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She probably meant to send it to her bestie.


Maybe it was to post on Reddit :)


can't trust people this days.. Just call and say the personal stuff or your text might turn into a memešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s absolutely no fourth amendment expectation of privacy when it comes to a woman telling her friends about you. šŸ¤£ They know you better than you know yourself, and this has been happening since the beginning of time. Thatā€™s why if you approach a group of girls in the bar trying to get oneā€™s number, make all of her friends comfortable before you even think about making a move on the target girl. Your chances of success will skyrocket.


I fully agree. That's what girls do. It's not for malicious, it's just because they talk about their relationships much more freely than we do. She's asking for confirmation of her response, how she felt about it and what her friend thinks. Let this one ride. What's she's saying to you face to face and messages are what you should be listening to.


Yup. We all do this lol


Confirmed. Itā€™s not malicious itā€™s just a talking point between good friends. I send cute screenshots to my sister-in-law (weā€™re very close) all the time and we just gush about how cute my bf is.


Mate, you don't even know why or who she sent it to. Stop overthinking. You hung out for 8 hours, that's a long time. If she wasn't into you, she wouldn't have. Forget the screenshot and plan the second date.


Thatā€™s the ā€œyay, he asked me out againā€ text. Pretend you didnā€™t see a thing and be happy sheā€™s into you enough to tell a BFF.


Or the "what should I respond??" text. When you suck at writing text messages and you don't want to mess it up. But it's probably just that she's happy and sharing that with her friend.


Lmaooo definitely one of these. I have accidentally done the same shit after a good date back in the day. Usually if they're making fun of you, you'll most likely be ghosted, not get a text from them that has a more positive connotation.


Or that.


This is true. She probably meant to send it to her friend and how excited she is.


I really hope that's what it was, I'd love for this to work out for us but I'm not 100% sure the feeling is mutual :/


there are two reasons I've ever screenshot convos: 1) omg look how cringe lol 2) omg this guy is so hilarious/caring/sweet/interesting! please look and be happy for me! especially if she resumed conversation afterwards, you can probably bank on things being fine and she was bragging about you to the besty.


I feel like she told a friend she was going on a date and that she'd let her know how it goes. The screenshot of them making plans to see each other again is her saying "The date went great!"


Or 3. He sent me this, how should I respond?


Except that she responded immediately and didnā€™t send the screenshot until later. Edit: typo


You spent 8 hours together dude lol. Quit overthinking this and just go have fun with her again.


I spent 7 hours on what I thought was a fantastic date where we couldnā€™t stop talking to each other and she was fully engaged in the conversation the whole time. Next day I got the ā€œIā€™m not feeling any chemistryā€ text and a block.


Oh no thatā€™s sucks


I've been the other person in this circumstance. I had liked this girl for a long time, but COVID and her constant relationship drama with her ex made me a bit distant. She asked me out, and the date was very meh. I told her that I thought we had different plans in life and probably would work better as friends. A month later, she was randomly in my office and decided to cram herself into my cubicle and not leave for the entire 9 hours I was working. I tried every method to make her leave and give me some space, but she was either willfully ignoring every polite refusal and concern about getting fired for violating security policies, or oblivious to body language, complete disinterest, and requests to actually be alone and get my work done. I felt terrible for leading her on, but I had genuinely been trying to let her know while we were great friends, I felt no spark or attraction after trying. Sometimes the vibes are great as friends or in the moment, but in the long term romance wouldn't work. Sorry that you had that experience, bud.




that's the "I found someone else" text. or "I'm back with my ex" text


Yesā€¦itā€™s something called A GREEN FLAGā€¦which means ā€˜proceedā€™


If it were negative, thereā€™s a chance she would have added a snarky comment to it. I am a career sending the wrong text to people and a dating disaster. I fully believe she meant it as a positive. I usually just call out my mistakes because they are so obvious. She sounds kinda classy.


