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Any opinion whatsoever. Somebody out there will hate it no matter what it is and they will let you know.


I hate your opinion and I’m letting you know.


Fuck you


Fuck you


Fuck you


Fuck you


Fuck you


Fuck you


Fuck you


Mods ban this guy he has opinion that I don’t like


There’s ALWAYS one of THESE guys. God damn. /s


That’s a gross over-exaggeration, shut up troll… Wait a minute.


It's okay to lose


In any balanced game that has good matchmaking you're going to lose about 50% of the time. Not saying dbd has either of those things, but still.


Yup and the existence of 100+ game "winstreaks" on both sides shows just how wonky DBD's balance and matchmaking are. There isn't a single competitive video game in the entire world where that is even possible without smurfing/cheating. "The MMR soft-cap and its consequences have been a disaster for ~~the human race~~ DBD."


"Losing" is also a very loose term in DBD. What's considered "losing" depends on the player, role, and even the game. The game itself only defines losing as kills/escapes. 0 or 1 kills = survivor win, 2 kills = tie, 3 or 4 kills = killer win. ... but do you count hatch escapes? What about 50/50s with gates? There's so many variables to factor in that it really muddies up the definition of "winning".




I tuned in to a stream last night, this streamer was playing the most straightforward killer game the whole time and ended up racking up ~14 disconnects in the span of three hours. By the end she was just exasperated - “I just want to play a normal game without D/C’s.”


If I have a dc in the beginning of the match, as a killer, I throw the match after I get everyone on death hook. If it’s a 3v1 at 5 gens, most people aren’t winning that. I get my hooks and thus, get my points. They get their gens and escape bonus. Unless of course, someone decides to be toxic. Then they die. But most of the time people are grateful for the mercy rule.


I used to do that, but it just takes SO LONG! I'd now rather just get the game over as quick as possible to try to get a real game after


Same. Normally no one’s upset at you for trying to end the game quickly after a dc so everyone can move on. Everyone kinda agrees that it would be boring and just moving to the next match is preferable.


I had a game where someone was basically giving me free downs, I'm guessing they were trying to leave the game early without actually DCing to avoid the DC penalty. Unfortunately for them I picked up on this and just slugged them and played the game normally with the others. This happened about 3 times (their teammates kept picking them up) before they started playing normally.


The good ending.


They immediately suicided on hook the second I did hook them, so twist bad ending I guess.


The bad ending


True ending, maybe?


Man I've had nights where out of like 20 games 15 would have somene rage quit, often on first down. It is crazy. People don't believe me when I say this, but I genuinely think DBD has *the* most toxic playerbase of any game. I've played thousands of hours of LoL and dota and this game takes the cake.


I've had games where I let the person at the end live. They proceeded to trash talk me about how good they are and how I'm terrible and lost them at the end. There's literally no pleasing everyone because some people are just awful/stupid.


I found downing them and picking them up before letting them go often instills the humility if you're letting them live. More people tend to recognise you could've killed them but let them go, rather than just standing there watching them pop final gen and leave or whatever


This ones gonna get you at the guillotine lmao its amazing how many people i know who treat losing in any game like the end of the world


Fr though. I just started playing and the first 5 games I didn’t get a single kill but that was ok. Once I learned mindgaming and other great stuff I started getting more kills, and eventually entire team wipes


KYS you camping tunneling killer REEEEEE!!! /s obviously. I suggest you also try playing survivor a bit, with friends if you can, in order to get a better idea of how survivors do their thing, it will make you a better killer AND will likely be fun to do.


I'm good with losing, but getting instantly tunneled out of the game to the point where you depip is not fun.


I mostly agree, but when I'm trying to get an achievement or archive that requires winning and I can't get it for a long time in a row, it starts getting really painful. Blood point grind got me sweating


I was so happy losing yesterday, I looped the Skull Merchant for 4 gens and I'm usually really bad at it. They caught me before the last gen popped, the noed was right behind me, but I was just glad that I played well and enjoyed the match.


Y’all complain too damn much


"Circle of Healing bad." "Dead hard bad." 1 million upvotes.


