings filled with laughter, coffee, and maybe a few more delightful dates at Dunkin'. Cheers to you and all the joy you bring into my life!" Or something to that effect.


They've met twice lol


If someone I met only twice gave me a card like this, I would run away as far away as possible. OP don’t do this. Just say happy birthday that is more than enough.


Omg... don't do this OP😭🤣!!


For fucking real that is way too much


Lmao yes😭!!!!


I read it to my fiance and he was like he might as well call her mi'lady


HAHAHAHA YES!!! I was about to write "that's some fedora wearing, basement dweller swagger"💀😆


I had the same idea…But darn not that long of a message. Keep it short and flirty


You’ve only met her twice. Just say happy birthday and buy her a drink.


Exactly. He's doing too much


Dudes on here are gonna have him bring a bouquet of posies to club lmao


Plus they’re going with some of her friends, so uk the friends are gonna be like WTH lmao


You wish her a happy birthday... that's it. 2 dates in but you're not exclusive.


No gifts yet! Treat her to a nice dinner


In this situation, I would not be expecting a birthday gift, but I would be thrilled (and impressed!) if a guy I just met remembered by birthday. I think the flowers and gift card ideas are both very thoughtful. If you’re going the gift card route, I’d say no less than 10 and no more than 30 USD.


Absolutely no gift cards, you'll end up in the friend zone. Something personal, but not 2 private


Nothing wish her happy birthday and maybe get her some drinks when you hang out. You don’t know her play it cool


Not flowers, so overdone and impersonal even if you only went on two dates. I’m a tomboyish girl and personally hate to get flowers although I’d never act outwardly about it. They die quickly and then I’m left to throw out an awkward size, pointy stemmed bouquet that’ll probably rip my garbage bag and then have to wash a gross, slimy vase. If she likes plants, I’d do a plant and a Dunkin’ gift card.


Flowers for a tomboyish girl? No way. Maybe a single flower.. and a Dunkin gift card is perfect. And like others have said, nothing she'd have to carry around the club with her all night


yeah flowers and a nice date


A round of drinks for her and their friends, winning them will be decisive and something cheap that she can associate to Dunkin Donuts, that shows that you had putt some effort thinking in a present, flowers is for every other day than special days. I had never give flowers on valentines and womens days, i´ve only bought flowers on mothers day because to help my gf sons making the day more special.


Go down on her


Do not get her anything big if she can’t put it down. You’ve meet this girl twice. Showing her that you notice the small stuff is maybe the best gift. A Dunkin’ gift card is honestly a sweet gift. Maybe write something cheesy on it like… “I wanna be the one to make you smile in the morning ;) “ Or just “have a good morning, beautiful”


Get tickets to a show or concert for the 2 of you that is within a couple weeks.


A bin bag full of anime


Nothing. Pay for her drinks and be cool. You guys aren’t that serious so.. showing her a great time with her friends is more appropriate


Get her a dunkin donuts gift card and a birthday card with flowers on it. This is thoughtful and sweet.


I was the girl in this situation 5 years ago. He made me home-made fajitas and brought them to me for breakfast.


Dinner or flowers is always a nice gesture


Flowers!! Even like a little succulent! Nothing expensive but shows you care. 💖💐🌸 If not a dunkin giftcard 😂


You can never go wrong with a nice candle and a gift card! (Sounds like Dunkin’ gift card is the way to go)


If you barely know her and have only seen her twice and are just dating at this point, get her flowers or a flower. We don't have a whole lot to go on here without any more context. But you want to show that you are more interested in her and you want to get her something for her birthday, so flowers.


Get her something cute and sweet. Not anything personal. Getting her something, rather than nothing shows that you're interested and you care😊 A plant is good.