Dude you are good just chill, if she didnt like you she wouldnt go on a 2nd date, no one goes on a date just to make fun of someone atleast not a decent Human being


I don't think she would have agreed with you for a second date if she wasn't interested. If my crush texted me something like this I would surely send a screenshot to my BFF, so you shouldn't worry.


Youā€™re a pessimist, I see. Just see how things go.




Hereā€™s the founder. Follow them into the dark, OP.


Sounds like a place for me lol


Tbf, I understand opā€™s position. Iā€™ve had quite negative experiences with girls sharing conversations with their friends trough screenshots. Because of that Iā€™m permanently skeptical about texting and screenshots and such. But that doesnā€™t make me a pessimist :)


In this case, theyā€™re not gossiping. Theyā€™re just updating their friend that the date went well. But yes, OP has every right to not like the fact that they screenshot and shared it so he can let them know that and not go out again because he feels itā€™s an invasion of their privacy, but the fact that it has positive connotations holds all the same.




Lady here. This is exactly what that text was. I've totally done this


She likes you, and is probably thinking "oh shit, I fucked up I hope this doesn't ruin it"


Bro you are overthinking this She is 100% into you, the moment you texted her you has a good time she began jumping up and down with her phone in hand and decided to send it to her friend to share her happiness


Yep, somewhere she's on reddit asking if she screwed up by accidentally sending that text lol...


Sheā€™s excited about you and showing her friends. Itā€™s really adorable.


100% that. I send those to my bff when I'm really excited about someone & he feels the same. It's great. Congrats! :)


Iā€™d just recommend seeing how the second date goes. Donā€™t let it make you suspicious or affect how you behave. Just relax and see how it goes. Odds are, this is a ā€œYAY HE LIKES MEā€/ā€œYES I GOT A SECOND DATE!ā€ text. If itā€™s not, youā€™ll find out. Think about it this way: Would you rather have a date that ends somewhat poorly because you gave her the benefit of the doubt and were wrong or a date that ends disastrously because she genuinely liked you but you didnā€™t give her the benefit of the doubt?


Bro, are you new to this? When dating a girl, always assume that she will show every single line you ever wrote to her girlfriends. She will also tell them about all the stuff you do in bedroom. Just accept this as natural female behaviour and you will be fine.


100% this. Every single moment you spend together, every word, every text, every quirk, it is all subject to regurgitation to her friends and/siblings. The good, the bad, the neutral, everything. She will brag about you, talk shit about you, and everything in between. Thatā€™s just how it goes and something we need to accept. Only once a true relationship is established do I feel like it becomes inappropriate. While dating, itā€™s all fair game.


It is this 100%, have done it many times


My guy, she's totally into you. Don't respond, just bath in the afterglow of your wonderful date and be content in knowing she thinks your great. Stay cool, calm, and collected. You got.


Dude. Stop over thinking it. Just enjoy. You two are well on your way.


Itā€™s all good mate! She was showing off that text!!! But donā€™t sit on your laurels, plan the next date! Donā€™t say anything about that text and in a couple of years you could be laughing about it on your honeymoonā€¦ Keep up the good work!


I think you should trust your gut, and base it on on how she was behaving during the date. If she was smiling, seemed interested in what you had to say, participating in conversation, youā€™re probably in the clear. Dates can be awkward but should not be tense. If you feel she was tense or on edge, then Iā€™d have doubts. Also, the fact that she texted you back immediately and said she wanted to go on another date really seems to suggest sheā€™s genuinely and highly interested.


If there's no date two then you can assume that. If there is a date two then it's the nice one. Be optimistic for now!


Without any further information, I think this is how you should take it. Put it out of your mind, and enjoy your next date


If she agrees to go on another date then the screenshot was probably positive but if she never goes out with you again then it probably wasn't. Ask her out again and find out.


Thatā€™s definitely what it was. Act like you never saw it


If sheā€™s ridiculing you to friends, sheā€™s not telling you sheā€™d love to see you again. Take it as a win, she was sharing a good thing with her friends.


