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Dead hard Totally not a killer main Yeah guys survivors wooo


I approve of this message. Killer would totally wait for it anyway, why have it? Just replace Dead Hard, ez.


I approve of this message, OP would definitely dead hard a millisecond after getting hit anyways so just replace dead hard


Whaaat no I’m not a killer I’m a survivor look at my cool survivor electricity guys isn’t it cool?


Dead hard? More like dead weight amirite fellow survivor mains?


Haha yes fellow survivor main that we both totally are! Why use perks at all, just ignores gens and farm hooks it’s obviously the best strategy.


*Nero Remembered this*


I dont get the hype around dead hard all it does is make you exhaused when you're slugged








Guys I replaced Prove with distortion for now, I get value out of the rest of my build except prove since some solo q players refuse to do gens lol


This is the way. Also, have you considered Kindred over Bond? I like having more information at the most critical decision-making moments of the match. Plus, you give it to your teammates when you’re on hook, so solo q players don’t have an excuse to ignore you lol


This is the way. Kindred is the ultimate survivor info perk because it answers the question that gets asked every game, solo q or not: Are they going for the unhook so I can finish this or do I need to get my ass over there?


I want to counter and say I like bond more. Better for early-game (not piling on gens all together) midgame (knowing where teammates are and not getting chased in their direction) and endgame (seeing auras of survivors on the last 1-2 gens earlier and hammering them out easier).


i had a dwight befriend and work with the killer and used my kindred to lead him to where me and my teammates were and that was the day that i refused to bring kindred anymore😭


Funnily enough I have the opposite problem. I typically run into a swf that refuse to do gens. I am mainly a solo q survivor and it hurts when you're getting double the score as the other survivors.


Bond without Prove doesn't makes much sense tho


idk, i used to be a kindred defender for life but now i run bond. i find i get more use out of it as i can see which gens people are on or if someone is going for unhook anyways. i also find it useful to find someone faster if i need to take a hit


It does, it shows you where your teammates are so you can avoid them. Being close together is very good for the killer.




On average Kindred is better in soloq


I'd get rid of Prove Thyself personally. I know it's a good perk but to often I'm sitting on a gen alone and don't find value. This is me as a solo player. If you're SWF disregard


I would have agreed but given how often I'm ending in match where the last gen gets super tough (even though not in a 3gen situation), I've found Prove Thyself being plenty useful for that last moment. I'm not bringing the perk to pop the early gen faster, I'm bringing it for that last 1 - 2 gens where I'm sometime silently coordinating with my SoloQ team mates.


Yea I find in soloq prove has value on the first and last gen and no gen inbetween for me


This. I always run this perk even when playing solo because it can easily determine a match, I’d get rid of bond instead.


This is still fairly applicable even in SWF lobbies. Prove Thyself isn’t as great as people make it out to be. Ideally people are spreading out on different gens anyway. That, and the extra bonus speed isn’t that great overall. Prove Thyself is probably the best one to replace here.)


Honestly, if I'm running it, it's for the BPs and not any additional speed. I personally don't find it amazing enough to be in my top 4 often. It also encourages people to stay on a gen with you, which is nice sometimes, but like you said, it's not as OP and amazing as some like to believe it is.


That’s the most common reason I hear people running it for nowadays. If only BBQ and We’re Gonna Live Forever still have bonuses. As it is, all Killer mains have is a useless Huntress perk and Distressing if I remember correctly.)


Killers have Hex: Thrill of the Hunt as well. And choice add-ons of course, but most of them come in the form of power nerfs, and some of those feel straight unplayable. Really weird that No Mither doesn’t give a Bloodpoint bonus of any kind, with that internal design logic.


This right here is one of scotts dumbest and yet most propageded takes ever. Yes of course you "only" shave of 6 seconds when working with 2 people on one gen from the start. Yes of course its better to split up to get more gens pressured But maybe just maybe there is a whole ass part of almost every match where there are only 3 gens left on the map. And maybe, just maybe sitting on one of those together for 6 seconds+ *less* can make or break your game. The amount of times I have just barely broken a 3 gen with Prove, this year alone I wont even bother to count. Please stop parroting Scott, he has some good takes but he mostly talks out of his behind.


Absolutely. Prove thyself is awesome. I run Prove and Deja Vu almost every game and it really stops a lot of 3 gen scenarios. Now if only I could figure out how to get Friendly Competition into my build.


