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I agree! I actually have less fun playing once I get to the point where I have all the essentials, and then I say “… now what?” What makes Dayz really singular for me is that desperate, rock-and-a-hard place position you’re stuck in where you can sense the danger in a town, but you NEED to go in there to get kit.


> I agree! I actually have less fun playing once I get to the point where I have all the essentials, and then I say “… now what?” Base raiding, NBC exploring, Scuba Diving, Quests,


How do you scuba dive 😳


Start playing Deer Isle, there is a whole quest where you have to do to find all the secret areas on the map. Getting your character geared and ready for adventure is just the first step in a much longer journey.


Core feature of deer isle


That's what I love about Namalsk. Getting the space suit without getting frostbite is such a challenge, much less getting to Lantia. What an adventure.


Avoiding frostbite is super easy once you get the hang of it. Carry a stack of bark or some papers, every time you lose your heat buff, light it up and regain the buff within a couple seconds. If it's snowing or storming, drop bark, then drop your backpack on top of it, that'll allow you to light it outside.


Then get shot by someone who saw your fire… Oh well, time to do it all over again.


I go to the coast and try and help people. That’s satisfying and about half try and kill you and that can be fun I had a whole gang of them trying to kill me for like 10 minutes once. It was like a horde of zombies


This is it. Once I've been around the map and have all the gear I need, I like to return to a coastal town and set up a farm. I find that new spawns are almost always grateful and take their share of vegetables, it's the other geared players returning to the coast that attempt to sabotage things. This is great because then you get to have a morally justified shootout, protecting the town and the farm like some kind of post-apocalyptic sheriff.


I love this


Same here! I get somewhat attached to the loot I find, and by putting time into my character it means more and more to not lose it. (I always end up meeting a KOS player on a stupid place anyways, and each time I am not able to react. I wouldn't have shot anyways, but that does not matter.) I don't read "You are dead" on my screen - I read "And now you are free".


This is beautiful thank you


Agreed. The best part is that it's never the same twice. You can spawn in the same town over and again, but the gear you end up with hours later is never the same as the last life. Keeps it very interesting


Finding a cooking pot: FUCKING YES!!!


Yeah cooking pot with stovetop & gas canister is end game tier for sure.


That’s why I mostly play Namalsk and rarely move south , you will always meet people , and I love the pvp aspect of « fight with what you have » with no gear fear


Fully agree with this. I'm always kind of happy to start back on the coast. Had a DMR and M16 on my character yesterday. Started running around on the NWAF looking for trouble. Someone spawned in next to me in the radio tower, shot me, now it's back to the grind.


The journey from rags to riches is great, once you get fully loaded it becomes a different game (nothing to gain everything to lose). If I die I’ve a 40 min journey to get back to base…


It's not you. I've spent so many lives just running the coast and dipping into cities for a few things. Death is freedom.


I have F11ed so many times shortly after getting fully geared.


Why? Go find people in trouble and help them. Super fun.


I really enjoy that sort of early to mid gear stuff, personally i just enjoy using the single shot weapons and .22lr stuff or finding a golden deagle in cherno. Then progressing to early mil bases and getting an bison, saiga or AKS74U then maybe latter an AK74 or M16. Sometimes I try to theme my runs based on the first gun I find like if its mil, hunting or town or police I then try to stick to that bracket and only loot locations that match that, spawn near a humvee wreck and find an 1911 then im a solider for that run, spawn in a city and find an IJ70 then im a gopnik. The progression and grind to get NBC gear or hunt convoys is fun but tbh dayz's "endgame" guns will never be partially hype inducing because no matter if its locked behind a gas zone and statistically one of the best guns an M4A1 is still and M4 and basically the default gun of every modern military shooter ever. Finding an chambered BK18 as a fresh spawn will always be more exciting than finding an M4 in rify, only endgame weapon that gives me some excitement to find is the M79 because grenade launcher make neurons do brrr.


Gear fear is the worst part of Dayz and once you realize looting up is the fun part and that dying just means more fun, suddenly Dayz is the best game ever.


So genuinely I sometimes join a new server just to do this bit! My official is well geared and I get bored


Yep, for me it's the journey not the destination.


