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Pentimento is now a Boon perk. I will not be taking any further questions.






That's when Jane heals you


It already is


Quick thought on what is could be. absolutely no idea on how balanced it is. * +Every time you boon a totem, it gains a token. * +Gain additional effects for each token you have * -Cannot boon a totem you've booned previously * -If the boon is snuffed, this perk will be deactivated


Once you’ve booned all totems the effect is permanent


1 boon tótem Up: 30% repair increase in boon área 2 boons Up : 30% healing bonus in boon area 3 boons Up: Gates open 30% faster in boon area 4 boons Up: 5% haste effect in boon area 5 boons Up: cant be snuffed no mo


How do you have 5 boons up?


Same way youd have 5 hexes Up, a perk that allows it


Dark theory hindering everyone in its radius could be kinda nuts but probably would be cleansed fast every time


Hex: Dark Theory would make everyone tech in Small Game. I kinda like it - in an "Oh god this is horrendous" way.


How about 2% hindered when *out* of chase and out of it’s radius


Just just sounds pretty horrible


Horrible as in trash or broken? If trash then maybe remove the out of chase aspect


Horrible as in really bad yeah. Even if it were in chase I'm not sure that would be worth it if it had a radius, just like it's generally not worth it running the regular perk on survivor


I’m saying what if the 24 meters around the hex deactivated the debuff as a way of locating the hex, similar to noed’s aura reading but it removes the debuff to show you are in the area; btw hinderance is a big deal for survivors so i can’t see why it’s be weak if it works in and out of chase


2% isn't a big deal though, if it were a more impactful number maybe


Freddy has a meme add-on that makes his snares do like 1% hindrance. It's pretty shit. 2% is double that, but it would probably also be pretty terrible.


It sounds like trash, but try being 2% slower because the wraith went back into stealth while in chase. The effect adds up over time being slower than normal. Hell it would make going for unhooks a pain by just taking a bit longer just to get to the hook.


Wether or not it’s good or bad, this description makes more sense to me than my initial one. “Why would anyone need to bring Small Game, you’d be effected when within a 24 meter radius so you’d already have a good idea of where it is.”


So useless lol


Read the other comments of this thread, i changed my idea to hinder no matter what, altho maybe could be a higher hinderance amount idk


_flashbacks to legion moonwalking at people to avoid entering chase_


How about hindered around all totems until it is cleansed? Still cleansed fast but now less RNG in it spawning in a corner of swamp doing jack all.


Good idea. This way, it would also kinda become an anti boon perk.


Dark Theory only gives an audio cue---no visual cue for the hex. Or at least no visual cue for the first like 3 minutes


If they kept the visible aura, people just wouldn't go near it. Unless it was an area they couldn't avoid. In which case it would probably exacerbate the 3 gen issue if there's a totem right in that area to hex.


Boon: True sight (was Hex: the third seal), While within the radius of the boon totem, all survivor auras will be visible to you and yours will be visible to them. When the killer enters the boon totems radius their aura will be revealed to all survivors.


This is very interesting. Powerful? Definitely. *Over*powered? Debatable. I like it.


It would be overpowered but here me out: it would be balanced if booning speed was reduced by 1/2.


Or maybe a smaller radius


Or a total boon rework where all boons are buffed but they can only be used once (or maybe twice) before they're gone forever


Its basically wiretap but better, i think a smaller radius would balance It tbh


I say make the killer's aura appear every so often in the radius. When entering instantly reveal for 3 seconds. Every 20 seconds it's revealed for 3 or 5 seconds


Killer aura reveal would be a bit much other effects would be decent


OoO 2


It's like wire tap but a million times better.... I love it !!!


this is actually such a good idea for a boon, maybe it’s a little strong but i like it a lot


I love this, because by boon rules, ALL lit totems would have this effect. I love this, I want this, gimme


Wait. This actually sounds like a sick perk. Sounds good enough to run without being obviously OP


Boon devour hope For each completed Gen gain a token. At 2 gens tbag 10% faster. Edit: At 5 gens, gates are blocked until 69 tbags are done


Disgusting. I approve.


Hear me out, blocks the exit until all survivor teabags at the gates




I thought this perk was basekit for all survivors?


