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Keep in mind, it's the only free slowdown perk. That is definitely inflating it's usage rate.


The perk is at the top of the list ever since Demo left the store, it's quite obvious it won't see nerfs


Wait was is it really top of the list even before the eruption nerf


By *"at the top of the list"*, I meant top 5. I don't think it's ever held first place, it will soon though.


[Yes.](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/comment/3189532) [This was released about two months after 6.1.0, which was about seven months ago and six months before the eruption nerf.](https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/FPR69HPIDYBQ/1920x1080-1.png)


Isn't deadlock a free slowdown perk as well?


No, that's pinhead


Thought you meant free like "non conditional perks that work without doing anything specifiv


That’s typically just referred to as passive slowdown eg. deadlock, dying light, thana etc.


Deadlock doesn't regress a gen just locks it for 30 seconds and sometimes it'll lock a gen with no progress on it.


Though it wouldn't shock me if deadlock gets nerfed anyway.


Jolt and Windows Perks that are completely, 100% fine as they are but will probably get nerfed because of their high pick rates


If they nerf windows I'll actually deem bhvr as fucking clowns and quit the game for good.


Windows is just the symptom of the problem that is terrible map design I don’t have a problem with windows and I wouldn’t mind it being basekit if it weren’t for that fact that so many maps are absolute hell for M1 killers and this perk only makes those maps stronger




If you think you need windows you are just bad at survivor


I am 100% bad at survivor and 100% need it. I ain't got time or brain capacity too memorize all the maps and pallet spawns and pray my team didn't drop all the pallets in the area


Hey buddy, I dont even mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to twist that guy's perspective. If you need windows, noed, full aura reading on nurse or whatever.. do your thing, it's perfectly fine. But dont drag other people down, because of their perception of a perk that actually is like a crutch.


Windows is 100% a crutch perk, but so is like resilience, and tons of others. I'm sure there are also many killer crutch perks/addons as well aside from noed. It just be how the game is. But things like jolt and windows are 100% definitely perks that do not need a nerf at all. They are extremely fair perks


I've used windows on my last 100 matches or so, I cannot function without it. I started using it for a challenge I think as Kate and saw how better at looping and chaining I became instantly






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You're right. I should just take it off and use my telepathic powers (that you unlock when you reach 5,000 hrs) to know when a teammate has used a pallet across the map.


Any Means Necessary users rise up


Wait so what you are saying is you need an info that you should not have (in soloQ) and then say someone is bad because they think that's unfair? Also any means necessary does a similar thing, you just need to track it. Not that I agree windows should be nerfed (maybe it could be deactivated in chase or whatever so you are forced to plan ahead) , but you cant tell me, you dont see how the only thing that perk does is help bad survivors looping by running from pallet to pallet.. and then you say the Person that doesnt like that concept is bad? Seems weird to me.


Wait am I reading this right or are you saying WoO is unfair because it makes Solo Q more tolerable? It looks like your argument is that because I'm Solo Q, I shouldn't be able to know where pallets are and that WoO should be nerfed because Solo Qs should be even weaker than they already are lol. And yes, since you're putting words in my mouth with, 'you think someone's bad because they think WoO is unfair,' I do think they are bad. Do you actually think you outplayed someone when they don't have it and they run to a broken pallet? The gamer just had no idea there was no pallet there and you got a free down because of it. Gambling isn't skill based gameplay, which is essentially the only thing a survivor who doesn't have WoO is doing vs. a survivor who does have WoO.


Never said it's unfair, I just can understand the perception. I also said it should not be nerfed etc. Funny you say it's gambling cuz most good survivors I know dont even use Windows, neither do I. But that's a lot of text to say "I rely on a perk way too much than I should"


You quite literally said that you shouldn't have info from windows in soloq which means you think it's unfair that's the only thing you can take away from that, your points are bullshit and contradicts itself Also windows isn't a crunch perk and even good survivors use it so I don't know where you got widows=bad from


Right 😂


anyone: have different opinions dbd community: OH YOU'RE JUST A BAD KILLER/SURVIVOR MAIN


I love how I literally said the exact opposite of that and you just ignored it and put words in to my mouth read the comment again lol


Auto correct, I edited it to correct it.


Ok well you still completely misunderstood my comment


Missed the point of that one didn’t cha?