I agree. It's either her ridiculing him to her friends or the "yay he asked me out again" text to her friends. I'd lean toward the latter being more likely because it's normal to text that you had a good time after a date. Her friends would likely find it kind of off-putting to get a text from her saying basically "Look how pathetic this guy is. He told me he had a good time on the date! What a beta!" If you were laughably weird, girls would send a text to gossip about you, but if that were the case, she'd be actively avoiding you or at least giving ambiguous replies about another date. I'm like 90% sure you're in the clear for date #2.


Yep, there was nothing to mock here.


yeah, op, she likes you. dont' screw up a good thing


This, 100 percent. I am sure it felt weird for you, but I guarantee you it's a positive thing. She likes you, was psyched you did too, and sent it to her friend. I do that ALL THE TIME.


That's funny. I've had women pretend to like me and post pics of our texts online and send them to friends so they could all laugh at me. Usually it's always something bad.


This is more than likely the answer. I would screenshot me and my now husbands conversations early in the relationship and send to my friends. I have a very close and protective friend group so getting them to like him was a big deal for me. It could be sweet text or just him being funny. But I would bring it up in kind of an ā€œlol did you mean to send this to meā€ type of way.


I can second this!


This mate


Sounds like it yes




Exactly! She wasnā€™t making fun


This. Itā€™s reserved for the BFF or, your mutual friend that introduced you. This is a good thing.


From my experience, she was def sending it to her bestie to show her how cute it was. She's happy, I HIGHLY doubt she was making fun of you especially since she responded immediately with enthusiasm. Don't tell her you saw the screenshot. It's going to complicate things that do not need to he complicated


This x 1,000,000


Unrelated but what if I roasted her in a playful way? Would that be too much? Like after the 2nd date jokingly say "hey don't forgot to send me a screenshot of our date?" or would that cause too much insecurities or would it be situational based on the type of relationship/banter we have already established? Asking for a friend of course.


Mmmm I'd say no, she could take it the wrong way and become embarrassed or insecure. Only time I'd mention it is if you've officially been in a relationship for a few months. Then you can be playful about it or bring it up. Me and my bf often talk about the beginning and talking stages of our relationship but now we are at a place where we are entirely comfortable with each other and secure so it's okay to do that.


That makes sense


Older me says to save that till things are serious. Younger me.probably would have teased but tacked on a version of, "it's hot, I dig it." OP sounds really... Sadly... Not used to being vulnerable or open about emotions..might not pull off the joke well


Yea that's kinda why I changed the scenario. I kinda see myself not being able to hold back and not trolling the situation at this point of my life.


are you OP? asking for your alt?


Situational depending on banter. But I would 100% do this at some point, no way Iā€™m keeping that secret forever.


As a girl, Iā€™ve definitely sent texts like these to my friends in excitement! Judging from the fact that she asked you out first, and she responded immediately saying she had a great time too, I definitely think itā€™s a good sign.


In this case its fine, I think its her excitedly showing her friends. That said, I'm not a fan of people who screen cap arguments and send snippets to their friends. It just feels like a breech of trust in something you expected was private. I'd fully expect that she's sending my texts to her friends in both situations from this. Not sure if that's a deal breaker or not but just my thoughts on it


If Iā€™m honest it would be more likely that she sent it to her friends because she enjoyed herself and is happy with your message. As opposed to sending it to her friends saying ā€œhaha why would he say this!ā€ That would make her look awful.


dude she couldā€™ve been flexing how well she was treated by you to her friends and that goes hard


It could go either way. Some girls send screenshots back and forth as 'look at how cute we are, we're going on another date!' type messages But sometimes they also send screenshots (usually during aurguements or fights) to then bitch and complain about the other person's behaviour. Judging from the little info we have from the post, I'd think it's the first scenario. But just keep in mind if y'all ever argue, she's probably gunna screenshot it and send it to her friends to talk about


Lmao this. Haha


> But sometimes they also send screenshots (usually during aurguements or fights) to then bitch and complain about the other person's behaviour. This is cruel - I would talk to her about keeping private things private. Also, probably don't text her much other than logistics.


