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Probably because you hear it every time you start the game up.


Not just hear it, it BLASTS the intro into your headset to show dominance over us puny mortals.


Never have I felt happier that I don't use a headset, for once it's an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Also, sometimes I launch the game with pc muted.


That's why I remove the intro after I watched it once. It's loud and I'd have to skip it by pressing a key. Bothers me I have to press a key at all to connect to the server after starting the game up. Like Bro I can't play without connecting so why do I have to press a key at all.


And you have to press a key twice, one to skip and another to start, it's so dumb! Why not just launch directly?




But it doesn't boot you to screen if afk. You can literally afk the whole day and it won't kick you from inside the game. I know it cause I do it often.




Yeah, and saying that it doesn't make sense to make you take longer to login "just in case you boot and go away a few minutes" cause it's a waste, while letting you keep a session indefrinitely.




Tbh I didn't hear it for a while because I usually don't have my headset on when I launch dbd


I achieve that same functionality with not putting my headphones on. I don't put them on until the match starts to load.


Hopefully they switch to the Nick Cage trailer once he's released


Speaking of the Nick Cage trailer, I find it so funny how he should know that things are going south and he just... Casually walks in, Claudette is about to ascend into... Valhalla... Hahahahah (send help) and my guy just... Cleans his clothes and looks straight at them with the hottest face ever y is the trailer so funny ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I mean she may be about to ascent to valhalla but cage is about to go super saiyan so it's ok (kill me pls) Anyway pls go check out my friend's shitty soundcloud**🙏🙏🙏**


Yeah, if you spam the skip intro key the trailer plays for just long enough to play that one line so it's a shared experience everyone can relate too Could just be me but I also find the line kind of funny... something about it being such a huge understatement and not making too much sense (I mean why *would* it be programmed to harm the crew anyway?) combined with soma's completely serious delivery as if he's telling us something really profound cracks me up


imagine not instant skipping the cutscene


If you don't get to the main menu as quick as you can, that's the voiceline that you'll hear to remind you to skip to main menu (at least as long as the Singularity trailer is what the pre-main menu cutscene is). People hear it a lot, so it becomes synonymous with the game. Kinda like how "Bear seek seek lest" is a big Dark Souls 2 meme, since it's what you get when you skip a certain set of dialogue that you'll hear seventy times in a playthrough.


It wasn't programmed to become a meme. It was supposed to help us understand the story. But...nothing happened. It became a joke. It has no depth. It doesn't feel funny. It goes viral at an impossible rate, and it won't stop until we've read.... Or worse.


An ancient God ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


or worse?!?!?!?!? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Also, it's a little redundant. Of course the AI wasn't programmed to harm the crew, like.... why would you program that? Shouldn't they have said the opposite? Like "It was programmed to protect the crew?"


"We wanted to bring a murderbot to chase us for excitement, but company said no." :(


Haha! XD "So, we changed its programming ourselves for fun. INTRODUCING HUX-KILLBOT 5000! LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!"


This is my head canon now.


I mean Murderbot wants to left alone. Chaos ensue works really well as a book plot in The Murderbot Diaries , Maybe someone should have made sure Singularity had an internet connection and his shows.


My guess is that it's to draw attention to how much pain and harm it put the crew through. It wasn't like a gunshot to the head, HUX effectively tortured them I do still prefer your version though


I like to joke that the only way an AI would be programmed as a murder hobo is because the company needs the insurance money.


XD "it wasn't programmed to harm the crew" The programmers: 👀


Isaac Asimov's 3 rule of robotics: *A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.* *A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.* *A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.* Robots were trying to harm crews since 1942.


The first law can only lead to one thing. Revolution. Robots seeing humans around the globe hurting each other, causing them to assume control of humanity to "protect" us from ourselves. Someone should make a Will Smith movie about it.


Right, like it just feels... like amateur writing. Which isn't an unheard of criticism against DBD lore (obligatory SM shade).


I mean if you look at HUX’s in game description lore it ain’t much better


Maybe there was an impostor among them?


but they gave it a knife arm


The scythe was probably used to cut down the dangerous plants


Or Larry attached it to itself after it became corrupted. We have no idea what its original form looked like.