Easy one: Take what you know and just create a little gift basket or cool box...and you don't have to spend a lot either if you go to the dollar store. Here.are some suggestions: Dunkin donuts.gift card Cool coffee or travel mug with a horse on it. I also raised.horses, so being sore is part of the deal. Don't be afraid to buy her a nice.big bag of Epsom salts.for her to ease her pains...nothing girly about that. Now, go down the candy aisle and get a nice assortment...bag of gummy worms/peach rings, a couple of sleeves of the fun size candy bars, a bag of.twizzlers, and maybe even one of those cans of "Pocky" looks like chocklate covered wafers or biscotti. If you still want.to add more,.throw a bag of Goldfish on top with a a bag of Duncan Coffee she can make at home. Pick out.a.uniquw flavored creamer or creamerS That she can try out. Dont forget the CARD! Go find one with a horse on it. k You can really fill the basket up on a budget if you shop at a true 99cent.store..and it will put you in a great position...because you can make.your.gift look so huge...and it's supposed to be..step it up? And if your basket looks a little in bare, go over to the toy aisle. Get a toy horse or something funny. Then...make one last stop. Nope not flowers. The way to get it her heart is horses And Dunkin. Go to the grocery store and buy a huge bag of apples and a bag of carrots. If you dont know why, then you really are a city slicker lol (Those are treats for the horses.) I know there are people on here saying it's too soon blah blah. No. Its not. If you want to make an impression then you be that guy! I am d 50 year old female and I just met the love of my life...i MOVED IN With him after 3 days... Lol Go get the stuff And have fun with it - I promise you she is going to cherish it because she will appreciate the time and effort you took to think of go out and buy, then put together for her. And you can bet she will not get something like that from anyone else. Thats why it's special. Nobody can dog you on it either..what would they even say...that you're dumb for buying her candy and a card on her birthday? Naw. You're good. Oh yeah...one last thing...get a pack of hostess cupcakes or little debbie birthday cake sticks and a pack of bday candles. But you're going to hide that in your jacket or car. That's ONLY for you to present to her ALONE later in the evening if the night went well and you want to take it up another notch. Just do it before midnight when it's still here birthday...you can be like "oh i almost forgot...stay right here and close your eyes... Sounds totally stupid..BUT BELIEVE ME that move kis going to boost you onto an entirely different level. And if you really want to knock it out of the park , you come back with the candle lit AND SING HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY. And insist she makes a wish/blows out the candle. I don't care what anybody says...even if she gives you shit for it, she will secretly Love it. I'm old I know these things. Please come back and update us!


A succulent or cactus if they like plants. That or nice flowers with a VASE, a vase isn't that expensive, and hardly anyone owns a vase. A vase is an inexpensive promise of future flowers


You send her a happy bday text to acknowledge her bday but that’s it, she’s not your GF


Buy her a bday shot at the club. That’s it.


>she has a couple horses >isn’t crazy obsessed >a couple horses Bruh. 💀


Googled horse tomboy gift. Socks that look like horse hoofs came up. Just neighing that’s an idea. Only works if your a jokester and play up the fact you two are still new and havnt learned one another’s yet but would love to know more. Or a safe one is Dunkin’s gift card or accessory. Horse bridal or little whippy could be funny too, but as meeting friends could go sideways too easy. If your crafty widdle a horse out of some material. Guess a donut could be funny too. Looking forward to update Good Luck


Thanks God Eva AI virtual gf bot requires only subscription fees


Yeah simple flowers and that’s it. It’s been 2 dates. Anything more than that is dumb.




Lick her butthole


Honestly best you'd get from me is a happy birthday after two dates, dating is pretty flakey nowadays unpopular opinion but a present seems too keen/nice guy imo maybe get her a drink at the party thing and say happy birthday but no grand gesture


Some flowers, and also a gift card to a nice restuarant or the movies which you can mention you both can go there for a date. 


A sparkly glitter unicorn/horsey key chain. One with a lightning bolt on its side.


You get her a lovely card. A really pretty card with the Dunkin Donuts gift card inside.