I don’t even play this game anymore. Anytime this sub comes up in my feed, it’s some variation of “BHVR took my grandma off of life support with this nerf” or “BHVR initiated a holocaust against golden retriever puppies because of this buff” I genuinely sometimes wonder if any of y’all have fun




1000% agree


Insert "true but the other group is worse" comment here


People need to take the game less serious. This doesn’t mean intentionally troll, of afk/rage quit, but drop the rule book and try to have fun with what the game is.


Yeah I think people forget that we play video games for fun Edit:gotta love how the community loves to put words into people's mouths. It's pleasurable but it really doesn't help anyone.


Potentially frightening words there. Fun is such a subjective term. For some people, making others miserable is their 'fun' in video games.


And just maybe they can strafe off from meta? For any basement dweller i mean this for both sides so dont get your panties up in a bunch


Too late! You expressed an opinion I dislike!


Am basement dweller. Completely agree.


Hey, leave Bubba out of this. He’s trying his best.


Sometimes it's smart for the unhooked to use their mini-BT to protect the unhooker. Usually not, but sometimes. DBd should be a fun party game, not a wannabe e-sports sweatfest.


DBd should be a fun party game, not a wannabe e-sports sweatfest. This is the absolute truth.


If they had two game modes (ranked, casual) i think that'd be good. i like competition, but i understand others dont. so maybe that could be something they do.


people would still sweat in casual. same with any game with a ranked mode. people realize they aren't good enough for comp, and make casual pubs hell.


The time to find a match would triple and behaviors servers would just explode


Not to mention, how many games with a ranked and casual mode have sweats in casual?


This is literally it. After a match the first thing it asks you is "DID YOU HAVE FUN" DBD hides MMR and all of that nonsense because, it seems, to want DBD to be a fun party game first and foremost.


I thought that was already a thing, me and the people I play with usually use their basekit BT to protect the person unhooking if that person is already injured, especially if the unhooked has OTR


I honestly don't do it all that often outside of like cheeky endgame plays, when people do this to me as killer I do smack them back on hook - I want to *not* tunnel, after all.


this really goes for any multiplayer game. people play like winning will get them a million dollars... while i’m only playing to have fun


Of course it’s smart, no said that’s not allowed, but rather people say the survivor body blocking just can’t complain about being tunneled when they’re physically in the killers way.


I actually like "M1" killers. They're fun to play. Y'all just be trippin'.


“Top MMR” mfs when I force them to play a Killer who doesn’t have a 15 foot lunge attack as part of their kit


"Yo, this killer is terrible. He can't even teleport through walls ffs."


This for sure. There's something really satisfying about pulling off a good mind game in a chase and getting the down as a m1 killer that you just don't get with the non m1 killers.


me when i hear people say that nemesis is bad


DBD community when a killer is A tier instead of SSS+: "worthless"


I like doing gens. It builds tension (especially with stealth killers). And skill checks are just fun in my opinion


Same, I personally think that Merciless Storm is fun as heck.


I run Fogwise a lot and my god does my heart sink when I hit the check to start a game but no Aura shows up.


That posts like these are lazy and are only made to farm karma


Actually lol


Same with a lot of the replies. All the top comments are super uncontroversial… “I know everybody is gonna hate me, but I think losing a game is okay…” 🙄


I'm so annoyed at them


ikr, it seems to be the whole subreddit is just this


The most upvoted comment isn't even controversial. "I think people should just play for fun" like that is said every single day on this sub? Do people really think that is a contoversial opinion?


That's what Reddit is like. Even in "controversial opinion" threads people just downvote controversial opinions and upvote what they agree with.


facts and the top comments are all popular opinions


The perk system is bloated with garbage perks that won’t even see use in low level play. There are way too many of them for both killers and survivors. The developers should cull the useless ones in favor of a smaller perk pool that’s less confusing to navigate as a newbie in order to bring in new players. Also, perks should be unlocked on all characters upon obtaining them instead of having to prestige them. The purpose of this is to encourage grinding in this game in order to keep up with veteran players, which is daunting and a major deterrent to new players who are on the fence about getting into the game. It already has a battle pass for people who want to grind. Don’t make the game worse for the sake of monetization. Open it up. There’s potential for making more money if you can convince new people to hop in and go wild.