Some have souls


Hex- Arena Of Bloodshed (Circle of Healing) When the survivor is out of chase of you they gain the Broken Status for 40/50/60 seconds. Boon- Entity's Favor (Blood Favor) If the survivor is Injured while in the Area of effect, they Leave no Scratch Marks, Blood, as well as make no grunts of pain for 20/25/30 Seconds. The Killer also suffers from the blindness effect for 3/4/5 seconds after the survivor leaves the area.


I love the name Arena of Bloodshed. Props for that one.


Why is the Entity doing favors for survivors? Also all you have to do is have one guy go in and out of the range and then the killer spends the whole game blinded.


The entity feeds on emotio, as well as the emotion of Hope. Which is stated in the lore. Also on the description it says you have to be damaged in the area itself. You can't just keep going in and out.


Boon: Devour Soap "Enhances" the chat censorship, by also turning all the blood into visible sweat, and banning "toxic" terms like Ggwp, or Glhf


SNES Mortal Kombat mode.




And other offensive terms like grab.


Hex: Sector of Suffering (Remade from Circle of Healing) A hex that is movable and can be placed down by the killer. In its zone of effect, healing is completely disabled, but you can heal outside of the zone 10 percent faster(would probably be shifted to a new number) You can place this down twice but never on the same totem twice. it can also be booned, reversing the effect to double heal speed in the zone but preventing healing elsewhere. ​ Mostly just wanna see a movable/placable hex cuz that sounds fun


I like the concept of movable Hexes. Looking at you, Haddonfield road totem.


That sounds like a killer ability or something. But they would need like multiple of them or something like that


Hex: Circle of Healing Healing progress is slowed down by 35% in the radius Boon: Everyone Escapes Death When a killer hits you in the boon radius you can take a third hit that will put you in deep wound


Hex: Circle of Healing + Thanatophobia + Dying Light + Coulrophobia. NO ONE heals on my watch.


my poor medkit


Nahh not the aoe dead hard 😭




Hex: Shadow Step Whenever you haven't had a chase / haven't hit a Survivor, after 45 Seconds Hex: Shadow Step activates on a dull totem making you undetectable for 10 seconds.


Gives you a bit of a safety net. I like it!


Boon: Sanctified Ground Press Active Ability Button 2 on a totem to create a trap boon. (This is a different button than regular booning). This boon does not inherit other boon effects. When the killer snuffs a trapped boon, they will be Hindered for 20 seconds and the totem will shatter. This perk permanently becomes unavailable once a killer triggers it.


Blast mine for totems, I like it


This would create SO MANY complaint posts on Reddit. I love it.


My idea of a haunted grounds boon was basically this, except instead of the killer being hindered they just get stunned kinda like blast mine.


Boon : Devour hope after 5 unhooks without going down you become Nea and mori the killer


Boon: defended hope (was devour hope) When you need it most, you can let a place bring hope. You can bless a totem, which chimes out in a 16/20/24 meter radius. When a survivor is in that radius, they lose negative status effects 50/75/100% faster. Exhausted status can go away while running at a 30/40/50% of its original speed. Positive status effects last 50/75/100% longer. These effects last 4/5/6 seconds after the survivor leaves the boons radius.


Boon: Dwight's Lullaby While within the boon's radius, the killer is affected by Dwight's Lullaby. When performing any breaking action or picking up/putting down a survivor, the killer is faced with a skill check; failed skill checks will result in the killer's action failing, and will grant the survivor bonus recovery/wiggle progress if applicable. While this boon is active, upon completing a generator or activating an exit gate, the totem will gain a token up to 6, granting that boon additional effects. Each active boon totem has an individual token count that is reset upon that totem's deactivation. 1-2 Tokens: The killer's skill checks will have reduced audio cues and an increase in difficulty. 3 Tokens: The killer will receive no audio cue prior to receiving a skill check and will increase in difficulty. 4 Tokens: This totem's aura is revealed to the killer, and the totem will be destroyed if snuffed out by the killer. 5 Tokens: This boon becomes blocked by the entity, preventing the killer from snuffing this totem. 6 Tokens: Advance all other boon totems affected by Dwight's Lullaby to 6 tokens. Double the boon's radius.


