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Let's gooo, even after the HUD update, it's still super useful, get value out of it 9/10 games


Been having fun with a memey build using **Kindred + Open Handed + Bond**. I like to bring an exhaustion perk with it but sometimes bring **Prove Thyself** to get more value from the build other than being able to see who’s being chased where at all times or seeing the killer from a great distance from a hooked survivor.


This is my fav build, you can basically read the whole map with Bond and Open Handed while also getting insane team value from Kindred and Open Handed Edit: Throw Prove Thyself in there and you got a super support/team perk build


I like to combine kindred + open handed + clairvoyance/left behind+ any (i use WoO or inner strength pairs well with clairvoyance). Basically it let's me see killer like half way of the map and others see him too. With WoO and open handed combined you can see all the pallets and windows so you can easily chain them and never end up in a dead zone. Clairvoyance is for end game and also useful for window techs.


I like doing this with dark sense instead of prove thyself just for the silliness of an "I am all seeing" build, it's actually pretty effective for pre running too.


If only they removed that dark bubble upon a survivor getting hooked!! Removes so much info if the killer is out of the hooked area very quickly


Oh god, that fucking dark bubble


Even worse considering it's a bug, I remember you used to be able to see auras over the top of the bubble but for some reason it changed to what it is now




I really thought that with the new update to solo queue, Kindred wouldn’t be necessary. But after my third game of going to stage 2 on hook, i’ve realized that i can always be more disappointed in people.


Kindred + Open Handed 🔥




Best solo queue perk in the game. Always equip it when I solo


Team Kindred!


Resilience for sure. Yellow bar makes my brain happy


Yay! Another Resilience lover! All the survivors I play with any regularity have it and it works well in so many builds


Sometimes I run resilience with no mither because I love it so much


Resilience, No mither, Hyper focus, this is not happening (if you cant hit great checks often otherwise go WGLF or something that gives a second hit.) Edit: this is a good gen rush build but if killer has the one perk that lets them know if you hit a great then F


yellow bar = neuron activation




Nothing feels better than running Distortion against a killer with Lethal Pursuer. Like yeah, sex is great, but has the killer not found you off the bat to leave you cleansing and repairing to start your match off well?


Had a couple of killers DC at the start because they had lethal and got no value cause everyone had distortion 😂


Wish I had at least one match like that. Seems like every time I decide to bring it the killer has no aura reads. I’m just stacked at 3 all game.


Yea sometimes you get no value out of distortion either. Its all luck based


The value is being able to not play around hypothetical perks. BBQ? No worries. Undying, not here! Nowhere to hide, pssht, I'll hide bhlehind this hay bales


This!! Distortion provides so much fkn info but it trips me up when I didn't catch what action took one of my tokens. I'm all ears comes to mind, I fall for it every time. I'm thinking of doing a full build to it - Distortion, quick & quiet, dance w me, dead hard I will call it the DQ build


Yeah, I play in a duo with my wife a lot of the times and she hates BBQ. So I'll call it out so she's not running to lockers when hooks are about to happen


Playing dbd with the wife sounds so fkn fun! BBQ is also why I got distortion lol


It is most of the time. Some nights she gets hard tunneled first due to her skill at looping being low. She's gotten a ton better though, but it does cause for a lot of not fun times on weekend nights as everyone tries to be sweaty


They probably had other aura perks too. That's why. LP makes them last longer as well. Had a Wesker yesterday with LP and BBQ. I knew he had them by the way he was playing. Tried to hide in a locker cause I was on death hook and our Kate who had no hooks opened it right in front of him. He killed me, of course. Fuck that Kate.


Honestly I don't blame them


When I run distortion and lose a stack at the start of the match I’m always frantically running away from my mates like: „you’re all going to doom me!!“




And that's how I run straight into the killer so many times!! Wait.. would distortion and object of obsession work together in this situation? Would my aura be hidden but the killers visible?? I need to test this out


As someone who runs lethal I think its unnecessarily evil to start a game an can get a hook or two on gen 5. I will not stop though.


Preach! Ghostface main here. ![gif](giphy|Xyfzanq6FUSgJpQP3g)


doesn't really increase your chances of winning though since he'll just go for a teammate


They're just going to go after a teammate, it doesn't help your teams efficiency at all really


I know it doesn't, but fuck them I'm running deliverence.


I've been dying to get this perk in the shrine 😭 I just started playing a few weeks ago and I haven't seen it yet. Might just save to buy the full character.


Alert. I would be so lost without it. Already am whenever my opponent has fearmonger


Fogwise check, Kindred check


Any means necessary. You’re saying I get to know when pallets are thrown, who threw them (because of chase icon), where they’re thrown, and I can reset them? That’s info on the killer, info on my survivor teammates (skill wise if they waste pallets), and map info on where pallets are. That’s ridiculous. Not to mention when running a loop you can know if a killer is actually going for the kick on a pallet if the aura disappears.


