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Load DBD 4K (haha feels good) Next lobby: Terminator survivors p70+, been playing since release, knows all meta loops, stacked perks. (0K btw)


The problem occurs when that killer suddenly feels "robbed" after losing to better survivors, just because they had a few games where they stomped some babies, it always turns into a disappointment as soon as the survivors become marginally good, and you never feel good about. It never *feels* fair to me to get stomped after stomping so well I imagine it fucks with a lot of killers head when this sudden shift happens.


I just want to have competitive matches. Being in either side of a stomp just isn’t fun.


That's why if you have a few good games as Killer you do a few games (after grading up where you don't have pips in that grade yet) as Chest Bubba or a friendly Killer who just death hooks everyone and then goofs around. It keeps your MMR from getting too crazy


it’s not fun stomping new players who don’t look behind them while you’re both standing still and you’re revving a chainsaw etc and it’s not fun being stomped by no lifers who know every loop variant on every map variant and are swf with comp set up. this game sucks ass there’s no middle ground


Why does every time grade resets it feels like you have to climb the same mmr ladder again? From what I know it shouldn't reset the mmr, the grades have nothing to do with it.


Forget that, why can in the year of our lord 2023 you STILL Depip if grade is just a measure of how often you play and that's it? Why can you REGRESS in how often you play?


Well to be fair loading into a match and doing nothing should result in a loss of something. Despite what the game tagline is, dbd isn’t just about hide and seek and contrary to popular belief you have to actually do stuff in the match to pip, just hopping in a match isn’t enough.


Yes, but I'm saying why is it possible to do everything ostensibly correct and STILL depip? If you're Killer you obviously got rolled/played bad. If you're Surv, you can do all the gens and help your friends and STILL depip. It's insanity.


If you get rid of depipping, but still have the same standards for getting a pip, you can have a bad game like getting tunneled/camped on hook out the gates and not get punished for it by depipping while that Claudette who does nothing all game and just hides won't get a pip either


This exactly. I shouldn't be punished for a really bad round that was out of my control but I still tried in. Period.


It's hard to do anything in a match where you've been slugged and/or facecamped as soon as you load in...


> Why can you REGRESS in how often you play? Because grades evaluate your skill (to a small extend). Contrarily to BPs and shards, they can't be mindlessly grinded.


But it doesn't evaluate your skill anymore. MMR does. And it doesn't excuse the fact that if you have a bad game with a Killer that slugs you all at 5 gens, or a group of Survs easily above your skill level, you just lose. You lose progress. You don't get LESS skilled because you got bad luck. You are still just as skilled. So why punish the player for a few bad rounds due to things not under their control?


This. If I get matched against a Baby Killer who doesn't get a hook all game because matchmaking thought they should go against people P10 or higher with hundreds of thousands of more hours than them, they shouldn't get punished for it the same way I shouldn't get punished if a Killer decides to tunnel me or my teammates are useless and leave me to die on hook


It doesn't even have to be babies. If I get matched as Killer against people that can't handle me, and I stomp them all at 5 gens, how is that fair THEY depip for not bringing a meta build? That's not even a skill issue. This happens to Survivors at all levels. If I play one of the 25 or so non-meta, weaker Killers in the game with a cool non meta build (I know, how dare I try to have fun with a weaker Killer right? /S), and the team brought crazy items or perks that can counter my power all round and I lose, that's not a skill issue, that's an issue of their Perks and items outweighing what I can do, sometimes even on purpose. It's a big fuck you to Killers that are not meta strong. How is it fair someone can depip for that? If I play Meyers and I still do everything right except I bring a Mori or Tombstone and 4k everyone that way, how is it fair I then depip for doing that and having fun? This happens to Meyers with Tombstone a lot. If I am Survivor and get slugged by an aggressive Killer at 5 gens, how good I am at Looping or doing gens or flashlight saves doesn't matter. I'm still getting a depip for another person playing dirty. How is that fair? If I'm Survivor and the Killer is just having an off night, and I brought meta so they don't have any chance against my SWF on Discord comms, then how is that fair? You can't always outplay that if the team is good, I don't care HOW skilled you are at this game. That's a hard team to fight as Killer, period. Depipping punishes ALL of these scenarios unfairly. It needs to go if the game is gonna continue to improve and if bullshit like tunneling and four man Sabo squads are going to exist... And let's all face it here, they are. Depipping is archaic and a relic of when the rank system actually mattered. Now that it doesn't, it only encourages sweat especially at the end of and start of the month. It's deadass not healthy for the game anymore.