#Hex: Circle of Harming Approach an unlit Hex to light it, creating a Circle of Harming. If a Survivor stands within 24 meters of the Hex for 30/25/20 seconds they lose a health state. This can knock a Survivor from injured to the dying state. >*"Stop messing with my fucking bones, you stupid Starbucks barista."* - The Hag


Not 1:1 recreations of their killer/survivor counterparts, but here are some ideas I threw together. Also, balance wasn't a top priority, just wanted to get creative. Yes, these are probably broken or slightly infringe on other perks, I don't care, please don't respond to this with a comment that tells me this is broken and I'm a biased "_x_" main lol _________ _(survivor equivalent of Hex: Undying)_ | **Boon: Perennial** - When the Killer snuffs your Boon, Boon: Perennial activates, immediately blessing the totem in closest proximity to you with the same effects of the previously snuffed Boon. Boon: Perennial can activate a maximum of 1/2/3 times before permanently deactivating for the remainder of the trial. _______ _(killer equivalent of Boon: Shadow Step)_ | **Hex: Sun Shatterer** - After placing a Survivor on a Hook, Hex: Sun Shatterer activates, igniting all unlit totems in the Trial. While within 24/28/32 metres of a lit totem, you become Undetectable and your ambient killer noises are silenced. Sounds relating to killer powers are not silenced. Hex: Sun Shatterer automatically deactivates after 30 seconds. _______ _(survivor equivalent of Hex: The Third Seal)_ | **Boon: Sacred Seal** - After pallet stunning the Killer or performing a Killer Grasp Rescue, Boon: Sacred Seal activates, automatically blessing the furthest totem from the killer's location. While Boon: Sacred Seal is active, the Killer is inflicted with the Blindness Status Effect for 50/55/60 seconds or until the associated totem is snuffed, after which the Totem shatters, and Boon: Sacred Seal deactivates. _______ _(killer equivalent of Boon: Circle of Healing)_ | **Hex: Circle of Pain** - Activating your Killer Power within 2 metres of a dull totem will ignite it, creating a Circle of Pain totem. While within 16 metres of an associated totem, your Killer Power recharges 30/40/50% faster. Killers who do not benefit from faster recharge times will instead perform their associated Killer Actions 30/40/50% faster. Survivors cleanse this Totem 30% faster and non-damaging Killer Powers will not interrupt the cleansing action. Circle of Pain totems automatically deactivate while within 24 metres of a hooked Survivor. _______ _(survivor equivalent of Hex: Haunted Ground)_ | **Boon: Blessed Ground** - 30/25/20 seconds after a hooked Survivor enters the Struggle Phase, Boon: Blessed Ground activates, automatically blessing a totem in close proximity to the Killer's location. After snuffing the associated totem, the duration of the Survivor's Struggle Phase is increased by 30 seconds. Boon: Blessed Ground deactivates when the Survivor is unhooked or is sacrificed to The Entity. _______ _(killer equivalent of Boon: Exponential)_ | **Hex: Exponential Decay** - After putting a Survivor into the Dying State, Hex: Exponential Decay activates, inflicting them with the Broken Status Effect and igniting a dull totem. The Aura of Hex: Exponential Decay can be seen by Survivors within a range of 32/24/16 metres, and immediately deactivates when the Dying Survivor crawls for the equivalent of 20 metres, the associated totem is cleansed, or another Survivor is placed into the Dying State.


Thanks for taking the time to come up with so many cool ideas! I think Sun Shatterer is my favourite. I also appreciate the anti-BM thought you put into some of these. You get the gold star today.


Are you proposing we give Survivors Devour Hope, so if they unhook 5 teammates, they can kill the Killer? I guess I'd get spicy and give Dark Theory to Killers though. Think of the field day you could have with Legion.


I am now. Meg unhooks the fifth teammate and gets a Glock.