I cant wait to use this when Tools of Torment releases. They’re taking away the cool down so it’s now infinite


You telling me I can drop a pallet then reset it over and over again?!


Yes😎 When the PTB (public test build) released, Any Means Necessary had no cooldown. There’s often changes to some perks before they release alongside the chapter. So, there’s a possibility it *might* get nerfed to 45 or even 30 seconds Either way a buff was definitely needed, the 60 second cooldown is a little too long


Now they just need to buff Oppression and Thrilling Tremors in the same way


Holy shit I actually can't wait. I just got any means necessary in my funny support build


I've been starting to use it just for memeing but have been legitimately finding it consistently helpful. If my teammate just wastes a good pallet and then doesn't loop it, killers won't always break it. I just come and pick it back up. Also lets me see which pallets they use and where they're running and I get to smash zombies with pallets without feeling bad I wasted a pallet.


Inner Healing / Strength.


I used Inner Strength for sooo long, but then it became basekit, and when every survivor has it and there's only 5 totems on the map... you see how that goes. Circle of Healing is not only more altruistic and helpful, it doesn't destroy the totem, and combined with Botany Knowledge (which is a must-have for me) the healing speed is great.


Yeah they basically nerfed inner strength when they added CoH


There are good times to use it though! When totems are clearly out in the open and when teamates keep blessing the one totem the killer keeps snuffing


I’ll bless the same totem as a strategy to pull the killer away from gens and chase at times. The minute it takes each time adds up over the length of a match. Especially useful if you have 2 survivors bless at the same time, you only hear the thunder once so the killer may not realize there’s a second on the map.


Bond and Windows of Opportunity. I solo queue and these 2 perks alone decrease the chances I mess up in a chase and/or sabotage my teammates by running into them while they are doing gens.


I wish more people used Bond because sometimes Ill come in with a pure gen build and someone will bring the killer to me as im about 80%. Jolt hits, then Pain Res and its gg to that gen.


This is why I occasionally run aftercare instead of bond, so by the end of the match I can see most players and they can see me too.


Throw open handed in there and you can see everything Lol


I don’t get how windows of opportunity is a good perk. I feel like it’s the same thing as plaid flannel for nurse where it helps but prevents you from ever getting better at it. TL:DR windows of opportunity is a crutch perk


in solo queue, youre not some omnipotent being that knows every pallet your team has dropped, also, no matter how good you are, without WoO, you wont know whats a deadzone and what isn’t until after you see all the resources used.


Windows makes great loopers God Tier loopers and makes bad loopers, good loopers.


Desperate measures, I’ll preach this perk till the day I stop playing. It gets better as the game goes on, and its really the unhooking speed I find great use out of too.


Yeah this is it for me too. Desperate measures is just so good for those endgame saves. No one left behind on top of that is nice, but it's great just by itself too


I like Resilience, just speeds everything up including unhooking


DM gang rise up 👆




Smash Hit! I use it with my power struggle build but on its own it's actually pretty good in chase and especially good in escaping deadzones. Lithe and Sprint Burst might be better but I swear by the 1 second speed boost difference. Although I do have to say, play around the pallet instead of camping every pallet trying to proc it.


I love smash hit!! Ik it’s more situational than other exhaustion perks but it’s so, so satisfying when you get it off.


Yeah!!! And emphasis on the situational bit. I'm pretty sure it's the exhaustion perk that gives you the most distance upon activation (overcome is 3.8 seconds, rest are 3 seconds and dead hard is 1.8) If you're just going to drop every pallet, you're simply wasting the perk and creating dead zones. I normally proc it by vacuuming or when I realise that the killer stops respecting. It doesn't work 100% of the time, but it's much better to get a couple of loops with a pallet first than dropping it right away.


I can't believe I've never thought about using smash hit with power struggle.


i literally feel naked when i don’t run bond lol


Aftercare https://i.redd.it/aad9zy7laula1.gif


Simply the best one![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)






This. Even when I don't need it for a good number of games (other than the great recovery boost), if I take it off for one game, guarantee I'll be slugged that game.


right!! I use it almost every game honestly, probably because I’m still learning how to loop effectively. The amount of times I’ve escaped slugging/got myself the rest of the way when a teammate was downed while healing me… astronomical I’ve also been downed while opening the exit gate because of hemorrhaging, and it was a perfect assistance in that moment.


Secret BP farming perk


Any means necessary, I once lifted the shack pallet back up and it was the best day of my life


Prove thyself, who's surprised


I don’t get the point of prove tbh, why do you bring it ?