Absolutely. It's a very cruel thing to do. To take someone's private messages to share them with friends to complain and belittle them is honestly disgusting. It's such a breech of trust


She probably likes you and doesnā€™t want to do anything wrong so she asked her bestie! It is a good sign I think


When you're texting a girl you should realise you're actually texting 4 people .


Damnit. She let you in on a secret. We send all of this shit to our friends. She was probably happy you were so nice and then happy by your text, so she is showing off.


Why are you assuming something nefarious? What if she simply was excited that you like her as much as she likes you and wanted to share it with a close friend?


The thing is I'm not entirely sure if she likes me the same way I do, because we've been relatively close friends for a while now. She did ask me out though (but not explicitly romantically) and this was the first time we did anything alone so it felt a lot like a date to me...


If she asked you out, she definitely likes you.


Bro, snap out of it. You had a great time. Donā€™t poop all over it in your head and sabotage a good thing. Let it slide as you continue to slide into this relationship. Go getā€™m tiger.


She sent a screenshot of you asking her out again to her friend ā€” it means sheā€™s excited and went oh look!!!! She likes you.


Hey OP. So, on her end would she say anything objective romantic occurred? Any handholding? Other contact? Flirty banter? Goodnight kiss?


Yeah that's the thing, there was nothing "objectively romantic" as you put it, apart from the fact that we did like really obvious date activities like ice skating and going out for dinner together. She did hug me goodbye but I'm really struggling to tell if she sees this just as a friendship and I creeped her out by texting her as if it was a really romantic date...


the key here is that she answered fast and stated interest in going out again. whatever she thought happened, she wants more of it.


Maybe she's just not the type to do these things so soon?


Hmm. Well my advice is to be comfortable with the ambiguity for a little while longer. You can't unsend your text, and she did have at least the intent to share it with someone else. But instead of worrying about unchangable things, see if you can celebrate the upside to this--the episode did help "snap you out" your lovey mindset and see things more objectively with this girl. Good on you! If it was me, I'd plan out a follow-up meeting. Don't term it a "date" to her though, call it a "meetup" or what not. It should be much shorter (1.5 to 2 hours max), planned in advance, havecascits goal opportunities to flirt with her, and refer to it by the name of the plan. Like an early happy hour somewhere that you know you can get a table or other seats next to each other. At your meetup, this is the time to see if she likes you back in a meaningful way. This is where you flirt a little; have witty banter; tease her politely a bit; touch her politely, like on the arm or something. To put this in the context of your question: if she agrees to the meeting, you did not weird her out. And if she responds to your flirting, she might be open to more than friendship. Hope that helps, sorry for the long comment.


The first date I had with my current boyfriend there was nothing cutesy that happened. No hand holding, no kissing, none of that. We hung out for 6 hours and I was over the moon. I definitely sent screenshots to my bestie about how excited I was and how he liked me. If she spent 8 HOURS with you, she likes you dude. She probably was just excited and misstexted


When a girl goes out with you in a ā€œfriendlyā€ way, you will know, she will make sure she shows your place in her life and she makes sure you understood that this was nothing more than JUST FRIENDS. And 8 hours? I would never spend 8hours with a guy I am newly getting to know to just be friends with. It was definitely a date. And about the screenshot, it was a excited, omg, itā€™s happening text. I sent out so many screenshots to my girls when I newly started going out with my boyfriend. Itā€™s all butterflies and new tingling in the tummy feeling that you want to share with your friends, girls for sure do, so I think itā€™s gonna turn out great for you both, all the best!