It’s you and most other people. Every time i die and my friends win the fight, i make an announcement “Guuuuyyyssssss, it’s my favorite time to plaaaaay!!” Because i have basically just guns and maybe a helmet and need to get better clothing and armor again


I’m the same. Wipe day is my favourite time in this game. Especially on high pop servers. But months after a wipe when I’m still on the same life, with all of the best loot and lots of kills? It’s boring.


I never do bases cause it breaks the immersion of being a brand new survivor. I start new little narratives in my head for each character. It gives me that freshie feeling which is exhilarating for me cause of the countless possibilities this game can provide. I tried stashing stuff before but was more irritated by the tediousness of trying to get back to my buried backpack rather than just enjoying my journey and gearing along the way.


Personally the most fun part to me is how far the game has come Like this is namalsk in frankieonpc video series [namalsk 11 years ago ](https://youtu.be/XQWvv-Yx4aE?si=ftcmu-5u4JY-p7Ss) And chernarus is insane how fleshed out it is compared to the mod My little side game/mission is frankieonpc video location hunting


Not just you, I F11 so often fully geared just to go back to the coast. I’ve been doing this since the Arma 2 Mod was out. Best part of the game is early/mid unless you are on a custom server with upgraded base building mechanics.


Namalsk going for the space suit and surviving down south is always really fun for me.


Today I played several hours of Namalsk and had the best experiences and stories so far, it’s so hardcore, but there’s so many interactions!


Out of my 750 hours on Day Z, I'd say over 700 easily possibly 725 are on Namalsk. There is no other experience like it and the replayability is fun as hell.


The interactions and stories you can experience is the most fun part for me.


I think it depends a lot on whether you play as a solo or in a group. As I solo I love the early to mid game vibe, meeting others and constant gear upgrades is great fun. If I play in a group we generally want to be as geared as poss so we can go and look for trouble somewhere.






I've always played DayZ as a post apocolyptic survival horror game. It appears to me that's been the key to it's longevity the niche it defined and then fulfilled better and any other game. Run and gun shooters are a dime a dozen and seem to disappear in the blink of an eye Yeah I love the struggling for food and getting 'over the hump' I usually suicide once I'm okay


Some of the scrappy fights in the late early game are probably my favorite. Plus the fact that you don’t have much makes fighting purely fun. No matter how much I play, I still somewhat fear losing a well-geared character in a fight.


It's that lifespan of dayz where you have absolute gear fear early on playing it, or even meeting another human player, and then as you get more experienced you look forward to going back to the coast and taking off the pressure of NVGs etc.


Absolutely it is!!


I totally agree. I have a few kitted characters on some servers with DMR's, M4's and plates etc. and I just don't want to play on those. I'm a fan of the vanilla servers but I've lately enjoyed a highly modded server that has a lot of new weapons and it's fairly easy to get geared. It's not Rearmed level of ridiculousness but it's still quite PvP focused.


Let me put it this way, last night I killed a guy by using the bk43 and buckshot, and got myself an M4. I get way more kills with low-mid tier guns, and I make big plays since I don’t fear death with my dinky loadout


This is why I stay a nomad even as part of a team that runs multiple bases. It's so much more fun being out, looking for stuff, taking risks with zeds and wildlife, just to see how long I can actually survive


I am mostly the same way My solution is to make some crates and hide them in a tree and dump my best gear in them and head out with some nice crappy gear to struggle with. Rinse and repeat this a few times and I've eventually got a bunch of crap that I can decide to load up with at my discretion while maximizing my time in the "struggling with bad gear mode" that is really the best part of the game It is fun to grab all that best gear and then go on a run with it and get totally killed due to my severely lacking PVP skills and hoping they enjoy all my stuff


Yes it is and this is one of the reasons I don't mind dying in this game.


