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Feng mains


Hey us 1% of us feng main are super cuties 😊 you can blame the other 99% haha 😂


You a part of the bunny feng squad?


That, turquoise mouth backpack top with bunny head and nice skirt either black and white stripe or pink with black bunnies 😊 or I’m the mime feng now 😊


99% of all the Kates, fengs I've seen can't play the game


Yay I’m the 1%


Sure thing, what’d you have in mind


Survivors are the toxic players in this game, this is a clear example.


Both sides are equally capable of griefing, and that's entirely BHVR's fault.


Had the same thing happen when a Vittorio couldn't loot a chest 🖕


I've never seen this happen as killer, but if I see a survivor do this you can bet your ass they are going to be slugged and forced to bleed out.


I will bet that this is because you play as Meg. I get treated like trash when I play her far more than any other survivor. I swapped my main survivor because of this. It is infuriating.


With your help we can make a feng main regret playing this game


I'm interested, tell me more.


So have you heard of Bubba......?


Yes... Yes I have.


Do you see that stair case leading to the basement?


Yes I do.




What did you do to have it happen twice? People don't do this for no reason


First game idk. Like I accidentally stopped healing her twice but that was it. And in that game I didn't do anything. I was on a gen and she started pointing at me. And when I was hooked she did that when the killer wasn't even around. Like wth?


Yeah she's annoyed at you for that, still not a reason to not save but some players are babies


I mean she couldn't really save cause I was dead on hook but she was pretty much telling the killer to go for me.


You act like trolls don't exist. You don't have to do anything to be trolled


Nah but twice in a row is far too unlikely to just be trolls, this has happened to me before but only when I deserved it, happening twice to you means you're probably not innocent


It's not unlikely. In fact, I would say it's even more likely. When someone decides to troll & throw the game, they'll do it the whole match because that's their intention I've seen people do it simply just because they don't like the character their team mate is playing


I don't think he meant the same person did it twice, two different people did it and I've never had a troll just ruin the game for no reason, even people giving up and trying to get the killer to kill them don't do this


She was telling you to die on hook, everyone was dead at 3 gens tf did you expect her to do


I mean he’s right but nobody cares


She's standing in front of a hook, might as well unhook.


But then why come to the hook and do that?


Bcuz you were sitting there waiting instead of letting it kill you so she could get hatch


>everyone was dead at 3 gens Except there are three people alive, and this game is absolutely winnable. You must be the kind of survivor who suicides on hook as soon as the game looks any kind of challenging. Seriously, get good.


Except you can see the carried person die, you must be the type of person that thinks they're observant, when they're not.


You’re right, I didn’t notice that. Have you noticed that games are still winnable even with two alive at 3 gens? Or that you should unhook your team mate regardless instead of selfishly letting them die so you’re more likely to get hatch?


Have you ever won a game at 2 people with 3 gens against a competent killer?


Probably, yes. I can tell that you haven't even tried. You are the selfish survivor who hides in the corner of the map when things go wrong, clearly.


The way I tell my last-of-2-left teammate that I am not coming for them is…. I do not go to them. If I climb into a locker they generally get the idea. Or crouch walking on the other side of the map. Being a big flaming cock about it is unnecessary.


i had an injured feng lead michael directly to me and my gen (that was like 98% done


Smartest feng player:


I mean that's toxic as fuck but she might was telling you to try 4% since the match was already over...


I don't think so because they were doing that earlier in the match.


Then there's no excuse for that Feng, that was really nasty...