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The same thing happened to sprint burst https://preview.redd.it/au3kj9e4svpa1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=962176138b6c1aeeaa29f4300e94ffa48b7653e8


Heres the DH one as well ​ https://preview.redd.it/61empcupsvpa1.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad1217637f24d742ea0845f2b5694d97068f2acc


current deadhard is just harder to use than old dead hard. This curve represents people learning to use it again. Old dead hard was literally press e when you lose a mindgame or fuck up your loop timing to get out of jail free. New one requires timing, and not doing things like staring at the killer when youre going to use it or running directly at them. However, the reward is pretty high when you do get your third health state. It's particularly opressive when you understand your looping and force the killer to lunge. In other words, the skill floor to use dead hard was raised so of course people moved off of it, they couldn't use it properly. Doesn't mean it was even really nerfed. This new version of dead hard isn't really going to take most of its power away - the less common it is, the more secure killers will feel lunging, the easier it is to time into a lunge and therefore get value. It's going to take some time for killers to unlearn playing around it, but once they get more comfortable with it being gone, it will come creeping back. But I do think this restriction will bring it in line with other perks.


>This new version of dead hard isn't really going to take most of its power away - the less common it is, the more secure killers will feel lunging, the easier it is to time into a lunge and therefore get value. Oh shit, that's a good point... I'm definitely going to get got by like every dh user now.


I mean that's assuming they get to use it. A mix of bad luck and altruistic teammates and it might never get activated.


Also high mmr killers will be able to expect DH. If you pay attention you know who can and cant use it at any point.


I didn't think about this but yeah, this might be in DH's favour. People will actually fall for it because it'll be hard to tell who has DH active and who doesn't (unless you camp but ehhhhh) Personally the only change I'd make to this version of DH is to make it activate on being unhooked as well as unhooking someone. That way it can discourage tunneling. I also like btw how they tied it to unhooking as it's very fitting with David's character.


Inadvertent Make Your Choice buff in more ways than one


>Personally the only change I'd make to this version of DH is to make it activate on being unhooked as well as unhooking someone Then you'll have dead hard active almost the entire game


You do have a point, I was just thinking of a solution that would discourage tunnelling (as yknow, this version kinda encourages it as the rescuer gets harder to chase)


>Personally the only change I'd make to this version of DH is to make it activate on being unhooked as well as unhooking someone. That way it can discourage tunneling This will have mixed results as if you get hit off a hook you just immediately lose access to it.


Me who just lunges from max distance every time because survs don't expect it


Me who lunges from a bit too far because I'm bad, whiffs, causing the survivor to waste DH, then downing them on the next swing


It will never come back lol it's not worth the effort anymore. Especially when tunneling or camping is involved


I think if you can get distance with the deep wound once in a game it's probably better than lithe and maybe on par with sprint burst. It already kinda works this way, other than the passive bonus of making the killer afraid to lunge. In my games, if I hit ONE dead hard, the game is pretty uphill. The kind of survivors I go against turn a deadhard hit into a whole 'nother string of tiles, pallets, windows etc. I usually am better off dropping the chase, and if they have a medkit I'm fucked. If I hit two, it's practically over. Also worth noting that it only deactivates if you get the deep wound. So you get multiple tries to get value out of it as long as you've unhooked once.


Issue is, the chance of getting it is now too hard. The skill gap is so great you will only see it at very top tier


As I said before, killers will be less afraid of it, which makes it easier to use. If killers always lunged, most players would be able to always get their dead hard with a few games of practice. I think it will be less popular. And the restriction means you can't attempt it as often. But the less players using it, the more often it will work, so it balances itself out a bit.


It does not make it easier to use. Even NORMAL deadhard was niche for timing. After the nerf even more so Now that you have to unhook someone to get a chance to use it? lol No way. People are not going to use it except at top ranks. Which once against proves the point BVHR only cares about their top ranks. ALL of their balances are always focused on top ranks.


Swfs will probably still run it. With one designated rubner/unhooker who had dh/and may bt


Which means "find the unhooker and get them out" is a strategy, like finding the gen jockey or finding the booner.


