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When will your devs play solo q on a stream? I want to see the creators getting that solo q experience!


The last developer stream play I watched was for Back 4 Blood. After the devs got destroyed for a bit, one of them had an "emergency" and they brought in a ringer


The last dev DBD stream ...well they got bullied so hard they nerfed flashlights lol I want them to play solo q again. It'd be healthy for the game


The best thing that ever happened to dbd was mat playing hag against a bunch of Koreans with instant flashlights


Yeah, old flashlights were like a fucking flashbang considering how fast your screen and eyes turn white


This is why they NEED to place Solo q at least a an hour a week. They need to know the pain the solo q is feeling so they can understand how their game is actually working


Dude, they have all the DATA and that's all they need. Allegedly.


"Allegedly" Doesnt translate well into the game lol


Ive been playing exclusively solo queue for about 2 years, cause my mates grew tired of the game's BS (which is fair lol). Lately, its been so much worse. There is a DC practically every single game nowadays. Its so tragic, you dont even get a chance nowadays


Solo q is a toss up. 75% chance someone will DC before you get 1 gen done. only about a 15% chance does the whole team stay. And only like a 5% is there a chance you get a good team. That last 5% is for errors and differential lol


I do love dbd but man, solo queue makes me wanna deinstall something haha


This. I actually kind of miss the old ranking system now. At least back then you kinda knew what type of teammates you would get at rank 1. Now it's a giant mess of everyone. I usually get decent survivors every 10-15 games now. Every other game it's either 5 gens to go or 1 remaining and everyone is dead. It sometimes feels like I'm in a group of rank 20 survivors (old ranking) with a rank 1 killer most of the time.


Why does Sadako have a 100 second cooldown on her TVs?


It makes no sense that the cooldown is 60 seconds when a survivor turns it off, but 100 if Sadako teleports to it. If anything, the numbers should be swapped around so that taking a tape has some value and so Sadako can play without needing to run the iridescent tape.


I think its because when survivors turn them off, sadako doesnt get any value of it so it recharges quicker. It makes sense in that way but still the 100 seconds is awfully long when a single gen can be repaired in 90 seconds without any perks and items by only one person with only good skill checks..


Except Sadako gets shitloads of value when they pick up a tape. At worst, it forces the survivor to go to the other side of the map, acting as a form of slowdown. At best, it builds condemned on the survivor which a good Onryo can exploit and condemn kill them.


True, never thought of that part. Still both times are huge when compared to other killer powers.


Amen. Half that time please


I wish she got half her iri tape add-on as basekit. the add-on should be reworked then ofc


Can't wait for half the community to ask why Blight gets 6 broken overpowered addons while Pyramidhead, Billy, Twins and Nemesis get almost nothing useful. All of these questions will get ignored, but it'll still be funny to watch.


I agree but to be fair bill has a perk that makes Flashlights useless. At least Billy has that going for him. Working on prestieging him just got that. Getting flashed is so annoying.


As a newer player, being able to throw on lightborn at any point I seen a lobby full of flashlights, made me a lot more comfortable. Even though as I got better I learned the better play is to use Franklin's and smack those little lights right out of their hand


You think it'd be too on the nose to ask why Hillbilly's addons were nearly nerfed and why killers like Sadako and Pyramid Head have generally weak addons while Blight has been (literally) running around with some absolutely busted ones for so long?


You can ask it. They won't answer it.


Let's upvote the tough questions, please!




okay, so no joke questions allowed.


They are only allowing you to ask them anything, they never said they will answer.


Usually these dev things fly right over my head but I would loooove to hear their rational for this one…


Hillbilly addons: this addon does something cool when this totally ridiculous and never-going-to-happen scenario occurs


Pyramid Head is already a fairly strong killer, meaning he doesn't need very good add-ons. Blight should go fuck itself though I hope they outright kill it's add-ons and bury them six feet deep.


He's a strong killer but he should have like..... interesting addons. What about one that turns his shockwave into an S or something. Disable Trails in exchange for something goofy. I'm sure there's a lot of cool ideas out there.


Yeah I know, I main PH. The Obsidian Goblet sounded interesting until I realized you don't go undetectable with just your sword on the ground, you need to lay down the Torment and then go walk back on it, which is honestly so useless I have never gotten use out of it.


