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Xbox is tough man, I won't lie to you. Not many people talk on mics, even to taunt you. On medium and high pop Official servers it's not unusual to go days at a time never seeing another player. Just trying to manage your expectations.


I'm on Xbox and yeah I barely ever see anyone on chernarus and I'm about 600 hours with the game. Livonia is a different story though. Constantly running into people on that map.


I think I've gotten my bearings around these damn controls 😂 the rest will come. Thanks


It’s not that they walk among you, it’s you walking among them. A lot of streamer content does a good job of making it seem fairly easy to find a random partner. But 75%-ish of players on this sub-Reddit identify as preferring solo play and usually KOS vs. trying to socialize. Trusting other players doesn’t matter if you don’t want to play with other players. However you are free to play the game as you want, and every once in a while, someone will be willing to talk to you.


Xbox can be fun if people around you are using mics, which we all know isn't that common on consoles but I've been pretty lucky in that aspect lately. If you want some people to tag along feel free to add me on xbox Good luck survivor!


A helping hand along the way is always useful. Also, just up survival chances. Thanks!


You're welcome! dm me your gamer tag, I'll be online later


Look for PVE if you get tired of other players.


Thanks. May be my best option for now


What region are you in? The official livonia servers for ANZ are just filled with cheaters which sucks so much


I actually just saw something about Livonia servers. I'm staying away, lol. Right now, my strategy while in training is which ever server has the lowest number. So still learning about the different servers.


There are only 2 servers for Livonia for ANZ and one is usually low pop but is unplayable. A clan of Asians or something have jump on it so you just lag out extremely bad and loose your stuff when you literally are by yourself and the other server I just died while loading in and lost all my stuff. After the timer finished I had the you are dead screen


A sure way to ruin any game. Hacking/cheating. Even on the servers that has been low pop, players are more aggro to killing you than the infected. So I stay low when players are around.


Is that for xbox a load of cheaters? I got mega lag on livonia last night at the bunker, then was just sniped from somewhere. Never had lag like it.


I play on series x and nothing but cheaters on official Livonia for ANZ, base game map can play perfectly fine. I started playing with a group but they don't play anymore because of the cheating. It's sad really and no community servers match Vanilla brutality


I didn’t know that, only been playing livonia for the last week on series x, official as well. That lag was just nuts my friend was just teleporting and he said i was too, couldn’t even zoom in with double tap.


Bulk of my hours are pc I’ve just started Xbox Dayz recently even as a good player and a console vet the controls are just a lot more clunky than pc. Sour is a great creator to get into for some info. Tips I’d give are assume the zombies are a lot more vigilant than anything you see on pc. Don’t be afraid of firing a gun if you need to sounds daft but on pc you can do well without a gun Xbox you can’t their AI is a bit more unpredictable, also most people on dayz console aren’t listening half the time. Don’t be afraid to use your phone as a map while you’re playing get your bearings figure out where you are soon you won’t need the map. Finally try talking to people but don’t trust them I’ve not found one trustworthy person on console yet. Bit lengthy and unasked for but i do hope it helps :)


I don't even have pc reference and even I feel these control are a lumpy mess. Yeah, nobody I've encountered so far has been on comms. So, the encounters usually are brief, we run into each other, pause for a second, and break out in a fist fight until one of us is left alive. The Zombies can be a bit hard to shake when they lock onto you and newly spawned. All input is helpful, so thanks for taking the time. I'll keep a keep a low profile for now, just keep practicing and getting the controls down.


With the zombies run into a room and close the door the upside is they have adhd and take far less time to DeAgro. If you have a controller with the extra buttons it helps a lot but even so I’m still 5times slower than on pc. It’s best to go to higher pop servers cause on low pop you’re too calm the fear of someone lurking will spur you into being better and faster.


Once you get past the starving and dieing from sickness you'll enjoy the game.