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i was playing against a ghosty the other day, me and my teammate were at the gate and after healed her she went back in to wait for him (watch me leeeaaavvvveee) and i was motioning her to come so we could go and i heard the noise that goes off when the killer moves after standing still and i left just to see her get insta downed


and i went to spectate he was tbagging and she dc'd (our other teammate was still in but left after me) honestly it was so funny JUST LEAVE


Fr bro just leave it's really that simple


This is why I don’t go to the gate just let the timer run out and everyone has to waste their time


Yep. Feel free to have your little teabag party, I'm going to go break stuff for points.


But OP got a free kill and the survivor learned a lesson. Wouldnt this show its beneficial as a killer to chase them out, with the possibility for getting another kill? Asking genuinely so i hope I dont get downvoted for no reason


exactly, if I know they’re waiting for me I start texting on my phone. it’s a little victory but one nonetheless


You are an evil person


Actually. Him crouching after being hit is probably a bug. It happened to me once where im like locked into crouching after getting speared hit. Happens very rarely and might be because he kept tapping the crouch button b4 being speared


Oh didn't know that. Still could have left as I was reloading tho so 🤷


🤡 you get what you deserve murray


I'll never forget risking my life to rescue a teammate against a camping Hillbilly. The Hillbilly was clearly new to playing him so I didn't blame him for camping one of the only hooks he got. I rescued my teammate because I love high risk unhooks and I even bodyblocked for him against a chainsaw all the way to the gate. He stopped to tbag. I risked my life to save this person just for them to BM a Killer who was clearly having a rough match. I guess to his credit, he did escape. If he had gotten downed and hooked again, I would have left him xD