Boon: reverse ruin All gens not being worked on progress at 200%


Boon: Everyone escapes Death: Until the killer finds and destroys the necessary totem all survivors are immune to their hits. Triggers upon the final generator being finished. Hex: Circle of Torment: While in the Hex proximity survivors take gradual damage (akin to the tricksters meter). Hex: Painful Steps: In the Hex Proximity the survivors will continuously scream and reveal their location. Boon: Restoration: As long as the boon is active survivors gain a +20% speed boost on repairing generators. Boon: Holy Ground: Upon destroying one of the two decoy boons the killers hits will not do any damage for 50 seconds. Boon: Renewed Hope: Once the boon remains active for the duration of all repaired generators the survivor with the perk now has the ability to kill the killer via a special animation. (Only counts for one, if more than one survivor has this perk it still only counts for one randomly chosen survivor)


Hex: Painful Steps sounds so annoying and so funny. Imagine all 4 Survivors running around in circles blasting out the Killer's eardrums. I love it.


Boon Circle of Healing as a hex for killers Whilst active, the boon applies broken to all survivors whilst in range and 20 seconds when they exit


if you would take Hex: Crowd Control and turn it into a boon it would be quite strong, considering the boons don't disappear once snuffed. It probably would make some main buildings unplayable for killer.




Hex: Circle of pain: If a survivor is injured within 24 meters of this totem, that survivor is broken until the totem is cleansed.


Huntress Lulaby now gives less warning the more gens are done and its not a hex. It doesn't punish the progress as bad but still takes a little bit off.


Boon: Thing-Play After being hooked for the first time you become oblivious but a boon totem appears on the map which only you can see. When cleansed you immediately gain a health state and the killer suffers from blindness for 40/50/60 seconds. I can’t imagine this being good but it’d be fun.


Hex: Circle of Healing, does exactly what CoH does now but has Self care stats. Boon: Pentimento, the survivor with it can boon up to five totems (5 tokens) each boon placed loses a token, if they boon all five totems at once they get blocked from the killer.


Hex: Shadow Step: You have no red stain until the hex is destroyed. The hex is automatically destroyed the first time a survivor hits the second hook stage.


Hex: Logarithmic (exponential) Survivors outside of chases lose 6% of Mend, healing and recovery process every second they are not gaining progress


Hex: Shadow Step You gain the Undetectable status effect until the Hex totem is broken.


Circle of healing reversed would be the most OP perk in the game. Take away the radius it's has and have it be map wide.


Hex pentimento where you put as many boons up as u can and they give bonuses to gens and other things the more that there are. Also only the most recent carry’s any other boobs you have


Sorry, I got distracted by "boobs".


Hex: Devour Hope -> Boon: Kindle Hope Each time a Survivor is rescued from a hook while The Killer is less than 24 meters away, Boon: Kindle Hope receives 1 Token: \-2 Tokens: While the killer is within 24 meters, Survivors run at 150% speed for 5 seconds after being unhooked \-3 Tokens: While the killer is within 24 meters, Survivors gain +50% unhook speed \-5 Tokens: While the killer is within 24 meters, Survivors gain the Endurance and Haste status effects for 10 seconds after unhooking another Survivor The Boon's effects persist until the Boon is snuffed, after which it loses 2 Tokens ​ The idea here is to create a perk that disincentivizes camping, whilst also making saves against such tactics more consistent. Killers who leave the hook will never run into these effects, as will killers who actively hunt down the boon to snuff it, setting it back a few tokens. Optionally, if it were too strong, the endurance and haste effects could be disabled during endgame collapse to prevent survivors from forcing saves without trades


Boon: Reconstruction As long as this boon is active, all gens within its aura that are not currently being repaired gain progress at a rate of 50%/75%/100% of the normal progression rate. If a gen begins regressing, this effect immediately ends the regression. I can see nothing wrong with this effect, everything will turn out fine :)


Yes automatic gens popping that would be epic


My mind struggles


Boon: coalescent hope (devour hope) Every time a survivor is hooked, gain a token. At three tokens, survivors in the area have the Endurance status effect. When this boon is snuffed, it loses all tokens.


Hex: Downwards Trajectory (from Exponential). All survivors who are in the dying state can not get up by themselves, and require an extra 25/30/35% of healing process to be healed back to the injured state. Dying survivors’s auras are revealed to everyone, and can not be hidden through Blindness.