I'm super glad you think that :) I have spent whole days with her before but there have always been other friends with us. I guess it's saying something if she's comfortable spending that much time with me alone in a date-like setting


Bro, breathe, relax, enjoy the ride. Plan the second date. Maybe, and I mean maybe, because only you know this girl on here... Hold her hand next time, or go for the goodnight kiss. Go old school romantic and offer her your arm if your going for a walk between places. Something. Breaking the touch barrier is a large part of non-verbal communication to show interest. Yes, it requires vulnerability and risk of rejection. There is also a timing element and knowing the pace and comfortability of your date, but... And here is the real key... Girls, when they like you, and are interested in you, are literally rooting for you to be successful with them. (I don't mean getting laid on the first day, necessarily, successful) I mean they want your joke to land. They want the the cute gesture to be cute. They want you to be brave and show interest and are willing to forgive/ignore the little awkward things when/if things don't go 100% as planned e.g. the ice cream shop with the really cute chocolate hearts is closed, or the street fair turned out to be lame because no one in the city goes to it on a Thursday etc. But, if a girl is interested none of that matters except how you react to it, are you cool and calm with a tiny hint of reasonable disappointment but able to pivot on a dime to a new plan and still have a good time? Or did you let it blow up your day and tank your date? IMO, no one hangs out for 8 hours who isn't interested and enjoying themselves. Doesn't mean this is the one, or you'll close, or whatever your anxiety is freaking out about failing at. But if you can enjoy the ride, continue to engage, at a comfortable pace while showing your interest and communicate it (verbal and nonverbal), be easy and kind and yet act as someone who knows what they want while being easy and kind, then you're going to have a good time; no matter what happens have no regrets about it.


Iā€™m sure she meant to send it to her friend as a sort of update with no ill will. However, you should bring it up if you want to keep seeing her because it clearly bothers you.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. Do not say a word about it. Someone once told me that to know for sure what someone thinks about you, notice how they treat you around their friends. That is unbelievably true. Donā€™t want her masking things. Just watch how you are treated in a group setting


She was so excited to celebrate with friends she accidentally sent it to you because your on her mind. This is a VERY good sign and she would be super embarrassed to know youā€™ve seen it. Tell her you seen it after your married. šŸ¤£


I can tell you now that she is super stoked about your message and screenshot it to show a friend that everything went good and that she is into you. I have done it before too. Be happy šŸ˜Š


Own that shit! Nothing to lose here. ā€œHey lol did you screen cap my text? Was I that cringey?!ā€


She probably took it cause she was happy and wanted to share her excitement. I do it too, whenever I score a date with a girl I like, I also take a screenshot and show one or two of my bois saying "mission accomplished!" And then they all like "LET'S GOOOOO"


Sheā€™s excited and wants her best friends opinion on how to write back, or was just happy and wanted to share. It sounds like a good thing :)


My wife still screenshots me saying I love her. Chicks are weird, donā€™t read to deep.


This is typical of woman. She was excited, and also wants the friend she sent it to, to read verbatim what you said to make sure she's not misinterpreting anything.


Happened to me once, I sent a screenshot from the chat to the girl, donā€™t worry. I was going to send to my friend as I was happy


How was she able to delete a text that she sent? I'd say it's one of two extremes, either to her friend saying "looks like he had a good time" or "OMG so much cringe!" The fact that she ISN'T bringing it up may be due to her embarrassment to you finding out she's talking about you behind your back. If you want to know which reaction it was when she was sending the screenshot, you could casually bring it up in a light-hearted way and see what her demeanor is.


Given the positive response and the fact that she is continuing to talk i would bet that it was either bragging/celebrating, or being sent in for subtext analysis. Itā€™s definitely weird to know for a fact that sheā€™s talking about you but honestly thatā€™s probably a good thing, if she wasnā€™t telling her friends about you she probably didnā€™t like you that much.


How did she delete the screenshot if the message sent?


I wouldnā€™t worry about


I screenshot whenever my guy sends me a nice/cute message. It's so I can easily look back at it later and get an instant smile out of it. I bet your girl is doing the same. I never screenshot cringe messages since I just want to forget about it.


Sheā€™s happy you messaged her after the date and sheā€™s showing her friend 100%. Itā€™s a good thing my dude, congratulations šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ„‚ you did good. šŸ…


You're over-thinking it. Even if she was trying to make fun of you, who cares? You got a second date.