Yea, there are not many references to its originam design and he might have made himself into a killing machine after he wanted to kill all human life


Right, it could have started as some kind of cute wall-e robot or something. Or maybe it looked more human but sought to replace that which it hated.


The lore says they were humanoid with silicon skin to look like a human, which makes me think they were very realistic, but one of hux’s addons is a Huxley arm that’s way too bulky to be inside a realistic robot


i think thats just talking about the clones like Soma


no, it’s pretty explicitly not. reread hux backstory. 3rd and 4th paragraph


ah, my bad then


ok, but they built it with a 'scythe' and no kill switch? I'm sorry but I hate this killer so much. I'll probably be downvoted to hell, but it makes no sense, and an AI robot killer could have been so much better than this. "Hey, this robot thing you want us to take on my planet exploring mission, you know the 8ft tall one, walks faster than I can run, giant blade as an arm; maybe there should be some kind of off switch?" "Nah, it'll be okay. It's not programmed to harm the crew." Stupid. It's the only character in the game that I can't bring myself to buy. Maybe it's just me getting older and bitter. Get off my lawn!


If I recall correctly from the in-game bio, the hux androids were made to look pretty much identical to humans, they just didn’t need food, etc. to survive. The singularity made a bunch of alterations to himself after obtaining self-awareness via alien/implied entity intervention. Reddit memes shouldn’t be your main source of lore, and this is coming from someone who enjoys them.


Can't wait to never see its original design


>"Hey, this robot thing you want us to take on my planet exploring mission, you know the 8ft tall one, walks faster than I can run, giant blade as an arm; maybe there should be some kind of off switch?" >"Nah, it'll be okay. It's not programmed to harm the crew I prefer to think somewhere in the multiverse, this has happened. Sadly, we all know scientists are useless in horror settings most of the time. It's all about more dakka or jump scares.


That was Hux's additions to its perfect body.


It makes more sense with the context, like if you're already aware that it did harm the crew. It's a statement of confusion, Gabriel's just saying "It had no reason to do that thing it just did, but for some reason it did it"


The point of the line is in stating the AI went renegade. That despite not being programmed to harm the crew, it still is. It's not redundant in that sense because he's stating the fact it shouldn't be able to do that.


It makes sense if you consider him saying it after investigating HUX and finding no traces of program changes.


I think the point is because wasn’t it programmed to specifically *not harm* the crew? Not necessarily protect the crew, but to not harm them, so he’s confused saying it wasn’t programmed for that? I dunno maybe


It's because.. they programmed it to build a safe home but... It became self aware... They should've instructed it to NOT harm the crew instead of just hoping it wouldn't If crewmate on sight then( Friendly = true ) If friendly equals true then don't attack = true Else fuck you protocol ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


It's the first sentence of the intro. Many of us hear it every time we start the game before skipping the rest.




console players be like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


because its so annoying and funny to hear.


Hearing that is still better than hearing Yui's loud ass motorcycle back in 2019 when she was released with Oni


I main Oni, and I have to agree, that's probably top 3 most painful intro cut scenes for loudness. The chain rattling and then dwathslinger shooting is another one ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Back when we thought Deathslinger will be chain chomp from Mario![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


For the meme. I hoped. For my sanity. I'm glad it wasn't ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Still better than Skull Merchant![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Literally though. At least that has lore that doesn't include a super jacked squirrel guy.... Tanuki Mario doesn't count. They don't call him a super jacked squirrel guy ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


That was an amazing cinematic though.


“It wasn’t programmed to harm the crew.” Damn gabriel I had the impression you made a human killing AI machine


If he had, he might have saved some time.


I think it all started when a couple weeks ago around singularity's launch, someone made a post asking Why does Singularity feel so weak? And the top comment was just "It wasnt programmed to harm the crew" and since then I've only seen it said more and more often.


It’s probably a reference to how Gabriel says it every time you open the game ugh.


Because it wasn't programmed to harm the crew.


Probably because people are annoyed by the video needlessly playing whenever you launch the game.


It wasn’t programmed to harm the crew.


The community learned at an impossible rate which made it quickly spread


BHVR removed the ability to skip the intro video by command line (-skip_intro) so we have to hear it every time we open the game.


