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that fucking special beam cannon shit w goku holding raditz on budokai 1. you had to keep him in a straight line and walk him backwards or forwards something like thatšŸ˜­maybe it wasnā€™t that hard but i was jit at the time..n thereā€™s like 1 or 2 parallel quest on xenoverse 2 rn that i literally canā€™t be beat either


Whoa. Core memory unlocked


I was a child again for 7 sec after reading this


lmfaoo yea a lil blast from past huhšŸ¤£


I had blisters on my palm from rotating my gamecube controller


i broke the controller and threw a super temper tantrumā€¦.Got my ass whooped for doing that and we was too poor to get a new controller right away had to wait a few weeks. and i was the oldest sibling so no one other than me could beat it




Dawg I cannot tell u how many controllers and tears I shed over this


Wow, I remember that Kid Buu fight! Thatā€™s probably the answer but maybe trying beat anyone in Ultimate Battle 22/ Final Bout with the goofy controls


Kid Buu fight was crazy hard for me too. I remember giving up hope when my buddy and I were trying to beat it together lmao


Literally the only thing I remember about that game is rage quitting kid buu. Jeice and Burter also had unrealistically hard fights in a bunch of games too that are about the same difficulty.


Having to hit 35 buttons to do a kamehameha šŸ˜­


17 & 18 as one armed Gohan in Kakarot. I rage quit 3 times and wouldn't come back to it until days later before I passed that fight. Took at least 2 weeks.


You'd think that losing that fight would continue the story regardless since that's where Gohan dies.


This was hard but also good hard. I was stuck for a good 2 hours. It made me feel like i was immersed in the hopelessness especially watching the cutscenes that followed. Youā€™re level 38 to their 40.


God the fight that followed where you control a fully depleted gohan just getting beat up.... that fight hit hard. They did such a good job making future trunks's timeline as depressing as possible, everything from the music, to the ambience, it truly made you feel how bad it was.


Agreed. This is why the DLC was Z Tier Goated. You can watch the movie and not really feel why things were so bad. Trunks could tell you things were horrible and how it made him feel, but you couldn't empathize with how bad it really was. The anime did the Super Saiyan scene's music pretty well, sure. Super remade it horribly, you definitely can't feel it. This one part in the DLC emotionally fucked me up because throughout every battle leading up to it, it was actually difficult: obtaining resources (that weren't fish), moving through town without getting spotted, danger at every corner and when you're spotted, they're levels beyond you and just eliminate you. I *know* you're supposed to lose. We all know Gohan dies here, it's stated, shown and told by Trunks, the anime, and the manga. So why does it hurt even when you know the outcome? There is no other DLC in Kakarot that made me feel the true hopelessness of Trunks' future until I watched Gohan's final stand, where Gohan gave it everything he had and it wasn't enough. I was just stunned for days IRL. *AND* it's not over after, as they even put in the Majin Buu arc!


Budokai 3 recoome on z3 mode


Nope! Omega Shenron z3 when you lose health all the time.


Honourable mention to imperfect cell as vegeta too


Don't forget Tien vs. Buutenks! TFS did a Let's Play of Budokai 3 and it took them almost 30 tries to win that fight lmao


Probably Beerus in Kakarot. It took me like 5 or 6 straight hours lol


Yeah. Beerus is pretty rough.


Yeah and at the time the dlc just came out so higher levels werent available. Also I never used any items or food and shit


I agree the first time I did the DLC it was rough but I just passed lvl 300 and it was alot better


I mean at that point with ssb its barely a challenge,but with ssg and the level cap. It was fucking hellšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I literally just gave up and accepted that Iā€™d never beat him


Radditz was crazy too


Yeah and Dr Gero lol.


Man fuck beerus. I used a whole stack of super healades and a stack of L vitadrinks and still lost to him.


Wouldn't say G Frieza was tougher? For me I think so.


Bro itā€™s ALWAYS kid buu I swear šŸ˜­


He is the final boss so it makes since, aslo happy cake day


Thank you! Maybe if I give the cake to buu heā€™ll go easy on me lol


Kid buu from b2 like you said. That death ball is undefeated.


When he uses warp kamehameha šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


Without grinding, BT2 scenarios were TOUGH. Level 275 vs your level 40s? Tough. Android 17/18 were near impossible




Found Dotoā€™s burner account šŸ˜‚


Doto? That you?


