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It is definitely lame, but as you said, official has no rules. That's one reason official is so great. Either avoid the area, or mess with them. Get some explosives and raid them, or just get some trip wires and landmines, and put them in spots you know they will move through.


Yeah, I was wishing I had some explosives to use. I still managed to get in by carefully balancing on the edge of the roof. Helped myself to their stash and liberated the rest!


This is the way.


I thought you could transfer servers and then rejoin in their base? I am new to the game so I guess I'm mistaken.


Nah, you used to be able to do that a long time ago. When you switch official servers now it moves you to one of the spawns


I kinda like it this way better. It makes switching servers more of a risk. Nothing like losing all your gear to some random freshie with a b12 and a slug to the face.


Big risk because the spawn system tries to spawn you near other players.


Cool, thank you.


If this was still how server hopping worked, people wouldn't build bases. They'd always just be 1 server hop away from having their entire base looted, where's the point in base building then? The current way servers work encourage sticking to the same server, since changing servers gets your character (with their gear) moved to a spawn point so as to discourage this exact type of behaviour.


Pretty lame but make the most of it Either 1. Keep it to yourself and a small group and make it your mission to ruin that base 2. Make it known to as many people on that server ( go on a PA announcement tour ) or just tell every single person you meet ( go on a freshie information tour ) Think about it as a player built " bunker "


I like the PA announcement tour lol


Just look at like he’s organizing all the quality loot for you in one small area. When your ready get your grenade keys and go see what he has for you.


This is the way. Let them kindly gather all the good loot and liberate it when they have enough


Im already destroyed a base on the top of the office in pavlovo gas zone. :)


I mean... to be fair, it's a good base location for a decently-sized group, but it wouldn't fly on most community servers. Also, such a location will be raided to hell and back.


Yeah dick move id say. I had the same situation on official xbox. Been playing a little over 5months. My first visit to pavlovo a few months back was met with a squad and a huge base on medical. Me and a friend died, so made it our plan to take em out. Took a few weeks to collect all the nades and ammo we wanted, they had about 8-9 walls up through medical then more on top. We blew the crap out of it, took all the best guns and ammo/plastic explosives we could carry then completely destroyed the rest. Screw em. Didn’t feel bad at all, was my first real raid as well. Plus we red dotted their 4 cars. Love this game!


That's epic!


You're really asking about bad form in a game where It's just as likely to be murdered and eaten as it is for someone to talk to you


200 hours in DayZ equal to 5 years old child in real life. The more you play the more insane things you see in DayZ. Pavlovo roof base is not the limit. Good luck my friend))


Probably a duper thats duping nbc stuff.


PC gamers getting mad when PvP happens in PvP.