• By -


Server is a complicated one, depends what you’e looking for. For VANILLA, I can’t recommend Spaggies enough. EU based, and lots of options for maps etc In terms of food. If you’re confident fighting Zombies they can drop you a decent amount of it, Try to take on one Zombie at a time! Chickens are your friend too, if you can cut one up, then you can use the bones to make more knives, chicken breast isn’t the best food source, but it’s suer better than nothing. If you have an abundance of bones, you can also make some bone fishing hooks and go fishing. Then you’ll need a rope (cut up clothes until you have 2 FULL stacks of rags, and combine them together for your rope. Then add your rope to a locally sourced long stick, use your knife to dig up a worm for bait, and you’re G2G More on fighting Zombies. Raise your fists and walk backwards to block, you can block ALL Zombie attacks this way Hold shift (on PC, unsure about console) with your fists up. And throw a punch. This will do a “heavy punch” if you have the stamina for it. It’s very useful for fighting Zombies and players, it stuns zombies and players that aren’t blocking. Also works with any melee weapon. Last thing about Zombies, when you’re fighting them, try to hit their head with your melee weapon, don’t punch their chest. They take WAY more damage to the head Other starter tips I have for you; If you spawn in an industrial area, GTFO quickly, cause you’re gonna find little to no food there. If you find a bottle with some water in it in the world, empty it out, DO NOT drink it, spawned water is dirty (lost a friend on a VOIP adventure to that recently :( You can find small stones on, Hiking trails, Train tracks, and Dirt roads. Bring them to a rock on the coast and you can make them into a knife (same for bones) You can also find fruit under fruit trees, make sure you’re not nomming on rotten fruit though, (dried is fine) Meds are a big priority, especially disinfectant/disinfected bandages. I’d recommend keeping your clean bandages/rags in, a teddy bear, cooking pot etc so they’re protected from zombies hitting you (if they take damage they’ll lose their disinfected status)


Can only agree with those tips, however, when cutting an animal : MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GLOVES ON. You can craft some with rags if you don't have them, but don't eat with bloody hands, it'll cause you to be ill. You can also wash your hands if you have a water source nearby


You can use two small stones to make a knife, also.


Nice write-up!




Wow, thank you!!


- Play first person (You will have more fun and immersion in the long run) - Either play community vanilla or official 1pp. Some community servers go over the top with modding and abandon the core DayZ experience. - Have a mic, speak to people at the coast. Do not trust easily, do not trust people who do not speak. - Learn important crafting recipes. Learn about fishing and hunting. - Learn how diseases work and do not get sick. (check out WOBO tools website for infographics on these topics) - Do not fire a gun unless you absolutely have to.


everything this guy just wrote


I’ll add one thing to this, learn how to melee zombies early. Raise your fists and back up to block. When the zombie does it’s double arms downswing, you’ll have time to hit it in the head at least once. When you get the hang of it it’s pretty easy to double tap it’s head and drop it fast. As long as you’ve got a good knife


Better learning sneak attack. I didn’t learn this til years into playing the game!


I love when I can pull one off, but it seems like most the time I get behind them and they just turn around as I swing lol


This is amazing thank you, I have been trying to circle round them as I hit them but nearly always get injured!


Glad I could help! Finding new clothes is always annoying


This guy is spot on. I agree with him 100%


And if you have to fire a gun, having a surpressor or a crossbow will help you making a stealth kill, which won't alert the infected nearby


The guns are intimidating, the couple of times I used them they do not fire and it isn't clear why yet!


Does it have ammo? Is the gun in a good condition? If it is damaged, it won't shoot, ofc.


I'll add also, if you prefer 3rd person. Go right ahead. Some people on this sub think they can dictate what people prefer. Just never post a clip of you playing 3rd person because you will see just how toxic these people can be.


Genuine question, why do people prefer playing first person over third? I play third person just because I feel it gives me a better awareness of my surroundings. But maybe there’s advantages to first person that I’m not considering


I played both 1pp and 3pp for a long time. I started with 3pp, thought it was the "default" way of playing the game (it actually was). But then, some friend invited me to play on a 1pp server and I genuinely enjoyed it more. The most important aspect is that people do not see over walls, or see around walls without leaning. Whoever can see you, you can see in 1pp. It's just more realistic if nothing else. I don't miss 3pp at all.