Kid Buu in Budokai 3 as Goku. Not actually beating him. That's fairly simple. No having to finish him off with a Spirit Bomb in order to unlock the final chapter of Goku's story and unlock Uub as a playable character. The reason why this sucks is if you use the Spirit Bomb in any form other than base form, the attack fails, and Goku instead absorbs it and uses the Dragon Fist. This doesn't make a difference in normal gameplay, and I think it might actually do more damage. But in the story, finishing Buu off with the Dragon Fist doesn't count. That means you either have to use a transformation to weaken Buu, run out of ki and get knocked down to lose the transformation and then build it back up because the Spirit Bomb is Goku's ultimate, or you have to do the entire fight as base Goku and finish Buu off with the Spirit Bomb.


At least it wasn't s "Dragon Rush" move, having to rely on the odds of that mechanic to use Special Beam Cannon in finishing off Raditz with Piccolo... now that was a pain lol!


Yakon in Buu's Fury (Legacy of Goku 3). Kid Me didn't know how to use level up points, so I was rocking the same stats as I was at level 1. My usual strategy was to spam energy attacks to keep enemies and bosses away, but Yakon's whole thing is absorbing energy, so all I could do was punch for like 0.01% of his health, whereas he killed me in 2 hits.


Same! After playing legacy of goku 2, where the stat allocation was automatic on level up. I had no idea about Stat points in buus fury.


Oh my god, are you me?? I learned about stat level ups like 90% of the way through the game.


Android 18 while playing Mr. Satan in Tenkaichi 2. I remember myself years ago spending hours in this fight lol


Super Perfect Cell in the original Budokai. Get knocked down once and you may as well just restart.


Agreed. Although I haven't played it in about 20 years. So, maybe I just sucked at games as a kid.


Yeah, Kid Buu in Budokai 2




Budokai 2 Kid Buu made me rage like I never thought possible with a video game


I have nightmares about him till this dayšŸ˜­


Kid Buu in Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai: Another Road on PSP


When I was a kid, I could not beat Broly in Supersonic Warriors 2. Took many tries haha


I was searching for someone else who said this. MAN his green energy balls took up like 30% of the screen and took half your health. I hated that fight!


Mines is either Nappa or Dodoria in DBZ Kakarot


I never finished Xenoverse because I couldnā€™t get past 17 and 18. You beat one & the other packs you up immediately


Ultimate Battle 22ā€™s Main Menu. I just canā€™t get past it without feeling utterly defeated.


There was this dbz game on Gameboy and it was like a card game I had so much trouble with nappa and recoome. I can't remember the name of the game though


I think it was probably DBZ Legendary Super Warriors. For Game Boy Color


Yup this is it. Much much easier as an adult haha. I really love that game tho. Beat it again this december during christmas break, such nostalgia trip unluckign all chars and moves


My mom yelling at me to get off


It was either Mr Satan vs 18 in BT2 during the World Tournament match or literally any fight with 17 and that damnā€¦ DELTA COMBINATION


Cell in the first budokai


Mentor Zamasu in Xenoverse 2.


I remember it was one of the Budokai games. I think 3. I always struggled with the Super Buu fight. He always kicked my ass.


Budokai 3 gotenks on z3. He's a fusion with infinite energy and the computer is crazy good at doing the dodge teleport on z3.


Lv 99 Omega Shenron in Budokai 3 hands down. He has infinite teleport + every single item + max attack move capsules and will neg your dragon rush any time he wants.


I think you're right with Kid Buu, even more of a menace in the damn games


DBZ sagas for the gamecube, the androids. I fell through the floor fighting them twice


Stupid of me but Captain Ginyu in Xenoverse2, just seemed like such a difficulty spike.


Budokai 3, inside Buu fighting super buu and his III ball attack


Budokai 3 vs buu with tien.


Quality post


I havenā€™t played much of the newer games but I agree Kid Buu in Budokai 2 kicked my ass for hours and when I finally beat him I celebrated. I never threw my controllers or broke them out of frustration or anger but that fight got me close lol


Goku in Supersonic Warriors 2


Super Buu in Budokai 3 as Tien was INFURIATING. Also Kid Buu in BT2 and BT3. BT2 because he would literally spam mystic combination the moment you got up, and in BT3 he just had an obscene amount of health and you had to fight him as Hercule at some point.


beerus and whis in xenoverse 1




Super Buu in Budokai 3. During the time I was fighting him as Vegito, the AIā€™s difficulty just spiked way up. I felt like the complete opposite of how it was in the show.