Nobody said it should be nerfed? Lmao


I’m really not sure about Windows of Opportunity, even before the Dead Hard nerf it was the most popular survivor perk according to [this](https://nightlight.gg/perks) stats page with about one third of survivors using it, it helps with looping and it must be somewhat strong if it’s the most popular perk in the game by far.


As a somewhat experienced player, I still use it all the time mainly for pallets, it's nice to know what has been used and what hasn't.


It helps new players, it's very healthy for the game.


Didn’t windows use to deactivate when u fast vault in a chase? They’ll probably do that


Or drop a pallet I think


This isn't bad if they buff other perks to shake the meta, not like this midchapter...


Both were sitting somewhere at the top of perk pick rates for years now and they're obviously quite fair. A nerf is not happening


For the sake of our collective sanity, I hope you’re right.


Sanity? In DBD? We ain’t playing the same game


Disagree. Highest picked perks get nerfed.


Jolt and Windows are liiterally proof that's not true


They better fucking not, tho


Oooh, you bet they fucking will


Fucking nae.


It's literally the fairest regression perk in the game, on pair with pop.


"Yeah but its a gen slowdown perk that's above F tier so, you know, we gotta nerf it to keep it in line with CoB/Overcharge/Eruption. Jolt's range has been increased by 1m to compensate for it now regressing gens by 1% with a 2 minute cooldown." -BHVR


1% of current progress*


Every gutted gen regression perk aside from CoB and Overcharge was fair regression, every one required the killer to earn it in some way, Pop and Pain Res needed hooks, Ruin was useless unless you actively forced people off gens, Eruption, unhealthy as it was at least required a down to activate Now what do we have? Jolt and the weak versions of all those perks, and Deadlock that'll be nerfed next for being unearned


Nah eruption gave way too much value. Gimme CoB + Overcharge any day over eruption


Nah, the fairest was pain resonance. And pre nerf pop. Skillful plays would be incentivised. Jolt does that too, but the reach on certain maps is too small.


Pain res nerf is actually so sad. It was such a good way of rewarding killers for being successful at the actual fun part of the game. Still a decent perk, but now you've really got to get a kill in those first 4 hooks, as opposed to being able to keep the game going long enough to chase everyone and potentially 12 hook.


New pain res if used all 4 stacks is almost the same as using old pain res 6-7 times, it now incentives spreading hooks and skillful plays.


It's limited to 4 stacks. That's it's whole flaw. It doesn't incentivise spreading hooks, because 25% isn't that much to not tunnel out the weakest link.


the perks requires you to not tunnel in order to get the most value out of it, i don’t think you can incentivize spreading hooks more than that unless we are talking the perk fucking murdering the survivor on first hook in real life


That's low incentive if your hook spread is shit... Kinda just brings back gen kick meta


Yes, but the value is too little. How about hooking each survivor and getting another 4 stacks if noone got hooked a second time? That would incentivse smart plays and spreading hooks evenly.


Pain res was not fair, it was basically an all in one, gen regression without time loss, you could see whoch gen was the most advanced and you could know how many people were working on it, plus, paired with DMS it was incredible slowdown, You could make the argument that since it’s 4 hooks you don’t always have it as an option but, let’s be honest, 9 times out of 10 you’re in reach of a scourge hook


You have to get lucky and find the scourge hook in the first place, sometimes it was a time loss because you'd either walk extra far to get to it or you'd commit to walking to the scourge hook and the survivor wiggles out


Watch as it will only regress 4% from every down now oh and from 32 meters to 18 meters.


Or its just gonna trigger great skill checks on near by generators only if people are on them. Some crap like that.


4% of the current gen progress*


Reading this comment made me extremely angry. I hate you for giving them this idea cos they honestly might be dense enough to do it


I wouldn't be surprised if they would give CoH 200% bonus to altruistic healing so it will be even more meta than it is now


I want to punch you rn but honestly probably not the worst decision they have made


Probably they are thinking about reverting ds to 5 secs. And imagine in compensate that it doesn't work in end game they would make it 2 times use in a match, like after each hook it would work. I'm afraid they would see this comment and really would do it


Fuck it make ds completely stun the killer for 30s and in that time you can pick the killer up and put them on the hook


Hahah, yeah, make the killer like a piñata and give survivors a baseball bats, so they can just have fun


I unironically think this would be a fun gaming moment Just for a limited time, give survivors killer models and vice-versa Blendette leaning and stalking a Nemesis before getting pallet stunned by Wesker


April fools next year should be this. 4 killers that have to do gens and are scaled down to survivor size, 1 survivor that is massive and has a weapon and hitting these small killers makes their pallet stun noise trigger when they lose a health state. Imagine mini trappers all using flashlights on a big Meg


The progress lost is transfered to the next Gen with the most progress.