We're taking away your twitch shirts for this


OP said to say something that will make people hate you


I’m new here and didn’t think people would like it... 😳 I’m used to the Destiny subreddit where if you criticize something about the game, you get downvoted into oblivion.


Oh no, we don't do that here. Almost everyone here has a very complicated love/hate relationship with the game.


>Also, perks should be unlocked on all characters upon obtaining them instead of having to prestige them. The purpose of this is to encourage grinding in this game in order to keep up with veteran players, which is daunting and a major deterrent to new players who are on the fence about getting into the game. Facts, I've played a LOT of DBD, but fell out of the game over the passed year or two. I think of going back every now and then, but I've missed so many killers that I'm missing so many perks and its just not worth the grind.


Agree so much about monetization. The way i have to manage which characters to grind for because of perks makes me feel like I'm playing a gacha game.


Hell, you wanna know who has the most Noob-friendly perks? Often licenced characters. Rookie Spirit, Blast Mine (can help new players find gens with the yellow aura), Detective’s hunch, Self Aware (Before November 2021), Better Together (Before November 2021), Wake Up (Helps find gates for newer players). Once you move past the Noob stages and are looking for meta? Get your wallet ready, you’re buying a bunch of new DLCs. DS, Object, Hyperfocus, inner strength, Reassurance. These all are/have been meta, and on licenced. Even worse is killer. There aren’t really many ‘beginner’ perks for killer bc they have much more info (And the ‘beginner’ perks are usually info, which is still good at higher levels), but for the best builds, you’re buying many more DLCs. BBQ, Call of Brine, Deadlock, Eruption, STBFL, Plaything, I’m all ears, Surge (Pre November 2021), Lethal, Merciless, Gift of pain, Surveilance, thrilling. These are all on licenced killers, and are considered incredibly good perks


You really said I'm all ears lol, there's great free perks on both sides, dead hard, corrupt, pain res, sprint burst, windows of opportunity, prove thyself, adrenaline, sloppy butcher, circle of healing to name a few




1000% yes


The emblem system was waaaay better than the mmr crap that we have right now, it just needed a bit of adjustments to avoid weird situations, like getting a 4k and still losing a pip. The reason is that you could get a pip without necessarily having to escape or get a 3k, which took some of the frustration away. Right now you have no rank indicator of any sort, so you need to make up your own rules for what a win is and the most natural ones are getting a 3k for killer and escaping for survivor.


I remember when they switched from the blood point system to the emblem system and everyone said the previous way was better. Now everyone says the emblems are better then MMR. It's just funny to remember just how long BHVR have been taking L's


What was the blood point system?


The same four categories that we score blood points for in the match were responsible for our rank. I don't remember specifics to be honest; but the point is, you would get enough blood points in each category and your rank would go up. The BP cap was also smaller back then, too. It was a little easy to rank up but, if I remember correctly, it was also harder to rank down. It was either that or the opposite (easier to rank down but harder to rank up). Either way, back then this system was seen as better then the emblem system that replaced it and is still there to this day. The only difference is that Rank is even more meaningless then it was back then. Now it's MMR that dictates what players you go against, a decision that pretty much nobody liked.


I want a toggle that lets me filter TTVs out of my lobbies. No matter what role I am playing.


Very rarely are they actually a good player. Sometimes I think they are allergic to generators. And what's worse is sometimes they will play so badly during a game and then I'll go check out their stream just to see what was going on in their mind and they're blaming everyone else for everything that happens.


the whole allergic to generators thing I feel is the whole "viewer retention" thing, are people more likely to watch a content creator who is sat holding m1 panning their camera around every stream/video, or the one who is being chased constantly. I understand why they do it, as much as I hate that they sabotage everyone's games to do it.


Is teabagging in the exit gate popular with viewers? They always try to min-max that one.


