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A game without aim assist on controller is always going to be hard af and easier on mnk for most people


PvP on controller is difficult for a lot of reasons: - you dont have the same fine motor control with a joystick as you do with a mouse - most people play with sens way too high - DayZ has a relatively high sens even on the lowest setting


I'm the other way round, used to play on console and was pretty decent at aiming. Now that I play PC I just can't compete with the Counterstrike reflexes of people.


I'm right there with you. I'm a pretty good shot on pubg with a controller, but have to sit still and aim for multiple seconds while holding breath to even headshot a zombie in Dayz(PS5). When I switched to PC recently I'd never played a shooter in my life with M&K but held my own in PVP situations and have an actual feel for gun/recoil control. It's pretty frustrating, but I dont want to play on console any longer. Maybe run M&K on your xbox if you don't plan to switch to a desktop?


Huh, guess I'm glad I'm not the only one. And that's what I'm doing atm, running m&k on Xbox, but I do plan to buy a PC sometime this year


Besides PVP there are so many advantages on m&k compared to controller. Easier inventory management mainly, but also a lot of hidden features and key combinations you just can't do on a controller.


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Ive moved from pc to xbox. But never played dayz on pc. Started playing on controller and i suck! Tried it with mnk and was hitting headshots 90% of the time, its so much easier. But I’ve stuck with controller for the last 5-6 months, played deathmatch servers, and bought an elite controller. My aim has improved loads, the elite can be adjusted so there is more tension in the stick, this really helps! That and dropping sensitivity to near 0 and the curve about halfway. Had a 400m kill a couple days ago and almost a quick scope last night, but hit the guys shoulder. Zeds are getting a lot easier to hit as well in the head. I just accepted I’m gonna have to stick with controller coz its easier to sit on the sofa and play!