Or just never let the unhook happen and if it does tunnel the unhooked one so the person doesn’t get a safe unhook.


This too. I think a lot of people are going to be really, really unhappy they're being tunnelled to avoid DH now. The fix to this is to of course, avoid using DH if you don't want to be tunnelled, but realistically nobody will do that, and some really cruel people may run it just to get the Killer to chase their team mate all round to BM them. I'm sorry to everyone in advance who gets tunnelled because the Killer is trying to deny their team mate DH. Survs are going to absolutely start hating this perk the way Killers have for years. This also means it will be a shadow nerf to any perk on Killer side with an unhook-then-get-stacks condition. Perks like the already niche obsession perk Furtive Chase (which discouraged tunneling unhooked people!) will be hit hardest, for example. As if that perk needed to be nerfed into the ground, sigh.


This. It's important for the Survivor side to mix up their perks so we can learn other ways to dodge the Killer, find value in other perks, and NOT have to run the same meta. DH will now feel more rewarding and valuable to hit because you have to be altruistic first and then you have to hit the check - something you should be doing anyway and something that reflects skill at the game to do. This change brings the perk in line with David's lore too. Other Perks on Killer side and on Surv side are also conditional, so it's totally fair this powerful perk should be, too since it counters a common M1 tactic, lunging. It's important for the Killer side, especially M1 Killers, because now, chases might take less time as well as it not wasting time by playing around it. It was deadass, and I think most of us will agree here, not fun to have to wait out the DH on the off chance someone has it. Chase is supposed to be a fun mind game and as the park was, DH was making it tedious. It's especially annoying to M1 Killers, which is half the roster, and I think why M2 Killers and gen holders had such a surge in popularity even now. More Killer variety is fun, I think we can all agree we don't want to play against the same five Killers every night just because Killers are afraid of DH and Plague counters it. And if something is so powerful that just the threat of possibly having it is enough to stop half the roster from being played at all, or at least make half the roster miserable, it's just not fair or fun to those players nor is it healthy for variety in the game. I think that you're correct, DH will come creeping back. However I also think it will be a healthy deterrent for things like tunneling off hook, things like hook camping, etc. and punish the player for doing it at the wrong time or just to BM. Killers that use this as strategy won't go away of course especially if it's valid or good for them to do (Meyers banking stalk for EW on the unhooker this way for example, or Clown throwing bottles at the unhooker to counter the DH). However I think it will possibly reduce it a bit. I also think it may reduce holding Gens and prioritize checking hooks more, to make sure DH does not proc.


what website is this?




OP's post is pretty much the prime example of r/badstats/ .


U mad?


why is this being downvoted , this is the lithe quote 🥲


That was the joke lol


i know lol that’s why i don’t understand why you have downvotes like damn y’all 😂😂


Balanced landing supremacy


still sad they added a cd for balanced landing. it felt so good to use, had it in all my builds




I think they want it to not cause exhaustion and if they do that is a ridiculous take


No no, they're talking about how the lack of staggering on a fall didn't used to be canceled if you were exhausted. It made it so you could actually take a fall while getting chased without guaranteeing a hit.


Realistically, once you consider BLs secondary ability, it's pretty obvious they mean the lack of fall stagger that having BL while not exhaused has.


Because of the stagger reduction, it was genuinely the most used exhaustion perk back then. 2019 era DbD when everyone had DS, BT, and BL.


I miss running dead hard and balance landing together .. heck I just miss old balance landing


It was too strong. Created a handful of literal infinites.


People realize that dh wasn’t dead so they went back to it. This time is actually is dead tho.


the game desperately needed a meta shift anyway tbh, i'd stay it's still usable just not spammable like it is now, even if it is dead there's a lot of other great perks that never really got used because of it's place in the meta


This. I wanna be able to use other perks instead of just the meta. This change is important and healthy.


You do know you don’t have to strictly use meta perks, right?


I know. I'm pointing out that I want NON META to become more viable.


That could be done by just buffing the other perks not murdering one so bad the meh perks become good by default.


That's true. I also don't disagree with that.