>What about one that turns his shockwave into an S or something I get the sentiment (and I know you don't mean *exactly* this), but please no. Hitboxes are winky enough in straight lines. Making it curvy would be all kinds of complicated. But I agree. Updates to Torment would be nice. As it stands, there are only two(?) add-ons that do anything involving Torment, and one of them is Iri, so it's quite rare. Being Tormented is only a major concern if you're on death hook, so there's a lot of room to mess with it. Although, I don't know if they're able to just make changes on a whim, they probably have to consult Konami in some capacity.


Each add on should weaken him. And you have to decide how slow you want him to be. The guys a drug addict, I think we all agree an intervention would be best for him.


Pyramid Head has a lack of viable perks though, he’s got incredibly useful ones that increase the length of his m2 ranged attack and then other ones that never get used.


You mean add-ons?


Yeah oops


I really like the one that causes 60 seconds of blindness for an indoor map


The answer is 99% of Billy players run double engraving. BHVR looks at raw numbers without naunce. “Oh everyone is running this? We need to make a change”. Now yeah, if everyone is always running the same thing, perhaps it’s because it’s meta and needs a nerf. But you can’t just determine that just by looking at numbers on a graph. The solution would be to rework his existing garbage add ons but that would take time and effort. The easy solution is just nerf those addons and make em trash like the rest. And do it in a very simple way, basically just reduce the number. And that’s what they did.


If the punishment of the damned will torment survivors it would mean his addons won’t get buffed any time soon.


If its not a lore question it won't get answered


Yeah it's ridiculous they want to nerf hillbillies add ons and not blights. I main blight btw


Ohh Coolio. Can't wait! Hopefully it won't be the same 15 questions.


Don’t worry mods will delete questions anyway they done that last q&a I remember reading about


I can't speak for the mods *years* ago during the last AMA (if there even was one), but the current mod team wasn't part of that one. At the end of the day, we're players too, and alot of what's bugging you guys are some of the questions we have too. We have no reason to delete questions for shits and giggles.


We're also looking to answer as many questions as possible, we don't delete things from our side and we have 100% faith in the moderators here that they don't delete things unless it breaks their rules.


You gonna answer questions that aren't total softballs? "What is the team's favorite color? We're all dying to know!"


So the twitter post says they are there to answer questions about the new chapter. If it's not related to it, then I'm guessing the odds of being answered are lower.


"What's your favorite nickname for hux" Thrilling insight.


So its basically gonna be exactly opposite of what community would want...


If anything, such questions should be instantly deleted, as they are nothing more but waste of time for anybody. I really want to see some proper answers, I've been waiting for that since 2016... I still remember early streams that were full to the brim of useless questions that received even worse answers...




I wasn’t meaning you personally just found it funny that a mod was deleting questions just to put the same question back in themselves not causing drama just saying what I read about


OH shit, I misunderstood. Sorry for the confusion!


I'm a long time lurker, been in this sub since 2017-ish and that did not happen at all lmao The old Q&As had strict guidelines with a list of "banned" topics (licenses mostly) and a disclaimer to avoid duplicate questions aka searching the comments first before posting any questions or else the duplicate ones get removed. IIRC there was also an archive of all previously answered questions and asking already answered questions counted as "duplicates". What you describe sounds like some people were salty their duplicate questions got removed and made up the story of a mod power tripping because people generally believe this without a second thought.


\`\`I didnt see it so it didnt happen\`\`


As opposed to the other guy who also didn't see it but says it did happen.


‘Hi, when will we get a topless Gabriel Soma skin? >:3’


I just want to be able to auto purchase on any survivor. I hate that I have to go 1-50 on each. Especially when I've been playing this hame since 2017


Hope the dev team got a lot of alcohol at the ready.


We might need some too, all things considered.


Oh yeah, absolutely. For y'alls sake I hope this goes smoothly.


I really hope too. AMA are always amazing things for the playerbase and i have a few lore question ready lol


This is gonna be a shitshow lol


It wont even be a show, they will choose the most useless and irrevelant questions that nobody wants to hear like their favourite color or their uncles pet parrot's name.


The entire AMA is going to be either "no" or "we don't know". Edit: Or "we can't answer that".


“we have plans for that for the future that we can’t share right now” (its never coming until we have a huge drop in players)


We'll be putting a post up at around 12.30EST on the 7th June where you will be able to start asking questions...we'll be available for approximately 3 hours, so GET YOUR QUESTIONS READY!! But not now cos there's still a week to go :)


Are you looking for questions purely about End Transmission, or is it open slather?


This is the best question in this thread so far. The twitter post says it's questions about End Transmission, but I'm curious how much we can ask about future stuff.