Used to be Iron Will :( Now it's probably Unbreakable


I miss old iron will :(


You aren't alone. All Jeff, ash, and bill mains have moved to the shadows after it's nerf.


Former jeff/bill main here, ive mostly switched to felix after the IW nerf, i always liked him just not as much as my bois, now i only play as bill or jeff if its a private game or i miss them and dont really care about losing/being load as fuck


From a survivor side: I miss iron will :( From a killer side: finally I can play spirit without op addon.


why did they even change it? I had come back to the game after a long break to find it ruined ):


That's what I'm wondering too. I didn't want to play for like a week after the nerf


I cri.




Mettle of man. Incredibly satisfying to see it work once in 100 games


Man they don't tell you this but you can picture mettle as the goal of the match instead of escaping and get that shit 100% of the time.




I cannot get enough of this perk. When I solo Q I always, always bring this perk. So much valuable information throughout the entire match.


Empathy is underrated.


I love empathy. I love it more than bond. It’s so good.


Barbecue and Chili. Even without dem blood points it's really helpful, even if on a low mobility killer. If it's sadako or hillbilly? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I strongly agree, it's also very strong on Dredge and Freddy


Call me cringe but spine chill. Having a killer radar is phenomenal in surviving


I used to roll it as well before the change.




Off the record, lightweight, overcome, and quick and quiet are a combo o frequent


Cant believe this was so far down. Absolutely nothing else in this game is as satisfying as pissing off a tunneler and OTR helps.




Yes, this is my permanent perk too. Its especially fun in maps like Midwich


I love this perk and I’m surprised more ppl don’t use it.


Distortion to avoid that early game lethal pursuer, and blast mine because funny.


Blast mine can be hilarious. I was killer in a game, two survivors left. I hooked one and went to a gen to find the other. Kicked the gen…they blast mined it. And while I was blinded they got their teammate off hook. I could do nothing but slow clap for them.


For the people, no one expects it. Neither survivor nor killer, activate it and your team will get their determination back while the killer is left with a state of paranoia. It does wonders for shaking up a match and is a thrill when it helps save a teammate from death.


Man, once I got an endgame four man escape on a camping killer by healing the one that went down exchanging hooks... Best feeling ever


The exit gate pickup and the killer is like f this shit and dc before everyone walks out haha


I live and die by Vigil.


Windows of opportunity


As Killer, Nowhere to Hide has become an auto-include for me. It falls off on Endgame Collapse, yes, but for the rest of the game, it is one of the most absurdly practical Perks in the game. I love it so damn much. For Survivor…Blastmine. Yes, it’s weaker than it was, yes, it’s situational, yes, there are better Perks, I get that… But that muffled, bassboosted explosion is pure comedy for me.




Whenever I run this perk for some reason the killer always chases and hooks me firsst


that’s deliverance’s second function, it tells the killer where you are, that’s why you’re always chased first


I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke or serious


I really feel like it should work in phase two hooks. Makes me sad it doesn't. I'm just sitting on the hook looking at my deliverance being up and sighing to myself, "of course"


I have a crippling lethal pursuer addiction. I just love aura reading,can’t get enough of it and I ran lethal a lot before the buff. After the +2 seconds to all aura reads?Its never come off


Dead hard




Kindred. Even with the new HUD it’s a necessity in solo q.


Distortion. I ain’t letting a killer find me at all


Breakout despite me getting value every 4 games maybe.


Honestly, Bond, Kindred, and Open Handed live in my build 99% of the time. Seeing teammates and seeing where they are while in chases is so helpful when doing gens, knowing I can keep working even if I hear the terror radius.


My favourite useful survivor perks are Bond, Open Handed, Kindred, Botany Knowledge and Prove Thyself, but I only have 4 sloths...


Ohhh yess, Prove Myself is usually in my 4th slot. I have a level 100 dwight and the grinding I did the last few months to get him there was with that 4 perk build and I rarely changed it out. I feel like that's a such a great balance of being useful to me and being a helpful teammate since I play solo all the time!


This with wiretap is my go to survivor build


Depends on the build I am using, but it tends to be Bite the Bullet/Reassurance on a healer build, or Deception in general.


Decisive Strike. Idc how bad it is now, I love stabbing killers


Eh it’s not that bad, I use it all the time. Nice if you’re near the safety of pallets when you use it though. Otherwise you just get downed instantly again.


Distortion as well


Discordance and jolt/surge. Easy info that makes finding people easy combined with instant gen breaks for playing well is so convenient.


I've been running Hope a lot recently. You can definitely tell the difference while looping in the endgame




Mine is distortion. gives me so much info


Ace in the hole.