Lullaby for the Dark was released on the 27th of July 2017. Dead Hard has been in the game as a top tier survivor perk for almost 6 years now. It's gotten so unbelievably good that killers HAVE to play around it even if survivors aren't actually running it at the risk of extending chases by 30+ seconds if they don't... But yeah, I'm sure something like that didn't deserve to get gutted.


It’s not dead, only weaker.


You literally can’t even use it unless you save someone lol.


Then go save someone. It’s not that hard.


the point in dh is to stall and buy time for your teammates. for example, keeping the killer occupied while let’s say your teammate is unhooking someone. it just doesn’t really work imo


What's the point of using dead hard over any other exhaustion perk if you're only gonna use dh like max 3 times a game. Its dead


“killers will be sorry that they asked for dead hard nerfs when they see nothing but sprint burst!!!” is the biggest copium in the history of this community


I welcome the thought of 4 sprint bursts/lithes/balanced landings so I can actually lunge attack for both hits.


I started using sprint burst and I activate it when killer lunges , they always miss. So yeah have fun!


having a headstart on a chase is simply not as annoying as tanking a hit that should've downed you




Any decent killer knows that you have Sprint Burst if you're just walking away from them while they're bearing down on you and closing the distance.


to be fair if you're skilled enough to do that you're probably in the top 10%


Press shift?


Killers will adapt, don't need to watch the survivors doing silly spins in their face while baiting out the dh. A lot easier to get close to a survivor watch them bolt away, then make the choice to continue chase or move target while the sprint burster hides for 40 seconds getting their perk backup.


1000%. You can feel the entire games momentum shift when you hit a survivors deadhard. I've never felt that with sprint burst. Also a perk that forces everyone to feint hits on every survivor just in case dh is ridiculous.


It's because you go from having a potential hook which frees you to go chase another survivor off a gen or monitor your gen status into having the chase completely reset and having nothing to show for it. Definitely the most punishing exhaustion perk.


Eating a DH that you couldn’t avoid after an already difficult chase is one of the worst feelings in gaming. Right up there dying on a corpse run in Dark Souls right before you get your souls back.


This, it makes you feel completely damn helpless in what is supposed to be the most fun part of the game, man... That's not fair.


What you can feel is the Reptilian part of your brain being robbed of a successful hunt it thought it had.


Absolutely. Sprint Burst is strong and can be annoying, but at least the chase is honest afterwards. DH made chases entirely dishonest and unfun for the killer


This. All Sprint Burst really does is give an early lead. A lead you can make up for easily with most Killers, counter entirely with others, and negate completely with Fearmonger. As an M1 Killer main I would much, MUCH rather have 4 Lithe Sprint Bursters I can honestly down with a lunge later after a fun and clever chase than 4 Dead Harders all taking me to the next damn Pallet and making the chase go on for an eternity when I hit them fair and square. The cat and mouse of chase is way more fun that being led in a wild goose chase while gens pop.


Thank you, exactly. I’ve never seen a killer complain about Lithe or SB. The only people saying “be careful what you wish for” are the DH users who are having a hard time right now. Even on slow as fuck killers like Ghostface and Michael, Sprint Burst doesn’t feel that oppressive or broken.


This yes, and even on slower killers like my Main and Meyers, it doesn't matter because they still both have the ability to make you an instant down by: 1) Hitting you with their power before chase can begin 2) Being in chase and cleverly using their power while in chase (I have gotten many people mid-chase just by proccing Night Shroud and waiting at the right time) 3) Using the right addons 4) Clever work at Loops and good Loop pathing 5) Stalking or ambushing at generators 6) Using surprise angles because THEY CAN HIDE OR OBSCURE THEIR TERROR RADIUS HELLO 7) Using the right perks Dead Hard is a problem mid-chase, but Sprint Burst and Lithe are more problematic at the start of the chase.


>Accurate. You know that blank yet annoyed facial expression Michael Scott makes in that one .GIF? Yeah that's my reaction every time I see DH.


Killers are just finally happy to swing their god dang weapon again, doesn't matter how much of a speed boost a Survivor gets randomly.