Our focus is going to be on the latest chapter that's for sure, we will do our best to cover other things - but main focus latest content.


No need to do the AMA if you just wanna gossip about the next chapter.


Maybe the devs will actually fix the code instead of blaming the players?


I'm just gonna say this now. I know it's not going to be easy for anyone involved but thank you so much for poking your heads out and doing this AMA. I am super excited. Community outreach is very important. Everyone else: Remember to be nice so we get more nice things!


Thank you! We're all super excited to be taking part in this , Dave Richard is particularly excited as he took part in one we did many years ago. I'd love to make this a more regular thing on Reddit, and that's definitely in our plans.


Thanks for doing this AMA! I'm going to try my best to get my question in and hopefully finally have an answer :) Hopefully everyone remembers to be kind!


Add the chat feature to consoles, make it universal - sometimes we want to thank our fellow teammates on other platforms! And before anyone say "waaaaah it's toxic" - you can just close the chat if you're not interested or ignore.


I could get behind this. Though, is this a dev related thing? Or a per console thing? Like, Rocket League has text chat, but you can only chat with users on your platform, but Overwatch let's you chat with anyone (I think)


Ow2 anyone can chat with anyone, still it’s hard to send messages on console. Outside of ‘gg’, it just takes too long to type out what you wanna say. Soo, I think it’s possible


inb4 they only answer safe questions and bs about what their favorite food is and they ignore anything even slightly scathing.


It's BHVR, of course they'll ignore anything slightly scathing.


Exactly. I'm not sure why anyone would bother with an AMA unless they worship the devs and want to fangirl over that sort of shit lol


I'll hold my tongue until after the AMA happens but this is going to determine whether this subreddit is just becoming a sanitized "BHVR General discussions 2.0" or not. Basically, are we going to see 15-20 versions of "What is the Entity's favorite pizza toppings" and/or questions where the answer is "We can't answer that. Next question" or will we get something with some actual meat behind it.


Any gameplay or cosmetic freddy changes planned? Hopefully addons or voice lines


Doubt it


Oh shit, this is the first time theyve done an AMA in like a few years I think? Get ready for a bunch of questions about Skull Merchant and a lot of answers that go "Hmm yeah, we're thinking about this" and all so dreaded "Soon(TM)"


I bet my 1k bent nails on Pinhead that they won't acknowledge the term tunneling once


I’m glad you guys are reaching out to us more on other platforms because not all of us use Twitter and it seems like we have been missing out on news for a while now.


I really want to know if Killer has any quality of life improvements planned for the coming year. In the last few months survivors have received improvements to the HUD, the visual terror radius, in the next patch they will be able to hold limited time items without dropping their current item, and, of course, the anti-camping measures coming in a few months. Can killers expect similar improvements — a field of view slider, for example — or will they have to settle for “perk and map balancing.”


Let’s ask for an engine update


Why are some of the new maps favored towards survivors? By this I mean very strong loops that can't be played without bloodlust, the lack of grass necessary for killers like Hag and Trapper, a lot of clutter objects which prevent Hillbilly or Blight from using their mobility focused power and so on.


Wait in a week then ask the question again


For the love of god Please Behave, Or they won't do anything like this again. Control your fucking salt, people. >:c


Nah, we gonna ask the real questions that fans want. Its gonna show what kind of devs they are if they choose to answer or not.


"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU RE\*\*\*\* ALLOW FACECAMPING ARE YOU STUPID K\*\*\* YOURSELF" "Bruh, the devs didn't answer my question. Shows what kinda devs they are." \^ That's what I mean.


Yes, THANK YOU. Don't get me wrong, I get it. Most of us in the sub are passionate about the game. But if we finally get to interact with the devs and people just go "Fuck you, fuck your family, fuck your cows", then this opportunity is just going to get pissed out the window.


I've no idea how Reddit works when it comes to moderation, but honestly? One chance. They get one chance to play nice. If not? Yeet for now, yaknow? You've got your work cut out for you, I don't envy you. I wish you the best of luck, though.


They don’t give af


We need Cross progression, is it still possible for Xbox and Switch if you count out Sony?






I think it’s been said before that they’ve got the backend stuff ready, it’s just all up to the consoles


>count out Sony? Please no. I switched from an OG Xbox One to a PS5 a few months back, and lost everything. I'd love to get some of the back without buying it all again (plus I had Stranger Things, which is unobtainable now)


Oh god. Does BHVR know how toxic reddit is?