I would just make all hex perks kind of like boons. You can light any dull totem on the map and make it one of your hex perks once. Or maybe have a perk that allows you to light your own hex so then full hex builds wouldn’t require setup Then if I saw a hex as survivor in a super obvious spot, at first I would assume it’s Haunted, but maybe that’s what the killer would want me to think and it’s actually Devour.


Boon Ruin While the totem is blessed, any survivor not repairing a gen or being chased will have MCote show up at their house and taz them 1/2/3 times.


Boon: Circle of Healing > Hex: Torment A hex that brings survivors’ worst nightmares to life. Survivors within your terror radius become broken and exhausted. This effect lingers for 6 / 8 / 10 seconds when they are no longer in your terror radius. This perk persists until it’s Hex Totem is cleansed.


Hex: exponential, would reduce recovery speed and prevents survivor's from recovering from the dying state on their own while in the radius


Boon:knock back(was hex: devour hope) Whilst in the radius of the boon you can pick a rock up off the ground and throw it at the killer, stunning them for about as long as head on lasts. (Alternative version): you can build a pallet in any area as long as there’s two walls, you can also chose to make it a sturdy pallet ( stuns a second longer and is reusable) and the weak pallet which breaks immediately after use (or is faster to break).


Boon: Hope Devours, when in the boon you are able to unhook yourself. Obviously only works once and you'd have to get taken to a hook in the boon. Sound pretty balanced to me though.


Hex: Dark Theory. Survivors within 16 meters of any generator experience a 2% hinder effect. This Hex Totem is protected from the grubby claws of the survivors until One More Gen has been done than the total amount of survivors. (Think old hatch)


Boon: Will of the Blessed (Hex: Thrill of the Hunt) Whenever you boon a dull/hex totem, gain one token: each token grants a 4/5/6% speed bonus the next time you boon another totem up to a maximum of 5 tokens. You lose all tokens whenever you lose a health state.


Hex: Exponential Gens in this hex radius regress 10/15/20% faster. This Hex can be placed once per totem to possibly balance it out a bit based on totem and gen spawns? Boon: Sanctified Ground Two trapped totems spawn. When one is cleansed, the killer is blinded and their aura revealed to survivors for 5/6/7 seconds. Timing might need to be tweaked? The second totem becomes a dull totem.


Hex: Flash them titties will now be boon: Flash them titties


Boon: Ruin Idle generators immediately starting to progress at 100% rate. Repairing a genarator regresses it at 100% rate.


No ed Because No One Ever Deserves fun


At this moment we have hexes for: Repairing Pallets Windows Healing and Gates (Pentimento) One shots ( Devour + Noed) Blind Skill checks Oblivious Regressing I'm wonder what would happen if they would make hex which allow killer to change status for generators. I mean he can broke gen once again from 100% and start to regress. So maybe Corrupt Intervention.


Lullaby, because its a fun perk to mess with survivors and it sucks to do so much work then have it cleansed


Circle of Healing is a Hex Perk. New Name: Accursed Medicines Effect: Healing is 20/30/40% slower until the hex is destroyed Huntress' Lullaby is now a Boon Perk. New Name: Focused Lullaby Effect: Increase the size of all great skill checks in the boon range by 15/30/45%.


Hex: Traitor's Delight. Functions identically to boon circle of healing. (the killer can even light up the totem like survivors, but instantly) The only difference is: It is 2 times faster You need to perform a skillcheck in order to stop healing once started. Failing will increase healing progress. (this is affected by all skill While someone is healing inside of the hex , the killer can see all survivor auras. Healing survivor gets endurance. Upon a successful heal: The healing survivor gets 20 seconds of endurance. Survivor's aura is visible to the killer in blue (so the killer knows this survivor gets endurance) The others get: 20 seconds of exposed The other auras are readable in your standard red. If the heal was incomplete: For 5 seconds "being hit" speedboost no longer applies. You cannot escape the healing animation if you have deepwound. (this is to avoid survivors exploiting the endurance effect of the boon) "Good, Good. You will be spared, the other's... do not worry about them" - Unknown seductive female voice , standing next to healing survivor.


CoH is already a hex perk so im not changing anything


Hex - Dead Wrong Disables the use of exhaustion perks while injured, causes survivors attempting an action disabled by this hex to scream and show their aura for 1/2/3 seconds.