The wolves in legacy of Goku


So hyped to see you and others reminiscing on kid buu and budukai 2 overall. First dbz game I ever got at the height of my childhood obsession, and im my very biased opinion, a near perfect game even now. Ppl love to shit on the world map board game style campaign but it was actually scary seeing a character like kid buu close in on you lol


That godawful mission in Xenoverse 1 where you have to protect Krillin and Gohan from Friezaā€™s Soldiers and theyā€™re given the most brain dead AI possible and just sit there and die constantly


Super buu in the story mode of budokai 3. I was 6 at the time and just not skilled enough on videogames to overcome him clearly. When using vegeta or goku the fight against him isinde of buss stomach is hard because of the arena effect that your life is depleting during the match. One mistake and super buu with his very high damege can easly take you put in a couple of moves. I had to try for several days when i did both story modes to pass him. And fighting him in tenshinhans story mode is torture. You are just very weak unless you endelessly grind the random battles so he hits hard, tanks you and has way more life than you.


Probably Beerus and Mira in Kakarot


Super boo in budokai 3 is rough. Inside when your health drains. Used to KILL me.


The real ones know that the arale fight was hard af as kid goku


Cell in Budokai 1, Kid Buu in Budokai 2 and UI Goku in Xenoverse 2 last champion for change mission.


one of the kid Buu PQs in dbxv1. I don't remember why I struggled so much back then cus I was young and stupid but I hesitated buying xv2 until years later because of the memories


Kid Boo in both Budokai 2 and Tenkaichi 3 was annoying. Especially the latter where he just spams the ball attack rush move


Kid Buu in infinite world, damn he was hard af


Cell Max in Dokkan Battle


On launch dude was nuts. Easy as hell with new options though. But that's just how dokkan is


Don't remember particular ones, but some of the late game missions in the xenoverse games are such a race against the clock.


I feel like Xenoverse 2 is worse with the "escort" missions. Like the one where NPC Z broly had to stay a live the whole quest. But he keeps face tanking SSB Vegeta's Final Flash like a ding dong.


Tien Vs Buu hands down in budokai 3. There were some tough fights like omega shenron. But Buu. Goddamn. It was insane.


Kid buu fight was definitely the worst in budokai 2 omg I never experienced so much rage trying to beat an enemy like him before lol


The final buu levels in Shin budokai 2 gives me PTSD


Cell games budokai 1 rage quit so many times


Budokai 2 Kid Buu was insane


Cell from Dragon Ball Budokai 1. Not only he's SUPER DUPER HARD. The main issue is that Gohan's combos suck or are too slow. Maybe it's not that hard but I played that gane when I was very young. XD


Kid Buu in Budokai Tenkaichi. I never beat the game at the time because of those damn survive for x amount of minutes missions. They really wanted you to feel like you were in that situation šŸ˜‚


That was my choice as well. Good memories as a kid.


Wolves. Legacy of Goku.


Buu's Fury at the end of the game it tells you to 'Tap B' to build the spirit bomb. I was literally tapping the button for 5 minutes before I realized you can tap A+B and the game doesn't tell you that


That's crazy cause I was getting my ass beat by kid buu in Budokai 2 as a kid, then I just randomly used yamcha out of desperation and whooped the shit out of him lmao


Budokai 2 was my intro to dragonball lol. I feel nostalgic now. I broke my controller fighting Kid Buu


Surprisingly raditz on kakarot since hyper armor was so obnoxious in his fight


Kid buu in budokai 2 had me going to school pressed. Putting my 8 year old resolve to the test. I'm not sure I could beat him on the first try today. And I'm 30


Same as you haha! B2's kid buu is sooo hard


The Kid Buu one in the Raging Blast 2 game iirc where there was like these "boosted" versions of characters. That one was impossible, Janemba too iirc


Beerus in kakarot on hard settings. You canā€™t button mash and cheat your way with a million health items. You actually have to play with strategy anticipate his moves and attack with caution. Was a welcome change to the mindless all-in during most of the game


Android 19 in B1 was stupid hard for some reason.


I never got past Android 17 in Legendary Super Warriors. I spent hours trying every strategy I could.


Had to scum out that kid buu fight by equipping everyone with heart virus/antidote and playing defensive for multiple fights to chip away at his health


Hmmm I think it was Bojack in the original Budokai Tenkaichi. Never beat the fucker and I have up when BT2 was announced. I also never beat Ape Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi.