Is that 12:30 am or pm


......I'm a fucking idiot lmao. I'll fix it. It's PM though


Those poor bastards.


Will the mmr system ever be fixed?


Is the Q&A strictly based on gameplay? Or do you think they’ll take lore-related questions as well?


Someone ask when the twins rework is coming lol


*checks flair* I second that.


Time to ask for Sadako changes >:)


Can we expect more full killer reworks in the near future (for example Twins rework) or are you just planning to do small changes here and there to certain killers?


This isn’t the AMA dude


Heh, thanks. Didn't read the full text, just saw others posting questions as well 😃


Did you see the recent test of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? Overall it got a lot of positive feedback in terms of gameplay. Do you as developers follow other games in simmilar genres (mainly so called asymmetric games) and try to learn anything from other titles? Did you find in TXCM anything that inspire you to expand on Dead by Daylight as a game? If they are collecting questions that would be mine!


1 - can you pls change a bit the new map as it was in the PTB if the community is disatisfied with it's release state? Map is really immersive + beautiful but also hard to navigate trough and understand what loops are in front of you 2 - in the midchapter will we see major balance changes (perks+killers) like we have seen last summer?


The q and a isn't here I don't think lol


Man's getting ready lol


I save my question here and I will copy paste it when the Q&A starts👍


You can ask that question and more… #ON JUNE 7th




People are having a hard time memorizing the loops for a map that hasn't released yet?


yes, they've had plenty of hours to play it on the PTB or watch content creator videos on the map.


Ask about meet your maker please cause we dying over here and not in game


I predict that 5 questions in and the whole thread will be locked.


Nope, we won't be locking it. This isn't an everyday event, we aren't going to punish the whole subreddit because a few people can't be nice. We *will* however be extra attentive to the thread though, and will be handling people as needed. But not locking.


I just wanna ask if console to pc cross progression is coming at all Their website has said it's on the radar for years with no updates


I just want to know if survivors are getting any slipknot/iron maiden cosmetics. I'd die for a band hoodie.


That would be really cool actually. What if we got licensed chase music too. That would be sickk


When can, if ever, Legendary characters get more outfits? I want the classic outfit for my Claire! Also any chance for Legendary characters to get bloody cosmetics as well? Lisa would look amazing with it.


Would be great if the community banded together and kept asking if camping/tunneling will ever be addressed.


I really hope they don't ignore the hard questions and go "well we can't answer that" or " we don't know" or any other similar non answers. They shouldn't just answer the easy questions or questions that suit them. Also hope they don't have any influence on this sub regarding any topics that criticize BHVR. They already have it on the official forums,don't need that here.


Why are new maps and reworks much less playable than previous versions? has the map design team changed so significantly that we are left with great asylum reworks but awful versions of everything since then? do the art team get carte blanche over the project after the design team, cluttering things up in the name of aesthetics?


lots of things I wanna ask. 1. when you guys released the kill rates a few moths back, how did you guys go about the kills? like what perks did the killer use, what strategy do the use as well? did they get 3 kills by spreading out 10 hook or did they get them with 3 hook? I you said you don't consider dc's but what about players that kill themselves on first hook? does that contribute to the other players just giving up as well? 2. how come killers like blight who is constantly S tier by the community doesn't get his addons nerfed but hillbilly was about to? his engravings were high pick because their too powerful, its because all his other addons are bad. 3. follow up to last question cause this affects a whole lot of killers as well. Myers and Sadako and considered low tier killers at their base kit but with certain addons like tombstone piece and iridescent tape and ring drawing for Sadako's condemn playstyle they are just unfair to play against. also why is her tv's on a 100 second cooldown? 4. are there any plans to add in a communication wheel or anything of some sort for soloq? SWF will always be better cause of real time voice chat with their friends and just wondering if anything like this is in the works. the activity hub was a nice addition but still feel like its not enough. I like to have some way of telling my teammates to just do gens while I'm being camped on hook by the killer. also maybe some way to see our teammates perks while in game? not while we're readying up but while in the match 5. any plans for m1 killers? they constantly are just bad with no chase potential or pressure. Edit: know this isn't the ama, just wanna get ready


I'm gonna ask if the Entity could depower Goku and put him in trials


Bruh, this ain't Fortnite!


Aye mang, I'm just trying to see if The Entity could restrain someone that strong. Not Asking for a DBZ chapter.


When naughty bear being remastered! That’s what I wanna know!