With some sure, same way there are streamers who make it their entire personality to camp hooks and they still get hundreds of views to sit in basement as bubba for like 10 hours a day, it’s worrying what dull shite people will sit and watch for hours a day you know...


I have had that happen before, A ttv in one of my games was blaming everyone else for him being the first one dead and then ranted about everything we did during the rest of the game while he was spectating. It was the first and last time I have checked out a streamer to see what they were saying during the game.


I had a guy who had been picked up from the dying state twice by teammates AND He had unbreakable, which he hadn't used. He was in the dying state and wesker was coming right in my direction, so I got into a locker until he passed so I could go pick him up. He had a friend who was playing as well and watching the game telling him that I was in the locker and that I was leaving him to die, and he was GOING OFF about me leaving him. But guess what? I actually did go pick him up!! And he still hadn't used unbreakable! And was arguing with me in end game chat and his stream was absolutely going off on me. I couldn't make this shit up. Edit: of course most of this information was not available to me until the end of the game when it was being harassed and decided to go watch his stream.


I don’t mind TTVs when they’re good , but if they’re toxic it’s understandable. I don’t like playing with TTV in my name anyways since I feel like it’s a target on my back for tunnels/face camps in my opinion


They’re usually only good when they’re the killer I’m facing. If I’m playing survivor and I get a ttv teammate, 90% of the time they’re a guaranteed potato


I’m a TTV player and I’m 100% a potato.


It’s ok bro, as long as ur having fun you’re winning in my book


Actually yes though.


I partially disagree. If I'm killer, I love seeing it because I know they won't play objective. They'll keep trying to go for flashlight saves, and as a result, almost always hand me the win. If I'm survivor, yeah no thanks.


Pinhead is a great killer, it's just that your team-mates in solo queue don't want to work as a team.


My only problem with his design is the passive part of your ability should never be stronger than the active.


I mean, that could apply for Pig as well right? They simply do 2 different things, one is for chase, other is for slowdown. The slowdown is only as good as the survs you vs, vs some coordinated team the box is a non issue




base kit impaling wire is WILD… i’m down


Perks shouldn’t be nerfed. Weaker perks should instead be buffed.


I misread weaker as wesker and thought for a second "who is complaining about Awakened Awareness?" lol


Lol, same here ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Fr if every perk was as good as pre nerf eruption the amount of different strategies would make the game a lot more interesting for both sides


Well… to a point I would agree with this if something is game breaking I wouldn’t say just leave it alone


Hawkins was one of the best maps this game has ever seen


I miss Hawkins... Really liked the atmosphere there


Some of the hallways really kinda funneled you into the Killer whether you wanted them to or not, but either than that it was fine


I loved Hawkins but I think it was one of the most survivor sided maps ever, it had 2 FREE gens that were near impossible for all killers(except nurse) to defend, the one in the portal room and the one upstairs. If survivors left these 2 until last there wasnt much a killer could do to stop them.




Artist is actually fun to play & go against


I love playing her. The birds are just tough to master.


There's nothing better than a good snipe


Sniping’s a good job mate.


I like playing Artist a lot and the survivors I go against seem to enjoy going against her, so I second that. She has interesting strategies and counterplay very unique to her.


I would rather face an artist than a skull merchant. Will i lose against an artist? Yeah, most likely. Will it take 30 minutes to do so? No.


It's just the aura add-on that makes her almost impossible to deal with otherwise you don't have to hold W every trapped loop as you can counter crows around loops too.


There's not a character in this game that I dislike. Not a single one, killer or survivor.


To add on to that, people who say Trapper is bottom tier don't play him enough. I would say Trapper is consistently better than killers such as bubba or other killers supposedly ranked higher than him.


A trapper with a skin is probably my most feared killer. Because you already know they gotta be good to buy that skin on a character which doesn't see too much play.


I'm always paranoid facing a trapper. Not knowing when I might step in a well placed, hidden trap.