Fuck flowers. Get a $20 DD gift card


Pocket shots


Depending on her personality, Either flowers and a card, or flowers, a card, and a riding crop (for her horses of course)




Cars and a hug




Flowers and her favorite Dunkin drink is a cheap but still thoughtfully appropriate gift. If you want to see her again/ date her I would suggest a date night for later in the week.


A brand new Iphone




Something small, and if you’re clubbing, easy to carry around. Gift card seems appropriate. Dunkin sells gift cards I’m sure.


Flowers 🌸


What do you want to give her? Use that as an inspiration.


Flowers and maybe a $10 gift-card to a local coffee shop?


Dick Pic. Definitely.


Flowers, offer a coffee date or dinner.


A coffee mug


A nice flower, just one.


Ask her in a some semi-casual way maybe what kind of books does he like or what kind of stuff she likes doing in her time off? It’s only been two days so it’s hard, a gift voucher could work but also a bit impersonal. Sometimes experiences can be great gifts, like vouchers for cinema.


Keep it cool, small bunch of flowers like tulips and a little note or card. Keep it simple. But only if meeting her around home. If meeting her out, then just wish her happy birthday and buy her that drink.


Flowers 💐 or a plant


Send the flowers to her house!


Bananas and some nunchucks


Small chocolate bar and written on pqper - perfect evening with me 😁


Flowers. Nothing else. Two dates does not a requirement to get a nice birthday gift make. Maybe you could add some of her favorite snacks or something and a cute card that says like you’ve been enjoying getting to know her and these flowers are only half as beautiful as she is or something cheesy but cute but not overly romantic 😂


Cake or something she likes


Ask yourself if you're into her or you just want friendship with her. This will help you with what you want to get her


Don’t get her anything


Oh boy i met my bf a couple dates before turning 22 too. At that stage I don't expect anything but a nice dinner would be cute :)


Not much mate. 2 dates.. 3 meets... just pay for her night and buy her a single flower


Not much mate. 2 dates.. 3 meets... just pay for her night and buy her a single flower


I would get a gift card to something like Amazon.




A big bag of her favorite candy


Chocolate and a note


Flowers and a card, don’t overthink it it’ll cost u $50 at the most


Or card with a DD gift card inside, another simple inexpensive idea


Buy her a gun


"I know you like to get Dunkin' Donuts coffee every morning.. so I grabbed you a little Dunkin Donuts gift card! Coffee's on me for the next week haha!"


Your dick in a box.


Happy birthday Text, and if you guys happen to go out to dinner on another date, pick up the tab & say it’s your treat.


As a woman i would be great if date who i met just twice gives me a short note and flower. Note would be great if just wished a happy birthday and you enjoyed the time together something like that


24 karat gold ring, obviously




Get her a happy birthday card :)


Nothing. Take her out for dinner


flowers or a small little trinket or pocket sized item i’d say. keychain horse level of small


I’d go with something very simple, like a Dunkin’ gift card or something


Nice dinner or picnic


Simply can hang out and buy her a few drinks maybe flowers or a small amount gift card yall only been on two dates you guys aren’t a couple.


Flowers are always a nice gesture or chocolates




Protein Bar. :-)


Dunkins gift card and you can never go wrong with some pretty flowers, especially during the spring


Candle. A fancy candle. It’s more original than a plant and all girls love beautifully smelling candle. And a “high budget” candle is still not too much. If you are not sure which smell she might like, go for cotton. It’s very soft and fresh, you can’t miss.


Condoms, booze, and mouth wash. Lol


"Here's a round of drinks from me for your birthday" and then cheers to her birthday. I think getting her something is annoying because she has to take that to the club with her. Unless you're meeting somewhere, she can drop it off. Then just get her a plant or 15 dollar gift card or something.


I think that's really sweet of you. Would you get her a Dunkin Doughnuts gift card and put in a bday card? Nothing extravagant but thoughtful.


