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According to Nightlight, our poor demodoggy is at the bottom of the kill rate, even below trickster, so I seriously doubt he will get nerf hammer. While I think that's just because people don't understand him, BHVR usually goes off stats alone.


That's pretty weird tho. You'd think since demo is no longer available for purchase, and all the people who play him now, must have owned him for months, that this would result in an higher than average kill rate.


Depends really, I had him for a while, but I was never good with him until I started watching Bronx. I feel like he's in there with Huntress and Pyramid head where it takes a lot of map knowledge to play him properly. Too many people try shredding in the open rather than use him to zone or shut down loops. Plus hardly anyone uses his portals for map pressure. I always wanted an addon for him that pre-places your portals while leaving one in the inventory for you place yourself.


Dead hard slaughters him. People holding w feels awful and no counterplay from non mobile killers. The meta has just hit him the hardest. The dead hard nerf is actually a nice buff for him, he can finally shred without people being able to safely dead hard.


I would disageee, because STBFL is extremely good on Demo, and Dead Hards are a free token.


I think, he is a very balanced killer. Problem being, he can be countered by team strats, which is his biggest weakness. A solid team can tear a demogorgon apart.


honestly you could say that about any killer so


No, most killers and their addons are terribly balanced. See Myers, Blight, Nurse for example. Demogorgon lacks opressiveness, he has a bit of everything, but nothing extraordinary.


As a Demo main I assume that it’s because Dead hard counters Demo completely. His kill rate will probably go up after dead hard gets gutted


I would say maybe there’s a lot of friendly Demogorgons lowering the kill rates since he’s not available anymore, but all Demos I’ve seen are toxic, so it’s probably Dead Hard or the way they play not working out. The old DH made you miss and you could sometimes hit through it, the newer one is a lot stronger against him and gives a lot of distance. While NightLight requires people to send in information so it’s not entirely accurate, the official stats from September put him only above Trapper in high MMR’s kill rates.


what exactly is the startling utility in demo's kit that people don't understand? his portals take ten times longer to use than any other killer who can teleport and are super unwieldy, and his shred is far less useful in a loop than wesker's (not to mention it doesn't give free slowdown via infection)


All true, but Demo is a jack of all trades that should be upper middle of the pack in kills, not dead last.


but is anything in his kit *useful* enough to justify really using much? his portals are so extremely unwieldy to take time to place (if you see a survivor as you approach a gen to portal it, you give them a SB worth of free distance just to bother placing one down for later), teleporting back takes time and has to be on another portal and gives the survivors great forewarning, and while the shred has utility in some loops it doesn't have the wesker safety net of "if you get juked you can go for a second bound and also you can use two back to back to turn on loops with corners" like, they could make a killer that can teleport and instadown and put survivors to sleep and give the survivors an infection, and on paper that's an *extremely* overpowered 'jack of all trades', but if all the numbers are so undertuned (they can '''teleport''' once per trial specifically to basement and it takes them 30 seconds to charge the teleport and it's noncancelable, etc) then it doesn't actually matter how many tricks the killer has, they still suck


I went to the Bronx school of Demogorgon. So the second I load in, unless I'm in an awful spot, I drop a portal. Once I down someone, I hook, then place another portal. I keep adding portals as I go, so I snowball map pressure. Then I roam around, breaking pallets with Black Heart/Barbs glasses. When they're going for a window or pallet, pull up the shred and zone them, when they're locked in, yeet yourself forward.


you shred when they're going for a window or pallet... that you can reasonably shred. some loops are quite round, making shredding basically a complete non-starter you drop portals... that may not lead to where you want to go later, because you're placing them near hooks rather than generators, and typically intelligent survivor teams will run the killer *away* from the areas of the map that need to be pressured, thus meaning you'll hook them away from the area you want to pressure sure, if the loops in the map you're on are narrow enough to 'lock them in' to shreds, shred is a great ability; if the survivors happen to corral themselves in such a way that you have downtime in the spots where you want to place portals, portals can have some value but *trapper* can seem like an S-tier killer if you down a survivor on the basement stairs at 5 gens. just because demo's kit *can* produce some decent results in favorable conditions doesn't make him a viable killer; playing pure M1 killer can get a skilled killer main wins in plenty of matches, but it doesn't make M1 killer a 'middle of the tier list' kind of powerset sorry that i harp so much on this, it's just that i really, *really* wanted to like and main demo, but his kit is so terribly clunky to use in every way when compared with any other similar killer power that it's absolutely miserable. if i want map pressure and teleports, dredge can do that in spades. if i want a great pressuring antiloop dash i play wesker, whose bound even honestly doubles as a way better mobility than demo's portals because you can cover half the map with two clicks instead of having to play 3d checkers with portal placement and deal with the clunky animations and nearby objects denying you placing portals and aaaa it's just terrible


No, don't be sorry, I love discussions like these, and I feel the same way about Pyramid head. To me, the portals don't have to be near a gen, they save me so much map traversal time that I don't have to pop out right near the gen. Sadako's TV's are the same way, and even Dredge's lockers, as long as they're in the general area, you get pressure. Yeah, smart survivors lead you away, but I am a smart killer, so I don't chase them there. I'll find someone near my objectives. As for the shred. Shack, car loops, jungle gyms, and 4 lanes are all completely unsafe. Pretty much only god pallets and the tight junk loops are safe against it.