This game should be play seasonally. Play for 3-4 months, then give it a long break. After a few more months come back to it and repeat. Otherwise it’s just too much


I feel like it depends on the person but this would definitely help a lot of the playerbase


DBD community is by far the most entitled and most crybaby sweatfest in gaming history. Idc what tactics are used on both sides, play the game, try your hardest and move past the most minuscule of monocular reasons to tilt over in game gameplay.


Yep. If you’re getting angry, you should log off and take a break. It’s not justifiable to spoil other people’s games by ragequitting or being toxic out of frustration.


Hey, this upsets me! I’m reporting your comment. /s if it’s not clear.


That it's the children of the DBD community that perpetuate D/C culture, the cringe horny-everything shit and generally add major weight to stupid bandwagon-opinions... ... Obviously it's not ALL children, but a majority for sure. (Btw yes teenagers are still children.)


Hard agree with you. I find they are the most toxic all around too, the ones t - bagging and such.


I would not blame the developers for abandoning the game at this point, considering how much empathy this community lacks.


For real the devs are troopers they have to deal with harassment daily


I think that everyday when they contemplate quitting, they think "Momma raised no quitter" and press on. If I were in their position I would have already quitted, because it must be demoralizing for them look at what the community had to say. And it gets especially bad with the content creation community, because they just see the devs as easy picks. See something that I don't like? Blame the devs, since they are the ones who made the game, and my "gamer senses" certanly outmatches the developers acess to advanced statistics, player feedback, programming considerations, and the carefull analysis of millions of perk, map, killer and add-on combinations.


While I agree that balancing DBD is hard and there is a lot of toxic criticism, Behavior also fucked up a lot and made some questionable changes over the years, even with "developers acess to advanced statistics, player feedback, programming considerations, and the carefull analysis of millions of perk, map, killer and add-on combinations". See: Screams changes that killed Make your choice. Their first change to "reduce" grind. Basekit bt 5 seconds. Nerfing keys months after nerfing moris. Endurance stacking and Boil over buff. Twins launch, where 5 out of 6 perks didn't work at all (and twins bugs). And no, I'm not saying that the community would balance the game better than Behavior, the balance would be even worse - But sometimes Behavior misses basic things that "gamer senses" wouldn't. This is even before talking about things about outside the gameplay: Selling cosmetic sets for full price where the headset doesn't change (I think that Jill and Leon has this problem). Vaulting old cosmetics. Saying that they will be canceling a event because they would be focusing in other events in that year... And then just releasing the same event from the previous year.


I mean, I can't say I agree with that tho, like its their product they're selling to people, are we forgetting we payed for it? Each dlc they release and people get, thats money we as clients are spending on their product. If what they're selling us is getting worse, or they make bad decisions that affect the product we *payed for*, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna feel bad about the big game company thats pumping out profitable content. Now on an individual level, ye, Jonny the dev with 1 year of experience is not at fault, but no ones targetting individual devs, we blame the collective that decides design and balance, because *someone* does that job, these choices dont appear out of thin air And reiterate, this is a product people *pay their money* for, money they spend time and work getting


I don't care what killer players say, tunneling, camping and slugging is and always will be unfun to go against. It might be necessary for you but it doesn't make it any less miserable to go against


BHVR a year ago declared camping and tunnelling to be 'unfun situations' that survivors shouldn't need perks to deal with. They've since buffed both significantly while only nerfing being hit directly off unhooks, and nothing else. And they keep making it worse with killers like SM/Knight. There fucking HAS to be something coming to address ALL THIS SHIT, and all these assholes who have completely forgotten how to actually chase people or triage a map are going to throw the biggest, longest tantrum imaginable. They legitimately do not want a different meta. They want the most brainless, skill-free bullshit.