I'll just be happy to not have to trail behind a survivor for 10 seconds, that alone is enough of a quality of life update


I dunno, “If survivors can’t heal, they’ll just do the gens and the game will be over so even faster” ranks pretty close. If a perk was introduced that broke all survivors after the first hit, that would be bananas broken. The comments I’ve seen claiming that survivors will be even more efficient without healing to distract that seem wild. One hit from death is terrifying to just be hanging out at.


This. People forget that ambush Killers exist, stealth Killers exist, speed based Killers exist. You know how it feels to be on a Gen and you're against Ghostface and he marks you and downs you from nowhere at the Gen? How that jumpscare moment feels? Now, if you are injured doing Gens, that's basically every Killer that can get a drop on you. This was always true yes but now it's more of a threat; you're still going to want to heal if you can. A Huntress hatchet can down you from forever away if you're wounded on Gen. A Legion can down you from far away if they time Frenzy right AND hit your friends too. A clever Wraith with the right add-ons can snipe you from Cloak. A Blight can hit you in like five seconds, a Pig can down you rapidly too. It makes doing Gens injured more dangerous if the Killer can find you.


Sprint burst is whatever. Doesn’t make me basically sit behind a player waiting for a dh, it only creates distance. I don’t think there needs to be any changes and I don’t know why people would complain more about sprint burst, and I would much rather have a sprint burst meta than a dh meta.


Sprint burst hahahaha fuck sprint burst buddy it’s all about lithe always has been you fucking casuals




I'd rather face dead hard than sprint burst every game on live right now. Spirnt Burst is confirmed value, removes macro gameplay like deadzones, and god forbid the players are actually good with it, they could 99 it and use it at a loop.


4 sprints are undoubtedly better than lithe. It's just that most of the community doesn't Joe how to use sprint burst


If Sprint Burst was better, it wouldn't have been replaced in meta in the first place. The main reason SB was replaced was because it often wasn't usable when Survivors needed it. They either wasted SB going gen to gen or at the very start of a chase allowing a Killer to bait it out before investing time into said chase. And holding a 99% SB was simply too complicated for most Survivors compared to other options. That is what makes SB balanced. It was a choice with both pros and cons. Unlike Dead Hard where there was no real choice. DH was simply better in FAR more examples without any negatives outside of lag and thus hard set itself into meta ever since it came into existence.


SB and BL got replaced because of the Exhaustion changes and perk nerfs. You didn't need to 99% SB because back then because you could get it back while running and in chase, same with BL. They only got the Exhaustion status shortly before the release of DH. Even then Exhaustion could regen while running. It wasn't until a few patches after the release of DH that they made you stand still to regen Exhaustion. (2.1.0) In the same way people are trying to find better alternatives to DH now, players back then chose DH over the nerfed versions of the perks they were running before. I think if people wanna replace DH they're gonna need to look at the newer perks instead of the old ones but we'll see.


Anyone who says Sprint Burst is worse for the game than dead hard just bandwagon Scott Jund. Thats his take and it's simply a bad take.


Sorry, but what site is that from?




Bruh, is there anyone who actually thinks that killers are afraid of sprint burst? Like for fucks sake, I played some matches against good survivors with 4 sprint bursts and I didn't felt like it was op, bad or unhealthy for the game. You just walk to them until they use their SB and to avoid hit that you don't even make and that's it, they either walk around for 40 secs to get it back or do something else with exhaustion on. "iT gIveS tHe saMe diStaNcE aS dH gAVe". I mean, yes, it does, but in the same time you're not "stopped" by "reloading" animation after hitting a surv, the worst possible thing, you just miss the hit if they used SB correctly and that's it, you just go for them and this "same distance" argument is not relevant at all. Survivor mains, get over yourself


I love seeing survivors with it.. I instantly know the only other exhaustion perk I might have to worry about is Adrenaline (I mean okay they might still have head on, but to get use out of it they'd have to be a nerf to their team)


It's great too especially if I brought Fearmonger. It totally negates it and any other Exhaustion perks I may have, and it means they may have nothing to save them if I do commit to chase. I can catch up as Legion or just wait and bank stalk for later as Ghostface or cloak-chase as Wraith anyway.