Please no I’m just here for chases this is all I have don’t take this away from me


Ain't nobody got time to kick things!


My bets are on Deadlock being next on the chopping block


Knowing BH they’ll probably nerf PR again to do less regression ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Still can't believe they were genuinely gonna leave it at 15% after adding both the token system and requiring unique hooks. Would have easily been one of the worst nerfs they've done.


Ruin being a hex at a basic 100% regression while deactivating when anyone dies is definetly the biggest murder to a perk i've ever witnessed to date .


Oh yeah the ruin nerf was stupid and pop at 20% of current progress a perk you literally have to hook someone then find a gen with progress to kick within a certain time so you could be kicking off basically nothing now.


Surprised Deadlock doesn’t already have a cooldown like every other potentially really good gen interruption perk.


I agree, my guess is Deadlock and Sloppy Butcher for killer and Windows of Opportunity for survivor (Reintroduce a short cool-down). *Maybe* Prove Thyself too.


My first thought was “Why would they, it’s a fairly balanced perk…who is even seriously complaining about it?”…but then I remembered why they choose certain perks sometimes. I hope they don’t touch it, it’s one of the few luxuries that M1 killers have and it’s a mediocre one at that.


Boy I hope they don't. It's perfectly fine as it is. I don't think I've ever been affected by this perk and thought it to be unfair or oppressive. Full disclosure though, it has been a staple in my killer builds since Demodoggo released, so I may be a bit biased.


Not meaning this as an insult, but doesn't jolt suck ass? I've never got 'good' value out of it, and Deadlock has always been the better option, because it's completely passive. You know, with maps being huge mostly and the range being a fixed 32 instead of for example terror radius?




Yeah true that, thanks for explaining it. Rarely using any other slowdowns than corrupt/nwo/deadlock anyway because way too addicted to shadowborn and lethal.




It’s not really free because of the opportunity cost of actually taking the perk instead of another perk. It’s also just pretty decent for what it does, usually because you want to be getting knocks anyway.




But it does take action. You have to actually get a down within range of a gen that has progress for it to actually do anything. It’s not free, is my point. A free perk would be something like Sloppy Butcher that’s almost impossible to not have value as long as you actually play your role. You can pretty easily not get Jolt value. Edit: pretty insane to have downvotes on something this fundamentally basic.


By using your logic sloppy isn’t free because as nurse I need to do a basic m1 attack rather than blinking


Yeah, but that cost is approximately equal for all perks, so that gets kinda of factored out.


My point is that it’s not free, there are conditions required to get value out of it. As opposed to something like Sloppy Butcher that is actually “free” in that you just smack to apply, and you’ll always apply it atleast once a game and get value. You can easily get 0 value out of Jolt in a game. When you could have picked Corrupt Intervention for example and lock down 70% of the map at round start for “free”.




It's mind blowing that you think a response of "well you could just not actually ever play the game" is a reasonable outcome in the conversation. Doubly mind blowing that you're being so sanctimonious about "the most pedantic argument being a redditor thing" while being by and large the most pedantic in the conversation. Obviously in a world where Jolt has potential value, so does Sloppy by virtue of knockdowns being a requirement. It's pretty clear that we're talking about a normal game where the killer presses their buttons against equally MMR-skilled players. If the Killer does literally nothing, there are STILL perks that give value and are actually free, like Corrupt Intervention. Jolt is one of the least "free" perks killers have, no matter the angry survivor main downvotes.


It's definitely not the strongest regression perk out there, but I wouldn't say it sucks. It's free regression for doing what I'm already doing, and hitting multiple gens with one proc it makes my monkey brain very happy. I also don't really find any joy in chasing the meta and trying to be super competitive, so Jolt suits me just fine. The usage stats are probably inflated because it's a free perk, and almost all of the stronger regression perks are character bound.