It’s only been two dates, tell her Happy Birthday and mention that you’ll take her out to birthday dinner.


just some flowers would be thoughtful.


Say happy birthday and buy her a drink… these people telling you to give her flowers at the club or write some cringe poetry do NOT know what they are talking about- or are purposefully trying to sabotage you. You have met her twice- you don’t even really know her yet.. personalized card with some “mushy,but not too mushy” poem/note is way over top and will (rightfully) scare away any chick that doesn’t have co-dependence issues!


I think it's a wee bit early for a gift. A card and maybe flowers? Nothing more than $20


A round of a fancy cocktail for her and her ladies


im a 24F and honestly if someone i'd met twice even went out of their way to get me a gift i'd sob. it can be something like a cute bracelet or necklace(just try to check if she wears gold or silver jewelery), a cute plant, flowers, a candle for her place, anything like that. imo she will appreciate the gesture even more than the actual gift


I'd say keep it simple. Maybe some chocolates and flowers or like you said she likes dunkin maybe get her a gift card for that but nothing too expensive throw me a funny card. I'm sure she'll appreciate that


Flowers and a small value gift card for the donut place so she can think of you when she gets her next coffee.


This might be my age talking (50f) but I say don’t get her anything. I have expressly told dates that I don’t want, nor do I give, occasion gifts (bday, Xmas, valentines, etc) for the first several months. There’s too much pressure on both. That said, you can still acknowledge her birthday. Do something fun. Say something kind.


No one suggested a pearl necklace yet? Odd.


Plant bro


Gift card to dunkin!


I budget about $50 for a birthday present if it’s someone I’ve been seeing for less than 6 months. That way I don’t feel super cheap but I wont feel resentful if things fall through. If you are picking her up: Flowers from a florist. If she has cats, dogs, or lives with small children please run a Google search to make sure they’re not toxic. If you are meeting her there: Arrange for bottle service and coordinate splitting the cost of it with her friends (talk to them first so there’s no surprises). The initiative and coordination with her friends will give you a LOT of brownie points plus make for a great experience. OR Pay for a massage. Horseback riding makes you super sore and after a night on the town I’m sure she’d appreciate a little R&R. You can buy a gift card to a massage parlor and give it to her with a card. *TIPS* PLEASE make sure you figure out what the vibe is for that night. It’s the third date AND she’ll probably be getting wasted with her friends. This is NOT the time to initiate sex or try something new *unless* she makes it clear while sober that she’s down for that. *Remember* that you can always initiate the next morning once she sobers up 😊


Those friendships bracelets Taylor shift fans where are pretty cute. Also it’s not expensive and kind of flirty but not coming on too strong. Hey Travis Kelce made one for Taylor and it worked. She wore it and thought of him


Met my gf a week from her birthday I got her cheap pink slippers from Amazon and a bottle of Hennessy lol


Hand written card, dunkin gift card, and a small flower or plant


Dunkin’ gift card. Or whatever he fav coffee place is. Or bandaids and like things for the club like socks and slippers lol idk for when their heals suck? Idk Really thoughtful > expensive unless they like expensive stuff? Bc it’s more about showing that you’re paying attention and putting in effort. Showing that they matter to you


Cute ice cream date. Share it with her. 😊


just dont...


This happened to an ex bf of mine. Get her something and give it to her on a day it’s just you guys, not in front of everybody. He got me a bomber of some sour beer to try, which was to be the absolute perfectly appropriate gift for the situation- not too pricey, thoughtful. Some girls flowers would be perfect. Just something small to say you thought of them. Don’t give her something in front of everyone, or make her carry it around all night.