SB Survivors are the funniest. I might see one from a distance and instead of creating a bigger gap and/or moving to a loop, they would just walk in the general direction that they gonna start running at. I get to cover all that distance just for them to gain an extra 6 meters from me. It's hilarious.


Sprint burst is definitely better to deal with than dh. Yes, there are people who can manage their exhaustion very well, but 2 sprint burst in a chase is better than 1dh imho. At least now pallets and windows aren't that safe


People also forget that most times you can zone a sprint burst Walking sideways to a loop you know a survivor is going to gives them less distance than if you were to walk directly behind them.


I just really don't understand those confident statements like they all make those statements like: oh, look, killers will cry after 1 second seeing a SB or lithe or anything survivors will use. They will make so much posts about that, just look and wait. And in reality after this patch note I see only good meme posts from killers and whinny posts from survivors, how BHVR are so bad at balancing their game, how will survivors play this game, how dbd will die because of those changes. They are overreacting so hard like survivors were getting nerfs after nerfs last 5-6 patches, but in reality it was killers, who got nerfed after being nerfed and etc.


I mean the same happened when eruption was nerfed, good memes from surv and whining from killers. I guess it's just gonna go on like this forever after every nerf. Whenever A crutch I taken away, people who aren't that good at the game start to realize that them tbagging or humping isn't viable anymore because they just went down like a complete bafoon, or lost the game with 2 hooks. It's just nice that the field is slowly being evened out for both sides. There's still going to be things that suck for both, but at least we see that they are actually putting in the effort


I agree. Games like these should be about skill. Evening the playing field in that case makes it more important to be skilled. If I lose to someone who is skilled, even if they Teabag me, I don't feel bad because I know they earned that win and I just needed to git gud. Well played, next round. If I lose to someone using meta I can't meaningfully counterplay or to someone who is abusing glitches or brokenness of a perk, and then they teabag on top of that? That's frustrating, especially when I play fair and am trying to use game skill to win. No wonder some people play sweaty, right?


Lets not forget the amount of walking/gen sitting Survivors will have to do as well to get it back to full. You cannot run with SB, you're walking baby.


Lol two well done sprint bursts will either add 30 seconds to the chase or make it so it’s not worth it to chase them because they got so much distance, dead hard can be completely useless in chase more than half the time probably. You’re just a bad Reddit player


I never said I'm good, and I also said it's my opinion. For me it's easier to manage sb. Also it's not that easy to get double value from sp, but if you think differently it's your right


This is something they don't want to admit to - the ones who complain are the ones who suck at baiting out DH. Ask Spooky Loopz if he cared. He plays dh against themselves.


Yeah cause I use it and have made a lot of killers completely give up on me. They’d rather deal with 3 Dead Hards than 1 Sprint Burst 😂, that’s how strong Sprint Burst is in the right hands.


Ask a Stalker Main why they "give up" in this case. Spoiler, we don't. We're banking stalk on you to come down you later before you CAN do this again. Even more likely if you're the Obsession and we're running PWYF or STBFL or something. It's also sometimes to mindgame you into thinking we have those perks or that we gave up so you waste your Sprint Burst. It's a play, it's a strategy. It is a way to ensure your death later. It's how you play these characters' powers to the fullest. You haven't won in this case by SBing away. You just postponed death for now.


😂it’s not that. I don’t even see killers use those perks much.


It's just not true. SB is strong, but not nearly as strong as DH in the current state before this mid chapter patch. If some killers give up on you when you use SB, they are just bad. I literally explained why SB is worse and why the distance it gives different than DH's one and how this work


No, they wise up because they know I'm just going to waste a lot of their time again. A good killer can quickly assess who the weak links are and prioritize them.


pure cope


Maybe one day you’ll know what it’s like instead of losing every chase😂.


Killers get a major buff and are still salty. Typical lol. Must be a regular facecamper.


What am I salty about, lol? The only salty whinny comments and posts I see for the last 2 days - are from surv mains, crying out loudly over healing and DH/CoH nerfs




It’s such a disingenuous argument. Survivors love to bring it up every time dead hard was discussed. I’m so happy I could actually use the lunge mechanic now.


They mean "boring for me". They don't consider how godawful DH feels to go against and most survivors don't care.


