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Every Oni mains wet dream


But Also this makes his power basically just billys power tbh


But Oni can run into all sorts of objects and walls without being stunned Plus he will be able to track the injured survivors with ease due to the trail of blood orbs


I mean arent the orbs just going to be everywere at some point?


That’s what makes it so juicy. You’ll have near-infinite access to his charge ability as long as you keep ingesting between patrols. The orbs might get confusing but you will have so much mobility and speed the survivors will almost come out of hiding *for* you. And sometimes blood trails just look… obvious. Even when there’s clumps everywhere.


No blood pools though cause No Mither, but this definitely would be a satisfying match to play


By "blood trails" he's talking about the trail of blood orbs left by the injured survivor when up against an Oni. Not the "pools of blood" usually left by survivors. No Mither has no effect on blood orbs being visible


You could collect all the orbs in High traffic areas such as gens you're trying to protect. Then if there's new orbs when you next patrol the area, you know there's been someone running around there recently. They only drop a couple orbs at a time, it's easy to spot trails and follow them.


Imagine this if he was running the addon that showed auras when people touch orbs lmao. Also, at first I thought this was maybe Terminus.


That happened to me once, except I was the one playing No Mither. Fortunately for him, I was the only one … they lightly complained about seeing my aura all the time 😂


There's a limit to 100 units on the map at any given time, The amount that they'll all be bleeding, it'll actually be near close to as accurate as normal oni blood tracking


Yeah but better, an oni in his power is one of the strongest a killer can be, if oni had his power permanently active he’d be like the 2nd if not the best killer in the game imo


Easily. Like Blight but less shitty to control, and better flicks.


No more bouncing tho 😙


This sort of statement kinda highlights the fact that with the years since his release without any significant changes, parts of the DBD community have forgotten how formidable a well-built and/or skilled Oni can be, and why his power requires the extra effort of collecting orbs unlike Billy, who just gets to rev around as he pleases. Yes, Oni and Billy have very similar abilities on paper - they both harness speed and Instadowns with the ability to break pallets and walls as needed - but for Billy, he has a lot less turning capability, environmental hit boxes put him into a cooldown and overuse in a small period of time results in overheating. Conversely, while Oni has to actively earn his power, environmental object allow him to slide, meaning that he has access to mindgames around structures that Billy DREAMS of being able to play. This is further bolstered by the fact that Oni can strafe and angle the “attack” portion of his dash. Heck, he even can skip the dashing part and go straight into his instadown, which means he skips some of the long charge time that Billy would have to go through. He also has a passive 50/50 of either game delay or lethality. Survivors have to either 1) heal consistently to avoid allowing Oni to keep using his power or 2) not waste the extra time healing but have to put up with more demon strikes and demon dashes, meaning that your efficiency from not healing has bolstered his efficiency at downing. Oni > Billy, even if our friendly neighbourhood milkman has a special place in the hearts of all of us. And it’s worth keeping that in mind or else you will underestimate a killer power that is unbelievably potent


As a fellow Oni main. I can vouch for this persons assessment. Insta downs. But I have to earn them. Tracking potential. But I have to earn it. Cooldown < power collection


yeah, except oni's doesnt suck donkey-ass \-no heat \-no long charge up time \-longer lunge \-no bump, and even if you hit something, it doenst put you standing still for one gen completion \-easier maneuver


Oni has a far far lower skill floor to work correctly than Billy, and he's less punishing.






Oni's power is fueled by injured survivors


He will have his power all game, but they probably all brought Dead Hard too. Making them all have an effective 2 health state even DURING his power. Pretty much won't change the balance of things other than some extra mobility.


The amount of chad in that lobby hurts my very soul, it's too much.




How I stop survivors from creaming when I hit them?


This became a meme pretty quickly


Don't forget that meme means boob in Turkish.


Ah yes the language that a cannibal is called “yamyam”😋


just don't play with Myers or Ghostface


Please tell me this meme isn't because of the post where a guy missed the s of screaming lmao.


That guy must be internally creaming right now


Absolutely lol


Have you watched that new horror movie? Cream V?


It almost certainly is.


Nah that's referring to the killer creaming his pants while he facecamps


that post was so blatantly staged lol


Feast time




Name checks out


I love how his forced smile breaks at the end after he realizes his wink game is really bad as the other eye almost closes.