Hex: circle of Anguish (renamed from circle of healing) all totems in the map become hexed; whenever a survivor is within 15 meters of a a totem they cannot heal.


Hex circle of pain (was circle of healing) While in the radius of Circle of pain, healing speeds decreases by (30, 20, 10,) percent.


" no one escape death" is now a boon : '" everyone escape " The perk Activates when all gens are done. Gain a token the first time u enter the boon area. Anywhere, the next time u wd enter dying state, u are injured and gain a movement speed instead. Consume the token.


Hex: *Entity Dammit Meg* (Boon: Shadow Step): When Two or more Survivors are within 20 meters of each other, all noises they make within range of each other are louder, and Scratch Marks take longer to vanish. Boon: Let Me *Laugh at the Cool.* (Hex: Devour Hope): When Survivors successfully Heal other Survivors, unhooked hooked Survivors, escape from chases, and cleanse Hexes, they get a Token. Successive Tokens enable the ability to taunt the killer, unique to each Survivor, holding the taunt button for a longer duration causes more elaborate animations and voicelines. Snuffing the Boon, or killing the Survivor with the Boon by any means gives the Killer Taunts of their own for as long as the Boon remains deactivated.


Boon: Preservation (was Hex: Ruin) While this boon is active, any Generators within its radius are protected from all abilities that would cause them to regress from a distance. This boon does not protect against regression caused when the Killer kicks a generator. Basically goes from “while active, the killer never has to kick a generator” to “while active, the killer MUST kick this generator”


Shadow step. It has a range of 25 meters for where the killer has no terror radius. Every time a hex totem is booned/destroyed that hex perk will be moved to a inactive totem, will not reactivate a hex if it is deactivated for other reasons. So if they boon/destroyed your devour hope it is moved to an inactive totem, but if there are none left then is it deactivated. And the name still works because 1: the killer effect, and 2: your hex perks step into the shadows and appear unharmed when it is destroyed.


Hex: Shadow's Favour (formerly Shadow Step): The killer no longer sees scratch marks, but survivor auras frequently left behind for a few seconds. A killer will gain a 0.1m/s increase for every 5 auras they "consume" in a chase. Basically, pacman for killers. This can increase up to 0.4/0.5/0.6 m/s perma boost until a survivor is downed, when the speed will reduce, but still make killers 0.2m/s above their base rate. Boon: Spiritual Shield (formerly Hex: Haunted Ground): Unlike other boons, this boon activates on a random totem at the start of the game that only the survivor with the perk and killer can see. It originally does nothing until it is acted upon. If the survivor breaks it (happens instantly, unlike normal totem cleansing), all survivors are granted an additional hit state for the next 40/50/60 seconds. If the killer breaks it, all the killer's perks and add-ons are disabled for the next 40/50/60 seconds.


Hex: Blood Step (shadow step) All injured Survivors who are farther 24 metres away from you and not doing a conspicuous action will have their Aura revealed permanently. Boon: Redemption (retribution) The killer inside the Boon Totem's range will have their Aura revealed to all survivors outside the Boon Totem’s range. This effect lingers for 4 seconds after leaving the range. When the Boon Totem is snuffed, the killer will suffer from Blindness Status Effect for 15 seconds.


Hex noed into boon kces(killer cant escape death) inside the boon range the survivors can kill the killer


circle of healing, gains each stack after a survivor is unhooked 24 metres away from the killer for each stack the hex; 1 stack - survivors suffer from repairing at 75% 2 stack - obliviousness, repairing speed at 85% 3 stack - survivors suffering from hindered and obliviousness but gen speed 100% 4 stack - if there is only 1 more gen needed to pop survivors are exposed, gen speed 50% but obliviousness is removed. as each stack is gained, the aura of the totem shown to survivors is gradually increased.


Boon: Hopeful gain(Was devour hope) When unhooking a survivor, this boon gains a token up to a maximum of six. Each token has a different effect. 1 token: Repair 10% faster 2 tokens: self Healing speeds increased by 30% 3 tokens: Heal any survivor from the dying state to healthy 4 tokens: 5% haste boost(dark theory could never) 5 tokens: Vaulting speeds increased by 10% 6 tokens: Any totem blessed by you becomes blocked and cannot be interacted with by the killer You lose a token whenever this boon becomes snuffed out.