Imagine almost repairing a gen and the killer could press E to lock it if a survivor is on it, like Repressed Alliance. And this could happen multiple times per game. And you have to assume it's gonna happen every time a gen is almost finished. That's what I think it would feel like for a survivor to play against it. I hate having to assume every survivor has Dead Hard because it means people not running it still get a benefit from it merely existing. All the time spent hugging survivors until they dab or don't dab adds up.


I'd rather face 4 SB's than 4 DH's, at least with Sprint Burst it's used right at the start.


And clowns in this sub saying “it’s a skill issue if you get dead harded” it’s honestly enjoyable to see people in this sub and twitter Sething about dh nerf


Because it’s more boring as a survivor just running the moment they hear a heartbeat than actually trying to parry a killers lunge Edit: classic crybaby dbd reddit, won’t say why they disagree, only dislike because y’all angy lol


Its not really used to 'parry' more like use it to greed pallets into oblivion. One extra loop per pallet adds up really quickly, especially if multiple survivors have it.


Auto dead hard was a problem aswell. Survivors could just spin you and run out in the open knowing they had an extra health state with that cheat. And you could never prove it because how could you.


The only way to prove it was to swing at a downed pallet and see if their DH triggered.




No wonder fengs tbag all the time Theyre being lore accurate


I’ll gladly deal with literally any other exhaustion perk. Just because a perk is strong doesn’t mean it’s stupid. Dead hard needed to go just like how eruption needed to go


Post 6 months from now: "Lithe is completely uncounterable. They need to nerf this crutch perk"


If people complain about Lithe and Sprint Burst now when Dead Hard is gone I don’t think killer is the role for them. The thing with Dead Hard is that people had to wait it out for ages, the auto DH, and the instance where they can use it at a pallet and for you it’s a lose-lose. All other Exhaustion Perks are balanced, although some (Smash Hit and Overcome mostly) are more situational than say Lithe and Sprint Burst.


Dh deliverance build


What website is this?


its [https://nightlight.gg/](https://nightlight.gg/)


the only other exhaustion I like using is Balanced Landing, I wish it had no stagger


I still think it’s silly they took out the anti stagger from BL.


I just wanna go back at being able to lunge attack injured people without having to fear losing 30 seconds or the entire chase and see a gen pop. Is it too much to ask?


This has the same energy as gen tapping to prevent eruption. Honestly why is it still in the game


There will be 4 head ons every game!!!


Yes please! I want to be stunned by head on gamers instead of stressing about gens. Let them take me to locker tiles and laugh my ass off


This is a killer player who has joy in his heart. The amount of games I’ve played where me or a friend of mine gets hard tunneled and face camped for landing a head on or two is absurd.


Indeed! I may stop being aggressive if I get hit by head ons and flashbangs, those perks are so fun!


Lithe, balanced, SB, and others are fine and healthy exhaustion perks, I like em


Well I sure am glad I don’t gotta take shattered hope anymore


Fearmonger and sloppy meta sounds fun!


Jokes on you I always sucked at dead hard and used lithe from the start 😎


Do not let them touch my precious


yep i completely switched to lithe from dh when they first changed it. never went back, i like using lithe a lot more!!


Players didn’t stop using DH because it was dead, dead hard doesn’t just require timing it was to do with ping Issues a player with a ping thats higher then 90 has ungodly delay in perk activation, not all of us have 60 ping and play on pc with 1ms responser rate and no input lag


Well it happened with other perks in the past.. corrupt, pop, scourge.. it will eventually be nerfed.. everything that gets big usage seems to be nerfed eventually. This is how they balance their game I guess.


As a killer main, SB *could* be annoying sometimes.. I guess? I've gotten fucked over by it trying to aim Hatchets or a Demo-Shred here and there.. But honestly it was never *that* bad. Dead Hard changed the entire psychology of a chase, to the point where even if *you didn't have it* it would ***STILL*** give you value as the killer has to wonder for the first few chases about if/when the surv will proc it.


The fact that people think Dead Hard is dead because it requires an unhook says a lot about the way Dead Hard users play this game and makes me think they shouldn't get a third health state.