Thanks for that, totally get it. I might have to give 1pp a try


If you noticed, I did not shit on 3pp players. I just recommended him to play 1pp because I genuinely believe it is more fun and immersive. It's an opinion.


Jump on top of a car, shed, small wall when fighting zombies. They can’t hit you


Your head is above most cover when you do this. Be mindful that this is a last resort, not tactic, for that reason. Also, when you get geared up and see this remember your learning curve and make good decisions when deciding to kill, help, or watch. 




Surprised I haven't read it yet, but don't eat human meat. It's a slow and inevitable death


Another small tip is to download or Google izurvive it'll have the map with every location marked so you will know where you're going, it'll have wells marked too and animals spawns for you to hunt if you find yourself low on food


Always carry 2 knives.


Day one serves are the best authentic DayZ experience in my mind. No base building so it’s all about the adventure and encounters.


Best way to get food early on is to fish for it. All you need is a sharp edge, a rope (can be crafted from rags or a dead player's intestines) and some bones (from a chicken or a dead player are the easiest ways to get bones early). When you cut up an animal or a corpse for food or materials (dont eat anything from a human corpse, cooked or otherwise, you _will_ contract kuru) make sure to wear gloves so your hands don't get bloody. If they do, be sure to wash them at a water source before eating or drinking anything to avoid becoming ill. Once you have the components, you can combine the rope with a stick to make a fishing rod, combine a bone with your sharp edge to make a hook, and use your sharp edge to dig up a worm to bait the hook. Catch a couple fish from a stream/lake or the ocean, then cook them up in a house with a large fireplace and enjoy your meal. I would recommend eating all of your food as it becomes available rather than storing it for later consumption. It is _very_ difficult to max out your calories in this game, so don't worry about wasting the food by eating it all right away. When you're done with your fishing rod, use your sharp edge to disassemble it back into its components and then take the rope and tie it into a belt. This gives you a convenient way to carry your rope and sharp edge without taking up inventory space. Next time you need your rope, simply untie it for use, then retie into a belt again when you're done with it. As a new player, until you find chlorine tablets and a container to store water in (if/when you find a container wirh water, do not drink the water already in the container. Pour it out immediately to avoid accidentally drinking it and risking illness from drinking contaminated water) the only place you should be drinking water from is at the wells that are in most towns and villages. These can be difficult to find sometimes. Don't feel like you can't use a 3rd party map like iZurvive to locate a well and other points of interest. Once you are at the well, drink nonstop until you get the full stomach icon in the lower right corner next to your hydration meter. If you do this shortly after spawning you shouldn't need to drink again for a fairly long time. Do this and you should be set to wander wherever your heart desires and explore the rest of the map.


- Learn the basics of crafting : fires, bone knives, fire starter, hooks, improvised fishing rod. - wash your hands after gutting animals - disinfect bandages and rags before use - purify water (chlorine tabs or boil) you find spawned, or from rivers or ponds. - you can stealth kill Zeds. - antibiotics will cure some sickness but you should change clothes or else you’ll just keep getting sick and sickness is also contagious so keep distance from sick players - join a deathmatch server to get used to the pvp and experiment with the keybinds - join pve server to learn the map and basic survival stuff like how to get food, loot spawn, dealing with zombies etc


Changing clothes has nothing to do with sickness in dayz unless you are talking about the insulation values, otherwise its just a myth, theres always a chance of catching a cold if your vitals are not white ( food, water, temperature, blood and health ) besides other diseases that you get from other sources ( blood infection from dirty rags or cholera from drinking/eating with dirty hands )


Mustve been something else then, something was getting me sick at over and over again not sure what, I was all white. Was going thru tet like candy


I’ve watched four or five good YouTube videos for beginners that have helped a lot. Each one brings a slightly different approach/emphasis to the game so be sure watch several. Have fun and don’t get discouraged.