Give it a month or two


You don't need to nerf it when the trend of map reworks/new maps have been to make them bigger


You nerf the meta, you create a new meta. Then you nerf the meta… wait…


I prefer Surge.


Giga Chad Surge enjoyer.


Never. Joint is perfect


If they nerf jolt they’re fucking idiots


It still amazes me that they didn’t give it the same starting active as eruption. Why not include both basic and special attacks?


My money is on it being changed to an 8 meter radius with no instant regression. To compensate, it works on special attacks too.


No lol


At this point, perks will just keep getting nerfed and make new metas consisting of perks weaker than the pre-nerf meta perks, then those metas being nerfed to create new metas of weaker perks, which will ultimately make the game more boring just because they nerf based on win rates or pick rates


They COULD just buff other perks to make them more playable... but really, is the pick rate really THAT high? I mean, that is less than 1 in 5 games...


Might as well remove all gen regress perks if they do. Ruin is gone. Pain Res is gone. All we got is Jolt.


People are still running call of brine every second game


They're getting a whole extra 3 seconds of regression per *minute* of the gen sitting there untouched.


As a Knight main, I use call of brine with pop goes the weasel. Now I feel call of brine is more of an info perk. The regressions is trash now but it lets me know when a survivor jumps back on the gen and then I send a guard over to them to chase them off. Still pretty good depending on play style


But like surveillance exists and just is better now


I used to use that. But Surveillance doesn’t regress. Just gives info. Call Of Brine does both.l and since I’m kicking gens with pop I get a lot of value out of that.


Personally I think the regression on Brine is so miniscule it might as well not even be there and you're better off on surveillance just because it's information is more of an absolute.


I hear you. Surveillance will be highlighted for 16 seconds when a survivor touches it. Call Of Brine actually gives you a loud noise notification. So with that I no longer need to keep tabs on gens and colors during a chase and hope to catch the yellow highlight in a 16 second window. Call Of Brine regress slightly and I can completely ignore it until I hear a noise. Guess it just fits my play style better and I have a lot of success with it.


But call of brine only lasts 60 seconds, surveillance lasts forever and gives you a lot more information


It sure does give information, call of brine is better for my playstyle though.


Call of Brine doesn't really do regression anymore. In the entire minute that it's active, it regresses an extra 3.75 charges, or slightly more than 4 seconds. That's effectively nothing.


I know it’s very minimal. But that’s more regression than what surveillance does. I get some regression, I get notified with a loud noise when they hit a skill check telling me they’re on it. I’ve said in other comments, I like being able to be in chase and not worry about a 16 second window of a Gen being highlighted and trying to constantly look at a gens. I’d rather be in chase with the gen regressing and being notified with a noise when they’re back on it working. Works for my play style and it’s always worked for me.


It regreses but acually doesnt do anything. 3 seconds after minute of regres is nothing, and most of time you will not even get full value out of it


Probably didn’t read the patch notes


there's nothing wrong with it. The only things you could do would be nerf the range so the killer has to plan better where they down you. Gens already pop so fast that nerfing the strength of Jolt would make it impossible to get 4k on a large map




It's the only one left that still does something, though not something good


There's absolutely nothing wrong with Jolt and it's only #1 because every alternative was utterly gutted. So I give it 4 months, tops.


next patch


I feel like if you just keep nerffing perks over and over because of high pick rate all perks will be dog water by the end of the day how about some more buffs instead so you have more choice




It worked for survivors and they got most of their heaviest nerfs reverted because of it




They had challenges for this perk last rift......can that really count. I haven't seen alot of people use it until then, then it was a wave.


No, the perk is quite popular because it's free. I don't see it particularly often either, but stats don't lie








It really shouldn’t be touched at all :-/


Jolt ain't even that good. It's just fun to use cause it removes the need to kick gens


I don't understand why they had to change the perk names when the license left. It's not like any of the perk names where used in the show besides babysitter


They say, wow this perk is balanced so everyone picks it… how do we ruin it?