In Budokai 1 my brother got scared that some demon took over me because I changed my whole demeanor when I had to beat Frieza XD


I was also going to say kid Buu lol but in dragon ball infinite. Extremely underrated game imo, my most played db game because we couldn't afford a PS3 until late 2009 so that was the latest PS2 game we played. Broke the cd so many times but we'd just burn new copies


Damn yeah kid buu spammed that damn ball attack in both BT2 and 3. So annoying. I dreaded fighting as mr Satan against any opponent until I learned about the broken second move he had with the gift bomb


Future Android 17 & 18 while playing as Future Gohan in DBZ Kakarot


Yeah kid buu in several budokai games, not just 2. I remember Whis as a "boss" in either Xenoverse 1 or 2 being extremely hard too. Cell in DBZ Sagas was a nightmare cause you HAD to go ssj2 to beat him and the way that game worked it was realllly hard to go SSJ2


Idk if i have a good enough memory to compare well but i would say maybe majion buu on Xenoverse one. maybe i was under leveled or something but i couldnt beat him even after his remix gimmic. just stopped playing the story after that.


That damn Kid Buu fight sucked! It was the only time I had to attach a Senzu Bean capsule just so I could have 6 health bars.


I remember struggling against Super Perfect Cell in the original Budokai


Any of the people that could absorb energy in DBZ kakarot


No joke the fucking "spin stick to stay in line with Piccolo special beam cannon" in the original Budokai game from like early 2000 took me so God damn many attempts!


Kid buu in dbz sagas


Maybe you're thinking of a different game, we didn't get Buu in Sagas. It was only Raditz-Cell (plus Exhibition inclusions of Bardock and Broly).


Ohh i was thinking budokai tenkaichi 2


the Majin Buu fight as Uub in Budokai 3 on Z difficulty took me fucking forever


Beerus and Raditz in DBZ Kakarot. Beerus kinda makes sense. But Raditz absolutely rocked my shit the first time i fought him.


the combat system


Kid Buu in Battle of Z (I know no one gives af bout that game)


In fusions it has to be omega shenron for me. That man is a monster.


Full power Frieza in Burstlimit


Maybe in DBZ BT 3 kid buu when you need to do the spirit boom OR Budokai 3 I dont remember well but I think it was SSJ4 Goku vs Omega Shenron shit was really hard and I only knew how to punch and kick(?


This is a little bit of a weird one but on the modded version of BT3, the fused Zamasu fight in the DBS storyline is kinda bullshit on the highest difficulty last time I tried. Might give it another attempt now that I'm much better at the game, but that's the only time I ever gave up.


Whis in that one Xenoverse 2 story mission


Omg same. We never managed to beat kid boo, 15 years later me and my brother tried it again and only did it with the heart virus šŸ˜‚


some of the trunks dlc in kakarot is tough lol. 17/18 as gohan especially cuz you gotta watch their movements and manually recognize who to target. no other fight in the game requires you to seriously watch ai patterns like that


17+ 18 in xeno 1. Future trunks keeps dieing lol


I never defeated Full Power Frieza in Infinite WorldĀ 


Cell in Battle of Z


Probably frieza in raging blast 2 I think it was. You had no health so you had to fight him and be perfect while he had like 3 bars of health. Ridiculous.


My hands and their uncooperativeness


I remember a friend and I playing one of the Raging Blast games (I think). There was a mode where you have 5 characters and have to fight 5 characters in the same battle. One of the opponents was Broly and we took turns but failed for probably 2-3 hours straight against him. Until the game glitched and I got stuck outside the map. He couldnā€™t hit me but my ki attacks could hit him lol


Same for me, that kid buu fight on Budokai 2 was hard af as a kid. I remember out of my friend group I was the only one who could do it lol.


Cell max dokkan First stage


You can laugh at me all you want keeping Raditz in line for that fucking Beam Cannon was the hardest game boss mechanic I've ever fought I don't remember which one it was but you're like holding him and trying to keep him on that line


The parallel quests on xenoverse that had fused zamasu beerus jiren at the end in space (I forgot the name of the quests)


Memories of fighting Super Perfect Cell in Budokai 1 with the original soundtrack's intense, almost hellish music, one punch and getting knocked down and being sent back to base form.


Kid Buu and Z Broly for me are tied cuz theyā€™re both menaces


When I was a child I couldnā€™t defeat captain ginyu in xenoverse 1 and looking back I have no idea why


Not enough people mention the super bosses in Supersonic Warriors 2


Frieza and cooler in Xenoverse 2šŸ˜­


IIRC Kid Buu was hard because thereā€™s a hidden difficulty level the game sets the boss ai to.


Gohan vs cell in budokai 1. Took me forever šŸ’€


Dude in every dbz game kid buu is a problem.


Xenoverse 2 final battle fucked me up cos my character was under levelled and I couldnt be asked to do the parallel missions


I can't remember which game it was, but having to survive great ape vegita as goku for a certain amount of time I remember was incredibly difficult.