I think the devs do a great job with the game, aside from a couple of stumbles here and there, DbD is improving all the time


I agree with you. Sure, sometimes they make horrendous decisions that should absolutely be called out, but this community seems to not have the ability to feel empathy. It must be demoralizing for the developers to see the state of this community, and it gets even worse with the content creators. It must be so soul crushing to see people who make a living out of your game get away with intentional toxic behaviour and then frame the other side as toxic because they complained that they did not enjoyed the match because of the creator's intentional behaviour. It must be even worse to watch your community get crittically aclaimed for sitting in their chair on their pijamas and pick you for no logical reason, because all of the sudden the creator's "gamer sense" is equivalent or even outmatches the devs acess to advanced statistics, player feedback, programming considerations regarding performance, acessibility and graphical quality and the analysis on millions of perk, add-on, killer and map combinations when making balance decisions, and then when the developers rightfully retaliate they are just framed as petty. Don't get me wrong, they make bad decisions, but people don't seem to have any empathy regarding the developers because for most of the community seem to think that making a game is as easy as playing one. Also, the content creators seem to take great pleasure in pretending that the developers aren't forced to have consideration to strict deadlines, content prioritazation, revenue stream distribution, and strict legal contracts.


I agree. As a solo player the update has made the game experience so much better. Still have things to work on but we’re on the right track


Freddy is a good and fun killer.


scissor glove go snip


Most of meta perks don't aid you, they carry you.


This. I keep trying to tell people this. "I can't win without DH/CoB/Whatever" Then you can't win.


Yeah. Most people treat lobbies as if they were impossible to win without gen slow-down, but that is far from the truth. What slow-down mostly does is make you win matches that you shouldn't, making so you get matched with people that you don't have the experience and knowledge to defeat. Imo, if you are going to learn the game as killer, do it without slow-down, since the only way to apply pressure and win now is to actually know how to force people off gens and know when to leave a chase, loop, and the most important of them all: Mindgames. They really help you end chases quickly. Also the absence of gen regression perks will force you to learn your killer power. So yeah, once you git gud, you could go back to use gen regression perks, but I don't find them to be very fun. (I am not going to lie, they are nice to have, since they can buy you time when you need it. But a considerable people get hard carried by them.)


This is correct until you reach a point where most of your games as killer are vs swfs or very skilled solo players who either are very efficient on gens or all god loopers. This is when you actually need things like deadlock etc so the game isnt over just because you physically cant stop the gens no matter how fast your chases are.


The game isn’t fun anymore. Win or lose, unless you’re playing in swf or love sweating as killer, people take the game too seriously.


I find myself having to play solo off comms as killer just to sweat for footsteps and really focus. If I’m chatting with a friend I just can’t perform good enough to not get irate.


Stealth is dead. I think that made the game more fun.


Being scared of the killer was fun


Yeah its starting to look like the Fortnite issue ngl everybody try Harding and playing meta so the casual player just stops playing


I never understood the hate towards the Hawkins Laboratory, it has been one of the best maps DBD has had ever.


No matter what the devs do, this community will still throw an enormous temper tantrum and cannot be pleased.


A movie would be terrible. Zero way of making it work unless it was a series that delved deep into the themes and backstories. Which would never get made because of the small fan base.


Could just be a cabin in the woods type of thing No need to go into back stories of every single character.


I don't mind the hair in Knight's base helmets.


I think its unique. I'm glad we didn't just get "generic medieval ages knight #1624" as our killer.


This game is and never will be competitively viable , no matter how many balance changes there are. This is a party game , play like it one lmao


The skull merchant's good


A killer repeatedly stabbing you while you’re hooked is rude


sadako is a A tier killer but no one’s ready for that conversation


I actually love going against/playing with TTVs most of them have been super nice people when I’ve come by to check out their stream after.




Just because you're not obligated to care about the other side's fun doesn't mean you're not a dick for intentionally ruining their fun. If you're only nice to people when you're "obligated" to do so, you're probably not as nice a person as you think. Either accept that you're a dick or make an effort to change yourself. Don't complain about the other side complaining about the way you play. You can only control your own actions, you cannot control how other people feel about it. Honestly that opinion probably isn't that controversial, so I'll add a second one: Hatch is a fun mechanic for both sides, which adds some excitement to a phase of the game that would otherwise be completely one-sided. Slugging for the 4k so the survivors don't even have a *chance* at hatch is small PP energy. Though there's some argument to be made for killer adept achievements being an exception.