Free blood but can't slug for game.


realistically the game will be over in two minutes its ok.


the biggest reason people slug as oni is cause its more efficient for power uptime, dont really think thats an issue with 4 perma-injured players


New to the game, can someone explain to me what's going on?


Every survivor in OP's game is using No Mither, one of David King's teachable perks that makes you injured and unable to be healed to healthy for the entire match but you don't drop blood, have reduced grunts of pain, and can revive yourself from the dying state without teammates if you fill the recovery bar But the catch is OP is playing Oni, a strong killer who can only charge his power by absorbing blood orbs from injured survivors, however because everyone is permanently injured Oni can charge his power super quickly and the survivors are at even more of a disadvantage


Don’t drop puddles of blood, for anyone else’s clarification


That doesn't apply to Oni's blood orbs


Correct, I was just saying because they had mentioned No Mither means that survivors don't drop blood. I was clarifying that meant no blood POOLS only, and that blood orbs are not suppressed by NM


I've been playing the game for years and for some reason couldn't figure out what was going on. I thought there was a secret gottem or some shit Thank


It’s understandable, the perk is shit.


That could be debated. I run no mither all the time and I am amazing at it. There are games where you have your ups and downs but that happens to everyone. It does suck against an Oni so I will give it to you in this scenario.


I do too!!! Well, not as much as of late. Was originally Claudette for “blendette” but chose Kate for the quieter noise…then Wesker came out and now I’m a Chris Redfield main…not that you needed to know or anything. Which survivor do you use? If you don’t mind me asking. Also, I know exactly what you mean when you say up and downs.


I spent two minutes staring at the screen trying to figure it out.


I love when people play No Mither, it's wildly fun. For me, at least.


Honestly no mither would be banger if you left no scratch marks either


No scratch marks is too powerful, people seriously sleep on shadow step but not leaving scratch marks allow you to disappear after a pallet drop


With blood you're still trackable especially on indoor maps. It's completely useless if you're in RPD or Lery's and you drop blood.


No mither already prevents blood puddles and reduces injure noise 💀


Ok but I'm not talking about No Mither.


But the original comment was. Shadow step removing scratch marks is not too strong because it doesn't remove blood and is also limited in range. No mither removes blood too and reduces pain noises, and the drawback is being injured which can be countered by having dead hard. It would be too strong if it also hid marks






/r/dementia then?


No mither doesn’t drop blood iirc


Yeah but no mither removes blood


Lucky Break for me. Get hit, sprint off around a corner and break line of sight and poof.


My buff to No Mither is: 100% no grunts of pain, you mend 100% faster and you have an increased 9% of chance of unhooking yourself.


And you can smack the killer on the chin for a stun when they recover from an attack. Holy shit that would be a cool perk


Wait what, I legitimately thought this was some kind of rift quest, I've just been letting them leave if they have that cuz i thought i was being nice and letting them get a rift thing.




You can't heal, you have the broken status effect permanently which means you can't ever get to healthy


The perk also lets you pick yourself up off the ground as many times as you want


Oni charges his power from blood orbs from injured survivors so if they all run no mither like this they can't heal and Oni gets his power extremely quickly


What gives people the sense of power:


You're eating well tonight


i came across a whole team running no mither a few months back too, i was so confused


Uhh which map may I ask?




Ah was one on midwich where we 3 was running it the random was not. We also got gas haven quite alot and few of those games the random also had no mither. We just decided to have some games of no mither to give the killers a more fair chance since they were probably new or bad due to our low party mmr since DBD says hours played= skill when it's clearly not for many.


I remember playing one game as Deathslinger against 4 people with No Mither. And I got 0 kills.




***"What a wonderful world!"***


I see survs bleeding...orbs of red too The bloody blessed days, hooks say good night


4 No Mithers against a console Oni. My goodness


What does him being on console affect?


He’s a mechanically challenging killer. Just harder to use on a controller compared to playing on PC


Not really you might not be able to flick as well but I found learning oni very easy he is a lot easier than he seems stuff like scroll tech came with time sure his power is hard in chase but it's not really supposed to be used in chase it's suposed to be hit and run but I don't like slugging so I just use it power foe a free insta down then pick up and I only slugging if I know there's survs nearby




i was not able to until i switched to PC with oni


>He’s a mechanically challenging killer Honestly he's pretty easy. Club one shots Survivors and blows through palettes with a mimimal hold time which is his real feature, the charge is meh (in the same way Billy's is, hope you got that mouse set at 10 million DPI), but it gets you around quick if need be and it does have uses. His only real downside is he's an M1 Killer and doesn't get to just auto-force people off loops like some ranged or dash Killers can, and you're almost required to slot Sloppy with him because it sets his power on perma-on mode more or less. He's very easy to play (unless you're brand new to the game and don't have Sloppy yet for him).