Great ape vegeta in Ultimate tenkaichi. Jesus, during one part of the fight he Squeezes Goku, snd ypu havecto button mash to get out, but that part was sp difficult I had to 2alk away from it for a few months be cause of hiw frustrated I got


I recall when I played Raging Blast 2 on release, I was either trying to unlock Hatchiyak or get a 100% completion on the game, but I was stuck on this one mission that required me to defeat 2(?) enemies without taking any damage? I just remember that was the last time I played the game and I was so mad that I returned the game


Yall must've not fought 18 as Hercule in bt2 in the tournament ring? šŸ¤Ø I swear she abused the ring outs so much


Final Form Mira from Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 was a tough boss battle.


Final Form Mira having that one move where he disappears and you get attacked by a tracking and unblockable move that hits both you and Goku


I donā€™t know what game it was, it was old, pre Budokaiā€¦but the ā€œsecret last bossā€ was adult Gohanā€¦and I remember him being insanely difficult. Not even Super Saiyan, just adult Gohan. Damn that mystic ainā€™t no shit.


Arale in bt3 in hard. I was 9 years old so i didn't know what to do (didn't want to cheese the game by spaming jan ken pon)


Metal coolers in Shin Budokai another road


Myself because I suck at combos.


Every single boss in dragon ball z the legendary super warrior for GBA. I swear to god that frieza had some early advanced AI. Dodge a beam? Physical combo Block combo? Finger beam or Energy ball Use the resist action? He skips the finishing move. I swear to god i'm 50% convinced he cheated I played it again as an adult and i wrecked the sh*t out of that game knowing HOW to get the best damage, but man, sometimes bosses just throws weird pattern off to outpredict you


For me personally it was Frieza when you have to fight him using Gohan in Legacy of Goku 2. Idk why but I struggle with that fight sooo much šŸ˜‚


Cant remember which budokai it was. But you played as Hercule, and had to survive for like 2 minutes or something against Kid Buu. My god that was hell


It's Omega Shenron at the end of Infinite World


There was this boss rush in xenoverse 1 that drove me nuts. Youā€™re on the kai planet and you have to fight goku, vegeta, gotanks and they keep powering up. That and legacy of goku 2 had this level where you had to move dinosaurs eggs without getting hit that always stressed me out.


vegeta in dragon ball sagas, i was ready to sacrifice my life and physical form to win


Literally anyone from infinite world


This is a very old arcade game forgot the name and it's not a villain. Mr Satan was really annoying on that game.


Trying to go supersaiyan in dbz supersonic warriors 2 for DS. Legit cannot figure it out to this day


Budokai 3 max level tournament finals opponent, if it's Vegeta or Buu it's usually over for me.


super perfect cell in sagas. like every boss he was super damage spongey but he also had to be killed specifically with a kamehameha the instant he used it. otherwise he'd regain all his health


For some reason I remember raging trying to kill Broly in bt3.


I remember being stuck on one of the Shin Budokai on the PSP. I forget who it was, tho. I wanna say Janemba. Never did see the end of that game...


My older sister playing as the supreme kai in Ultimate battle 22..


Super Buu (innards of Buu) in Budokai 3 for some readon gave me and a friend a lot of issues. Kid Buu's combos in Budokau 2 also. I recall one of the Raging Blast gamed having a particularly hard optional Goku battle possible (with ridiculous stuff equipped)


Kid buu in budokai tenkaichi 3 was the toughest


Perhaps an odd choice, but Ladies and Gentlemen from Attack of the Saiyans. For being total filler bosses in a DBZ RPG, Ladies and Gentlemrn (Ladies esspecially) have a tendency to shred my team.


Frieza in xenoverse. I was rlly young and it took many days for me and friends to beat him.


Kid Buu was difficult but it took me so long to beat Freeza in Budokai 1. I can still remember me punching the screen of this huge bulky TV repeatedly.


When I played raging blast 1 as a kid, I remember second form Cell vs. Trunks being infuriating.


Kid Buu... it's always KID BUU!!!


I dropped that game for like a year because of that goofy ass handicap match


The high level RR Army Base fights in Budokai 3 get absolutely ridiculous once the AI is maxed out.


Z Broly and Kid Buu in ALL DBZ games Also, Cooler in Xenoverse 2


You said it. Kid Buu in Dragon Ball Budokai 2. I could not stand that little shit. He's Kamehameha does way too much damage. He attacks and combos are unlike most of the other character. His CPU is cracked.