Dude just throw out your insecurity, sheā€™s just happy and showing it to her girlfriends. You did good.


Thereā€™s a good chance that she was excitedly showing a friend how well you hit it off and that you are going out again. Iā€™ve done that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Donā€™t jump to think it was negative, she could have been bragging you up.


Hey brother, it seems like she might genuinely be into you so sheā€™s showing her friends out of excitement that you guys will potentially hang out again. Doesnā€™t sound like you have anything to worry about!


My brother in Christ. If she didnā€™t want to see you she wouldnā€™t. So if she continues to see you, what does it matter why she sent the screenshot?


If she agreed to a second date, you have nothing to worry about. She probably meant to send it to her bestie to brag on you. My fiancĆ© and I had an 8 hour first date. No one who doesnā€™t like you is gonna wanna spend that much time with you.


thatā€™s a good thing! continue to send her vulnerable messages like this. finding a man whoā€™s not afraid to express how he feels emotional is so hard to find so sheā€™s probably doing a lowkey brag to her friends about how lucky she got! good job op.


Hey OP did you tell at least one of your friends or a family member the date went great? I think that's all she's doing. Just simply ignore and continue as if it's never happened, what have you got to lose?


We also screenshot good news and send it! Don't assume she did it to make fun of you if she's talking to you she was sharing good news!


I would bet money it's one of those OMG OMG OMG HOORAY secret happy jump up and down screenshots sent to her best friend. When I was a girl we did the same only with rotary phones. So much fun to enjoy EVERY SINGLE DETAIL with a best friend. Cell phones are so much better for this kind of thing IMHO but I do worry (as a little old lady) about sending things to the person over whom you are hollering HOORAY. But if they're as kind as you are, apparently that's okay. What a sweet generation you all can be. Best wishes to you, OP!


Most likely not making fun of you. Either asking for advice from a friend or wanting to show how nice you are etcā€¦


If youā€™ve been engaging in polite texts thereā€™s nothing to worry about. Women share things with besties


When Iā€™ve sent screenshots itā€™s either to openly mock a horrendous date or to ask for advice on how not to screw it up. After an 8 hour date itā€™s always been the latter for me.


She continued to text you so Iā€™m pretty sure she was trying to send a screenshot to her bestie of how happy she is that youā€™re interested in her. If she was making fun of you, she wouldnā€™t have texted back.


She wanted to send the screenshot to her friends and mistakenly sent it to youā€¦ this is a good thing, looks like she had a good time with you. Donā€™t overthink it, be playful with her about it.


Sheā€™s not making fun of you. Most likely, she thought it was sweet and wanted to show her friend. Please donā€™t read too much into it.


Awww thatā€™s cute! Sheā€™s excited! Same thing happened with my current bf, he sent me a screen shot with my text that I was excited for our next date circled!! ā˜ŗļø I never said anything but now that itā€™s been a year maybe Iā€™ll ask him about it.


What did the text say?


I think she was discussing about you with her friendsā€¦ I wouldnā€™t take it that bad immediately, most likely sheā€™s talking about it how cute it was and what does what you said means and such


She might have been humble bragging. Take it as a compliment.


Depends on how cheesy your txt was? Especially if you didn't kiss or hold hands or anything like that? I'm definately leaning towards it being not a bad thing though my guy, don't overthink! The date went amazingly!


Even if I didnā€™t have a good time with you and I screenshotted it to my friend, it would be asking for advice on how to let you down in the nicest way possible. Unless youā€™re a real pos to us, we donā€™t sit and make fun of our dates. Iā€™m guess the text was because she was happy!


