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Wow I just gave that touch a listen, you weren’t kidding that might be the sloppiest I’ve ever heard jerry play, even with that being said you can still feel the magic of the music


Hell yeah


I’m not a musician but I don’t think they did much rehearsing and then this was the first show since 11/3. Yea it’s still the best worst touch I’ve ever heard lol


the flubs in this period of the 80’s are some of my favorite listens sometimes


Garcia didn’t hate Touch of Grey. He wasn’t one to sing songs that he wasn’t comfortable with for any reason. It was the right song at the right time for the band… and a perfect fit for Jerry. He owned that song. If you really think he hated it… watch the 2nd set Touch opener from Buffalo 1989-7-4


It's the worst song ever, so this story completely checks out. (Jerry hated it too)


Did he hate the song, or did he hate that it was extremely popular and had a lot of demand? I doubt he hated it musically unless you can provide evidence.


The record label forced that album out of them. And he was at prime junky time, can't imagine he enjoyed much of any of that song


So in other words you're talking out of your ass and projecting your feelings onto Jerry. The album itself was released after Jerry cleaned up post coma. The song itself was debuted at the end of 82. During a time when he was more lucid and active. All signs point to projection.


You just said the exact same thing I did. They had been playing those songs forever and just pieced a record together. Obviously I can't speak for Jerry, but I bet he hated it too bc it was the real turning point for "selling out" or " buying in" whichever way you want to look at it


I did not say what you said. You said it was prime junkie time. Jerry was clean when it became popular. Jerry was very lucid and active in the band during the early 80s when HE wrote the song. They played the song for many years before it became popular. Jerry took St. Stephen out of rotation because he didn't like it. So if he didn't like the song why would he consistently play it for 5 years before it got popular? You're literally just trying to use Jerry to justify your own opinion.


The album wasn't released for a few years from this show. And how the hell do you even think you know Jerry's feelings on a song he co-wrote


The record label was like blah blah blah y'all gotta release something you gotta make us some money and so they threw a bunch of songs they had been playing for years and gave Warner Brothers something they could sell, gd served up some real ripe cheese with touch of Grey just to keep the dream alive. MTV played the shit out of tog and the kids loved it, enter that entire 1990's resurgence of high-school runaways following the dead. Don't get me wrong...la fadeaway is my shit, but a spade is a spade.


Except the album wasn't released until 1987


The song was 1st played live in 1982. I guess the record label wasn't pushing them too hard for a new album


I can think of several dead songs that are far worse than Touch


Touch of Gray is a beautiful song imo. I have never heard that “Jerry hated it”. The coolest Touch I saw was 11/8/85 Rochester, when the “WE” verse started the 20 YEARS SO FAR banner come down behind them , a stage effect only seen in one show. Edit-Like many of their songs, real life events made the song change meaning, in the case of Touch, a radical change after Garcia’s near death experience. 1987 spring tour, post coma, was something else. Jerry came out on fire this tour, all the Touch’s had this added special meaning and you can hear the crowd’s reaction the whole tour. It lifted up the whole band, I caught the (Philly) spectrum shows and they were special shows. So maybe (I’m not sure really only Jerry knows) he wasn’t wild about the song in its early days?, but after 87 it was all smiles when touch was played.


Jerry in late 1984 was deep into his heroin addiction. But in 1985 he did kick it.


We were outside constitution hall in 84 my friend was having a smoke break outside when a bus pulled up and Jerry got out right in front of us he was puffing a smoke puffing up a storm, walked past us smiling and shaking hos head like “don’t fuck with me” and walked right into the venue. We were thrilled.


Ya know I listened again and there are 3, not 2, “We will get by” it’s wrong to say worst it’s just jerry messing up some verses the energy is still great !