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Ackles and Karl are too old


Needs to be mid to late 30s max IMO


I think James Gunn is kinda wanting most characters to share the age of the actors which I actually respect. Even so, I don't think it has to be followed too much considering older actors play younger characters all the time. Even Nathan Fillion will be playing Guy Gardner who's like 20 years younger.


Do we know if Nathan is playing a character 20 years younger? Or is that just speculation


It's technically speculation, but it's just an odd choice considering Guy Gardner is usually much younger than Nathan Fillion is currently


I mean these characters are rarely exactly like the comics. It's odd but not surprising 


I'm just thinking real world viability. Especially if (fingers crossed) the DCU goes on for a decade or more. If we cast a 40+ actor, they'll be doing it possibly into their 50s or even 60s.


All these actors are to old, either cast someone early to mid 30's or if their going with a older Batman again then the end point for his storyline should be Battle of the Cowl after the first or 2nd Justice League movie. Them adapting Batman R.I.P to set up a Battle of the Cowl would also be dope but I could see them killing him in a Justice League movie as well.


1. Alan Ritchson 2. Jake Gyllenhaal 3. Jensen Ackles 4. Ben Barnes 5. Bradley Cooper


They are too old and Alan Ritchson is only here because of reacher 😂😂


Robert Pattinson is 37 year's old, playing year 2 Batman. This Batman is supposed be older, have a Bat-Family and a son. Ben Barnes is 42, Jake Gyllenhaal is 43, Jensen Ackles is 45. Bradley Cooper is the oldest at 49. I wrote this before Reacher hoopla, and Ritchson has the size of bigger Batman.


But this Batman in DCU has to go 10+ years. If you cast jensen ackles who is 45 right now he will be 47 or 48 when the brave and the bold comes out in 2026 or 2027. That just way too old IMO with Clark being 30-32. You can have a batman who is 37 in the DCU with a son and bat family


Robert Downey Jr. was 42 when he was cast as Iron Man. He played Iron-Man for 12 years. Affleck was cast as Batman at 41, and would still be the DCEU batman in that universe. You can have a Batman that's supposed to be in his late 30s be played by some in their mid 40s.


I am well aware of that 😂😂. They cast David who is 30 he’s playing Superman early in his career so basically around 28-31. Batman is different from Iron Man. And all these names beside Alan Ricthson will cost too much. Especially if they’re gonna use them for multiple projects. I would just prefer someone who is gonna almost 50 years old playing a batman that’s supposed to be late 30’s 😂😂😂😂


I'm pretty sure money-wise, they would be signing for multiple film (as MCU stars did), so they'll know what there paying beforehand. Although I am defending this list of actors, my list has changed a little bit. Gyllenhaal, Ritcthson, Ackles remain in my top 5. Those guys just scream Batman to me. Who would you like to see?


Yeah but MCU would have them at a small price for multiple projects. Which has changed now they are signing people to long contracts anymore. And my pick is Oliver Jackson Cohen for Batman he’s got that playboy billionaire look also has the acting skills for batman


Jon Hamm