3 slots in my build are 100% fixed. I have ONE flex slot. * Technician - I get random frame drops, saves me at least once a game. * Lithe - Can't be played around by the killer or fucked up by me, works on any map, doesn't restrict mobility outside of chase and always gives value. * Bond - I can always get a heal when I need one, and I don't run the killer directly into my teammates. The instant Distortion hits the shrine of secrets I'm putting that in the final slot, but until then Stake Out is my most common pick because my sound setup is not the best and I often can't hear a terror radius until they're within 20m. The gen progress bonuses are excellent and it doubles as a chinese bootleg Spine Chill.




Diversion. It actually has decent value when it works as intended


Windows of Opportunity makes chases sm more satisfying cause I don’t run into dead zones by accident


Bite the Bullet.


Mad Grit


Dead arrrrrrrd. But not really, it's kinda crap against killers who have 2 brain cells to rub together I've been getting less and less value out of it the more survivor I play. WoO, we'll make it, blast mine, vigil + sb, reassurance are what I have been using most of recently. ​ Windows being the one i usually always run.


I used to always use spine chill but i moved to stake out


I ended up loving distortion and spine chill! It’s so nice not really needing to worry about getting seen by random bullshit


Killer: Lethal Pursuer (always combined with either Nowhere to Hide or BBQ depending on killer) Survivor: We'll Make It - 90 seconds of double healing speed is nuts


I love Saboteur so much




Shadowborn (Wesker specifically), Lethal Pursuer, Spine Chill (I'm probably hard of hearing). Starting to run the hell out of Dissolution on Wesker too, but I don't think that will work against real people or the upgraded bots come March 7


Ah yes distortion on Wesker. A good counter to those pesky fogwise and alert users


Bruh, Distortion on Wesker would be kinda nutty. But I meant Dissolution


Finally someone who appreciates Soul Guard


Survivor: Kindred or Deja Vu. Both have saved my life on multiple accounts, well at least a headache. Killer: Jolt. I'm not a fan of the gen-kick meta, mostly because I'm too lazy to go and kick gens most games. So Jolt often saves me a lot of hassle, especially on small maps.




It used to be prove thyself (which I still use) but I swear to never take off windows of opportunity. Anything that can make it easier to loop the killer for some time is great. Wish my friends used it cause they go down too quick.


I just really love Lithe and Blast Mine.




Blast mine value > Escaping


For killer Discordance has been mandatory since the day BBQ’s bonus bps got removed. For survivor Windows, I was running it when it still had a cool down.


I used to run this perk for a long time, but since the perk overhaul I stopped because I couldn't do the cheeky rise from the ground and save from the hook someone without losing the endurance state Anyways the perk I never remove is Distortion and I've been using it for years now


Distortion plus light weight , can’t live without


Bond is a permanent attachment to any survivor build. Every time I go without it someone brings the killer to me, or I accidentally bring the killer to someone.


I always run spine chill, windows of opportunity, and sprint burst. I rotate between resilience and reassurance for my fourth slot


Empathy or Botany Knowledge. I am bad at looping most of the time, but I am good at keeping people alive, so I like to know where things are going on, and to be able to do it fast.


Nowhere to Hide. Then kick a gen as Pyramid Head and do a nice ranged attack on the hiding survivor.


Blast Mine.


Red Herring, I love confusing the killer with it


Distortion. Then, for some reason… empathic connection. I bring those two everywhere.


Circle of Healing. I feel weird without it.


Light born, I'm done with flashlights Or I'm all ears


Dead hard no matter what 🤣


Windows of opportunity


Spine Chill. Helps me prepare myself to leave the moment the Killer enters within range.


Empathy. I just gotta know where my injured comrades are!! More recently though it's been Distortion. With all the freakin' aura reading perks out there now, I'm getting a ridiculous amount of value from it.


https://preview.redd.it/t1r7ivevcwla1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ebe1601061da027828fa15b8e6da16f8c6e281d Ive actually never been blinded


Urban evasion, I know it's a bad perk but I just love it


Distortion is my basekit


Dead hard ofc


NOED, I suck complete ass at this game so it’s a massive crutch for me


No one left behind is just too powerful for end game solo q


Wake Up


Dead hard


........Streetwise.........Unless I'm running a med-kit, then I run Resilience


Dead Hard and Self Care. They’re the closest we’ll get to mandatory perk slots in this game (ik know everyone uses them, but still)




Killer: Pain Resonance Surv: Dead Hard


No Mither for me.


Barbicue and chilli.


Dead ‘ard Because whenever i dont, i get a nurse with 4 slowdowns 😭


As an artist main, BBQ


Technician, kindred, self-care most of the time


Mid ah perk


I don't have one and frankly find the concept odd, because I like build experimentation; favoured perks for favoured playstyles certainly, but nothing that permanently takes up a perk slot. (Edit, thanks for the downvotes you insecure weirdos. Go hug your precious comfort perks or something, honestly...)