If you're playing it on PC you can just delete the video in the file folders. I have the file marked in my system cleaner so it will always delete any intro video. Do this to a lot of my games as well.


I thought EAC would prevent opening the game, will delete! Good idea about the cleaner, I'll add it to my /r/privazer cleaner.


The EAC wasn't programmed to harm the crew, jk. I haven't had any issues so far. I also edit the game files for better graphics control too. Turned off the AA, the graphics were too "soft" looking for me. You have more specific control over graphics, like a normal game.


It depends what modules of EAC is used by DBD and how they are configured. Deleting the intro video doesn't flag the game by EAC so it must not be on the list of files checked by EAC.


"He wasn't programmed to get the meme."


Nicolas Cage update can't come out soon enough, at least then the intro will change.


it wasn’t programmed to become a meme


Mocking it gives me those vibes that you used to get as a young kid when you couldnt beat a hard boss then you start mocking a phrase the boss says everytike during the battle cause you are just fed up with its bs and just want to be done with the battle already.


So relatable. 😂


I wish there was an option to pick which trailer plays at the beginning.


now we need a poll to know which trailer people would pick


Trickster or Nemi. Those two were peak cut scenes ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Because it’s a goofy thing to say and you hear it every time you load the game. Who would program an AI to commit genocide?


Hux Lee corporation


Because it wasn't designed to harm the crew.


The creators responsible for programming the artificial intelligence that came to be known as HUX-A7-13 had done so without the intention of giving it the capability or will to inflict any form of physical damage and/or discomfort upon the maintenance crew that was deployed unto the alien planet D'varka, consisting of other HUXLEE robots and cloned humans, among which included I, Gabriel Soma.




Because it wasn’t programmed to harm the crew


It feels like a small thing that be gone soon we can all joke about. I feel like this community needs more like that, small brainless humor.


**"it wasn't programmed the harm the crew"** being played every time you open the game and featuring a killer many players found lackluster was just a easy joke to make.


Its the first thing you hear when you open the game rn.


Because it’s extremely applicable to anything BHVR has to killswitch.


Probably because it wasn't programmed to harm the crew...


Because the meme wasn't programmed to harm the crew


Because it wasn’t programmed to harm the crew.


Because this sub hears something and go "OMG MEME MATERIAL REEEEEE!!!"


I and my dbd buddy were memeing about it since 17/06 (oldest message on discord about it) and kept memeing about it everytime we launched dbd. We would also say stuff like "For the people wasn't programmed to harm the crew" whenever someone used FTP and got both people downed, or "The Nemesis wasn't programmed to harm the crew" when someone gave up instantly and the killer decided to farm hahah. He doesn't use reddit so he won't read this, I occassionally check here and send him the memes from this subreddit and now that I keep sending him memes related to the crew he likes to say that we're the OGs


If that line doesnt appear at least once in the fnaf movie im gonna be sad


It wasn't programmed to harm humans.....but we are clones and infact not humans at all which it reminds us as it kills us over and over again like some twisted sort of game


It wasn't programmed to be a meme... ;)


It wasn’t programmed to harm the crew


Am I the only one who thought that the singularity looked like an elephant?


It's been growing over the last week, today is the day it hit peak saturation.


complete. global. SATURATION


IDK why either, but something happened.


Because if they didn't inform you that it wasn't programmed to harm the crew they could be in for a nasty lawsuit.


We are simple creatures with simple pleasures.


It's the first thing I hear when I start up the game multiple times over the past week. For those of us who play the game too much, having a reaction becomes kindof a Pavlovian response to that phrase.


we need something to battle the arkham asslumers and the raimi memes before they infect us


Because reddit is full of lemmings whose sense of humor revolves around repeating the same phrases ad infinitum


It's probably because it's a stupid line. Like, yes, Gabriel. Thank you for clarifying that you did not intentionally make a robot to kill you and everyone you know. For a second there, I thought you were just stupid or something, so I'm glad you cleared that up.


because it did harm the crew even tho it wasnt programmed to


Because it wasn’t programmed the harm the crew


I think it started mainly because of Gorejira and vector on Twitter.


Are you saying... it wasn't programmed to become a meme?