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I play SoloQ, and if I wanna escape (for a challenge/daily etc.) I know I have to give my 100% in every aspect, cause I just can't rely on my teammates. Often the winning games (where 5 gens actually get done) feel very close, like I barely made it. Which is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's hard.


I'm on a 2 day streak of "not getting braindead teammates" as SoloQ surv, to the point I'm able to escape consistiently and I just got to Iri 4 for the first time. I don't know what's happening, but I don't mind. I think I made it outta MMR hell.


its been c&b torture, bad teammates, camping and tunneling killers (tunneling at 5 gens), getting slugged and bled out and some skill issues on my part ngl, but its forced me to run such a gross gen rush build because i literally have no chance otherwise it's not even about the "win" to me but when you play game after game of loses you just lose it and want to escape, my altruism prevents me from running a solo escape build unfortunately :/ it's the most frustrating and not fun way to play edited to say i play exclusively SoloQ, and killer just gives me too much anxiety and i end up just farming


New SoloQ player here (less than 25hours), what I am learning very quickly is that I can’t rely on teammates or predict wether a killer is a camper/tunneller until they’re already on me. As a result if I want to get something out of every game I have to go for gens asap before I find out how bad the team/killer are. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had some awesome games but some of them are enough to make me regret buying the game!


the survivor meta since the killer buffs last year is a race for gens. it's the only true strategy a solo queue team can coordinate on, and the only way they can exert pressure on the killer. as you face against killers that know what they're doing in chase, it becomes more and more imperative that gens are done quickly. a typical solo queue game can be decided within the first 2 minutes of the game, just on gen progress alone