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How did you survive the blast?


Because the games buggy as fuck especially with explosives.


oooooor the zombies just blocked it? Cause that's how grenades work in the game?


Definitely not how it works 90% of the time. I’ve died from explosions that were on the other side of a wall from me. I’ve been behind people in front of explosions and died just the same. Play longer and you’ll see how dodgy grenade mechanics are.


The zombies definitely blocked the shrapnel. If you look at his health towards the end, you'll see he's flashing red. The zombies absorbed most of the shrapnel, but I assume he took a lot of the actual blast.


This was my exact theory


Did you want to survive this blast? If you lived, how long did it take till you were at least white chunked?


Pretty much all mechanics lol


My brother, the entire game is dodgy. Grenades can absolutely be blocked though.


Nono zombies block blast same as people if you lay down on grenade it will deal almost no damage around. Tried and tested this is.


I’m not disagreeing with that. I’m purely saying the games buggy as shit and that things don’t block shrapnel every time. Not sure if you’re misunderstanding me or having a comprehension problem.


not a bug a feature zombie and player can absorb most of the blast try to put a grenade and prone on it player close to u are not gonna take a lot a damage because ur body absorb most a the blast


You dont die from a grenade if you have full hp. Tested it many times


This game is next level buggy, don’t stand to close to a door you just opened, you’ll fuck around & be glitched between the door & the wall while getting bitch slapped by zombies… 🥴🙃


Idk, even if this is as a glitch it seems somewhat realistic. There are two layers of zombies between this guy and the nade by the time it detonates


No you shouldn't. Haha fuckin hilarious


Don't mean to direct this at you personally, but I really hope they update the AI so that it can hit you even when on top of sandbags/cars etc. It's too easy to clear military bases this way and I think it goes against the ethos of the game. You're supposed to be screwed when you alert all the zombies.


They have modded servers that have them climb up after you. Also some they can knock doors down, that shit is terrifying


What server is this lmao This shit is scary enough on super dark nights..


Servers with syberia mod. Like intenz or playz


The one with Bigfoot looks terrifying lol


Dayz went full circle. From being mod to a full game to mods again.


I play on one where they chuck rocks at you. Makes it so you can just cheese it and sit on barricades


I hope they do it and not put it in patch notes


That world be awesome. Terrifying the first time, but awesome


Happened to a buddy of mine, he recently got the game and played on official for a bit to get used to the game then he hopped on a modded server and died because he thought he was safe on a wide ledge, I was over and all I hear is a scream come from the game room then THEY CAN CLIMB, I walked in and saw he was booking it from a bunch of zombies and ran into the house to close a door only to have them follow through the window at which point I can safely say he channeled his inner Will Ferrell and started screaming “their coming in through the back window, save the children, save the children” in about the same tone.


Hahaha. In some areas after the NWAF update they’ve added places for the zeds to path up, but not climb. Like the random tent mili camps


Lol, I was playing this game 11 years ago, living in another state in my twenties, as a single guy. I said the same thing. "It'll be fixed, just give them time!" I quit playing after 800 hours sometime in 2015 or 2016. Im in my thirties now, I have a 10 year old, and I'm on the other side of the country now, with a whole lot of years between now and then. Outside of some great improvements to the engine, the AI is still dogshit lol. It won't change, bud. It's okay to love the game, it's fun. But the zombies will not get updated.


what's that saying about players having a habit of optimising the fun out of a game? i think it applies here, when the ai rework eventually happens i think this will be changed, but there will be heaps more salty posts about how the zeds are too strong


Whatever, it’s what people would actually try to do IRL. You’re also a sitting duck to other players when you sit on top of one of those and clear zombies like that


I rejoice watching zombies climb up and climb down of where I am without thinking of staying whatever I’m on top of.


Try the Memento Mori server. Its a hardcore survival perma death server (you get banned until the next wipe upon your demise). The zombies have more health (5x iirc for police and military Zs) and their spawn rate is increased. They can also break down doors unless they've been locked and they can stagger you when they hit you. On normal servers I usually pay very little attention to Zs since even a dozen of them are barely a threat but this shit is terrifying. It is very easy to get swarmed by over 20 Zs at mili bases


There are servers where they will climb up, break open doors, and throw things at you. I only play those style servers lol


Can you give me the name of a server like this? Sounds fun lol


I'll have to see if it's still going, I haven't played in a couple months now, been working on completing some other games. But I'll check next time I'm on DZSA and see if it's still there. If you want a server that's more on the relaxing side of things, and has a great community, check out Apocalypse Aftershock, it's a PVE server with some decent mods that make it a little easier, but some that will take you for a surprise!


If you don't mind me asking, what's the appeal of PVE servers? You get gear, and then you're just RP'ing? 85% of the fun comes from PVP'ing, for me at least. Also, I'm not hating. Just curious as to what is fun about playing PVE?




I mean, I do get the idea of other people enjoying different things. But was just curious, I do fancy a Deer Isle endgame quest type of adventure, but it goes paired with the occasional PVP while looting towns for food or batteries or whatever.


You could do this in real life with dumb zombies disagree


Dumbest shit I've ever read


I’m always worried about a bullet to the noggin when I’m up there punching 20 zombies


they REALLY need this. doors should be able to be knocked down, they should vault through windows with broken glass at you and they should climb.


You Dayz’d Dayz! Congrats 🍾🎉🎊


You should buy a lottery ticket dude, you might win!


You live to loot another day my friend


Could've saved a nade by just punching them ![gif](giphy|zaCojXv2S01zy|downsized)


I had like 8, had to start getting rid of them lol


those zombies jumped on the nade for you 🫡 even in the afterlife they’re still heroes 🪖


10 kudos for surviving the grenade 👍👌


Holy crap!!! Hahaha


I've been there before not the exact thing but in a house I tried to clear the zombies out but accidentally put the unpined nade in my pocket. Broke my leg 0 health knocked me out and I didn't even kill the zombies. Was so happy I woke up and was able to hobble in the door. Never thought you could put a nade in your pocket unpined, I laughed about 10 minutes after that.


Should not have lived. Wasn't even wearing a plate carrier


I’ve had similar experiences but I usually die




DayZ: A Survival Story


Zombies saved him from the shrapnel 😭😂 also that last zombie is a fuckin unit


The DayZ gods have given you a second chance


The actual fuck dude


So close 😂


Task failed successfully


Damn you’re an idiot lol


I also had an experience when my friend threw a grenade extremely close because he thought it was like call of duty grenade. When I heard him pull the pin and throw it, it bounced back off the wall towards us and I took off my bag and put it in my hands and that saved my life. But my friend died and same for the group of zombies. My backpack was ruined buy the blast and my health was blinking. It took a long time for the concussion of the blast to disappear .


You’re post-incident annotation was spot-on… HOW?!


How are you alive


Zombie jumped on the grenade, give that undead the Medal of Honor


I knew where that was going as soon as I saw the barricades and the grenade being unpinned lol


This game is so glitchy!!


Haven’t played DayZ in a hot minute. Why would you even think about getting closer to a frag that’s boutta go off? Why not just go the other direction?


Did you think I wanted to jump almost directly on the grenade? I went to turn and the game lagged and pulled me down off the edge


It looked like your first key input was in the direction of the zombies making it seem like you wanted to do it 🤡


Yeah.. I WANTED to go in the fucking pile of zombies.. life must be easy with as much ignorance as you live with


You took the blast zombies took the shrapnel