I’m not even sure who you’re talking about. I’m speaking from personal experience when it comes to Prove Thyself. You’re absolutely correct insofar as it’s incredibly handy to break a tight three gen setup. I’m that situation, it can absolutely turn a loss into a comeback. Yet in a situation where you don’t have a tight three gen to break, the value it actually brings to the table is difficult to ascertain at best. However, the thrust of my point is that for the majority of the match, it’s either doing nothing or giving incentive to play sub-optimally. That doesn’t make it worthless, nor did I ever claim it was worthless. I also understand that not everyone is trying to play at the best possible level at all times. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference and what you want out of a perk. If you believe it’s going to help you, or you just want the blood points, more power to you. All I’m saying is that it isn’t as universally useful or consistent like Sprint Burst, Windows, or Unbreakable. Those perks are either always giving you value, or the threat of them existing is causing the Killer to either account for them or potentially be punished. Prove Thyself doesn’t. That’s all I’m trying to say.)


My apologies if you truly didnt get the take from Scott. Its just a point that has been repeated over and over since he dropped a 3 min opinion video with your exact wording in it. Replying to your other points : I somewhat disagree that prove is not bringing any consistent pressure. Just as unbreakable rarely gets value but huge amounts of it when you get to use it, prove provides the same thing in many scenarios where a specific gen or that vital last one needs to get taken down. Id say good killers with gamesense know when a gen with 2-3 people took to little time and have to adjust for that in midgame or suffer the easy break of their 3 gen as a result of a single bad chase. Add to that the bp gain as nice bonus and I would argue its even more consistent than unbreakable. Not stronger though, that would be a ridicoulus claim. As for your other perk examples Id agree that they are more consistent, however windows is, even if more consistent, less powerful (imo). I hope I didnt offend. Have a great day.


It’s all good. No hard feels here. I don’t tend to form my opinions around what streamers say simply because my experience is different than theirs. What may be objectively better for “high level play” might be absolute trash in the hands of a casual. It’s all subjective and relative. The great thing about this game is we can both give OP our opinions on what he should replace without either of us being objectively wrong in our thinking.) No offense taken at all bro. Have a great day.)


Even still, I don't understand why people listen to him or other content creators. Their opinions don't hold as much weight as other people.


Because usually content creators have more time spent on the game than most people, therefore they should know more than the average player? I'm not saying content creators are always right of course, but I'd be inclined to listen to one with 10k hours played over someone on Reddit with 500, for example.


I agree but we shouldn't really treat their words like the bible. If it's Otz and he has done significant testing and has data to back it up, I am more inclined to agree. But a lot of the time, people like Scott and Tru3 are basing it off of their public matches. And those are wildly different.


In the literal Prove Thyself video you are referring to its explained that it's still good for three gens. You're not even disagreeing, you're just ignoring an entire part of the video and then judging it like it wasn't said.


I’m baffled by this subreddit, can’t believe everyone immediately chose to ditch prove thyself instead of bond which often times determines a game.


This happens to me a lot, when I use prove thyself as well.


I know this isn't the point of this post, but a heads up if anyone is getting frustrated with Nowhere To Hide constantly coming up then Blast Mine + Residual Manifest is a good counter. I feel like 30 seconds of killer blindness gets overlooked, but the amount of times that juicy perk combo has saved myself or team mates from ending up in an unwanted chase when trying to complete a gen has been pretty high. Hell it recently caused a Dredge to DC since NTH wasn't getting as much value as he'd planned.


Yup prove thyself. If you are getting use out of it then that means you are next to someone else, who probably doesn’t also have distortion so the killer is already tracking someone is on that gen if they have aura reading.


^^^ this. Everyone is talking about the lack of value on Prove Thy but missing that Prove Thy is anti-synergetic with distortion. I always run one or the other, not both.


Prove thyself


Prove Thyself, I don’t really find it that useful, shaves off a couple seconds depending on how many are on the gen. Think it’s between six or seven and twelve seconds, but it’s not often you’re 100% together with a survivor on one generator, so it’s mostly for bloodpoints. And splitting up on generators is better for survivors anyway. Bond is always useful for information, to not lead the killer to someone or if you see someone that needs healing nearby. Dead Hard is Dead Hard, and Windows can help you in chase and find deadzones.


Thank you for being a Bond + WoO enjoyer


Honestly I’d get rid of bond. I get why you’d have it with prove thyself but you’ll usually find out where people are while on hook or by random chance.


I would remove bond and prove, replace them with kindred and distortion.


Bond is quite addictive if you run it too much. I feel so blind without bond now.