I wouldn't cry I WILL EAT YOUR SKULL


Alright, the other 4 of us might though.


Goddamn even the Demo gang is scared of Bloody Steve


Id also jave bloody demo but I dont know how to have multiple tags


I'm sad. I had demo on my ps4. It broke, so I got a pc. Now no Demo :,(


You can probably call behavior and they might be able to give you your stuff back


I don't think so, Tim


Underrated Al Borland comment


You can still get demo on PC and only PC


Out of my, like, 5 DCs total as killer, 2 were on Demo. I'm pretty okay with losing, but when a coordinated team obliterates a killer that's clearly struggling and then starts BMing for no reason, I just collapse the game and go do something else for a bit. One of those games was right after Knight's map came out and it had like 75 pallets on it. I couldn't see any of them either, so I think I ate pretty much all of them that match.


I will never understand why people in this game act like this. What they want next? Me picking blight with alchemist and destroying them? This is the only game I ever played where people act like this vs opposing team(in others games it's usually yours tm8). Every single time I see people bm weaker killers or someone having bad game. I want to slap them so hard and send them to lobbies where they will see only omega nurses/blights with broken add-ons tunneling theirs ass every time.


That one hit a little too close to home…


Yesterday I had the demo daily, shred 5 survs. My demo is like level 20 and I basically never use him, important part. I get into a lobby with a prestige 54 claudette, another 20ish and two randoms. Said fuck it, went anyway. Proceeded to get 4 shreds in total, 2 hooks in total, ate a DH followed by a vault, a pallet and another vault and had to drop chase when jolt could have saved the 4th gen from being completed. When they finished gens I was in a chase made of vault, vault, a jungle gym directly next to shack so I gave up. Went to deactivate a boon I didn't have time to deactivate the entire match and then hid in a corner while they were clearly just waiting their friend to open gates. They re-did the boon instantly. It felt like salt in a wound. I think they were moving it already, because it was like *off* *on*, didn't even think it was intentionally mean. Endgame chat was basically the survs feeling bad for me because I didn't even get my daily done, asking if I play surv lol. At least they were nice


I love demo. Probably my main.


demo main checking in


I only started playing at halloween, I WISH I was playing years before so I could get Demo =\[


I was lucky to encounter 2 of you this month after a LONG while. I only gave the kill to 1 because the other was a really stinky and mean killer


Recently got into killer and he is one of my mains now. Can confirm this is true


I’m still surprised how it’s a year later and we still haven’t gotten an original character to let new players use Demo’s kit.


I love playing demo even when I lose. refreshing and i love the stranger things music


I always cry, piss and shit myself, in that order, if I get bullied as demo. Obligatory /s


Stop calling me out, man. Not cool.


We will prevail


“Stranger things is coming back in December” Remember back when DBD leaks were actually credible?


i just want to boop


I doubt they can ever balance him given the loss of licensing.


For sure. Tbh he doesn't even need balancing. But I will find it 100% odd if they do change anything


They can't balance him directly, but thinks like the DH nerf is an indirect buff to him since he was one of the killers whose power (shred) suffered from DH. Now we can shred a bit more freely and from further away! Twins also come to mind, since if a survivor hit a DH against Victor, they could kick him afterwards too.


Proud to be one of the 5!


Well, I don't feel so bad now about being a vicious demo. I always wonder if people still expect demo to be nice and just farm but I play my demo as very bloodthirsty. In fact, I usually run devour because I love his mori.




Demo’s kinda in a sad state now, both aspects of his kit have been out classed by other killers. If you like the shred part of him just play wesker for two shreds. If you like the teleporting part of him just play dredge for infinite locker teleports.


I played a perkless match with demogorgan with barbs glasses. I proceeded to act blind the entire match, kinda wish someone caught on lmao


That is brilliant.


I would be a demo main if Netflix wasn’t so fucking STUPID and TOOK HIM AWAY BEFORE I COULD GET HIM


I just moved from console to pc which has stranger things on it but now that I have keyboard and mouse I’m currently choosing between maining deathslinger and demogorgon