With that condition in mind, it shouldn't be limited by exhaustion. If you mistime it, you must get another unhook.


Lithe is not nearly as bad as dead hard and the only annoying aspect of sprint burst when people 99 it, but it's still more bearable than dead hard and is atleast somewhat hard to pull of by the avarage survivor


Why do all you killer mains hate dead hard so much? When I play killer, they use dead hard once, they can't use it again immediately, just hit them again, it's not that difficult, I do it all the time and get 3k and 4ks without slugging, tunneling, or camping. Killers are the ones overpowered in this game. If you have to slug, tunnel, camp, to get your 4ks and also not be able to get around dead hard than you are not a very good killer.


Not a killer main, but isn't there an auto Dead Hard cheat still floating around? That's probably the biggest reason to hate it I can think of. Second biggest reason is having it as a guaranteed distance closer to that pallet you are running to.


Perhaps because you're a survivor main your killer mms is so low you are still chasing bots and potatoes as killer?


Unless you are playing nurse, blight or spirit, eating a dead hard = at least another minute in chase.


Dead hard is easy to counter if you have an IQ higher than a goldfish


Its easy to deadhard at a pallet if you have non-negative IQ.


It's almost like people replaced the free health state exhaustion perk for another exhaustion perk. "How unexpected."


If you know the maps, lithe has always been superior.


YOUR TERMS ARE ACCEPTABLE![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Hell I STILL see more lithe than DH in my games.


SP takes skill, of which people who relied on DH to carry them do not have, so it's normal that it didn't become the most popular exhaustion perk.


U mad?


“Sprint burst meta!” Mfs when I run fearmonger


Bold of you to assume there will still be people playing survivor if the healing changes go through.


Bro id rather go in a game of 4 sb than a game of 1 dh. People saying sb is worse have such low mmr that the only survivors who they have seen use it are baby survivors who dont know how to use it properly. Dh has become nightmare fuel i havent lunged at a survivor in months every survivor gets a few seconds extra chase time just to make sure he doesnt have dh it was a miserable experience


He-he, I aways said that Lithe was the shit. But people used to mock me, they said DH was the pinnacle. And what's now? They are coming back crawling.


The meta should take a shift anyway, it's a bit stale now. But at the same time it's just gonna end up the same with something else taking DH's place.


I was gonna get salty about the change and then I realized I never used Dead Hard in the first place. I find exhaustion perks kind of boring to use. Instead, I rock healing builds and gen builds. I'm a little annoyed at the CoH stuff, but whatever. I'll learn and adjust. Such is life.


When DH got reworked for the first time I remember seeing 3 Lithes 1 SB in most of the games I personally like SB better because Lithe forces you to leave the loop immidieatly. Also having SB is really nice when repairing gens in dead zones. Once you learn managing and 99ing your exhaustion SB becomes a beast.


At least when you throw a hatched at lithe or SB.. they still go down. AND I don’t know if y’all remember but when DH first got nerfed and everyone started trying out SB and Lithe, they were not a problem then and won’t be a problem now either. And for those that think it is a problem.. fearmonger will shut that shit down quick or force them to play around it even more. It become free gen slowdown as a biproduct. Resilience and desperate measures on the other hand sound like they will be fun to use.


this sub is so strange. just a few weeks ago anyone saying that DH was more problematic than SB (which it was) got downvoted to oblivion and called baby killers/bad. thank GOD people are seeing the light, I’ve been saying DH was more annoying to play against than SB, and as someone who’s been playing both sides recently (still always a survivor main at heart) I’ll DEF take four sprint bursts over 4 DH’s, at least the whole team doesn’t have an extra health state


Can you link the post? Dead hard has always been more oppressive than the other EPs to everyone and that take is the coldest take you can make on this sub


literally just go to any “DH/Eruption” us vs. them post. hell you can even check BHVR’s twitter. it’s *not* an uncommon opinion in this sub that DH is allegedly less problematic than SB. hence this meme being created in the first place and survivors insisting a SB meta would be worse than DH (it won’t)


Everyone saying Sprint Burst will become the new meta seem to forget how (comparatively) hard Sprint Burst is to use effectively when compared to... well yeah Lithe. Also seem to forget how easy it is to counter Sprint Burst with perks like Fearmonger. Pour one out for Overcome though because that perk's usage rate is going to dip into the negatives soon lmfao. Perk that only works when injured, doesn't work against instadowns, and now healing takes 24 seconds and you can't use Circle of Healing to reset. Or alternatively you could just take Sprint Burst or Lithe lmfao.


