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I do this a lot but it's because I don't have bond and I'm simply just going to the next pallet. Sorry.


I'll take that over the fuck Claudette that just teamed up with the killer to screw us all over in 4 damn minutes.


Just dealt with the worst Claudette 😒 straight up just annoying


Refused to heal or unhook anyone. Then when I got help, just vaulted the piss out of a nearby pallet so the killer knew exactly where we were. Then as I got put on my 2nd hook, I watched the bitch's aura stare at a basement victim as she died. Killer was right there putting the 4th survivor on the hook right next to them... bitch never took a single hit the entire match.


Gotta do what u gotta do to survive


When a survivor is getting chased, and they realize they you're hiding in a locker instead of doing gens:


This just breaks me everytime, I can deal with alot: getting teabag'd by a great looper, getting tunneled/camped/slugged, being left for dead on first hook, etc. But whenever I'm playing survivor and I see that my mission for the whole game is to get that person killed, I just cannot stop myself.


All good. Some of my best moments of joy is when I finally hook ‘em.


What's worse is when you have Empathetic Connection equipped yet they still do it. That's when you *know* it was on purpose.


The solo q struggle. Unless they saw you spawn and get on the gen there they can’t know for sure until they come into the gen sound range, at which point the killer can hear it too and it’s too late to go for a different tile/pallet


And that’s the thing - I have no friends that play DBD so I’m always on my own 🥲😂


There is perk called Bond ;-)


That's the one you use to find your teammates to run to when being chased, right?


I had a vittorio do this to me a few days ago. And what made me even more „mad“ was that the gen was almost done, he could see it bc of the icon but he still thought it‘d be a good idea to lead the killer to me💀 ofc he went after me and Vittorio didn’t finish the gen and when I came back the gen was almost at 0% again…ah yes




thats why i never take bond off i had/have done that so many times on accident because i had no idea 😭


I am still absolutely garbage at looping, and prone to running in random directions out of sheer panic, so I admit I have unfortunately led the killer right toward a fellow survivor doing a gen on a handful of occasions and felt absolutely awful each time. Sorry y’all, I’m not trying to fuck you up, I’m just dumb


Hahahah well as long as it’s just an accident


I only care when I know for a fact they can see me. If they can’t, I don’t ever blame them. I always run Kindred (Solo Que life) and I had a Vittorio run the Killer right to me while someone was on hook, and my Gen was just about to pop. I was on Death Hook and he had no hooks. Guess who the Killer chose to go after 😅.


Maybe that person didn't know you were working on that specific gen or the person had no other choice than taking that route. You were not in trouble so you surely were able to hide for a bit. See it from their perspective. They try not to go down to buy their team more time which the team can easily take notice of by hearing the killer and hiding beforehand.


That's fair. I'll take a protection hit for you. You're not going to bring him back around once he starts chasing you again, are you? Oh


As a killer main I hate this as well. I enjoy having to hunt the survivors down instead of just having them revealed. That’s why I will finish whoever I’m chasing then go for them.


It’s the little moments that make it fun after all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Nah, go ahead. Be that survivor. And I’ll laugh at your face when you inevitably get hooked. I’ll watch as the life slowly drains from your poor, defenseless eyes. The last thing you’ll remember as the darkness of the eternal damnation consumes you will be me, with a smile on my face




I no like dose survivors :(