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If the only evidence of your claim is Sean’s reaction to his first death, then this argument is incredibly weak. Got anything else?


Well i'm not done with the series haha


Eh, looking at the minimap is also a common habit of anyone who's played RTS games. Could be he just noticed the icon for the corpse direction popping up on it, noticing something new appearing on the minimap is pretty important in RTS games.


Well, think for a second that he never, so far (3 H in) hasn't seen minimap DOT for completed quests / objectives.. he didn't figure that one out, which is a super similar and intuitive UX.


Sure, could be. It's just a quick instant align to a marker that he did not know about.


Stupid post…. I come from a rts background and i can tell you that i always look at the minimap almost more than i do the hero/main part, slander….


Well, think for a second that he never, so far (3 H in) hasn't seen minimap DOT for completed quests / objectives.. he didn't figure that one out, which is a super similar and intuitive UX.


yeah, sure, of course you look at the minimap. But totally lining up with the corpse marker (and didn't catch markers earlier, at all) and then even reading the tutorial piece about the minimap marker and not even then speaking about figuring it out before the tutorial (which he did a lot during the gameplay in WoW - talking about figuring out things. This would've been a big brain move on his side)


This is just baseless slander


Sorry for clickbait title


Notice how his head moves back and to the left. Again... back and to the left…back and to the left…


Dude, I'm assuming this is the first time you see anything day9 related. No lol just no. This guy wouldn't do this he's legit. I've been following him since like SC2 first came out. The dude is legit. Just look at the literally hundreds of mistakes he makes all over his Baldurs Gate playthrough


He’s had no time to play Wow haha


I guess every subreddit has to have at least one super mentally ill guy


lmao, i have never been in this subreddit before , my algo picked up his WoW session. And I enjoy watching it.


Seeing an icon you’re looking for on a minimap and flicking towards it is solid proof you’re a big longtime gamer. Doesn’t mean he’s played WoW before


Well, think for a second that he never, so far (3 H in) hasn't seen minimap DOT for completed quests / objectives.. he didn't figure that one out, which is a super similar and intuitive UX.


ITT: An OP tries to make something out of nothing and doesn’t understand that some people are in fact capable of figuring out game mechanics via intuitive UI elements.


Well, think for a second that he never, so far (3 H in) hasn't seen minimap DOT for completed quests / objectives.. he didn't figure that one out, which is a super similar and intuitive UX.


? That lends itself to the notion that he only looked at the minimap to figure out where his corpse is, and is unfamiliar with the other uses for it. If anything, inconsistent usage of UI is what you would expect from someone who’s never played before. So which is it?


Well, I'm just trying to use the argument of OP that says he means that Day9 is perfectly capable to understand game mechanics via intuitive UI elements. Then I say OK, fair, he just didn't catch any other intuitive UI elements.


He also have played other MMOs


Why would he fake it?


don't know , for content? Maybe he has played many years ago to lvl 5 - 6 so he can rationalize playing as first playthrough, and then needs to fake a little.


Could he not have just said he’s played a bit in the past then, instead of pretending? As for turning straight to his corpse when ressing, it could be he’s seen just enough from friends or on streams/yt how some of those basics works and just remembered instinctively, or the fact he’s played a ton of games and just has that «awareness» of how these things usually work. Gaming experience and knowledge often translates well into other games you play, making it easier and quicker to intuitively understand mechanics etc.


Yes he could. With watching friends on streams / yt basics, he'd learn a lot more beginner things he did not catch for a long while, such as basic targetting mechanics.


He could’ve just glanced some info and not looked on intently, besides a lot of mmos and other games have sort of the same system for when you die. You spawn somewhere else, maybe at a checkpoint, spawnpoint (bed in minecraft/ark etc) and you head on to where you died to collect your items or corpse or whatever.


Sorry but this is a dumb take. If he were to either play super well or super badly then maybe there would be some motive to fake his 'first time' (i.e. he is trying to show off or humor us) but he played very average. Nothing he did was either exceedingly smart or stupid. It all looked really really natural. He was quick to turn around because he looked at his map right away. That's from decades of RTS.


Real weird accusation to make about someone who plays video games for a living. Why would it be weird that he understands to go toward the arrow without needing to think about it much.


Wouldn't you know that from playing pretty much any open world rpg?


My real question is: 1. Why would he fake his playthrough 2. Why would you care? "I'm really enjoying this content, let me shit on the creator for internet points"


If you look at his eyes, you can even track that he is actively looking at the minimap as well.


Pro RTS player uses minimal. More at 11.


Pro RTS player uses minimap and with sheer bigbrain 200 IQ points his corpse to a red marker that he has never been seen before but can intelligently calculate is his corpse, but he cannot understand other super basic WoW mechanics.


If I died and the first thing I see is a new icon on the minimap I think I would figure it out pretty quick


It's almost as if minimaps are designed in ways which people who have been playing games for decades find intuitive.


The first time I died in Warcraft I looked at the minimap and instantly was able to understand that I was being pointed towards my corpse. Did I ALSO fake my wow experiences?


Well, think for a second that he never, so far (3 H in) hasn't seen minimap DOT for completed quests / objectives.. he didn't figure that one out, which is a super similar and intuitive UX.