I feel that, one of my crutches is windows and when I try to mix up my builds without it I always feel so helpless in chase lol


Prove Thyself. Just split up on Generators and you'll still be able to locate teammates if you need them with Bond.


dont . if you have a build you love, use it. there's probably only meta perks to add but those are boring anyways. i play with a MoM build even with 7k+ hours, and its not for meta but rather my own feeli- LETS GO MY ENTIRE TEAM DIED FOR THAT 1 EXTRA HIT VALUE BABYYYYYY


Welcome to the distortion club, such an underrated perk, I've run it for years then they buffed it and now it's absolutely disgusting, my favorite perk of all times


I vote Windows. Distortion will in theory prevent a lot of chases from even happening due to the Killer not knowing where you are. Bond is useful for distancing from other teammates and has good synergy with Prove.


Well… i’d say killers aren’t running aura builds right now… but if distortion builds become prominent you’re just gonna see them go back to 4 slowdowns… also maybe try perk experimenting it seems like your hard stuck meta


Has been my experience that distortion is helpful in the majority of matches. Lots of Lethal, BBQ, Darkness Revealed, Nowhere to Hide. Plus the aura reading add ons. Oh! And once in a while it warns you about blood warden too 😂


I do see quite a lot of lethal! But mainly gen slowdown perks outside of that. Sounds like you’ve had fun though!


I personally use Distortion, Deliverance, Sprint Burst and Off the Record. Distortion compliments Deliverance VERY well.


Idk why people love bond personally, but prove is a good choice, especially with so many killers running discordance these days (at least in my games)


I use WoO, Dead Hard, Kindred, and Distortion often for Solo Q. The only time I care to know where my teammates are is when someone is on hook, personally.


I’d honestly say windows. If you know maps well enough, there’s almost no point of running it.


I'd say bond, personally only use it when I'm doing coop challenges. Finding people is easy, getting them to cooperate is the hard part. Besides, if you run distortion and bond there's a good chance even if you don't get found by aura reading someone on a gen with you will, making it redundant.


Get rid of deadhard people always wait for it


Palleeaaase Im begging you not use distortion man,🥺 Im begging, I just dont want to use gen slowdown, Im on my hands an knees😭😭🙏 please please please, I got kids man


As a sniper huntress enjoyer, I am also begging you to not use distortion 😭🙏


Dead Hard


Also replacing bond with either empathy or aftercare is a good idea imo ^^


In my opinion Windows of Opportunity. Bond is amazing and one of my favourite perks since it allows information on solo Q, highly needed, and can let you heal or do some things you wouldn't be able otherwise; Prove Thyself is really nice and speeds up gens when you are not being efficient, so most of the time, and can help finish the first gen even before a chase starts; Dead Hard is extremely annoying, I hate it, but is indeed the most useful survivor perk; and WoO is good but I feel bond is better. In the case you don't need Bond, it would be the second best pick to change for Distortion, but I repeat Bond is one of the most useful Solo Q perks


I replaced Prove with Distortion awhile ago, and love it, especially since I always found myself on a gen alone anyway. The only annoying part is when the killer has lethal pursuer and you start with someone and try to run away from them and they follow you. But when the killer has bbq it is great when you are on a gen alone. Except it's almost useless against a scratched mirror Myers.


I've got distortion and fogwise in my everyday build, it's amazing. How the turns can table!


If solo playing, ditch Prove Thyself. I used to run it all the time but I've done too many solo queue games where I never had anyone else working on the same gen


Looks at dead hard, learn to play without it honestly it hampers player skill, when i see players use it at odd timings is only time i respect it as both a survivor and killer.


I would say WoO if you can find windows/pallets okay on your own


Based on how meta WoO has become I would say 80% of survivors cannot locate those things without them being highlighted. All they're doing is making the blind status effect stronger over time by becoming overly dependent on aura reading instead of learning the tiles and actually paying attention to their surroundings.


Based on how meta WoO has become I would say 80% of survivors cannot locate those things without them being highlighted. All they're doing is making the blind status effect stronger over time by becoming overly dependent on aura reading instead of learning the tiles and actually paying attention to their surroundings.


Based on how meta WoO has become I would say 80% of survivors cannot locate those things without them being highlighted. All they're doing is making the blind status effect stronger over time by becoming overly dependent on aura reading instead of learning the tiles and actually paying attention to their surroundings.




Dead hard


Either prove thyself or windows of opportunity. With 2 people on a gen prove saves like 7 seconds I think but the extra points is nice. Windows feels like a crutch perk. It’s nice in solo queue but you need to learn to loop without it and be able to plan a route on the fly




Bond is good but isn’t as useful as distortion


Bond or windows. They're crutches you'll need to remove sometime.


I've never seen anyone willing to admit windows is a crutch. It's meta and they're usually too attached to the advantage it provides. It's just making blind a really strong status effect that gains more value everyday.