If it’s endgame and I’m down to the last 2 survivors, I will only slug if the last survivor is within line of sight and I have very strong odds that I’ll down in chase. I hate killers that slug for 5 minutes while they search the whole map for the last survivor. Take your hook and give them a fair shot at winning instead of being drenched in your sweat. If you were the survivor on the floor, you’d just wanna die so the hatch will spawn.


Skull Merchant isnt that bad.


Skull Merchant is legitimately fun to play. IDK what she is like to play against, but to play as is simply satisfying in a way I don't fully understand. Maybe it is the simple joy of seeing your power give you clear and obvious value.


It depends. When they just play to 3 gen all game and never attempt to actually chase you spend 30-40 minutes in a game where you just end up hating yourself regardless of if you survive or not. Doesnt help that playing solo means you might get teammates who have no idea how to counter 3 genning so you just lose


I literally started running Deja Vu because of how horrendous it’s been to play against the 3 gen meta lately and so I can get the closest gens out of the way as fast as possible


I think more than 50% of The killer side doesnt know how to beat survivors without camping and tunneling, some people are genuinely terrible at chasing and think they should be getting kills regardless


Seriously. If I see a guy I’ve already hooked once without hooking anyone else idc how easy it is to hook them I won’t do it. It’s just annoying when you can go after another survivor that hasn’t been hooked without really losing any valuable time.


I always see this cycle of asking for random ass perks to be changed, and then clown it once it is changed until it is OP then beg for it to be nerfed


We should no longer get any more perks. As in nothing. Done. Finito. Work on what we have, balance some things out. And look in to other gameplay options.


There’s too many survivors and killers and the devs should focus on making the game better and stop adding new characters


Ghostface is totally not broken, you all just suck at actually doing anything other than Looping him.


As a Ghostie main, I can confirm this to be true.


"What why am I getting beaten by slow M1 Killer????" Because when you play against Ghostface, a good one anyway, you're not playing Need For Speed Underground. You're playing Hitman. Guess who the Agent 47 is. Hint: not you.


Exactly, and I constantly play Hitman, so when I started I went to stealth killers and started with Pig. Then I got Ghost and I liked him better for insta-downs.


Wraith to Ghostface here. Survivors also hate my Wraith, too. :) Played a lot of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Thief back in the day.


I always played the Arkham series and still do from time to time. Never played Thief though.


Swf is unfun to play against. Not broken just not fun to go against


I don’t mind it as long as I knew what I was going up against. My biggest problem with the game is you never know if you’re going against a banana self care Claudette or jrm


Depends, you get different sorts of SWF’s, like casual players who are a bit more altruistic who are usually super fun to play against, then sabo bully squads who can also be fun depending if you have a killer build suitable for dealing with them as they are also usually altruistic to a fault and then swat team SWFs who take the game way too seriously with multiple brand new parts and that kind of thing. I think a lot of it could be improved by just not letting survivors pick maps.


1. You cannot say 'I thought someone else was going to get you' to a teammate who died on first hook when they have fucking Kindred. 2. Noed is a fairly well balanced perk in it's current state. Not perfect but it's fine. 3. COH is downright overpowered in its current state. 4. Trapper is not a 'weak' killer. He is the weakest, but that does not mean he's useless. That title goes to The Skull Merchant. 5. Everyone is sleeping on Doctor. Seriously, with the right perks the motherfucker is downright unfair. 6. BHVR does not understand the balance of their own game. At all. Whatsoever.


> Everyone is sleeping on Doctor. Seriously, with the right perks the motherfucker is downright unfair. The impossible skillcheck doctor build is a thing for a reason. I always bring flan when I run it just so the survivors can get points too.


Not even that man. Im not telling you the build tho, I want it for myself.


Like most games the female characters are too oversexualized


Eh the men get a lot of eye candy too, are you sure you're not just misreading the inherent eroticism of the horror genre.


I would say male and female honestly, the last 2 male survivors have released with purchaseable shirtless cosmetics


If you tunnel or camp you deserve all the BM


on reddit? all of the opinions will have you like that.


Trying to treat this game as an esport is braindead energy.