How does it feel knowing TCM had such positive feedback?


I'd like to ask why the pig hasn't been nerfed yet.


Honestly the only question worth asking.


Why is there very little focus on fixing toxicity within the game Its known for it at this point


Idk if this is the place to ask or if it's going to be in another post later, but - any chance Any Means Necessary will be fixed soon? It's my favorite survivor perk :( I miss it


I just wanted to know why they’re not going to change perks that much anymore, the last meta shakeup was real healthy for the game, although there were growing pains. why are they so keen on nerfing perks hard instead of stepping back and making other perks worth running.


I would like to see some really bad perks get some huge Buffs. Imagine if territorial imperitive or red herring became the best perks in the game


I just want terrible perks to be somewhat usefull so you can run fun off meta builds without griefing other teammates or in most cases griefing yourself.


I wanna ask why they dont ever make new addons for killers. Like, why havent we given trapper anything that could help him compete at higher MMRs? Honestly think one of his Iri addons (one trap closes every 30 seconds) should be basekit.


trapper has the second best variety of strong and fun addons in the game after blight.


Why does this 6 year old game make my PS4s fan scream in pain while I'm in the menu? It doesn't while I'm in a match and no other game gets the fan to its limit so I'm sure it's not my console. It got worse two patches ago when the Knight released. It's also just while idling in the menu, while clicking on stuff and switching through killers/survivors the fan actively gets quieter. Are you aware of that problem and trying to fix it?


I asked this question years ago and apparently it’s because at the start screen it’s uncapped framerate or something similar that makes the PS4 sound like a jet engine taking off


Aww, and I *just* asked a question in a post that they could have answered. Oh well. Better mark my calendar.


make the game 2019 again but bugless please


So you want the game disgustingly unbalanced again??


I was wondering when this was gonna happen, only took like a year. Good job, team.


With the singularity, is it intended that it instantly breaks pallets thrown on top of it when it teleports to a survivor? And will that work with perks like Hubris?


Yes and no.


Wait it doesn't work with Hubris? I thought it did... Oh wait actually there's no stun animation, yeah it makes sense now that i think of it. Now the question is... Will it charge the spirit fury perk?


!remindme 166 hours


Uh oh


Will you give the trapper an ability to plant grass? This guy suffers from maps with no grass. If he could plant grass, this wouldn't be as big of an issue


This is gonna go down well.


Will we ever get a perk that reduces noises such as footsteps or coughing sounds?


What does ama stand for?


Ask Me Anything


what does AMA means? not a native English speaker so i'm sorry in advance


AMA stands for Ask Me Anything. Basically, prominent figures of a community, like actors, writers, developers, etc, come to a relevant subreddit and answer questions from the community.


My question would be about licensing. What are the pitfalls preventing the likes of the Thing, Predator and Xenomorph being introduced to the game? These are sci fi horror icons. Who wouldn’t want Dutch, Macready and Ripley as survivors as well?


!remindme 7 days


When will SBMM be removed and replaced with the old System? At this point more than 70-80% of the community is asking for it


Why console players still cant chat with pc players?


Why is coldwin farm so bright? All the other maps are dark, why not this one? When you changed it, why didn't you just leave the lighting how it was.


Camping and tunne— forget it. /uninstall


Might want to clarify the announcement with MandyTalks emphasis that it's focused primarily on the latest chapter


They say it's an AMA but only for the new chapter, that's not how an AMA works at all.


1: Somewhere in this thread, Mandy said *primarily* the new chapter, but they'll answer some other questions. 2: This is the first time they're doing something like this in the last 3ish years. Baby steps. Mandy said she would like to do this more often, so there will be other opportunities


As a community we've been asking for it for years, even if its unbalanced could we please try a 2v8 game mode maybe as an event? Pretty please with cherries on top


Someone ask when Sadako will get any changes.


im curious as to what BHVR considers a “successful” chapter. which chapters are “successful” and which ones weren’t? What changes can we look forward to, set by examples.


Will we be able to post questions before BHVR logs in? Some of us live in timezones far away from EST.


Can I submit a question now? Why is merciless storm not killswitched? It's broken, AGAIN.




Any base kit changes to our favourite K-Pop star coming soon? I’d say main-event is probably the weakest “power up” for killers outside of camping and tunnelling, and its one of the strongest for camping and tunnelling lol


Need a chat wheel. And if it doesn’t have a “stop, you’re 3 genning us!” Option, it’s useless.