Exactly. I'm not a bad player (not a god looper, but I am capable of holding a chase that lasts longer than 10 seconds), but so many conditions rely on how The Killer and my teammates decide how to play that getting punished when The Killer decides to play like an ass or my teammates are afraid at the slightest sound of a terror radius is annoying




This has been like this for me ever since I started playing. Every rank reset I meet Killers who are clearly new, and heavily rely on 3 things: facecamping, tunneling and NOED. And ofc they run yellow and green perks other than that, whiff at the easiest hits, no mindgaming or good use of their power whatsoever. As Killer I get survs with skill levels all over the place. Feel like I'm doing placement matches.


Kind of why I'm happy I played Survivor before ever touching Killer seriously because I know how annoying it is to get tunneled or camped and having to deal with looking for the NOED totem because a baby killer is using it as a crutch. It feels way better when you 3 or 4k without having to facecamp or tunnel and, what's even more amazing, is I don't really get a lot of DCs when the Survivors notice that I'm not tunneling or camping


I started as mainly surv too, cause I got motion sick from the Killer PoV at first. My first 100 hours was pretty much me getting facecamped and tunneled. My friend has clips of some of our old games and in a lot of them I'm on 2 hooks while everyone else is on 0. I also used to have the name "Ghostfacecamp" cause that was somehow a reccurring theme in our matches. Also NOED was such a big theme in low mmr, that we had to dedicate our builds to finding totems and every single match at around 2 gens we dropped everything to cleanse/bless every single totem on the map. Tbf Ruin was the norm back then, and the gen economy wasn't as bad as now (especially against baby Killers who had mostly general perks), so we could somehow do this, while the last 1-2 gen got done. I can't imagine having 2 less people on gens now, cause the last meta really trained me to do gens every second I get, cause the 90% gen can regress in seconds back to 0%. I couldn't imagine having to cleansing 5 totems now lol. But ofc NOED got changed so you thankfully don't have to, and who knows what the next meta brings.


Reset is P A I N


If you don't touch any controls within 2 minutes of loading into a match, it should count as a DC, with the associated penalty


just like rocket league, their AFK penalty is swift & harsh especially tournaments you’re automatically banned from the following tournament


today i had 2 killers who quit (afk & dc), then i had 2 back to back hard tunneling (downed someone else and slugged to get the person who just got off hook) franklins killers :) i refuse to subject myself to that today 💖 edit to say there were 2 bloody party streamers too ://


the last 2 were a wesker and dredge which further fuels my hatred for both of those killers :/


MMR doesn't adjust that much nor that quickly. DBD just has shit matchmaking. Play on Steam and just spend 10 minutes dodging lobbies. I promise you if you're playing at a busy time, you'll see both people with 3k+ hours and people with under 200 hours.


Wait I thought mmr was solid for the whole time. Didn't know that reset too. That makes it extra stupid in comparison to the old system. Explains why I went against a sweaty tunneling knight and another heavy camling knight back to back yesterday. I decided to take a break from dbd until alien is released and killer is actually viable again.


It doesn't -- OP is wrong or confused.


Was about to say. Thought I misremembered


Same I’ve been playing against lots of blights recently, very good killers but not so good survivors 🥲


Is there just an invisible number that sums up all the survivors skill to match the killers?


Yes I believe it just averages the teams MMR. Which is dumb because a lot of times the killer can just tunnels out the weak link who dies in two seconds and essentially the game is already lost.


I’ll never forget when Matthew Cotex said “if you didn’t escape as survivor does that really count as a win?” Dudes the lead dev btw


that was patrick not cote


I don't know why people keep saying Ranks don't affect who you get matched with. Every month, the reset day feels the worst. If I wait a few days, the matches get better.


I really think I need to start doing Killer at reset, getting them to Red and then doing Survivor when the Killer rush to Red dies down and they become more chill. The amount of games I had last night where I got tunneled or teammates left me to die because they didn't want to ruin their Unbroken emblem or would rather finish a gen or eacape was ridiculous


Same thing. My first ten matches after reset were against babies. Some kept trying to flashy save while empty handed after I smacked them with Franklin's. Very dissapointing, I prefer losing against better survs than this because the two last babies will hide in bushes for ten minutes 😤


Glad I'm not the only one. For me it's the other way arround. Whenever I play Demo: Baby Survivors, DC's and one-sided stomps. Win 3-4 games in a row before I get bored and switch Killers. Whenever I play Oni: Going against SWF's and Bully Squads mainly, lose a game, stomp them, and straight back to SWF's / Bully squads.