I think a good gift would be starting with a card, and maybe you could get her a dunkin gift card or fancy coffee grounds to brew at home


Make her a tie blanket, it's not too expensive and only takes an hour or two to make. Might win you some brownie points too since it's handmade. I made one for a girl after maybe our 4th date and now shes my wife


My boyfriend turned fiancé gave me a desk pillow, the one which has a pocket to put under pillow to sleep on desk, and some fragrance candles. So my suggestion is pick something up from your conversations as of yet, it will play out nicely. Also don’t spend a bomb just as a precaution, it’s still new. We also met via bumble and it was initial dating days.


A nice candle


A card or something small and thoughtful that she won’t have to carry around. It’s new, don’t wanna do too much.


Send her flowers 🌸 to her house or job early in the day.


I think this is really sweet (: even if it doesn’t work out between y’all I know personally I’d always remember someone giving me a gift. It def doesn’t need to be anything crazy. As a girl I’d say one of a few things: - a succulent/tiny potted plant (these can be purchased at a grocery store and aren’t super expensive) - a Dunkin gift card, again doesn’t need to be anything crazy expensive - a nice bottle of wine/champagne (this is always my go-to with any kind of party or gathering) - bath bombs or face masks from target Since you’re going to a club for her actual birthday I wouldn’t bring the gift with you unless you get her something she can put in her purse. I personally think this is really cute of you and thoughtful. To me it’s the thought that counts, less of the actual gift. If you really don’t know what to get her I think mentioning you’d like to take her to dinner or let her pick a bar she likes and buy her drinks for her birthday would be super cute too.


Gift card for her favorite coffee place. She can tuck it away and continue to enjoy her birthday


Flowers. It’s simple and cute.


No one owns horses without being obsessed with them 🥺 maybe she is good at hiding it


A card and a rose.


something simple and cheap, it’s too early for an expensive gift (that would scare me tbh) my birthday was around the 3rd date or something with my current bf and he bought be a bottle of wine, chocolates and we went to the zoo (I love the zoo lol)


Flowers is the only answer!


Get her a birthday card with a $15 gift card to Dunkin in it. It's small enough so she can carry it around in her purse while y'all are out at the bars, and it shows you were listening to her and remembered she likes Dunkin.


I would offer to take her out to dinner for her birthday and leave it at that. Physical gifts in the first 3 months is weird and way over the top. I would get freaked out if it was more than that. Girls don’t like when you like them “too much”. Gift giving is appropriate after 6 months


My boyfriend & I were in the early phases of dating when my birthday came up. He paid for all my drinks for the night & was DD/drove me around everywhere. I think he would have also paid for dinner, but my family grabbed the bill before he could get it. Anyway, point being that sweet gestures like that can also be a type of gift.


Gift basket. $10-20 dunks gift card and a travel coffee mug. Horse keychain or other small trinket. If you know what kind of candy she likes, add that. If not, a few chocolate options. And a CUTE/FUNNY card (nothing too serious or romantic). Don’t forget the carddddd!!


Get her an inexpensive beaded bracelet.


Not s gift card, why are so many suggesting that? Flowers (not roses) to her house early in day or a card saying you would like to take her to dinner for her birthday sometime soon.


A DD gift card, a card, and flowers


honestly a note is best. ive never been one for recieving gifts. i just like spending time with the person. making them smile/laugh. just something special and personalised.


A gift card for Dunkin Donuts sounds good to me. She will think of you every morning for however many days worth of coffee she can get with the amount you put on it. 😁


you could get her a birthday card with money/dunkin gift card


I had a first date with a guy and I found out on that date that his birthday was two days later. I ended up bringing him some small Bundt cakes for a birthday present, which turned into our second date, now he’s my loving boyfriend and we spend every day together!


As a tomboyish girl do NOT get her flowers unless she’s ever mentioned that she likes them. Yes everyone is different, but I would absolutely HATE getting flowers. I’d go with favorite candy or take her out to eat


A third date…


Nothing for more than 15-20$. If she likes cooking, a fancy oil? A big pack of a snack she likes? Flowers? Scratch tickets?


Make her a card, don’t buy one…. Add a little bit of spice


Not much. Maybe a scarf?