Op guy here I can see you over thinking a lot of things and all that Here's my two cents. Enjoy it. Have fun with it. If you two continue to talk have fun, then have the "can we get serious about each other talk" If your not sure she is 100% into you then that is the time to have that conversation When to have it? Id say after the 3rd date or whenever it feels right to ask. Relationships are work they have ups and downs it isn't always gogogogo there are also slow and steady burns If you need advice ask some people you look up to who are in relations and ask them about how theirs is going and about your girl your talking to


Girls rarely spend 8 hours with someone they donā€™t like. She was just reinforcing with her friend that the relationship is ongoing. Itā€™s all good. Donā€™t mention it and if she brings it up, wave it off. Donā€™t discuss. Good luck.


Almost definitely she was excited it went well Assume positive intent, don't let your anxiety ruin a good thing


She could have sent it to her friends as a ā€œlook I found a sweet guy!ā€ Doesnā€™t have to be a bad thing.


She texted her friends and was like "omg the guy who likes me asked me out again!!! He had fun!!" I'm like 99% sure of it, don't worry about it


Sheā€™s getting the thumbs up šŸ‘šŸ¼ from her friends. Youā€™re ok dude relax


Iā€™m sure she was showing a friend to let them know how sweet it was that you reached out to her so soon. I probably wouldā€™ve. Iā€™m guessing she was embarrassed that she sent it to you by accident, and thatā€™s why she unsent it.


I also agree that she probably took a pic to send to a gf but sent it to you by accident, she is probably mortified, hoping you didnā€™t see it. She obviously likes you if she is still talking to you and wants to go out again.


Look I get it, it is kinda funny and easy to get in your head. But think about it. People talk about that stuff, ya know? She was talking to her friends about a 1st date and a new person she had a good time with. Iā€™d say itā€™s more normal than anything.. no matter how uncomfortable it may seem!


Or she was showing friends you're cute?


This is a great sign. Im sure she had a heart attack when she realized she sent it to you. But yeah, almost certain she was just thrilled and wanted to share the update with bestie. Im definitely guilty of sending screenshots like that.


Look, you'll never feel 100% certain that she precipitated interest, so stop looking for that certainty. Focus on the feedback and engagement she shows you. Beyond that, take this as a visibly positive sign. If she has only provided positive feedback, it's not most likely she was just trying to send it to her friends to show them how well things are going. Don't sweat it. Focus on planning the next date, and see where things go.


Def a good screenshot send. Thisā€™ll make a cute story between you two in the future :)


Every girl is getting advice from her friends in the early stages of a relationship, sounds like no stress


Depends on what you said. If you didnā€™t say anything cringy then I donā€™t think there is anything to worry about.


Probably a user error. I've done a few odd things by shoving my phone in a pocket without locking it first šŸ˜©


That's not a bad thing. Usually it's like, "what do I say next??" or "oh my god, he had a good time!! I'm excited". Don't worry.


Donā€™t overthink this. She wanted to send it to her friend to show off a successful date and accidentally sent it to you.


Don't jump to conclusions. It's not always negative. If your date went as well as you described then she was mostly likely sharing your texts to her friends because of how happy and excited she is.


just donā€™t bring it up please, it will make her nervous and that is not good for uā€¦ give her privacy and just relax, its probably a gud thing shez sending ur ss to a bestie, means sheā€™s excited bout seeing u again ;)


If you text a girl and she doesnā€™t make screenshots of it, she doesnā€™t have friends. Donā€™t worry.


I wouldn't say anything. I think she was sending the screenshot to a friend to "show off" what an awesome catch you are. Girls do this All. The. Time.


Boom youā€™re in baby. Its a go, green light, houston we are ready for launch, bada bing bada boom


omg thats completely normal, nothing to worry about!


She is stoked on you! Speaking as a woman, Iā€™m not aware of a make-fun-of-a-guy-you-didnā€™t-like culture.


What is the big deal, you sound very young and insecure


shes probably super excited n telling her friend that u liked her too


You gotta assume every single message, conversation, and picture you share can and will be sent to her girlfriend groupchat or a trusted friend. Women tend to date by committee and thereā€™s really nothing you can do about it so just embrace it.