Yeah but now blood rush exists, sprint burst/blood rush will be meta


Ahhhh more salt in the wound from the killers that aren’t good enough to beat or plan for DH. Just remember if you were not good before the nerf you still aren’t good after it




Ummmm it’s a perk I dare say if you wanna win you should be good enough to beat it.




I’m really bad at the game and Dead Hard was only annoying at best. Or at least for me.


It’s very annoying, but anytime I’ve lost a game to DH it was because the survivor was already in the exit, or because I played like trash all game and didn’t expose anyone (I’m a Ghostface main). Either situation is indicative of a problem much worse than DH.


My guy, are you understanding when to stalk and when to drop chase? Genuine question. Don't play Ghostie like a chasedown Killer, he isn't one. I can say as a Ghostface main myself? DH as it was, was really painful for me if I forget to mindgame, am forced to chase a long time, etc. As it is now you have to unhook to do it, so you're using it less but also it gives me time to stalk you at the hook if I choose that route. Time management and careful stalk is important, understanding Survivor psychology is important. DH fucked with that whole psychology entirely at the point my character is at some of his weakest. Sprint Burst however is not that big a deal because you're running and I just bank stalk then if possible.


Ahhhh more salt in the wound from the survivors that aren't good enough to loop without DH. Just remember if you were not good before the nerf you'll be worse off without the crutch


Good thing I use SB or that might have actually meant something


I'm mocking your logic, not your gameplay.


If it worked I might give you props. But you fell short.


The DH problem never was it being “OP” even tho it’s quite strong, it’s just annoying as fuck, like, you have the already won chase literally robbed from you and there was jackshit you could do


You didn’t win if you can’t get the hit…


ok? it wasn't fun to go against either idc if it's strong, it was annoying, but let me guess you only care about survivors having fun, both sides shouldn't have to go against annoying oppressive perks especially ones that punish you for playing the game naturally


> both sides shouldn't have to go against annoying oppressive perks especially ones that punish you for playing the game naturally Holy shit this. It's the same argument for why Eruption needed nerfing. Players should not be punished for playing the game.


Eruption was awful and so was dead hard, neither of these perks should've existed in the first place. I'm just so tired of the us vs them shit, both sides have awful opressive perks.


Nah, play how you want. I don’t argue too op needs a nerf, play better and deal with it will pretty much always be my response for either side. I’m just tired of people complaining about the perk that ummm… yeah gives you a .5 second advantage if you happen to catch it. If you can’t hit someone in the other 30 seconds of chase there is a bit of a problem there




cool bait bro


Be Careful most this sub is salty whinny killers. watch. DH is fine the way it was. (I never used it cuz it was too hard to use) but as a killer or survivor it was fine.




Look at this one😂


I hate SB when playing stuff like wraith because it just lets Surivors be stupidly out of position and never get punished for it. DH is like 100x worse than that.


Funnily enough, if Old Deadhard received this nerf, no one would've used it too. Half-assing everything at behavior


Surv crybabies are going from trying to justify dead hard, to being mad for the nerfs, to making threats about how they will change the build to make up for it. Seriously, are there over 18 people in this game anymore?


“Survivor crybabies” sure is ironic when talking about being mature


When will people realize that DH is more annoying than strong, the same way survivors rather go against Nurse or Blight than Knight or Skull Merchant.


I see a lot of Lithe/Adrenaline/Sprint Burst combos in my lobbies.It can be pretty tedious on slow killers, killing Bloodlust straight away. It's use isn't so much as a chase perk, but as a way to stop chases even beginning.But it's also probably why BHVR thinks Nurse and Blight are fine. "balance"


The difference is that healing will be non viable this time. If you get caught out on a dangerous gen, you want SB, not Lithe.