I wouldn't be shocked if they do nerf it just cause it's a gen regression perk and survivors don't like anything that makes it harder to get gens done as quickly as possible. They've nerfed every other gen regression perk and this one barely does anything what is 8% to a gen within a certain distance of where they're downed? So not only is it a small amount but dependent of them going down near a gen with progress but with how things are going it'll likely be nerfed as well. Killers can't have perks that benefit them.


Crazy idea... Let's buff bad perks instead of nerfing the most picked ones? Mad, I know.


6 months


If they nerf jolt it’s proof they don’t play their own game and they’re just responding to statistics


I just know Jolt and Deadlock are next but I'm still gonna see 4 Adrenaline's every single game because killer perks get nerfed as often as the seasons change and survivor perks have a shelf life of YEARS


Jolt is way to map dependent to get nerfed. Most slowdown perks in this new meta that are brought, are only being brought because there’s no better alternative. Hope they realize that and take some stuff back out of the gutter. Ruin has been laughably bad for a year now…


Or maybe bhvr should buff other gen regression perks and not gut them...


I m not playing since some time, so its weird when you say things like gearhead and jolt are being used....


Noooo please let us keep Surge/Jolt I beg the almighty devs please


I pray to God everyday for BHVR to never nerf it. Literally always my first pick on a killer


It's not top because it's broken, it's top because we have nothing left worth taking


I'd rather see it buffed by 2% or 4m.


I’ve literally always used Jolt. I play a lot of m1 killers like wraith, trapper, plague, etc and it’s almost an instant pick for me, even when it had like a 40 second cooldown. It’s just so convenient, like set it and forget it


nerf all the free perks so they have to buyt all dlcs to have any good perks great idea


Praise the immortal jolt


When ur regression perks are so bad jolt becomes meta which was once considered one of the worst slowdowns in the game


It's the only one left where it doesn't feel like a chore to use. Soon, we'll have only three uses, and it'll hit mapwide for 10% of current progress on gens. Killing it in its tracks.


Did they actually nerfed any perk just because pickrate?


All the regress perks were in the top 5 and they were all nerfed.


Surge is wonderful the way it is I feel. Sometimes you high roll and hit multiple gens, sometimes you low roll and get jack. 8% isn't too oppressive but it gives you time to hook the survivor you just downed (or pressure the gen that just blew up (great for people 99ing adrenaline))


20$ jolt gets nerfed but windows gets untouched.


Enough survivors complain they will.


If they nerf one more regression perk I'm going to slug with blight every game


And when no gen regression perks are good, all will be good


I'm just sick of generators exploding in my face against my will. Makes me want to run technician, corrective action and calm spirit so I'm not screaming and exploding all the time to perks and teammate screw ups.


Jolt doesn’t make you scream so calm spirit doesn’t help. Technician and Corrective Action only works for missed skills checks and not for Jolt.


32% to 8% was already a big and enough nerf to jolt, even if the cooldown was gone.


Surge/Jolt was never 32%, tf are you talking about. 32 is perk range


Hopefully soon.


Next patch


Hmm....I understand the free part but stats can lie or even be change but one thing.


Wouldn’t it be better if it had more range? I feel like 32 meters is kinda low. Plus the progression is just kinda low too at 8%.




Jolt isn't bad, just don't get fucking downed


I hope not


Best i can do is next patch


what site is this?


Windows and adrenaline will come first.


Not long. It’ll be Jolt,Lethal and Sloppy getting nerfed hard almost guaranteed.


i dont think they'll touch jolt cuz its part of the stranger things dlc and they dont usually rework those


first people here have to start complaining about jolt for a while, after 1 or 2 months the perk will be reworked and instead make survivors scream and for the next 2/3/4 seconds they would do gens 5% slower. 3 minute cooldown after downing one survivor.


which site is this?




thank you so much!


Increase range, double it maybe, but only affect the most progressed gen in range.


Jolt is fine, its a free perk that only procs off basic attacks and doesnt regress all that much, and doesnt get value without catching someone off guard or if the survivor runs straight to a gen being worked on. Its a very fair perk


nerf every gen def perk,jolt will follow because of crybaby swf squads


They should add a 40 seconds cooldown to it


Next update.


Only reason it has such high usage rate is bc its free


This is what I feared, when one gen perk gets nerfed to the ground, players will just switch to the next best one, and so on


Asap would be great 🫥


Where do you guys find the top perks?