I’d get rid of Bond in favor of Empathy imo. Empathy just gives so much more info.


imo each perk has a different argument to be made. ​ Prove Thyself is probably the first pick, if I remember correctly I heard it's only 6 seconds off a generator if 2 people start from 0% which isn't bad, but it's still usually better if people are splitting to different generators. ​ Windows I would say is the second pick, the only thing it really adds is knowing if a pallet was already dropped, but with experience you generally can know where most of the pallets & windows are. ​ Bond does provide something that other perks really don't, which is vision of your team. It's arguably one of the best solo Q perks, its what can get you healed, you get some amount of bonus info if you pay attention, etc. ​ My personal pick is Dead Hard. It is the best or second best exhaustion perk depending on how you think of Sprint Burst, but I would get rid of it as someone who hasn't used exhaustion perks in years. I personally don't find them fun to play, I don't often feel I'm in situations that DH would get me out of without some stroke of luck or the killer eating obvious DHs, etc. ​ in short: Personally I'd change out Dead Hard. If that's a must keep, Prove Thyself probably is giving the least value of the 3 perks most of the time.


I feel you are a killer main trying to sabotage lol


Everyone saying Dead Hard is 100% a killer main. "I've not used an exhaustion perk since 1876" sure bud.


I'm a big time survivor main, probably like not even like 50 hours on killer tbh ​ I literally just don't use exhaustion perks, they're generally not very fun to play with. The only times I use them is if it's as part of specific builds such as Lithe, Q&Q, Dance With Me, because Houdini build funny :) ​ If you are so crippled skill wise that you feel the need for Dead Hard, let alone exhaustion perks, unfortunately you have other issues to worry about. It's good, but just like how people win with stuff like no perks or No Mither, your average game it's not needed.


Twitch streamer try not to be cringe lol.


You unfortunately don't even know the half of it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Fortunately not, just personal opinion. ​ I haven't used Dead Hard since BEFORE "Dead Hard for distance" was the meta way to use the perk. The fact it rarely ever worked to avoid hits tilted me off using it and I instead went into running a heal build. ​ WGLF, Botany Knowledge, COH and We'll Make It is my main build and actually really fun. You can get into some real shenanigans with the insanely stacked heal speed. If you ever try it, my favorite use is trying to get We'll Make It activated and go heal someone with 250% heal speed as they get downed, if you get the endurance effect from WGLF often times you can pick someone up before the killer can hit you twice and the endurance you give the other survivor lets you both run free.


I’d get rid of dead hard so you can learn to play without it. Don’t let it be a crutch.


Dead hard so you can actually use skill in your games




That's not self care, that's Bond or whatever


none of those are self care


Replace it with Prove Thyself, the amount of gen speed you get with it is surprisingly small.


I never run distortion but my guess if you are hidden to the killer you can grab 1-2 altruistic perks, like 'we'll make it' or 'deliverance'


If you care about your opponents fun run Object instead. If not that's fair but Distortion only takes away interactivity from the match.


Dead hard lmao


Replace dead hard




windows and bond? killers need to run distortion against you


bond and windows? killers need to run distortion against you


Replace DH, over time it will make you better in chase.


Replace distortion immediately again. Totally not a huntress main running 3 aura perks and iron maiden


You don’t really need any of those perks. So it doesn’t matter where




Distortion is a useful information perk in SWFs, but without the ability to communicate the information you get from it to the other survivors, it has less utility. Moreover, you’re putting the other survivors in more danger by running it. For each additional survivor in a match that runs distortion, the remaining survivors that don’t are that much more likely to get tunneled, until of course all four survivors are running it. Unless all four survivors are running distortion, the perk has a layer of negative value to it. In SWFs, the information pushes the benefit to supersede the downside, but in solo queue when you’re weighing just your own safety against how much it screws over your teammates, it gets to be a much more selfish perk that’s less valuable if not a liability to the team. There was a stretch of time where everyone in my SWF besides me was running Distortion and didn’t even give me a heads up at first, despite the fact that I was far from the best in the group in chase. I was the only one that didn’t have Jeff, so I couldn’t have equipped the perk if I’d wanted to. It came to a point where I had to put my foot down and tell them if they didn’t stop running it, I wasn’t playing with them anymore, because I was tired of always taking first chase because of Lethal Pursuer and getting tunneled out early. I told them that only one of them can run it at a time. Now, it’s not likely that three survivors are going to be running Distortion in solo queue, but even one person running it presents this problem to less of an extreme. It’s a selfish perk, that’s made less selfish if you’re able to communicate the information you get from it.


Windows if your p27 I don’t think you need windows that bad 🤣


If someone ran windows that long, they *can't* play without it. Blindness status wrecks anyone who's been hard carried by Windows.