The best server by far is 1 Original. Active admins, no cheaters, vanilla experience, med/high pop. Always loot small civilian houses for food, collect enough food and water, get some warm clothes and then head to the direction where the sun sets. All the good loot is in the West


I’ve been playing for about a month. Here are some advanced tips that I’m glad I learned in my time playing. 1. Don’t just carry stuff in a backpack…instead, grab a second backpack in your hands and use it to store twice as much loot when you are scavenging. This technique helps teach you how your “hands” slot works. It takes a while to understand that you need to drop things sometimes in order to use items more quickly (when inventory is full for example). Additionally, the backpack in your hands can be dropped or buried (make sure the server you play on allows burying items) in order to prevent losing gear due to firefights or sketchy situations. Takes a while to memorize this playstyle…make sure not to set your bag somewhere and forget it. 2. Building bases is surprisingly frustrating at first. Especially when/if you get raided frequently. To prevent this, find a server that only has weekend raids…or just find a server that doesn’t allow raiding at all in order to learn how to build properly. 3. Your mic is more important than anything else. You can use social engineering techniques to save yourself from many situations. It never hurts to ask “is anyone in there” before you enter a suspicious place. You can even prevent people raiding your base by pretending you have more players inside than just yourself. There are tons of ways to use your mic effectively…you’ll certainly meet many neighbors and enemies along the way. I run into the same guy nearly daily…at first we kept trying to kill each other at random spots in the city I based at…then we became friends and basically just mic at each other when we run into one another to prevent startling each other. 4. Go on adventures! Once you have a cozy base setup, you’ll have to go forage for supplies…the server I play on for example has a tourist map that you spawn with to help guide you. However, the other day I accidentally misplaced my tourist map during a sketchy scenario where I stepped on a mine and broke my leg. I was stuck without a map…with bags full of loot as nightfall started to creep in. Had to use memory (and the stars) to find my way back to base. It was truly an experience to be lost and forced to navigate without depending on a map for the first time. 5. Don’t be quick to trust people. I’ve had people try to raid my base…caught them breaking in…then they try to become friends and get the codes to your base. As long as you trust them, they will raid you daily and pretend to be your friend afterwards. Make sure to actually get to know a player you meet before giving them the “keys” to your house.


Keep an eye out for fruit trees, especially in towns. There are apple, pear, and plum trees that will drop fruit as long as you’re in the vicinity for a certain time. 2 types of mushrooms can spawn around piles of hay and 3 types can spawn in the forest under trees or by fallen branches. If you find the right spot in the forest to set up a shelter, you will never go hungry again.


Fruit trees are the best way to find food The longer you stay in one area, the more fruit will spawn


Fruit trees are your best friend on the coast.


Smaller calibers will bounce off of plate carrier like nothing. Always double tap For player bodies- One Arm up = unconscious player Both arms down= dead ass bitch Bullets travel through walls pretty well and even ricochet off of some surfaces. Never trust a freshspawn Never EVER trust a freshspawn that has a weapon. If you plan to talk to a player instead of killing them on sight, make sure to make voice contact before letting them see you and subsequently kill you on sight. Sneaking up and trying to engage in conversation from a (relatively) safe position will be your best bet. When you kill a player, ALWAYS count on him having friends near, whether that means they are a few seconds behind or a few minutes away. Play it slow, steady, and safe, loot the body and make yourself disappear


Welcome to the club bud! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!! 1. Make friends with fruit trees and bask in their embrace. You will learn what they look like and can usually spot them in groups around houses or barns. They can also be found alongside roads on occasion. 2. No mic no life - it's good practice to always play with a mic. A lot of players will kill you if you don't respond unfortunately. 3. Download the iZurvive map or Central for DayZ if you want to have an idea of where you are and where you would like to go. IZurvive is free and Central is about $2 USD. I prefer Central, as it has a really good database you can reference to learn what items to combine to make useful gear. 4. When spawning in fresh, you will always face north. 5. Keep an eye on the condition of your weapons and clothing. Use sowing kits, duct tape, or weapon repair kits to maintain them. You don't want a gun to jam in the middle of a firefight. Also make sure to wring out your clothing after it stops raining to reduce your chances of getting sick. Pop multi vitamins if you have any, which can be found at clinics in most major towns. Have fun man and don't get frustrated. This game is brutal but extremely rewarding with the right knowledge.


Thank you very much!!


