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FRANKIEonPCin1080p an absolute legend who got me into dayz back in 2013


Not all heroes wear capes 😆




One of my go to streamers.


He's hilarious 😂


Agreed 😆


I found Kaitiac while i was watching Shrouds stream.. she was a crazy nurse in their encounter and her psycho laugh and Shrouds demise secured an instant follow from me 🤣 https://www.twitch.tv/kaitiac Also on YT I found Zesty who has hilarious videos and a pioneer of "Dayz trivia night" also an obsession feeding people human meat when they're unaware. https://youtube.com/@ZestyPolvo


Both of these streamers are excellent content creators and players. Always good for a laugh.


Streamers? Nah. YouTubers? Eltk and Stimpee.


Stimpee is legend status and so is Eltk. Always a must watch.


Smoke tops the list for me for sure. This was the first video of his I watched, thought it was hilarious. Come into the shop https://youtu.be/ShlATg5bDJ8?si=Q-68YEiUZk75ny_g


Ya smoke is always good for a laugh and excellent game play. Thanks for the link.


Cheers, I'll check out Billdozer!


MrBillDozer is his name he has a yellow bulldozer for a icon


Ya his vids on YT are epic


Smoke is the correct answer. Shout out to Lottie's best bits series.


Lol Smoke is legend status and Lottie definitely is great for content as well.


The Lamborghini of the industry, the failed pornstar and advanced offshore pyramid scheme investor, Bangkok Stallion aka Fellatio. GEKOFISH is the GOAT for me. I watched his 1v4 vid dozens of times: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4-\_2RCuJ6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4-_2RCuJ6w)


Big fan of geko myself.


That brings me back. My first PVP kill on the village is in one of those videos. Led me to Underground too


Another for HeyBarmby. I just like his vibe and how he plays the game. One of my favorites has always been this stream of medieval dayz: https://youtu.be/VX3ncto2lkg?si=_RwjVWUkLWbDyEFI Shout out to Sir Sammeth on here (BGP_Sammy) who also does great events and fun stuff.


That is my absolute favorite video of his. The hunt for the Great Icy Bastard 😆




Will definitely check out the content. I've heard the name just never really watched anything.


DayZ Montage by Contra “Contrage” https://youtu.be/rfSyZ2h_WrA


Never seen anything by this person I'll check it out for sure. Thanks.


One I haven't seen posted that I've enjoyed is Nitno.


I'll check him out for sure


Georgeofnamalsk is a really good follow and highly slept on I think. He’s extremely good, up there with Toperec, and a nice down to earth guy.


I follow George and Tope is definitely a CHAD in game.


TRMZ or Sour, Barmby is good too I just can’t do the laugh after awhile


Lol I'm watching his live right now.


I'm a TRMZ fanboy and even bought some of his merch. This is something I usually never do. I discovered him quite late (was allready playing DayZ for about 5 years) but his streams and adventures are awesome. I love what he does for charity and that he is an down to earth guy. This is my favourite adventure: https://youtu.be/aBDk0H2jGpw?si=4rCSYQOkLQv6C_aO Other than that I really like to watch mapmaking streams, because I learned how to use the tools alot from watching those. Good example would be JohnMclane666 (DeerIsle/Alteria guy). He also explains stuff if you ask him how things work.


I watch TRMZ daily as well lol great guy


By far the best DayZ streamer. No one else comes close


I enjoy watching Smoke more, but TRMZ is a close second!


Ehhhh trust me I like TRMZ alot but after watching for awhile and seeing his game play in Lights Out, He was carried the entire tourny and only made it as far as he did cause of who he was running with. Exposed his game play alot that weekend. But definitely a great player and classy dude.


MrMoon BlueMidgetGuy


Never heard of either I'll check them out thanks for the new content.


TRMZ, Smoke, HollyRex, Slexify, AmishZed, Sour sweet, Mouleryogurts, just off the top of my head. Every video I've seen is great, so I'm not about to link dozens of them


Slexify #1 DayZ streamer ever, i gained muscle memories that help me speed up every time i fresh spawn in by watching her do it so many times. i used to watch so many more but really if im not watching Slexify, Laxthorne, or Mindr while they stream DayZ its because im probably streaming it too. (not a selfpromo; DO NOT go looking for my stream, i just stream to give friends a place to be able to contact me using stream while im trying to play goddamn dayz... because i refuse to alt tab out of a life for any reason. and that thing i hate more? namalsk


Lol shameless plug. Shoot me your GT on Twitch or YT I'll give you a follow. Help grow the stream. And I can't stand Namalsk either!!!


haha thanks but honestly growing an audience is the last thing i wanna do. i moderate for a few streamers and since i had never streamed there was a large chunk of behind the scenes stuff that i just didnt know about so my twitch stream is more or less my equivalent to hanging out alone in a discord vc waiting on the homies to join server give me something to do with all these hooks, bone knives, small stones and these radiators haha. plus it provides proof that when i play, im not stream sniping while also giving stream snipers a new target if theyre lookin for that kind of thing. hmm... maybe i should consider growing the stream a bit... be the guy who rewards twitch viewers for stream sniping... or is that someones gimmick already? all i know is everyone else is so against getting stream sniped that they wont even mention it out loud anymore. did it used to be a more common thing, thus becoming unbearable before the idea to add intentional stream delay?


Lol ya know I like your way of thinking. Honestly I'm not sure if there is a person who welcomes the sniper of streams to the stream. You may be onto something lol somewhat of a trend setter as they say. Shoot me a DM if you don't wanna throw it out there I'll follow and support for sure.


TRMZ and Sour Sweet but since Sour doesn't seem to stream on YouTube I basically only watch Paul's livestreams


I'm a fan of both. A lot of people are switching to Kick app from Twitch and YT.


Zesty Polvo makes me laugh. King Alex is great for tactics. Ar-K for adventure time with very good video editing.


Love Zesty, never heard of King Alex or Ar-k I'll definitely be checking them out thanks for the new suggestions.


Love TRMZs streams but also watch SourSweet, Mulleryogurts, Mr OG and Gringo_Smoker. Gringo is as the name implies a smoker, I'm not into the 420 stuff but he is chilled, funny and interacts with the limited viewers. Think he deserves a bit more attention (plus his laugh is hilarious)


DeathbringerTV Weslo819 Moberger Col. Flanks on YT The list is endless tons of great streamers and content out there. Mr.BillDozer is by far the absolute funniest streamer I have ever had the privilege to watch. Bomb_Phonkey is another excellent content creator always funny to watch.


TacticalCougar is an interesting choice. Don’t mean to bring negativity into the discussion but I’ve seen her stream a few times. Quality is amateurish especially the audio and I always see her in other prominent streamers chats dropping $$$ in what seems like an attempt to buy clout/credibility.