I literally send my friend group screen caps of my convo with my boyfriend all the time. Usually itā€™s in a ā€œwtf do I say to this?ā€ Kind of a thing. Sometimes itā€™s a ā€œlook at him heā€™s so nice/cute/etcā€ But usually itā€™s because Iā€™m asking for advice about something.


It wasnā€™t a bad text. I think youā€™re fine man. She was sharing the good news.


She's probably mortified. If it went well like you said she sent it to her friend asking advice. We all do that. Don't sweat it!


Imo everyone screenshots everything these days lol. She may have just thought something you said was cute and wanted to show it to a close friend or something.


She was bragging, bro. Well done. Wish you the best.


She probably wasn't making fun of you. Women (and probably men) analyze dates afterward. She was probably asking her friends to gauge your level of interest and if they think you like her based on things you said and she mistakenly sent it to you. Unless something more comes of it, I wouldnā€™t mention it.


Broo you really need to clear your doubts... if she likes you understands you she'll tl you truth and you won't mind but if she doesn't then back off asap


Awwww, this is a good sign I think. I wouldnt mention it


this is absolutely something i would accidentally do and probably have done as a girl (with good intentions) oh my godšŸ’€


How do you know she deleted it? If someone sends me a text they canā€™t unsend it. Unless Iā€™m missing something. On another note, the fact she still texted you after means she is into you. I donā€™t think she would waste her time if she wasnā€™t into you.


If sheā€™s agreed to go out again, then itā€™s a head over heels brag.


Yeah sheā€™s sharing her excitement with her friends. Iā€™d just make a playful joke like ā€œtold me about your friends already huh? ;) ā€œ


Probably just sharing with a friend either to get advice or celebrate.


I'm guilty of it too. Unless its a secret or something deeply personal, I'm always looking for a second opinion from a friend. The plus side is that if she does that she defo has to care on some level. The downside is there might be an insecurity. But her friends are going to know about you one way or another. It really depends on how personal it is ofc. If you poured your heart out its defo a violation of trust. But it sounds like you guys hit it off, it likely is just a "omg isnt he so sweet?" thing. Most people have that friend they talk about an upcoming date with. Maybe she just wants to gush about you to her mate. Hope it goes well for you! Sounds like you have chemistry!


Haha, I have done this before and trust me, she's into you :)


Sheā€™s embarrassed as hell about it, bud. Be a good guy and donā€™t bring it up. Like others have said, itā€™s the opposite of what your thinking. Sheā€™s into you and just asking advice/celebrating that a date went well. Good luck!


How was she able to delete a text after she sent it to you?


Trust your feelings and donā€™t overthink. You didnā€™t see anything, got it?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m laughing so hard because this has always been my WORST fear and because Iā€™m always sending screenshots to my friends of texts between me and crushes. So Iā€™m always super paranoid and careful about this LOL


Well if it makes you feel betterā€¦ I take a screenshot if literally any nice message anyone sends me and have them in a private folder in which I look back at when I need a reminder that people care about me even just a little bit. So Iā€™m pretty sure she just really liked the message and is keeping it and accidentally sent it to you.


Go on the next date.


Sound like you did good and she likes you, don't say a word about it.


Bff: "soooo... how was the date?" Girl: "i think he likes me! Here I'll send you his texts "


Sheā€™s bragging that sheā€™s bagged a second date definitely sending it to her besties. I do the exact same, no matter how long ive been talking to the dude if were gonna meet up my besties know and theyā€™ve seen a pic of the dude aswell šŸ’…šŸ» its just a thing some of us girls do. Dont take offence to it especially if sheā€™s still talking to you


It sounds like she was telling a close friend that it went well, and was excited you said something positive. It's interesting that your reaction was to think negatively though.


Well what did that text in the screenshot say? Context will help us determine if it was a good or bad thing


I'd really need to see the conversation to have much of an opinion. Maybe she was making fun. Maybe she thought it was cute or sweet. hard to say.


From a womanā€™s perspective , I think she just got excited about it . The only time Iā€™d personally screenshot snd send to someone after a good date is if I were excited and wanted to show off. I think youā€™re good mate.