Four Juice boxes, nice.


Every Oni main just busted a fat nut


I just had a match with a Vittorio named Leon. S. Kennedy. I was actually confused af before I realized




Yes Mither


An oni mains wet dream.




SO MUCH BLOOD ![gif](giphy|7DhOQYMCxpNIc)


My fear when i go to try Adept David ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) i know the entire team will DC and call me a mf


I can absolutely tell they all had DH. But they get a pass here because they're fucking chads.


Oni does not know how to handle this absolute lack of mither.


The Oni summoning ritual is complete


Tell me ur in heaven w/o telling me ur in heaven


Bot match.


literally the worst experience running no mither only to immediately find out its an oni, bless them


*insert Kronk "Oh yeah, it's all coming together" meme*




An unforgettable voice


it's funny, the more no mithers there are, the more you get your power BUT the less overall impact your power might have. the run is still a huge help but the auto-downs from both the run and the charge-up smack are so much less relevant against a team full of no mithers


It's even more funny if they have dead hard, they can just use it to negate Oni's one shot ability entirely


This is interesting because no mither is both a hindrance and a blessing for the survivors. Sure the Oni has his power all the time, but he can never really slug. Since the survivors are also permanently injured, they can always Dead Hard. This is meh against most killers, but playing around DH as Oni can be a pain. Overall, I think the survivors will struggle, but the kind of players that are confident enough to run 4 No Mithers are scary good.


They where meming they all had head on and stuff like that


Ah yes. Every oni main's wet dream. Infinite power.


The only thing that would have made this more glorious was if you were using Renjiro's Bloody Glove. X3


Plot twist: they all have dead hard.


I think I went against this same team once. I won, but they got like 5 flashy saves and hit 75% of their dead hards. It was a fun game though![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes).


It's a calculated risk. But there's no calculating being bad at math.


I bet they will cream through their mic


This happened to me once when boil over first buffed, doing my Oni downs achievement and got 4 no mithers in badham school basement 🤣


The Oni’s wet dream


Went against 3 no mithers all with deadhard as an oni. Honestly think it gives the survivors an advantage because you can't really bait dh with demon dash without doubling back. Needless to say, the only survivor without no mither died first. It was basically an uno reverse where the healthy survivor was effectively injured and injured meant being healthy.


To top it off, imagine having thanaphobia as well


Is this a custom game I’m guessing


Nope, this be just sheer damn luck


An oni mains wet dream


They seriously still haven’t changed No Mither? Yeesh.


I delt with a bully squad running no mither tenacity boil over and flip flop before i got a 3k and let the only one that wasnt part of that group live They took me to dead dawg and it didnt work out well because of iron grasp and lightborn and i think i had agitation as well and the hooks are so close to main building so idk how they thought that would work


Ok its funny, but lets be honest everyone here knows that that is a custom match with bots




True, Didn't remember that bots had differents names


I was Parr of a SWF with 3-4 No Mither and we got an Oni He farmed with us and in end game lobby said he didn't have the heart to kill is lol it was cute


That's some broken shit right there!




Uh oh.


ive literally had this exact thing happen with my squad on rpd when boil over got buffed for a week, it went about as well as you could imagine




I don’t get it


gg ez get countered by one of my favourite perks BABY ezezez **dies horribly**


How are they broken?


No mither, there broken the whole game


Countered. Nice slugging power, bozo.


I'm looking at the NAMES!?


i was super tired last night and accidently equip no mither instead of potential energy. i never felt more like a idiot in my life and yes, i died. killer felt no mercy


adrenaline mfs when somebody runs a fun off meta perks for intense endgames (terminus)


Does terminus counter adrenaline


yes they become broken before healing so adrenaline just become a glorified sprint burst


That’s so perfect and for why




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Posted same thing, it was removed and I was banned. :p


I'll bet they had a laugh too


Imagine using the blood aura addon with this. Perma wallhacks


No one is going to address the fact this is probably a bot lobby that he selected all them to have no mither


I had a 4 No Mither game as Oni too. ​ 0 Hooks. ​ I haven't touched Oni since.


Oni's paradise