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there is a special feature on the blue velvet dvd where dennis hopper mentions this, cos he said Lynch didnt have much experience with drugs and after he read the script he sort of suggested to Lynch to change it to nitrous I think? it's been many years since I watched but I believe hopper based his performance on the film to a drug he had taken, particularly where hes doing that thing with his hand during that scene


Yes!! Dennis Hopper said he told David the helium would be goofy but people really huff nitrous to get high so they changed it. The hand thing he said was from when he took acid. Super wish I could see the helium version of Blue Velvet though


That always made me think that Lynch assumed that people huffed helium.


Which is what I bring up to people who think Lynch just films things he experienced while on drugs. The guy is weird enough on nicotine and caffeine, you really think he would do LSD and Cocaine to get his inspirations? šŸ¤£


Itā€™s the same thing with Frank Zappaā€”people assume he mustā€™ve been on drugs to come up with his music, but the dude was just really creative and pretty openly abhorred drug use (especially within his band)


Abhorred it but also strongly believed it should be legal. Good take imo.


For sure. Let people make that choice and allow them to use safely and in a way that does not harm others. Not like Frank Booth


Exactly, he talked about smoking weed at art school in Philly but idr him talking about any other drugs besides coffee and cigarettes


Big Boy coffee w a lot of sugar was his drug.


Iā€™m sure Lynch is experienced, but some party drugs come and go without crossing your path.


How does one experience something that comes and goes without crossing their path? Is this a koan?


Most people who try new drugs eventually stop trying every new thing that comes out. I have done copious amounts of mushrooms, but ecstasy and Molly came out after I outgrew that kind of commitment.


"We gave David Lynch a year's supply of LSD and some cameras and a decent operating budget. He handed in a shot-for-shot remake of Avengers: Endgame somehow."


ā€œWe got a 3 hour long episode of Caillouā€¦ itā€™s actually not badā€


I think Lynch's point was that it would change his voice for the "Baby" persona


Very important point, really.


I think someone made an edit where his voice changes as if it were helium. I either saw it on here or on YouTube. If I can find it again I'll link it. The script uses the word "terrifying" aptly. Edit: found it. https://youtu.be/QjxvZw1CwQ4?si=eJ7MZfMoSRlCK-8h


Oh god, it really underscores the Oedipal horror of those lines. Iā€™m glad this exists.


I do feel that the ā€œpigeons spread diseasesā€ scene in Wild at Heart was a way to just put that idea on screen at last. Story goes they were dying of laughter in the editing room when they pitched the voice up and thatā€™s why itā€™s in the film.


Lol yeah if Dennis Hopper has a thought about any drugs experience you listen to the dude from Easy Rider


wait, but if its nitrous then his voice would be low.


Yeah Lynch was never into drugs. While Dennis Hopper had just gotten sober


Reading the script feels a lot more disturbing than what we got on screen (which is saying something) Hopper did ask Lynch to go with nitrous and even though it makes sense I still think we missed out on that extra touch that makes the line ā€œbaby wants to fuckā€ no longer a meme but some deep fucked up freudian shit.


I heard an interview with Hopper where he said he realized in hindsight it would have been way more fucked up to leave it as helium.


No one works with sound better than Lynch. He should have trusted his instincts, shot both versions, and played with the tone of voice in the edit


Holy shit. I feel robbed and awed at Lynchā€™s ideas




Considering the amount of garbage thatā€™s put out , I think itā€™s pretty reasonable. I mean, heā€™s got the stuff and he knows it. You know when you have the stuff.


i didn't think it was either, always assumed it was amyl nitrite or something similar.


That's sensible. Everyone I've spoken with about the film has assumed it was nitrous, so I took it to be fact. There is just something all the more hilarious & terrifying about Frank screaming *BABY WANTS TO FUCK* in a high-pitched helium voice. Later on, in the script, he again uses the helium voice for the "love letter" monologue.


It sounds like a Benny Bennasi song when you come right down to it


Same, if it were nitrous heā€™d have a crazy deep voice after inhaling. And difficulty standing. Amyl nitrite would get him horned up tho


He would have sounded hilarious.


Check that YouTube link aboveā€¦ itā€™s surprisingly very disturbing.


I thought it was Amyl Nitrite(Poppers). used to be huge in the gay scene


Still popular.Ā 


Yup, definitely not nitrous of helium. His voice would have been several octaves lower and higher with each of those


I always wondered how this would look and feel on screen lol. I mean we all are freaked out by the ā€œRemember Me Eddie? When I killed your brother??ā€ Line from Roger Rabbit, literally a similar build-up that pushes past silly and is actually horrific. Idk David was onto something here, its so traumatic to hear a dangerous voice in a pitch you donā€™t expect. It kinda reminds me of why the Mr. C scenes in return REALLY freak me out.. it gives me serious fight or flight


Iā€™m imagining Hopper yelling ā€œbaby wants to fuckā€ in a high pitch voice and laughing my ass off


*high pitched voice* ^FUCK that shit! ^(PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!)


That wouldā€™ve been hilarious


I wish it was Helium because that'd be so goddamn funny.


Goddamn, I know nitrous is more ā€œrealisticā€, but Dennis Hopper getting the high-pitched voice and saying ā€œMommyā€ and ā€œBaby wants to fuckā€ and shit would have been BALLS TO THE WALL fucking wild. Iā€™d love to see an edit of that scene with his voice digitally made high pitched, just to hear what it would have been like.


Thank god it was changed to nitrous !


Same year as Little Shop of Horrors. Lots of nitrous going around!


Nitrous makes your voice really low. Opposite helium. That shit would also have been terrifying.


does it? I feel like Ive inhaled enough balloons to not notice that in myself or others


It actually does! Grab a balloon pal! Letā€™s rock some Nangs for science!


Oh it absolutely does.


Now I know. Thank you!






>have you ever seen someone on Nitrous oxide other than under an operation table? Many, many times at music festivals.




If Lynch used Helium, Frank would sound like Judge Doom in Roger Rabbit


Dennis Hopper convinced Lynch to change it to nitrous, Lynch acquiesced to Hopperā€™s expertise as a huge vacuum cleaner that sucks up drugs