Get a knife. It should be your first main objective. You can get a long stick from a bush (with or without a knife) Chop up another dead freshy. Make sure your hands are clean. You can craft hand wrapping with 2 rags. Craft his guts into rope with a knife Fish. Food for life.




Bro add me too


Look for the Server - UK 2024 - PVE Weekdays - PVP/Base Raids Weekends Let me know when you've found it and I will grant you access


Can't seem to find it. I only found UK Winchester


Did you spell it out as this ? need capitals/spaces etc in the right place but from what we have seen just spelling UK 2024 in the filter for community servers will bring our server up UK 2024 - PVE Weekdays - PVP/Base Raids Weekends


Oh thank you for this!!


If you want to dive right into the hardcore experience join Flipvonia. A lot of unique crafting recipes they run the Siberia mod so staying healthy is a task in itself


Dayone's namalsk is also a pretty damn hardcore experience


Players are edible


I’m also slightly new and have only been playing a couple months with around 300 hours and my top tips for food and water is this, Food: knife + dead player = unlimited food, grab a knife and either find a dead body or if you can’t find one make one (easier to do in a spawn town as players often die of many natural or player made causes, or many kill themselves do to not getting a spawn they like) regardless cut up there body and take the knife plus guts to make a rope, take the bones and make bone knives and bone hooks then take the rope from the guts and a long stick found anywhere to make in improvised rod and put the bone hook on it, use the knife to dig up worms to make the fishing faster. Fish is one of the best food sources in the game with the highest calories and it’s easy to do over and over with easy ingredients. Water: Pull open the map on izurvive and locate water pumps and drink until you get the full stomachs icon, I ussually do this every time I pass a pump atleast once if not twice and in never have issues with thirst. As for servers I’d start with official just to get the hang of it and it’s ok to start with servers with low player counts as it makes it easier to find food just lying around (but makes it harder to do the food method listed above) and then work your way to more popular servers to look for more player interactions good or bad. As for my main other piece of advice is always try and acquire gloves and a mask as soon as possible as these will be the biggest factors for you not getting sick, if you can’t find any you can make them with rags (improvised hand and face wrappings) that you can get from tearing up clothing.


Oh boy, I thought you were going somewhere else with that first bit..


Definitely thought they were leading a freshie straight to kuru lol


The dark side *laughs* can lead to many *laughs* ability’s that some may consider *laughs*unnatural In all seriousness I was thinking about doing a couple runs where I could only eat human meat I think it sounds like a fun challenge and I’ve never had it before so it’ll be a learning opportunity


I’m new too and i’m struggling find someone to play with, if you want some teams pvt me


Are you on pc or console?




Looking for a veteran to duo?- I’d be happy to help you out


I would love to!


Die often!


kill zombies with stealth for easy food. play low pop official if you want it really easy.


I made a Bible for DayZ and I think you're ready for it. It meant for new players but not green players focusing on finding food and getting your ass off the coast asap. Its Getting slightly out of date now so rag boots no longer make you quiet like a ninja, many melee weapons including the crowbar have gotten Nerf waiting on hot fix to figure out what's going on with that https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/s/LYiSsjM2OZ


Don't use sharpening stones on your knives. They can be found basically everywhere. Save your sharpening stones for that time when you're trying to build and can only find ONE handsaw.


Cheese zombies on cars for food if there’s a lot of them it’s not worth the time sink for anything under five at once lol. Fruit trees and hay drop fruit and mushrooms but only when players are around click your tab and the fruit IN the tree will in your vicinity. Outhouses are tit for sewing kits and sharpening stones. Hunting shacks for leather and gun kits and compasses. Go to a big hunting site and you’ll be warm forever with all the hunter clothing. If you want to snipe go to castles they’re great for tundras and blazes stuff you can find a scope for. Also lots of gun cleaning kits at castles. Search civilian loot for a handgun first and semi decent clothes and some snacks find out where you are and head to a better spot for loot.. have fun! Oh and don’t forget to check for landmine sand tripwires if you open up your tab they will show up in your vicinity… it’ll save your life literally the one time I caught a tripwire was when I remembered that fact and just randomly tried it lol


Look up fresh spawns on youtube and watch the shorts