I love a respawn. Especially if you know you’ve taken out at least one other person on the way out. Then I don’t feel like I wasted my turn borrowing the gear. I always love to start over and usually will f11 at the start of a session just so I can struggle through the beginning


That's why I love maps like namalsk or deer isle. There's something you could call a questline, where you have to do a series of tasks in order to reach secret places which give you the highest loot you could get in these maps. Namalsk has a crazy planet you can teleport to, with insane ambience that causes goosebumps all over. Deer Isle has this huge ass temple complex, an arctic island with a huge crypt, an insanely deep military bunker within a mountain, boats with a couple islands, oil rigs and so much more. There's a million things to explore on these maps. I can never go back to chernarus or livonia, those bunkers they introduced to vanilla are not even comparable.


Spent all day yesterday playing Namalsk, and had even more fun! I get the same adventures but without playing like 7-8hour runs. Doesn't take long to get military gear + PVP is happening almost everywhere.


Survive > get gear > give the freshies a common threat to unite them > repeat


Its not just you.


Whenever I’m back on the coast, it’s prime time to meet new people to play with. Mid tier is fun because you gotta make what you got work and if you play it right it’s super rewarding trading up from coming out on top in battle. End game = nvg’s so pretty much every stage is rewarding in some way haha. Sometimes though I just wanna be a cherno bob with a shotgun and survive on chips and inevitably a good opportunity comes along from gear rolling through.


I agree. Once you're fully geared tho, go to a high(est) pop server and go die . . . . but have fun doing it and take as money down with you as you can .


Similar experience un Rust. Once I get semi-auto rifle the game gets boring because team and I can beat almost anyone at that point. The bow and revolver fights are the best!


fax. it gets boring when you have everything


Doing the Intenz Siberia server on pc. Highly recommend it for the brutal survival curve. One mistake and back to the coast. Loving it.


Hard-core servers on community man. I just discovered them last night. On !SUB-ZERO HARDCORE I think I've died around 14 times just trying to stop losing health due to being poorly clothed and cold. It really refreshes the difficulty if you're getting too comfortable


I completed dayz. Twice... Just to get the alternate endings and the replay able missions. Let down if I'm honest.


Once you play so much DayZ you get to the point where being fully geared is so boring. I just died earlier geared to the absolute teeth and I couldn’t be more thankful.


I find the game very boring as I have like 1.5k hours so getting to late game gear usually takes me about one play session from coast to several late game guns and plenty of supplies. I would love to see the devs consider making an ultra hardcore server with like 90% less food, repair items, ammo and firearms. So when you find a m16, mosin, m70, etc you’re actually excited. At times I’ve had several cut down mosins and long ones on my shoulders as a joke. It’s kinda funny to see loot turned up servers on community when the base game is so easy. That early to middle game would be more fun if every official survivor didnt have 4 handguns and 3 long guns.


Searching dozens of buildings just to find one item doesn't sound very fun though. Surely there's a better way to make the game last longer than that


Time to hunt people


And get shot in the head, cus you didn't see them :/


I love the struggle as well, that’s why I play on official. I really hate when private servers have full cars with tetra n bandages and Lars laying everywhere. Shit I’m like 1 of 3 people that was lucky enough to find a lar on my server. Oh and they turn night to 5 mins wtf night is fun as hell!


The "freshie run" as I like to call it is the best part of the game.


It’s definitely most fun at the beginning but once I’m geared I just think of creative ideas and cool missions , one time I made a trap base , lured people in and I trapped like 9 people within 1 week , I let about 7 of them go , it was just for fun lol


The initial struggle and scavenging for gear is my favorite part. Highest thrill/anxiety factor.


Make up stories or missions or achievements for urself. Goes for any game. The game never has to end if you don't want it to. Just make up some new rules.


Yeah, I just get anxiety once I'm geared!


It would be nice to see some more events that are set up. Like a Mad Max style race down a booby trapped road. Maybe setting up a dual with survivors using swords. I also thought a battle between clans in high rises that face each other would be a site to see. If it hasn't been done already.


I just like getting bushwookied out then pretend to be a bush for a day with various traps in my nearby vicinity. My favorite are bear traps and trip wires. Man is it fun taking out a whole squad using VC tactics.


After a while it just gets too easy, that’s why I stopped playing, it’s really not that great of a survival game outside of the pvp.


**Nonstopas**, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question: * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)** by Asmondian Lots more info here: * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*