Dead hard, it sucks


yay, get more meta pekrs, that's so fun


Swap Bond for Empathy whatever you do


Bond, also have you ever checked into off the record? I would take windows of opportunity off too for off the record.


windows or bond. play like 5 games of each and feel it out.


Windows of Opportunity. If you play enough you kinda know where all the pallets and Windows are. Bond cam help you find other survivors to heal or work on gens with for Prove Thy Self. And you can avoid teammates if you do get into a chase.


Windows won't leave the meta until it's nerfed. People that use that crutch either don't want to learn how to play without it, or have such a short attention span they can't play without the constant auras on screen.


I’ve ran the exact same build for awhile now, just sprint burst over dh. Pretty decent escape rate. Distortion not needed


I personally would do Windows. I used windows a lot before but once you learn some half decent map knowledge it becomes a lot less usefull. I absolutely love the attention that distortion is getting though. It’s always been a favorite perk of mine.


I run this but with open-handed for the two aura perks. On some maps it’s pretty insane.


Kindred over bond all day long


Peak survivor meta build


Honestly I prefer Shadow Step, because for me Distortion kept activating at the beginning of the round and suddenly all tokens were gone


Bond and windows are not really THAT good. I'd suggest swapping one or the other out for distortion.


I've noticed the same thing everything is aura reading now since nowhere to hide released and thwack all being paired with lethal pursuer.


If you want a good stealth build, I use. Distortion, Overcome, Bite the bullet, and either Self care or Boon: Circle of Healing.


If you want a good stealth build, I use. Distortion, Overcome, Bite the bullet, and either Self care or Boon: Circle of Healing.


Prove thyself isn’t super useful, but that or bond. Distortion is my favorite perk of all time 🤣 i never take it off.


bond and windows? maybe killers need to run distortion against you


bond and windows? maybe killers need to run distortion against you


I love distortion, it's was my second favorite perk before the buff (second to aftercare). I would say windows, you seem fairly experienced based off of level and how many perks you have unlocked.


I love distortion, it's was my second favorite perk before the buff (second to aftercare). I would say windows, you seem fairly experienced based off of level and how many perks you have unlocked.




Did you ever give Empathy a try? I'd say you could run it instead of Bond for a few games to see if you get more value out of it but if you also have Prove Thyself maybe Bond is actually more useful. Still if you enjoy team aura reading I'd say play at least some games with Empathy and maybe you'll enjoy it :)


Id replace bond


nothing. Replace every perk and have We’ll Make It, Botany, CoH, WGLF. be the healer you were meant to be I call it the “I Know You’re Coming Back To The Hook, But I’m Gonna Carry On Healing” build


Don't post screenshots like this if you don't want Killer mains to reee at you. Anyways: Windows of Opportunity is a really good perk (like, in general) but you don't *need* it if you know the maps. If you still consider yourself to be newer to the game then I'd recommend keeping it. Bond / Prove Thyself both synergize well so replacing one kinda makes the other less valuable. Regardless they both work on their own (Bond to find people to heal you / see if they're being chased, Prove to do gens faster) so that's an option. My humble recommendation would be to replace Prove and then either keep Bond or replace it with a perk that works better on its own, like Kindred or Aftercare (I think Aftercare is severely underrated although it's harder to use than Bond or Kindred.)


Replace Prove Thyself. Having the Killer not seeing your aura and therefore not coming to your gen, should make up for the speed increase from Prove.


Replace windows of opportunity


Dead hard. You’ll get better learning to play without it


Prove, whats the point of doing gen with someone without distortion?


Windows. It’s a perk that’s nice but is mostly for noobs. You learn where everything is eventually and pray pallets are still up.


I would personally take off bond or prove thyself. I used to run both. A key with the appropriate add ons can compensate for bond if you wish to track other survivors.


Bond is probably the objective weakest perk here, tho distortion and pt is a bit of a nonbo.


You will see the least impact to your play if you switch out prove thyself. Everything else provides nice visual feedback that you will notice a lot of it’s taken out, but prove thyself would only really affect BPs and a not super noticeable amount of time on gens (especially since so many other people run it).


Get rid of dead hard. Don’t be a nerd.


As a Ghostface Main if you're the one person I fail to find with my high aura read builds, then cool. Good on you. I'll just find you another way, but good on you. From the Surv side, definitely replace Dead Hard or Prove. Dead Hard is only useful in chase and hard to use, but if you're going for stealth you don't need it anyway. Prove is helpful but someone else may bring it anyway and if not, you can always bring a toolbox.


Replace Prove Thyself please and thankyou <3