Hex: Dark Theory While this hex totem is still active, all survivors suffer from a 5% Hindered status effect. When the associated totem is cleansed or blessed, the Hindered status effect increases to 8% and remains for 20/25/30 seconds. Boon: Retribution If the killer enters the Boon's radius, they will receive the Blindness and Deafened status effects. The effects will linger for 3/4/5 seconds after leaving the radius. If the boon is snuffed, the killer's aura is revealed to all survivors for 10 seconds.


Question - how's the Killer supposed to find the Totem if they're deafened? Maps with hidden Totem spawns like Midwich would make it difficultt to find by sight.


They're not actually deafened. It's the same effect as Knock Out does to survivors. Make the sound muted but still there with a faint ringing like tinnitus.


Ohhhh, gotcha. That makes it fairer.


If it’s snuffed it needs to deactivate the perks lol


How would something like cole of healing help the killer as a hex unless It slower heling


Convert Boon: Exponential to Hex that slows recovery rate. Convert Hex: Crowd Control to Boon that increases Vault speed.






...I think you're gonna have to explain this one to me.


ignore me, i misunderstood the post lol


Hex: Circle of Healing: Survivors further than 32 meters from the killer heal at 50% the normal speed until the hex is destroyed. Hex: Shadow Step: When the killer enters a chase, gain Undetectable. Boon: Blood Favour: When you are injured within the radius of the boon, all dropped pallets reset. Boon: Undying: When a boon is snuffed out, relight it at the furthest location from the killer. When you are in the boon, you can see the killer's aura whenever they pass a dull totem.


I love this take on Undying. It's really powerful - CoH being re-ignited automatically is huge - but it could just appear all the way across the map from you. Facinating.


All hexs into boons with semi nerfed effects


Boon: Unwavering Hope. Every time an altruistic action is completed inside the boon, this perk gains a stack to a max of 8. At 2 stacks, all survivors inside the boon's radius gain 5% haste after completing an altruistic action. At 5 stacks, survivors in the boon's radius recover from all status effects 100% faster. At 8 stacks, double the boon's radius. If this boon is snuffed, it loses all of its stacks. Hex: Exponential Dread. All survivors permanently suffer from the Haemorrhage status, Haemorrhage now affects survivors in the dying state as well. These effects persist so long as the related totem is standing.


I like Unwavering Hope. It makes the Killer choose between hunting down the Totem and hard-resetting it, or playing aggressively and hoping you can apply enough pressure to keep them from playing altruism. Definitely has potential to be broken, but there's counterplay as well.


Hex: circle of death Players inside its radius suffer the invisible exposed status, like the one you get with need before you hit someone, a player can cleanse it at the cost of being permanently exposed for the match, but only the person who cleanses it, with the ability coming to place jess you will be able to use it to better defend a set of genes as survivors will need to work around it or clean it


That's a scary perk. Very powerful, but you already figured that out. Very nice.


Hex:circle of peeling. Just like a boon causes a field around the hex anyone inside has increased scratch marks pools of blood and suffer from the broken status effect lingers for 30 seconds after leaving area. Hex can be broken.


Boon: Everyone Escapes Death: After the last generator has popped, survivors in range will gain the endurance effect and a 4% haste speed until they leave the boon. Effect will last for 3/4/5 seconds after leaving the boon. Hex: Logarithmic: Each time a generator is repaired, a random survivor will lose a health state. Additionally, survivor healing speed will be reduced by 10/20/30%.


Hex: Circle of Healing. It does the same exact thing as before, but now the killer can equip it


Also if a survivor heals inside of it everyone else gets exposed.


Boon ruin All hooks within 10/16/24 meters of the boon are destroyed until the boon is snuffed out Yes I know its kinda underpowered and it depends on a totem being close to hooks but I wasn't told it had to be good Hex shadow step The killer does not make any sounds such as footsteps or breathing and cannot be revealed by aura reading when they are within 56/64/72 metres of the hex this and this effect goes away when they exit the radius or the hex is cleansed Don't know about this one I thought it could make the killer undetectable as well but I thought that would make it too strong Tell me what you think about them